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    Sunday, February 21, 2021

    Borderlands I am very glad I gave BL 1 a shot!

    Borderlands I am very glad I gave BL 1 a shot!

    I am very glad I gave BL 1 a shot!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:13 AM PST

    I was on the fence about getting BL 1 (the 2018 one) since most opinions were that the game is better if played in multiplayer and unfortunately I have a very bad internet speed (100 kbps) but later decided to download it anyway for the lack of interesting alternatives and I am having a hell of a time playing it! I mean I am not even a big fps player but I love games with tons of items (comes from playing too many rogue likes) that has different effects and rarities so I felt right at home.

    I am planning to try playing the game in split-screen with a friend (found a little hack for it) since I can't play it online but even if it doesn't work I am completely satisfied with the single player experience and I can't wait to try the other games in the series (except maybe for the third one since it would take weeks to download lol).

    Anyway I am very glad that I decided to try the game and I recommend it for anyone who is searching for a fun looter shooter.

    submitted by /u/CyperFlicker
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    Got a level 53 weapon when im only level 16

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:02 PM PST

    Just got both a sniper and an smg that is level 53 and im only level 16. I have gotten guns that are like 1-3 levels higher then me but never up to 53.

    I'm glad i got it, but i kind of have to wait a long while to use it, or i could just sell them for like 100k

    Edit: kind of forget to add a question, but im just wondering if i was ''supposed'' to get such a high leveled Gun or what. And if ut helps i got it from csptain traunt or whatever his name was.

    submitted by /u/MarioBoi2000
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    I just downloaded my PS4 save (LVL 58 Amara) onto my PS5. I was trying to platinum it on PS4 but I thought I’d finish it on PS5. Only thing is, my trophies reset.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 10:34 PM PST

    Is there a way to get my trophies back? If not, how has Gearbox not thought of a way to bring saves over from last generation consoles intuitively? Luckily I still have my PS4 as I had to hook it back up in order to upload my character but it's more complicated than it has to be. Every game that has a PS5 upgrade carries everything over a lot simpler and easier.

    submitted by /u/Funk_nuts
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    Terramorphous. BL2.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Would anyone be able to help me defeat this dude on PS3? I can't find anyone online to play with and I'm a little under levelled at the moment.

    submitted by /u/Moonka83
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    Missing bounty board?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:55 PM PST

    This has probably been asked before but in the Rust Commons West, where you collect the parts for Scooter, there is an exclamation point above the building like there should be a bounty board there.

    Was there intended to be one or was that image supposed to be different?

    submitted by /u/StyxfanLZ129
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    [No Spoilers] Help with PC/game performance in BL3.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:47 PM PST

    So I recently got BL3 on Steam, the all included version when it was on sale. Was basically waiting for this as I've played and beaten BL1 and BL2 multiple times but don't have an Epic account nor want to use that platform.

    Long story short I've started to play the game and been noticing some annoying issues that only happen when I'm playing BL3, ie. Not any other games, on Steam or otherwise.

    In game a couple issues I'm having is inventory/menu lag/delay while I scroll around them. Switching tabs and having item tooltips load up take what seems to be an abnormally long time.

    Also when going to the map to try and use the Fast Travel option, I find I have to open and close the map multiple times before it will let me Fast Travel, specifically to my vehicle. I haven't gotten too far in the game, the first area - just making it to the ship to avoid spoilers here, but it's happened since I basically have had access to a vehicle. I'll open my map and click on my Outrider and hold E to Fast Travel to it but nothing will happen. The icon around the E button will fill as if I'm holding the button but nothing happens when it completes. I'm still in the map menu and find I need to close the menu and run around for a few seconds and re-open the map to try again, and it doesn't always work on the 2nd try either. Very often I have to close and open the map multiple times after running around to be able to Fast Travel.

    One of the most annoying issues I'm having is in PC performance while the game is open. Now my PC isn't exactly a beast but it can get most games done on High settings at 60fps no problem. (I'll post specs at the bottom.) Now I only have 1 monitor so I usually try and play windowed mode so I can alt-tab easily and see my tabs on my bottom taskbar switching between them easily. A lot of games including BL3 have a horrible windowed mode where it doesn't really play in a window just maximized like a browser which is what I like so I've just been playing in regular full-screen mode for transparency here.

    Basically whenever I alt-tab out of the game to check my browser or even use windows explorer my PC has horrible lag/delay issues. It's like my PC is running at 10 or so FPS. My mouse jerks around as the cursor catches up to where I move it, opening and closing windows/browsers and other programs lags and stutters, it just doesn't run smoothly.

    Now I have never had this happen with any game as far as I can recall. And I am not currently having this issue with any of the other couple games or programs I currently have installed. It seems to be solely a BL3 issue and I do not know what's causing it.

    Yes I have obviously restarted, repaired my installation and made sure all other non-essential programs are closed when running the game and am still getting the issue.

    The other in-game issues I am having are annoying no doubt, but hardly to a point where I cannot play the game. But this PC lag/delay issue is so bad to a point where I cannot/do not want to alt tab to check my email or browse reddit or check the BL Wiki because of the problems that occurs.

    I am hoping someone here can help to solve the problem(s) or point me in a direction where I can get some aid.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    And Specs as promised:

    OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit.

    MoBo: Gigabyte Z390 UD

    CPU: Intel i5 9600K

    GPU: nVidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

    RAM: 16GB DDR4

    submitted by /u/CanadianUncleSam
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    Playthrough 2 softlock?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:04 PM PST

    Anything I can do to get this opened? I pushed the button but nothing is working, exiting and quitting doesn't help either.

    submitted by /u/AlexWithToast
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    What to do

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 12:14 PM PST

    Just finished PT1 and would like to know if I should do the dlcs or just jump straight into PT2? Any insight is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Xanarchy21
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    All E-Tech rocket launchers use their blue rarity skins.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:09 AM PST

    What's up with that?

    submitted by /u/Semi_K
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    What version is borderlands 2 game of the year edition

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:45 AM PST

    I need to know

    submitted by /u/one_shot923
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    Borderlands 2 Crashes on startup and/or sometimes in main menu

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:11 AM PST

    I wanted to play the game again after more than 2 years of not playing. I've completed the game many times before with multiple characters and have even used mods. Now, whenever I try to start the game with hex-edited exe, it crashes. Sometimes it gives no error message and just crashes, sometimes it says fatal error and gives a long error message. Game works fine in vanilla mode when I play it. I've tried everything online. Manually edited the exe, used Hex-multitool, reinstalled the game 2 times, set the -nolauncher option on steam. BLCMM is on offline mode too, if that'll help. Do I need to do something else?

    Edit: I have the handsome collection with the commander Lilith dlc. I heard that the HD textures dlc breaks stuff. Is that the reason?

    submitted by /u/CorpseFucker6969420
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    Exp bug? Gained 7 levels from nowhere

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:53 AM PST

    I was farming skrakk with a friend, and on the way to skrakks spawn we killed a badass skag and both leveled up to lvl 11.

    After killing skrakk that same run, i noticed i was suddenly lvl 18? And my friend was lvl 17. Somehow we got 7/6 levels from nowhere.

    Its pretty annoying, and it kinda breaks the gameflow. The quests are all super easy, and side quests are a waste of time. At least it was only 7 levels...

    submitted by /u/haugebauge
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