• Breaking News

    Monday, February 1, 2021

    Borderlands Uhhh...wtf did I do to Pete the invincible?

    Borderlands Uhhh...wtf did I do to Pete the invincible?

    Uhhh...wtf did I do to Pete the invincible?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:16 PM PST

    I was playing krieg, and I spawned in all the enemys to have some fodder to kill for 2nd win, I melee spammed on a spider ant, hit myself and before my vision was back Pete was dead.

    submitted by /u/Gage_Unruh
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    Armory glitch ptoblem

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:54 AM PST

    Is there any way to get into the armory via grenade jumping or anything like that. The door is closed and I messed up the marcus sweep mission

    Edit: I fixed it now. Thank you to all of the kind people on reddit. This was my first time posting and its really cool to see such a positive community of Vault hunters

    submitted by /u/Geodude2006
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    Quick question, do people still play co op campaign?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:38 PM PST

    As the title says and would anyone like to do a co op campaign with me? I'm on psn playing the pre sequel!

    submitted by /u/broadway_yakuza
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    In your opinion, Which game has the most value content wise? Which one do you enjoy playing the most?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:26 PM PST

    I put BL2 as a flair because I didn't know what else to put.

    submitted by /u/AssistanceNegative92
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    Just started Borderlands 1 (my first time playing a Borderlands and FPS game) and I noticed there is a variety of different characters to choose from. I chose Roland but I was wondering if once I finish my first playthrough if trying different characters makes a difference gameplay/story wise?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:15 PM PST

    I just bought Borderlands 1 GOTY for 9$. This is my first Borderlands game and my first FPS game ever and I literally just started it and noticed there is a variety of characters to choose from. I chose Roland for my playthrough however I noticed different characters have different abilities and strengths and was therefore wondering if choosing different characters would impact the gameplay or story in any way and whether I should try out different characters. Will I have the opportunity to try out different characters in my first playthrough or do I need to have multiple playthroughs to try out different characters?

    submitted by /u/lbsypl
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    need help

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:47 PM PST

    hey i need help i play on Nintendo switch and i did not get gearbox guns got any tips to fix this

    submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Duck_7834
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    Read only farming Jakobs Cove vending machine?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:16 PM PST

    If I wanted a good Skullmasher or Unforgiven Masher, would the Jakobs cove vending machine be a worthwhile spot?

    submitted by /u/heavywisp
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    [SPOILER] Which borderlands 2 boss is this area a reference to? (potential location spoiler for Fustercluck?)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:35 PM PST

    Title: it's been in my head all day since I first saw >! the screaming meadow!< , I distinctly remember fighting something huge in an area just like it back in BL2. AFAIK it's NOT terramorphus, but we all know how memories can be, any help is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/sniphskii
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    Embers purge

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:31 AM PST

    How can I get a max level embers purge if I already did the quest on normal mode? Tvhm has the pieces of resistance grayed out and I can collect them even if I reset the play through

    submitted by /u/jchqouet71
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    ps4 noob for microphone.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:55 PM PST

    I decided to get the handsome collection for the current generation (ps4), I wanted to revisit BL2. I am however wondering about group play microphones as I am not hearing any other players. Do I have an setting wrong or is it common to use an different program for speaking? I mostly play single player games so could easily have an settings issue. Any thoughts on where this old guy can look would be appreciated as I no longer go to school with all those who know these things.

    submitted by /u/ShyOstrich
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    The handsome collection

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:31 AM PST

    Just downloading it and which way to play is best on bl2

    submitted by /u/boiogoy
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    Will the O.P.Q System Return?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:41 AM PST

    I know this has probably been mentioned many times before, but I recently got back into BL3 and remembered having the O.P.Q system and how much I enjoyed using it. I'm just wondering if there is any evidence to the Cartel event returning at any point, and subsequently due to the event this gun will also return? I would love to be able to use this gun at higher Levels and not be stuck with the Level 35 version I have

    submitted by /u/Snenky
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    Boss Respawn? BL1 - Newbie Question

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:41 AM PST

    How respawn bosses in Borderlands?

    submitted by /u/titixbox
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    A Borderlands Bundle Idea

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:46 AM PST

    Here's an idea for a bundle. The entire Borderlands series remastered with Borderlands 3's gameplay and graphics, including all the DLC. It should be called the "Fuck You I'm Handsome Jack Collection."

    submitted by /u/TrixieIsSinking
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    Need Help!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:49 AM PST

    I have redeemed the dragon keep skins and heads from my inventory yet every time I save and quit they appear again my inventory.

    I have tried dropping and selling and they still appear everytime I save and quit

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/BeardlySane
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    The worst DLC (to me) has a lot to do with one fast travel

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:03 AM PST

    The worst to me DLC that I know most people probably love.. is Hammerlock's hunt. It's just a tiring slog for a few reasons.. But the thing that REALLY killed it for me.. is Claptrap... Which I suppose is actually perfect in it's own way...

    The claptrap Fast Travel station is the worst in the entire game and all its DLCs, and possibly the worst in any of the games. Why?

    Let's say you're just finishing up a quest to turn in up top there. There's no quick elevator that you enable once at the top to get up to him. You gotta fight hordes of grunts (easy) a number of badasses (not terrible) and shaman (omg just die you bullet sponge fun suckers).. Just to get to the small lift that takes you up to... Where every mob from the "defend claptrap" spawns at the same time, so now you are fighting off 15 grunts, 3 or 4 badasses, and at least 2 shaman all at once. JUST TO TURN IN SOME URINE.

    Oh, you want to use the fast travel to leave the area? Yeah same deal. It's actually faster to just leave the zone and walk to the damn lodge and fast travel from there, then to bother going to the fast travel in this zone.

    Ok, let's say you want to fast travel from another zone TO claptrap to turn in a quest? You spawn, and now so does all those same "save claptrap" guys. Rushing you all at once.

    I think it's a glitch, because sometimes claptrap is actually driving around in circles like he's being chased in that quest again.

    I literally have never finished the side quests for this DLC because it just never was worth it. And I always do every dlc side quest (except when they're the final stage of a repeatable, and the level req is 50 and I'm in the 30s, or the raid ones because I play solo on ps4).

    My other gripe with this DLC is the spores and shaman. Shaman are fun to fight at first but are just annoying bullet sponges after a very short time when the novelty of them wears off (and when they break and just stop fighting and start walking around ignoring everything for some reason). But the spores... Are just annoying and they always spawn at the worst time. I once was trying to listen to Hammerlock after turning in a quest, but all I could hear was the explosions of two spores forever circling the lodge attacking it's roof because they wouldn't de-aggro. And sure I could have gone out to kill them but uuuggghhhhhh. Slog.

    So yeah I'll never complete all the quests in this DLC because the whole thing is a slog which sucks because it's got some really great dialogue and this is the first time I've ever actually hated claptrap.

    Ok I'm about to start Tiny Tina's D&D for the first time, wish me luck imma steal her cookies!

    submitted by /u/Deminox
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    How was this game made ?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:06 AM PST

    It's literally unbelievable how hard the map is, I've been on the one mission for hours

    submitted by /u/lisbongold1967
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