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    Friday, February 19, 2021

    Borderlands PSA: You're not special for liking the Pre-Sequel

    Borderlands PSA: You're not special for liking the Pre-Sequel

    PSA: You're not special for liking the Pre-Sequel

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 06:29 AM PST

    At least once a month someone posts here about how much they actually like the "underrated sleeper hit" that is the Pre-Sequel.

    In fact, there are a lot of people who enjoyed the game. You're on the subreddit that fans of the series go to to talk about the games. So no, you are definitely not in the minority when it comes to liking that game.

    Please, for the love of the God-Queen, stop making these posts.

    EDIT: I feel like I should add that I don't mind all the appreciation for the game, it's more of a problem with people who assume that no one liked it. Lots of people liked it. Maybe not as much as BL2, but still lots of people.

    submitted by /u/CapnBubbles
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    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 08:40 PM PST

    XBOX One!! Legendary Collection!! Does ANYBODY love farming for legendaries and wanna 100% every game with me? I got nobody to play with :(

    Add me: (FudgeDraggin)

    submitted by /u/ClaverFlaver
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    Newly addicted - my thoughts on Borderlands 2 so far

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 01:41 PM PST

    No spoilers please! Haven't finished yet.

    So a few days ago I posted on r/patientgamers that after 10h of gameplay, I wasn't entirely convinced. It was fun but frustrating/tedious.

    Im happy to say that after sticking through with it a bit more, I can safely claim to be semi-addicted.

    Some general thoughts:


    • The gunplay and gameplay is easily the best and most fun part of this game. Everything is so fluid and satisfying. Plus those badass badges add a fun component to the combat.

    • The variety of weapons is just insane and the classes and build are crazy fun. My main character is a Siren (experimenting with a fun DoT life drain build using Moxxi's Rubi gun) while I have another playthrough with Krieg (going for an explosives/melee build).

    • The characters, setting and story are fantastic. The lore is interesting, and I especially enjoy the characters... they're all so over the top insane lol I love it. The story is also IMO really interesting and it grabs you right from the start.

    • The humor is also (mostly) hilarious. They sometimes miss their mark every now and then (making it seem like humor aimed at 13-year old children but maybe that's exactly what they wanted to achieve), but for the most part the game has me laughing more than most games I've played. My favorite joke so far was the sarcastic slow clapping bandit, I couldn't kill him... watching him walk in circles and slow cap brought me so much joy.

    • The art is beautiful. It really works well for the game.


    • The game starts really slow gameplay wise. You only unlock your special ability at level 5 and it takes an annoying amount of time to reach Sanctuary. For the first hour or so, regardless of your class, it's the same struggle until you can finally have some real fun, especially considering how for the most part your powers only become really usable at levels 15+ AFAIK. Before that I was just dying constantly.

    • The biggest annoyance for me is the quest variety. Every quest is predictable: receive quest from quest giver, head out and travel to the other end of the map, kill a shit ton of enemies and maybe a boss, travel back to the quest giver and collect your reward. Like 99% of the game so far is you needing to rescue someone, kill someone, or collect something. Once I got past that however and accepted that that is pretty much the main goal of the game, it became much more enjoyable.

    • So much of the game is backtracking. So much. The game world is pretty friggin huge and it's not enough that you travel halfway across the planet through multiple area transitions to complete that side quest. You get to backtrack manually too. Oh and just for fun, the enemies you killed like 30 minutes ago in that part of the map are respawned so have fun dealing with them again. I think the game could've benefited from a better fast travel and save system. I don't always have time to complete a whole mission and having to restart with all the enemies including bosses respawned can be tedious.

    • The enemy variety quickly drops off. I feel like at around level 15ish, once you've finally gotten the hang of the game, you've already encountered most of the enemy types and don't need to really adapt. Even the bosses become more like bullet sponges, with not much boss mechanics (that I've encountered so far).

    Anyway, I'm sure there's more points I've forgotten about but those are the ones I remember at the moment.

    Either way, I'm enjoying the game immensely and know I'll be playing it for some time to come

    submitted by /u/morrowindnostalgia
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    What should I be expecting with 3?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 08:57 PM PST

    Found a really cheap copy of the game (12$). The only experience I have with the franchise is 2 and pre sequel thus far. Basically I'm coming in thinking the story prob won't be anything, the gun play is going to be great and fun to play. Is my assumptions about right?

    submitted by /u/AcrobaticAd8926
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    Borderlands 3 ps5 - impossible to find people to play with. If I do find someone its laggy/they're afk/its only 1 other person. Yet theres $80 of dlc?!?!?!?!? I cant even play the base game as it was designed

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 08:15 PM PST

    This is my second time uninstalling the game.

    I had hoped for: finding 3 other people to play with, lag free experience. You know, playing the game as it was intended.

    Instead: the social tab of matchmaking almost always returns no valid game for me to play. For a game focused on co op I have never actually played a thorough and fun co op experience with this game on ps5.

    What's the deal? I feel conned. Especially with the $80 of dlc thrown in my face.

    If you want me to buy dlc then at least let me enjoy the base game with 3 other people using matchmaking without lag.

    I fear this game for me will be unplayable

    Ive unninstalled for 2nd time just now.

    Such bullshit.

    submitted by /u/avoca
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    Anyone remember "Poker Night at the inventory"

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 06:59 AM PST

    Edit: the game was actually "Poker Night at the Inventory 2"

    I really liked this game, I only played it on the PS3 (when i got it as a PS+ game) and they didn't carry it over for the ps4. (Or if they did I have no idea how to download it)

    I remembered claptrap in it and I even got skins for BL2 from it. Its also the only game I ever came close to getting platinum in lol

    submitted by /u/WhippetRun
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    Online/splitscreen play

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 03:50 PM PST

    Hi guys, I am curious if you know if two separate accounts could splitscreen the Borderlands series while online.

    I am trying to get my in-laws in the Borderlands series while playing with them alongside my Fiancée.

    submitted by /u/savingbass
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    its ironic who sir hammerlock married

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 02:11 PM PST

    I just realized that he married the heir to the company that produces the guns he likes. Not only do they make a good couple but it looks like hammerlocks gonna get any jakobs gun he wants 😂

    submitted by /u/IWannaDie0416
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    Which golden chest should I use?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 01:20 PM PST

    I'm play BL1 GOTY on pc and I have 5 golden keys, everywhere I see says that the only golden chest is on fyrestone but there is also one in new haven. Which cheat should I use?

    submitted by /u/LazySown85285
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    Borderlands 3 Achievements Bug (PC - Steam)

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 12:54 PM PST

    Hello fellow vault hunters,

    So today I finished the game for the second time on PC with Zane, and on this run I decided to complete the base game at 100% and get all the achievements.

    However, it seems that I currently have 5 bugged achievements, if anyone knows of a way to fix this quickly please tell me.

    The bugged achievements are: - Tales from the Eridian Slab (discover all Eridian slabs) - Slaughterhouse 3 (complete all circles of slaughter) - A Hundred Names for Sand (discover all named locations on Pandora) - City Slicker (discover all locations on Promethea) - Master of All you Survey (discover all named locations)

    Like I said, not only did I complete all circles of slaughter, but I also discovered all Eridian slabs and named locations. Moreover, I did complete all of this in this playthrough with the same character (Zane).

    submitted by /u/TravaX_2
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    So I just finished borderlands 3 for the first time...

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 06:15 AM PST

    What the fuck was the ending? is Lilith dead? is she the moon now? like even in the end credits Tannis doesn't even know what happened to her and she's trying to investigate.

    This is the most confusing and least satisfying ending I've ever had in any game.

    Also, the way Ava became a siren through some kind of absorbing spiritual bullshit is stupid and the plot twist that reveals tannis was a siren the whole time is dumb.

    The fake ending was stupid you really expect me to believe that borderlands is the type of game to kill a 13-year-old? and the credits song being "this girl is on fire" was the stupidest thing I've ever seen

    submitted by /u/Orion-The-King
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    I need help with the circle of slaughter.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 12:08 PM PST

    I'm playing borderlands 1 goty and I need help with the circle of slaughter. I'm level 28 which is the recommended level to be for the final round, but even so I keep on dying to the badass bruisers. Do y'all have any tips on how to beat them quickly. I was able to kill on by staying back and headshoting it with a sniper (I'm Lilith so probably not the best combo), and then after that another one spawned and killed me. Any tips would be very much appreciated.

    EDIT: I'm also playing solo.

    submitted by /u/LazySown85285
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    full screen mode at a different resolution than the display is set for

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 09:04 AM PST

    Question about resolution in Windows vs resolution in game. I seem to have an issue where if I have my windows resolution at 4k (3840x2160) and set my game resolution to 1080p (1920x1080) my video shows up as a much smaller box on my display.

    Am I the only one who runs their desktop at one resolution and runs games at lower resolutions to have more eye candy enabled?

    (and does this work correctly for others if they do this as well?)

    I could have sworn that this was working, but stopped at some point. I've tried manually modifying the configuration files, I'm tempted to backup the save files and erase everything and start over and then restore just the actual character save files to see if that would fix anything for me.

    Note that this works well with mny other titles that I've been playing. My system will handle BL3 at 2160 if I reduce the settings to medium, but that wasn't what I wanted.


    submitted by /u/scifan3
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    Can someone that has borderlands 2 for xbox 360 play with someone with the handsome collection for xbox one?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 08:11 AM PST

    I know a lot of people have probably asked this, but some people are saying that it does work and others say it doesn't. So if we're both on xbox one, but one persons playing borderlands 2 through backwards compatibility and the other playing through handsome collection, Could we still play together? Thank you

    submitted by /u/Hotepicslasher9
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    Borderlands 3 keeps freezing

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 04:20 AM PST

    Hi! My game runs fairly smoothly but i have been experiencing that the game freezes every 15-20 minutes. I have been toning down my settings but the freezes still keep happening. Only way to back out is to close the program in task manager. I have a feeling this could be some specific spots in specific maps but I can't wrap my head around what it is and so forth. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Are there any fixes to this?

    Intel Core i5-4590 (3.30 GHz) 16 GB RAM Nvidia Geforce GTX 960

    submitted by /u/RondoRabbit
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    Pre-Sequel is amazing

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 07:12 AM PST

    I recently finished playing Borderlands 1 including the DLC (for like the thousandth time) and moved on to the Pre-Sequel (wanting to play things in chronological order).

    With the UHD texture pack, this game looks stunningly good. Even for an old(ish) game. I have honestly spent a surprising amount of time at the 'edge' of levels and looking out over Elpis and beyond. The use of colour both on the levels themselves and and the way the sky can change depending on where you are on the planet is actually quite beautiful.

    Plus being able to leap great distances and use the OZ-kits to gain height and distance makes moving around a joy (compared to the comparatively clunky movement found in 1).

    Oh and to hell with Torks... Of all the enemies in this game, I despise Torks the most.... :P

    submitted by /u/LewisB789
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    why do i still have my skins after deleting everything?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:52 PM PST

    i wanted to completely restart everything on my borderlands 2, so i went and completely deleted all of my save files including profile data from my ps4, however i still have heads/skins i've unlocked from rare drops/challenges... why is this?

    submitted by /u/itstheterry
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