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    Borderlands Movie synopsis

    Borderlands Movie synopsis

    Movie synopsis

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    Here is a new synopsis for the movie. And a new cast member revealed.

    Two-time Academy Award® winner Cate Blanchett teams up with Kevin Hart in director Eli Roth's Borderlands. Lilith (Blanchett), an infamous outlaw with a mysterious past, reluctantly returns to her home planet of Pandora to find the missing daughter of the universe's most powerful S.O.B., Atlas (Ramirez). Lilith forms an alliance with an unexpected team – Roland (Hart), a former elite mercenary, now desperate for redemption; Tiny Tina (Greenblatt), a feral pre-teen demolitionist; Krieg (Munteanu), Tina's musclebound, rhetorically challenged protector; Tannis (Curtis), the scientist with a tenuous grip on sanity; and Claptrap (Black), a persistently wiseass robot. These unlikely heroes must battle alien monsters and dangerous bandits to find and protect the missing girl, who may hold the key to unimaginable power. The fate of the universe could be in their hands – but they'll be fighting for something more: each other. Based on the game from Gearbox and 2K, one of the bestselling videogame franchises of all time, welcome to Borderlands.


    submitted by /u/gray_knights
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    Wait - borderlands randomizes its weapons?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    I stumbled across a video for unity saying, how to make a randomized weapon generator like borderlands. So do the borderlands games randomize the weapons you get each playthrough? Is this every weapoin? Sorry if this is a noob question but I was amazed. Also which games is it that randomizes them? ALl of them?

    submitted by /u/VaLightningThief
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    Why Bleeder is the most tragic character in video game history

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Borderlands 1 is filled with many guns, many missions and many bosses, while going through I came across the mission House Hunting on the Trash Coast. A mission which requires you to kill Bleeder. It started off fine, I went to the trash coast and attempted to do the quest, until I saw him. Bleeder, for some reason I immediately began to bawl, this creature has lived on this planet for years in complete agony! He wakes up bleeding, he goes to bed bleeding, he is Bleeder, I felt frozen just looking at him. Through my tears I gave bleeder his end. His agony was over, he no longer had to go through pain, his suffering was over. The quest has a somber feel towards it, while Bleeders agony is over, his family remains, memories of him remain. It made me question the morality of my choice, did bleeder choose to live that way, did he come to terms with his suffering. The morality of the quest and the character of Bleeder is a monumental moment in story telling. House Hunting is a quest that will make you truly think and appreciate your life. Thank you Bleeder. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Sporngborb
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    Was there really a person named Atlas, or is this article about the upcoming movie crazy?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    Article: https://deadline.com/2021/04/borderlands-edgar-ramirez-play-atlas-lionsgates-1234727783/

    Talking about some character named Atlas that supposedly has great control over a lot of the stuff that happened in the games, as if they played a big visible part in the story. Now, it's been a few years since I've played the first three, but I can't remember anything about an individual going by the name Atlas, only the manufacturer - and the article goes into enough detail that it's clear they think it's a person.

    Am I crazy, or is the article?

    submitted by /u/Sardaman
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    Loot midget drop chances.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Whats the drop chances from Legendary loot midgets? I rarely get something thats not a relic.

    submitted by /u/CarsonWillson
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    BL1 Multiplayer Waypoints on Switch

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    Hi all.

    Been playing Online coop on BL1 with the SO, and it seems that the waypoints markers are not updating.

    Like, i start a quest and it gets added to both our quest logs. However, the markers throughout the minimap and world do not update on their game and still shows as a ! On the minimap/does not update to secondary objectives.

    Anyone know of this or is this a bug that's never going to get fixed?

    submitted by /u/danifamous
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    Don't judge the upcoming movie until we get the first trailer.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    After all, people thought that casting Heather Ledger as the Joker was a bad choice and that the Sonic the Hedgehog movie was going to be terrible just on the info given, but then the trailers dropped and everyone decided to give them a chance and they ended up being really good films.

    submitted by /u/eddmario
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    Borman Nates no longer drop Psycho stabber?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    Been farmin the last few days and haven't seen it drop.

    This after it would drop at least once every few hours a week ago

    submitted by /u/Hexss
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    Need help with weapons

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Okay i have completed the campaign and i have no expansions, but where should i go for new guns. how do i know which guns are good? I am Mayhem level 1 by the way

    submitted by /u/ikelos-sniper
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    Weird grenade comparison glitch?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    I am looking to swap out my current grenade for one i recently picked up before selling the rest of the grenades but the first grenade I am hovering over to switch out is saying that it is less powerful than the one i currently have equipped the comparisons are as follows Grenade 1 is a hyperion lobbed shock singularity Grenade damage- 8241 Blast radius- 464 Fuse time 3.0 Description 1366 electrocute damage per second. Creates initial implosion that pulls enemies toward the grenade before exploding.

    Grenade 2 lobbed mirv Damage 7014x6 Blast radius 412 Fuse time 2.4 Description Spawns 6 child grenades upon detonating and breaks into a number of smaller child grenades that explode on impact.

    submitted by /u/GamerGirlCentral
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    A question!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    where can i buy the original version of borderlands? on pc

    submitted by /u/The_ENCLAVE_FACTION
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    The most Handsome fruit.. lives up to it's name. TIFU borderlands edition

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    So you want to hear a story, eh?

    I love Asian food. REAL asian food, Khmer.. Lao.. Vietnamese.. ACTUAL Chinese.. Korean.. Japanese. Not "americanized" asian food. I love lots of different foods too, Thai, greek.. if it's not 'Murrikan, I love it. Don't get me wrong, I'll eat a bacon cheeseburger, Mac and cheese, etc. Just not my favorite.

    So what's that got to do with Borderlands?

    It's got a JACK to do with it.

    Jackfruit specifically. I had a jackfruit shake about 10 years ago and fell in love with it. I'd check my local asian markets from time to time and get little fresh cut bowls of various fruit with jackfruit in it. The first time I saw a WHOLE jackfruit, in it's giant yellow spiked hyperion glory, I was amazed. (Ok more of a greenish yellow. But I'm going with a theme here, now stop interrupting). I knew inside that giant vault of a fruit was untold riches of flavor, it was a ton of fruit, a dangerous amount, but I knew one day I could control it.

    Fast forward to this weekend. I'm about to turn 40, and I saw another one. F$ck it, you only live once. I bought the whole thing and loaded it into my car, it was so heavy my car tilted. That's.. Not how that works (ok fine, I bought two giant slices, about 15" diameter by an inch thick. I'm embellishing a little).

    I got it home, got a plate, and unwrapped it. There it was, Handsome jack... jackfruit.. and it's power was about to be mine. The first bite was amazing, a taste of what TRUE FLAVOR POWER felt like. And there was jackfruit, promising me more, promising me I could trust him. I didn't want to tell my roommate I was talking to handsome jackfruit, so I took it into my room, and let jackfruit share it's power with me. (Like face pizza, but without a face.) I ate it like a psycho. MORE JACKFRUIT MEAT FOR THE CHOO CHOO!

    it was only a few hours later when I realized I had fallen into Handsome Jackfruits trap. I had fallen asleep, but had woken up to the sound of moonshot. I'd been hit! Only a graze but it hurt like hell. Stomach wounds are the worst. I dove out of my bed and ran for cover in the bathroom, and made Torgue proud with the amount of defensive and offensive explosions. It would take many a janitor-bot to clean that mess. My heart was still racing though. I cleaned up, and made my way to the kitchen.

    SUDDENLY... MORE MOONSHOT! I knocked my roommate out of the way and dove back into the bathroom, I gave that loaderbot (toilet) everything I had. Grenades, rockets, explosive buckshot. That last one almost blew a hole in the wall. I had to have defeated jackfruit, but my pounding heart told me it wasn't that easy.

    All night and into the morning we battled. First a volley of moonshot, then heavy artillery fire. Always hyper, heart pounding, until finally.. As the sun rose.. he was defeated. Torgue called me 'brother' and rode a rocket into the horizon.

    TL/DR I'm pre-diabetic and found out that jackfruit is both pretty high on the glycemic index, and also a VERY effective and potent laxative.

    submitted by /u/Deminox
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    I asked before about 3 and TPS. Now I need to know. Is TPS better than 1

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    After playing BL1 with my friend I asked what game they liked more. They said TPS for fun and gameplay. What does everyone else think?

    submitted by /u/Robbieqh12
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    “This ain’t no place for no hero? This whole GALAXY is for no hero”

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    So all throughout the series everyone keeps talking about how much of a murderous shithole Pandora is but....... 3 shows that a LOT of other planets are the same, if the COV aren't trying to kill you then there's already another guy who's set up shop or got a grasp on the planet and even if THEY aren't trying to kill then then the wildlife is AND other planets have proven to have their own vaults and monsters that guard them so..... why specifically is Pandora singled out so much? Is it because DHAL practically sodomized the planet with all their experiments? is there something else? or have the writers accidentally retconed the lore into a pseudo-paradoxical loop?

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Why is Borderlands 3 so easy while playing co-op?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 01:45 AM PDT

    I've been playing Borderlands 3 with 2 friends, and so far we've just breezed through the game. No boss without immunity phases has lasted even 3 seconds against us. I (playing as Amara) can use a shotgun and output up to 80k damage a shot, My friend using Fl4k can use critical hits to output more than 100k dps, and my friend as Moze wipes out entire rooms at once with the nuclear bombs. Literally every single boss without an immunity phase has been killed in less than 3 seconds. Most normal enemies die in one hit. We are also nigh unkillable, as I can go into an immunity phase for 5 seconds because of my shield, my friend playing Fl4k can go invisible, and Moze's iron bear just doesn't seem to take damage at all. Point is, so far the game is just too easy. Is there any way for us to turn up the difficulty without finishing the game first?

    submitted by /u/RewosTheBoss
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    Serious question are there any good mayhem 10 guns in the first dlc?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    In the handsome jackpot dlc are there any good weapons or even gear that are worth getting for mayhem 10? I just feel like it all drops off pretty bad in terms of mobbing

    submitted by /u/zepunisher
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