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    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    Borderlands My undeniable, frustratingly complex love/hate relationship with BL3

    Borderlands My undeniable, frustratingly complex love/hate relationship with BL3

    My undeniable, frustratingly complex love/hate relationship with BL3

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    I've been a Borderlands player since about 2016. I absolutely adore this series (as I'm sure everybody else on this subreddit does), and I was beyond hyped for the release of BL3, despite all the drama...which yes, left a very sour taste in my mouth.

    After playing BL3 for my third play through this past month, I am still so conflicted with my feelings for this game. It's beyond frustrating.

    Spoilers ahead.

    Let's start with the positives. Why do I love this game?

    1. The gameplay. BL3 has, without a doubt, the strongest gameplay of any Borderlands game. It feels so damn good to play this game. Every little added mechanic put in the game made it feel better, like sliding, wall-climbing, and my personal favourite, REMOVING SLAG (not really gameplay, but damn was that such a good choice). It's pretty much impossible to go back and play the first Borderlands game after being treated to such a fast-paced, beautifully crafted shooter. Simply put, playing the game and shooting stuff is straight up fun.

    2. It feels like a Borderlands game. The maps were well thought out, the dialogue was funny (for the most part) and got serious at times, the guns were creative and unique. Bringing back the great co-op plus UVHM. Not much else to be said here.

    3. QOL changes. Little things make a big difference (that's what my girlfriend tells me). Fast-travelling from wherever (!!!!!!). Opening containers and automatically collecting ammo/health. Removing slag (sexy). Swapping between missions with the press of a button. Digistructing a car in with one button. Refilling ammo with one button. Badass Rank buffs. Being able to skip cutscenes. Such good, good stuff.

    4. The guns. I know this kind of ties in with the gameplay, but I feel like the guns alone need their own benchmark. Not only were the differences between each gun manufacturer made more recognizable and unique, but they all feel SO damn good. I pretty much love the change of every single one (except Atlas. Ugh). Dahl used to be one of my least favourite brands in past games, especially sniper rifles but holy hell do they feel amazing in 3.

    5. Mini-bosses and bosses. The sheer amount of higher-lever enemies in this game is astounding, and they're all a blast to kill (maybe except a few, but we can't all be winners). I get a kick out of finding mini bosses on the map and challenging myself to kill them as quickly as possible.

    6. The new vault hunters. I was very skeptical at first, but this group may be my favourite original quartet since BL2. Excluding Moze (I don't find her terribly interesting; no offence to Moze stans), every character was unique and had great dialogue, quirky personalities, and interesting enough stories. FL4K is my personal favourite, closely followed by Zane. But tbh, I love them all. Something else I like about the characters is that they're not all so solidified in their traditional roles, and you can really experiment with their play styles.

    7. The skill trees. Wow, did they really go all out with the skill trees. Action Skills were always fun to use, but now they're customizable - it simply adds a level of depth that wasn't there before. With the new Director's Cut, adding a fourth skill tree for each character was a damn good idea. I may miss having an extra character, but I still think that adding an extra skill tree is a step in the right direction (we can have both, though. Both is good).

    8. The worlds/locations. I usually get scared when games/franchises expand this much in one game, but I feel like they did it really well. Each world is unique, well made, and highly interesting. They all feel special and one doesn't really stand out from the other for me. Eden-6 may have TONS more content than other planets, but that's okay............monkey with gun = awesome.

    9. World/character building. You can make the argument that some characters were straight-up unnecessary (not naming any names, and yes, that's a very valid argument), but there were tons of new and developed characters that felt welcome into the story. Zer0's addition was surprising to me at first, but he really fit in. Tannis being a siren felt natural. Katagawa was a perfect asshole. Rhys was determined and nerdy, as usual. Typhon was an absolute joy, despite his...relations. Wainwright, period (especially him and Hammerlock...so perfect).

    10. The DLC. This is more of my opinion, but the DLC we've gotten up to this point has been my absolute favourite. Didn't feel like I wasted a penny on any of those gems. So far, this has absolutely my favourite batch of DLC.

    Now...let's confront the elephant in the room, shall we? Things I wasn't so fond of...

    1. The villains. Do I even need to explain myself? Tyreen solidified herself as one of the most irritating and incomprehensible wastes of space from the very beginning. The pure hatred I feel for this character is stupid, because it's literally just a character, but damn. Notice how I haven't mentioned Troy? I personally believe Troy is actually a good villain, and he could've been incredible IF he killed Tyreen. There's a part where he's leeching power from her (during the battle with him) and Tyreen is crying out the entire time for Troy to be easy on her. This could have literally been the turning point where he becomes the main villain. Up to this point, there's a very obvious shift in power, but then...oh, right. Troy dies. Aaaaaand we're back to square one. The story felt like it was going somewhere with Troy, then suddenly back peddles when he's killed. Didn't feel right. TLDR; Tyreen sucks and leaves the game with a big, fat moldy spot on its underbelly.

    2. The story. Please...there's too much to type. Borderlands 2 didn't have an AMAZING story, but it was told really well. Borderlands 3 had a bad story, AND it was told horribly. I have nightmares about the ending......\this girl is on fiiiiyyaaaa** I literally shudder thinking about it. I remember watching the ending cutscene for the first time, my jaw just wide open. It's astounding, really, and the story was clearly really rushed. That being said, there's also some parts in the story that are great, like Typhon DeLeon's introduction and purpose; his connection to the twins, the fact that Pandora, and entire planet, is the Great Vault (I thought that was neat), Maliwan's hunger for invading several planets. But overall...yikes. I cannot express how much the story frustrates me - how all over the place it is, mostly. The story is my biggest gripe with the game because it was something that 2 did so well, and something that I expected from 3 - maybe that's my problem.

    3. Mayhem Mode. Look, I'll take Mayhem Mode over Borderlands 2's endgame any day, but Mayhem mode just feels sloppy. Rerolling for shitty modifiers that don't really add anything interesting into the game feels pointless for better loot. At least Mayhem 11 makes a bit more sense.

    4. The final boss. This may just be me, but man did the final boss feel underwhelming. Tyreen "The Destroyer" felt more like Tyreen "The Mini-Boss". Graveward was better than this for sheer size and surprise factor. Katagawa Ball was better than Tyreen The Destoyer.

    5. Sanctuary III. Am I even allowed to complain about this? I feel like the general layout of S3 is so damn jumbled that even after 400+ hours in the game, I am still confused by where to go. I really like the concept of it; having nearly an entire city living in a ship is cool as hell, but the execution was sloppy. Music is great, though.

    6. Ava. 'Nuff said. And yes, I firmly believe she deserves her own spot. Completely forgettable, completely annoying, completely not worth Maya dying for. Electric chair.

    7. The cutscenes. Not every cutscene was bad, but man is it frustrating to watch Lilith get bodied by Tyreen while you, the main character, just stand there watching. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Who let this happen?! Ruins a lot of the immersion and straight up doesn't make sense.

    I know I'm missing some stuff, but please throw something in the comments if you think about anything else. I'm really curious to know how y'all feel about BL3 after a couple years with it now.

    Cheers, and stay safe out there.

    submitted by /u/PobeyesChiggen
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    Vampiric Tracker

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    Found a Vampiric Tracker that heals for 100% of damage dealt in a vending machine. Are they rare?

    submitted by /u/Grouchy-Metal8734
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    How is Moze now?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:36 PM PDT

    For context, I played a BL3 from release and up to Mayhem 3 before I stopped playing. I really enjoyed it, but my friends and I floated on to other things.

    Interested in coming back, but was going to pick up Moze and remember how underwhelming Iron Bear could feel at times. Just wondering what she's received for balance changes, kit adjustments, etc. Really enjoyed the concept of Iron Bear.

    submitted by /u/AndiWhyte
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    Need advice on playing a game Ive been wanting to play for a really long time

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    I really wanna play tales from the borderlands but I'm currently playing BL2 should I play BL2 then BL3 and then play tales from the borderlands or can I play tales from the borderlands?

    submitted by /u/xHisKittenx
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    Give me tips on the final boss

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    I have been playing borderlands 2 for quite a while now and I am almost to the last boss fight, what are some tips that you can give me before I fight it. DON'T SPOIL THE ENDING.

    submitted by /u/Emergency-Pie-5328
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    What is the better second tree for moze?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    Just returned to the game now that I have been able to get both season passes. So I have a ton of new content to play!

    Anyways, I have gone real deep down the orange tree to the capstone. Before I had the dlcs, I was starting into the blue tree, but now that we have the purple tree out, I am unsure wether to go blue or purple for my second tree, or a mixture of both.

    Can I get some advice?

    submitted by /u/CommodorNorrington
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    Mod to mute a specific character?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    hello, im starting my BL3 TVHM venture today and I REALLY do not want to hear Ava again. Is there sound files anywhere for her that i can remove, or a mod? any help would be welcome

    submitted by /u/CyberDropkicks
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    OP10 VH’s

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    Quick question, what VH's can solo all raid bosses on OP10 preferably without glitches like offhand for sal (the crit ascension for zero is fine) also if Maya can solo them all, could someone link me or send me builds for them? Edit: lemme specify I know Sal is best bet but I'm asking which vault hunters are actually able to and can Maya do it specifically (favorite character and who I wanna play next)

    submitted by /u/TwiggyFlea
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    Player Dialogue

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    The Pre-Sequel was a mixed bag for a variety of reasons, and I think it's the weakest BL entry, but I personally enjoyed it regardless of the FL4K it gets. One of the things I enjoyed was the unique dialogue the characters got. Like BL3, your characters spoke. But unlike BL3, you actually got unique replies to what you said that made things just a bit more interesting, like the cute conversations between Janey and Athena. I was expecting that in Borderlands 3, but instead you get the same replies regardless of your character. It even feels awkward sometimes because the reply doesn't entirely flow with what you said.

    tl;dr Pre Sequel had conversations unique to different player characters, Borderlands 3 did not (As far as I know)

    submitted by /u/Cole_Sate
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    Hotfixes and patches.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    Ok so this is probably a really dumb question but here goes.

    It is fairly obvious by now that Gearbox love issuing out hotfixes, at least one per month since release.

    My question is why not do traditional patches? As I understand it the hotfixes are only applied to your game if you are connected online whereas with a traditional patch that downloads once and updates files requires no connection beyond the initial download.

    Is there something obvious that I am missing?

    Hope you guys are well.

    submitted by /u/Frankyvander
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    Mayhem modes

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    Is it bad I rather play normal and vault hunter modes with no mayhem modes. Am I missing out on something?

    submitted by /u/Sidnasty101
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    BL3 Basic Question About Amara Health Regeneration

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:59 PM PDT

    Hi. This is a pretty basic question you probably all know the answer to, but my wife and I have completed the whole story in co-op (now at level 51) and still loads of the game goes over our heads or there's bit we don't really get. I play as Zane and she is Amara. (We're just doing the megahard missions you get after the main story mode where you have to kill like a thousand guys.)

    Now that we're at this level, I've noticed that her health as Amara is constantly recharging itself all the time, whereas mine doesn't. Mine will stay low for a long time, or with certain shields it starts charging my health if the shield is full. But for her the health bar is just charging back up all the time. Is this just because of Amara's particular skills so I wouldn't be able to get this as Zane? Or have I missed something I could have picked up?


    submitted by /u/Orikoru
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    Is there anyway to get to this little rooftop in Lectra City? And is there anything up there?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:29 PM PDT


    We tried a while ago and are just doing some more exploring and just can't make it up there. I see there appears to be something up there, but nothing we do works to get up there.

    Looking at guides I can see there's no story or collection thing there, but it's still bugging us! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/baldorrr
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    Help me beat my significant other in a duel?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I've played bl1, 2, 3, and the presequel with my man. I was then one who introduced him to the series and we love playing together. In every game, I have always been able to spank him in a duel. We aren't super meta gamers, we don't really grind for specific gear, we're just parents who play through the quests organically. I've always played the siren but with amara I just can't seem to beat his Zane and it's killing me. I've tried the melee builds, I've tried the phasezerker builds... But he does so much dps he kills me the moment the duel starts. He plays Zane with the drone and the clone, and whenever he's moving he does crazy damage.

    I'm looking for any specific advice on how to beat that build? Obviously I'm willing to start a new character class, or respec my amara. I'm willing to grind for a bit of specific loot but ideally not tonnes. Does anyone have any tips?

    submitted by /u/themagaroo
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    Borderlands remastered new legendary weapons

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    Do the 6 new legendary weapons not let you regenerate ammo

    submitted by /u/giggles190
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    How to unlink my xbox shift account

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Ive been trying to unlink my shift account from my xbox for the past hour now but theres no email attached to the shift account and when i link it to my steam it doesnt share the progress between them can some1 help

    submitted by /u/Substantial_Judge_47
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    How to unlock disciples of the vault cosmetics?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    I just bought and installed season pass 2 and don't have access to the cosmetic packs? Are they not out yet or am I missing something? Main reason I bought it was for Moze new cov skin.

    submitted by /u/slinkidink
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    The pre sequel mobs

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    I've just started playing this game and am up to the Pickles chapter. I love the combat but it is over too quickly. It seems that the mobs are few and far between and much easier to take out than in the first two games, where each battle would last a few minutes and another would start within another 1 or 2. Does this game pick up in the 2nd playthrough? Why are the areas so vast and empty?

    submitted by /u/Arrrrrrrach
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    Do anointed effects require that the weapon is in your hand or just one of the ones that are equipped?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:21 PM PDT

    I've seen differing opinions online and so I just wanted to double check to make sure. I've been sometimes equipping weapons for their anointed bonuses only and so if they aren't active then there would be no point.

    submitted by /u/clutch_mp098
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    Is borderlands 2 VR worth getting

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    I was going through the PlayStation store for VR games I saw borderlands 2 VR and I wanted to know if it's worth getting?

    submitted by /u/dugthePop-Tart
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    Missing Trophy, Secret Army of General Knoxx. PS4

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    Hi, so i just completed all the missions for this DLC, but I'm still missing the trophy "complete all secret army of general knoxx missions", there is any hidden mission left or something?

    submitted by /u/pupuso69
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    bl1 randomizer do it exist

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    i wanna see if theres randomizer nd cra for bl1

    submitted by /u/mineterrier
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    BL3 Ultimate MS Store Sale worth?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    Is it worth getting the ultimate Version of BL3 in sale? I'm noob in BL and new to this.

    I heard of many bugs in game for consoles.

    Are the bugs with performance issues fixed and can I buy BL3 without getting angry with bugs?

    Heard especially mayhem 2 update has a bad performance

    Please help me :-)

    Thx guys.

    submitted by /u/p1Xel83
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    Easiest/Hardest Borderlands Game

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    So I recently played through 3 of the 4 Borderlands games, and I really, really enjoyed them. Of the 3 I played, I enjoyed Borderlands 2 the most for a lot of reasons, one of them being that I actually felt challenged on some missions, especially in my first playthrough. So I was wondering, what do you guys think the easiest Borderlands game. I think it was BL3, because I was only challenged in one boss fight.

    submitted by /u/s0apt0ken
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