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    Friday, March 19, 2021

    Borderlands What do you all believe to be the worst bosses in the series

    Borderlands What do you all believe to be the worst bosses in the series

    What do you all believe to be the worst bosses in the series

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    I personally think the RK5 but I was wondering what others opinions are

    submitted by /u/ihasafish
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    Which Borderlands and which moment in that game made you fall in love with the series?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    Title. Mine was killing nine toes and getting his unique pistol the first time I played borderlands back in 2011.

    submitted by /u/sharkcooper
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    A question

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    So me and my sister are playing through Borderlands 1 (I am playing Roland and she is playing Lilith) she likes using smg's and she really liked the Bone Shredder. We killed Bone Head at level 10, we are now level 18 how would we go about getting a level 18 Bone Shredder?

    submitted by /u/snakyboy99
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    Bl1 might be outdated, but it still have the best mechanic system! let me tell you why:

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    Let get this out of the way, each game have their up and down. BL1 might not have the best story or gunplay, but i really think most system from bl1 was way better then what we have now.

    First, level system. In bl1, you really feel de difference between been at level, been 5 level under and been 5 level above. In bl2, tps and bl3, you feel it if you are under, but way less when you are above. Im cirrently trying to 100% each game and i power level nisha in tps to level 30 before getting to concordia. And even if you never die, it still take few shot to kill level 13 enemy. Not boss, commun enemy. In bl1, a level 10 characther will destroy a level 3 enemy. The reason is the bl1 system is a punish/reward system. Starting a 3 level appart, you gain/ lose bonus damage and bonus reduction rewarding leveling up and punishing those who skip side mission. In later game, they remove that so the curve is more linear so the actual level matter less and the skill matter more. Even tho it make it easier when you are under level (which is good as the later game are way bigger then the first one), you lose the sastifaction of been overlevel.

    Second, elemental DoT. The formula also change from bl1 to bl2. In bl1, each bullet could have their own DoT making so that elemental damage could stack making matching element with high fire rate gun devastating. After that, they made it so it couldnt stack anymore. Each new bullet that trigger the element, just reset the timer making it go for longer, but for the same damage/ seconde.

    submitted by /u/electrojoeblo
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    Could I get a reminder of where I am in bl1

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    So I am a long time bl2, pre-sequel and bl3 player a few months ago I decided to finally try bl1 I made a Mordechai and had a lot of fun then gamerpunk 2077 came out and I forgot about the game now I'm trying to get back into the game and I completely sort of forgot what the fuck happened in the past missions all I know is that I am in new haven and I'm on a mission called "hair of the dog" I was wondering if you lovely fellow gamers could maybe help give a jist of what happened in the missions before where I am

    submitted by /u/Busted_karma
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    Help needed to pass Sledge to the safe house in BL1

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    I'm new to this game and obviously I'm not good at FPS. I'm currently stuck in the facility where you head over to an oval arena to get the mine gate key. On my way there was an ambush with hordes of enemies including two psychos. I'm under leveled, so I run out of ammo without being able to kill either of the two psychos, and their hp regenerates each time I die. So clearly I cannot kill them no matter how many times I die. What's worse is I kept respawning in the middle of the facility, and the two psychos are now flanking me, with one on my way in, and one on my way out.

    My question, can I quit the mission and fast travel back to base? If not, what do I do? It looks like there's no way out of this. I'm doing solo so no friends to come and rescue me either. Thanks

    submitted by /u/PhysicalLog
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    Downgrading Mac Os Borderlands 2 to 1.8.4

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    Does anyone know how to do this so that mac can play with linux?

    submitted by /u/z3lk0va
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    Borderlands GOTY 2021 Run - Day #3

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:02 PM PDT

    So last night, I some how have finished the main story line for Borderlands 1. I took my time doing any and all side missions I came across. I was surprised it only took me about 12-13 hours to accomplish. My Siren character was, I think, level 36 when it was all said and done? Somewhere around there.

    The plan going forward is to tackle the DLC packs, maybe go for max level. Not quite sure what else is left to do.

    Is it recommended to stick with playthrough 1 for the remaining time or jump into playthrough 2? I probably won't do anything more in BL1 after doing the DLCs because I will be jumping into BL2 sometime next month. My mind will be stuck in Monster Hunter and Outriders world for a little while.

    P.S. This claptrap has seen some stuff...

    submitted by /u/StaticArbiter
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    Hello! Never played Borderlands but I see it is discounted on Steam, big decision: 2 with all the DLCs for $15 bucks or basic 3 for $30? :)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    I've never played Borderlands and to be honest with you I'm not 100% sure if I will like it or not. I am not really a first person shooter kinda gal but I am interested in the looter part lol. I like getting unique loot / weapons (like Diablo) - Is that a thing in this game? Is that what it mean by loot? I wanted to try one of these out anyway as someone recommended it to me but I'm not sure which game to buy and I don't want to buy both.

    submitted by /u/DancyP123
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    Just getting into BL3, are phaseslam and phasecast still regarded as not suited for late game?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    I remember when BL3 was first released, and for a while people would say that these action skills just weren't as viable for late game as phasegrasp. Now, I don't really care about min-maxing in these games, I just revel in the world and chaotic energy of it all. But I mean, if my action skills aren't going to do shit against enemies, it'll be a frustrating experience. However, after just having done a Maya run, phasegrasp doesn't really attract me at the moment. (I love sirens btw, that's why I'm focusing on Amara for now)

    submitted by /u/youngmaster0527
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    Borderlands 2 or pre sequel

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    I'm having a debate on which game I should grind rn both have full dlcs drop which one I should grind in the comments if you want you can even grind them with me :)

    submitted by /u/Soul_Calliber
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    A question about UCP

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    Sooo... do you guys know what exactly they buffed in the Hyperion snipers?

    submitted by /u/OtherAlphakipEgo
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    [GOTY]2 Playthroughs and still no "longbow" grenade mod. Did they remove it?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:48 PM PDT

    i remember that on initial release that i could find was just longbow mods (teleporting/flying grenades) right now i am on my second playtrough yet i couldnt find a single one. did they remove it? checked wiki but there was nothing about a removal?

    submitted by /u/ares0027
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    Is there any way to get quest rewards at a different level?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    I farmed items like the pimpernel and sandhawk at level 75, but they won't cut it when I'm doing op levels so is there any way to get these again? I saw you can reset playthrough but can I reset only the scarlet DLC or does it wipe all story?

    submitted by /u/Expert-Prodigy
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    Borderlands 2 music fits with some things...

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    I was thinking about Ultron and I was thinking about music from Opportunity (Combat). And I thought about connecting the two. Here's what I got. Sorry for it being so short, it was just an experiment. Might try something better in the future once I get a proper editing program.


    submitted by /u/SingMarauder
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    Been over a year since I played BL3. What's the current state of the game? What have I missed? Who is the best overall hero?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    I seem to recall Amara being the overall strongest, FL4K having some game breaking builds, Moze having some very strong but specific endgame builds, and Zane being in a terrible place. What's changed?

    And oh yeah, can we skip cutscenes yet?!?

    submitted by /u/thebabaghanoush
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    Choosing modes and DLCs

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    I must apologize if this has been described already, my search-fu must be nerfed today.

    There is, naturally, a plethora of post-game content and I'm finding myself a bit overwhelmed and wondering the best order to take it all in. I've read many descriptions of say TVHM vs. Mayhem mode, and what they do, but haven't found much to tell me when to do these modes in relation to each other.

    Is there a recommended gameplay sequence for a character playthrough? Something to tell me what the best order for DLCs in, whether to play them before TVHM, when to switch to various mayhem modes, when to switch to TVHM mode, and then again the same questions once TVHM is beaten?

    Something like:

    1. NVHM+Sidequests
    2. Mayhem X
    3. DLC XXXX
    4. DLC YYYY
    5. Mayhem Y
    6. TVHM
    7. ...

    I have no idea if the order is any good there, just describing how I'm hoping to see the advice.

    submitted by /u/tjareth
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    A missed opportunity

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    Few weeks ago I maxed out my Athena and played arena in Cortex with a friend, and it was really really really fun. 7th difficulty felt like just the difficulty UVHM should've had, for Athena at least, not too hard, not too easy, and 9th difficulty, the highest one, felt like playing BL2 on OP4 with OP0 gear. 9th difficulty took us few attempts, but in the end we succeeded and it felt like a huge achievement, which is what emotion playing UVHM should give, because UVHM in TPS is so easy to the point it gets... boring.

    I don't understand one thing. How could developers miss the opportunity to implement OP levels? Not to mention that it's a matter of day or two of work, because they are already in the game, you can enable them in gibbed, they could prolong the game's replayability by a huge margin.

    submitted by /u/jongraveddit
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    Can you cross-play BL1 between Steam and Epic?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    I got some interest in buying the first game cus of the Steam promotion and I'm trying to get my friends to play it too.
    Then my friend said to me he had the game already, although, he got it from some EG promotion.
    I just want to know if it's possible to crossplay.

    submitted by /u/Emirsu
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