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    Monday, February 15, 2021

    Borderlands Just 100% Borderlands GOTY

    Borderlands Just 100% Borderlands GOTY

    Just 100% Borderlands GOTY

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 03:55 PM PST

    Freakin finally took ages to do it, I can't upload images unfortunately but sweet Jesus I finally got it. For proof my Steam account is DarkGreen401k

    P.S. If anyone needs help for any achievements on pc I'll be glad to help

    submitted by /u/MrAndMrsAnomaly
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    Unpopular Opinion. TPS is an awesome game and i wish there were more DLC's.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 07:16 PM PST

    While I understand the complaints people have about this game, i also see the gloriousness of the game. I love the dialogue, in fact i am pretty sure the playable characters rally a lot more with the NPC's than in other games. The art is beautiful, it tells the story beautifully and its just all round a lot of fun. In saying that, i do see the downfalls. It is not as fleshed out as BL2 overall. But so many people i know, when i ask them for their opinions on why they hate it, the general response is "because it's shit" or something along those lines, with not actual reasons. This makes it sound like more of a 'hate bandwagon' than just a terrible game. Also, if it means anything, I am a Kiwi and therefore understand the Aussie humour as well.

    Do you like it or do you hate it, and why?

    submitted by /u/333Ginger333
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    Eridians are Eridium?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 01:38 PM PST

    This is a quick entry for anyone who sees this that entertains the idea that Eridians or maybe other life forms become Eridium upon death or when leeched by a siren.

    Remember how Tyreen when leeching targets turn purple and crystalline. Is that Eridium left? Maybe an uncondensed version just like coal? Well if you recall the events of Nyriad and how she killed the Eridians to seal the destroyer. If you also recall that she was the siren who had leech powers before Tyreen.

    My theory is she leached every Eridian on pandora to seal the destroyer. As she did so she created an unconcentrated version of Eridium with every Eridian soul and time passed and as the crystals sank below the earth condensed and became true Eridium.

    Furthermore, before this event, there was no Eridium mentioned or created in borderlands 1 It was only when the crack of eridium appeared when it was introduced in borderlands 2.

    Finally, in the games, it requires Eridium to create "weapons" or enhance individuals. Eridians used deceased remnants of ancient eridians(Eridium) just like coal to power. Some evidence is provided when considering it takes Eridium to activate raid bosses in borderlands 2. These raid bosses resemble the same power and energy of a vault monster and upon dying drop eridium. further evidence is provided when also considering it requires eridium to power the eridian fabricator which creates weapons and the obvious fact that eridium powers up sirens. Remember how overwhelmed the sirens got when consuming eridium? Yeah, it's condensed Eridian life in a bar of course Maya could "Phaselock a planet"

    Basically: Eridian; powerful and intelligent lifeform + dead or leech = uncondensed Eridum

    Uncondensed Eridium + more Uncondensed Eridium + time + pressure = Eridum Ore

    Eridium Ore + anything(creature, siren, gun) = powerful thing(vault monster/raid boss, powerful siren, highly advanced gun)

    I want to mention that seraph crystals maybe this uncondensed version of Eridium I'm talking about. the pink weapons actually have a rarity between that of blue and yellow meaning they could be less powerful. However, the seraph Cyrstal argument could be reaching.

    that's it from my knowledge. Tell me if I'm wrong or add to it I'd be happy to hear what you might have to say about this theory. Maybe I'm an idiot idk

    submitted by /u/AKindaNerdyKid
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    So what's the conclusion on the ending to TPS being canon?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 07:38 PM PST

    I feel like we still haven't gotten much of a war. If the Calypso Twins were the war then I'm going to be severely disappointed. Am I missing something lore wise that I haven't picked up on? I'm confuzzled

    submitted by /u/filmorebuttz
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    Totally dangerous one man army, I’ll just do what this voice is telling me.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 07:37 PM PST

    Now I just want to state for the record I LOVE the story of Borderlands 2, in my opinion Handsome Jack is one of the greatest antagonists in media but does it feel........ out of character/out of place that each of the protagonists have done morally questionable things because they can/ they are insane but when angel CONDESCENDINGLY tells them to do something they'll do it? In the first borderlands everyone was looking for the vault so it makes sense that she's offering to help them find it but she basically orders us to help the crimson raiders defeat Jack, that PLUS SPOILER the twist that she's been helping Jack all along shouldn't they IGNORE her and look for the vault themselves when they realize that she hasn't said ANYTHING about the Vault from claptraps place ALL THE WAY TO SANCTUARY?

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Borderlands 1: Roland Melee Build!?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 04:14 PM PST

    Im trying to do all the challenges and have gotten all the weapon ones with Roland except for Melee kills. Is it just my cluelessness, or does Roland have literally no way to boost his melee damage?

    submitted by /u/RetroRemake_org
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    Stuck on searching for dlc

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 03:16 PM PST

    Please help, it just says its stuck on searching for DLC. I've been waiting for 15 minutes now, I just bought the game on steam.

    submitted by /u/AhShitHereWeGoAga1n
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    Xbox Co op

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:59 PM PST

    Hey guys, I've been playing through borderlands remastered and was wondering if anyone wanted to join? Gtag is ReeReeNoGee

    submitted by /u/Fragrant-Company2426
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    Some lore/timeline questions (spoilers)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:33 PM PST

    I've been reading the wiki a lot for BL3 stuff, and what I haven't gotten from there has come from my ex, who actually played the game. Certain things are confusing the heck out of me, and for lack of actually having the game myself, I was hoping someone here could provide answers.

    How long ago was Nyriad around? I ask this because apparently Tyreen was the next person to have Phaseleech after Nyriad, which (considering Nyriad is described as "ancient") makes me wonder if Tyreen is immortal? Is TYPHON immortal??

    And on that note, Typhon is described as a legend among Vault Hunters, but he's still around. What sort of timeframe are we working with? Does time flow differently on Nekrotafeyo? And since this relates to my previous question, when did he and his wife have the twins?

    Those are my only real sticking points. I think I've got a pretty good grasp on everything else. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/seieireppa
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    What’s the fastest way to learn everything about BL3 in time for the Hunt?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 12:55 PM PST

    I saw that the Hunt was coming up and I really enjoyed the 2019 edition. I finally have a good enough PC to run BL3 smoothly and stream it at the same time so I thought I'd participate in the Hunt.

    Problem is, I never really bothered to play BL3 beyond the campaign so I realise I need to literally study it like a textbook to figure it out to play on the same competitive level as everyone who's experienced.

    What would be the fastest way to learn everything about the game? Should I just play everything, including all DLC and side missions continuously until 1st March or is there a faster way?

    I went through the campaign with Fl4k and I enjoyed it but I've heard Moze is faster/a better farmer?

    submitted by /u/FlashWayneArrow02
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    Should I buy borderlands 3 as an og borderlands fan?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 12:26 PM PST

    Trying to make this post as short as possible because the sale ends pretty soon, should I get borderlands 3 and is it as good as the other games? I can get it for half off so some opinions would be nice :)

    submitted by /u/CHUGGLEY
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    Krieg :)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:51 PM PST

    I need Kreig in Borderlands 4, it would be so cool if he could "swap between forms" (Sane and Psycho Krieg) and they both have 3 unique skill trees, Psycho Krieg would be more Melee focused and Sane Krieg would be more Ranged focused.

    submitted by /u/Slisaey
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    Crawmerax or Armory on GOTY?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 09:50 AM PST

    Been playing some bl1 again and wondering whats more efficient for pearls. i know that craw was more efficient in the original, however since he drops gearbox weapons (which replace legendary and pearl drops?), is the armory better now?

    submitted by /u/UtkaMotion
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    Tips for Salvador

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 09:35 AM PST

    Hello! I've recently picked up BD collection for Switch and I'm trying a few characters I've never played with before. Just finished BD1 with Brick, melee not really my style but had fun blowing things up with launchers.

    Now I'm trying Salvador for BD2, any good tips for gunzerking (or in general)?

    submitted by /u/Nordi09
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    Willow Tree PS4 Saves

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:50 AM PST

    Is there any way to use Willow Tree to edit PS4 saves or failing that is there any other editors that can?

    submitted by /u/Zenom
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    Question about Specter class mod drop rate

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:17 AM PST

    Hey guys!

    I've been farming the lance assassins for a specter class mod with my Brick. It seems the drop rate is about 1/20 from experience.

    If I were to make a Lilith and farm the specter class mod with her..will the chance of the lance assasins dropping the class mod increase?

    I'm playing the GOTY Remastered edition on Switch if that makes any difference.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/WafflesRDBest
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    Extended co-op group

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 07:34 AM PST

    Looking to see if anyone is interested in creating a 4 man "static" group that would like to playthrough all the games/dlc and max everyone out. A chill group that sets up times to play together and wants to grind out some mayhem. Looking for PC players.

    submitted by /u/Cresnik93
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    moxxxi tip jar weapon, is this a bug?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 06:39 AM PST

    So i tipped moxxxi since i figured that would give me an smg like in the borderlands2.
    She did .. fyu im level 19 .. the smg as following stats

    dmg 202
    acc 84%
    handling 58 %
    reload 2.9
    fire rate 12.03 s
    magazine size 44

    This is too op to not be a bug right?

    submitted by /u/andr7537
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    I just started and already thinking about end game

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 06:22 AM PST

    I'm loving it so far but this game is....big it would seem. My plan is to try all the VHs and know the main game like the back of my hand (much like BL1 and 2) and do 1 dlc per character in standard mode. But that is where it gets muddy for me. So I propose the following questions 1. In a normal playthrough can you do the DLCs whenever? I remember you had to wait until level 30 for a couple of them in BL2. 2. Total solo player here. Is True Vault Hunter mode doable solo? I solo'd BL1 all the way through no problem. BL2 TVHM gave me problems but I did it. UVHM forget it and that slag nonsense just turned me off of UVHM. 3. Is FL4K the best "solo artist" or can anyone do it up? 4. What exactly is Mayhem mode? Can it be used without UVHM? Further more I know it activates after the main story is done - do you start with it enabled in TVHM? I thank you all in advance fellow vault hunters.

    submitted by /u/Sandman705
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    Mayhem rank advice

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 06:18 AM PST

    Me and my friend enjoy bl3 and play it fairly regular but don't have that much time to farm the best gear and rolls for specific builds that you need for mh 10/11

    what mh would be a good balance for us to stay on that gives us decent loot but is not punishing for not having a min-max build?

    Any help would be great :)

    (or advice on simple builds and weapons for mh 11 lol)

    submitted by /u/WitchQueensRevenge
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    Amara bossing builds using Crit/Hail

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 04:28 AM PST

    What Amara boss builds are you guys rocking that's using the crit/hail? I just started trying out higher mayhem levels on my Amara (mayhem 7-10) but I'm getting mixed results on bosses.

    I took me 15 minuters to down Graveward on M10 for example using an M10 binary Crit... What am I doing wrong here? :)

    submitted by /u/RooCee
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    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:52 AM PST

    I have all the borderlands games on switch and don't have anyone to play with, does anyone know how to play online. If you want to play I'm playing borderlands goty edition

    submitted by /u/Marauder2007
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