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    Tuesday, April 13, 2021

    Borderlands Which version to get on sale?

    Borderlands Which version to get on sale?

    Which version to get on sale?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    It's on sale on Xbox Live right now. Do I get the base game for $20? Or the ultimate edition for $50?

    submitted by /u/DiceBoysPlayerRed
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    Borderlands 3 doesn't feel right.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:04 AM PDT

    I'm a huge Borderlands fan.

    I've played 1 multiple times and with each character and a full team for the challenge. Enjoyed the twist ending and the sudden alien reveal.

    I played 2 and fell in love with the combat and team synergy that the artifacts enabled. The story had me skipping side quests just to see what happened next. I hunted the echo logs to piece it together and even did a no gun zero run with my friends because melee was so feasible.

    Pre-sequel was fun and expanded the game with new mechanics and a great story that made me realize jack wasn't the bad guy( I know it's not popular to say, but I understood him suddenly and hated the raiders) this was how I knew I loved this game world.

    TFTB was fine. Not a big tell tale fan, but liked the ending and literally shed a tear for the final catch a ride. Got to see jack return and was reminded why he's a great villain.

    Now I get to 3 and......I'm not feeling it so far. The skill trees make playing with friends useless. What is the point in building a strategy with friends if we can all just solo everything? I have no reason to care how our abilities help each other. The loot system is like WTF. Oranges drop like crazy and I feel no desire to revisit bosses. Can I even revisit bosses? Why is melee not an option? The guns are cool, but this new system just has me going by level matching the gear. I'm still playing it, but so far I'm not enjoying it.

    Does it get better? Am I missing something on team building? Do I just not understand the weapon drops? Also wtf is this about the first vault dweller? Do the aliens show up from pre-sequel? What is going on with this game?

    EDIT: after reading the responses (thank you all btw) I can see that I went into this with the expectations of the previous games. I played more and got deeper into the story with what you all said in mind and am enjoying it more. Still don't get anointments yet, but I'll see how it works eventually.

    submitted by /u/michasivad
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    Are higher mayhem levels worth it?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    I just finished leveling a new Moze. I'm on mayhem 3 and I just got some guns with some good anointments. I shredded the raid boss and now I'm a little curious about turning up the difficulty.

    Is it worth it? I didn't like the OP levels in BL2. I already min-maxed my build and I don't want to do it all again. Then again I keep hearing that M6 and up is super fun.

    submitted by /u/ScuffedJohnWick
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    The direction of Ava's character in BL3

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    This new DLC made me actually like Ava. However, I do have a few questions. When does this take place in Borderlands cannon. I played through the story again and gradually unlocked more of the murder mystery missions. She doesn't seem to express any remorse for Maya throughout these missions, and doesn't seem like she took the lead of sanctuary 3. I would have loved to hear some more lore between her and Maya, or have seen her show some maturity a bit, but there wasn't much there. It seems like she grew up a bit in this DLC, but is that cannon? Or is this just a rewrite of her caracter?

    submitted by /u/Geodude2006
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    Is season pass 2 finished?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    I pre-ordered the ultimate edition (EDIT: Not the Ultimate, just the one with the first season pass) months before it came out , but life got in the way and I'm just getting to playing the game now. Haven't finished it yet, but I'm loving it so far. With 4DLCs still to play, I'm not sure I'm willing to pay $40CAD for just two more, without that much story content.

    So, is season 2 done with updates? And if so, can anyone give me a good argument on why it's worth it?

    Thanks for any help you guys might be able to give me!

    submitted by /u/OliveTone
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    BL 1 & 2 FOV question

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    Does anyone know how much the FOV pulls out exactly when sprinting?

    For instance I'm using 90 FOV at the moment, but when I sprint it increases maybe 10 degrees I'm thinking..?

    Just curious what it increases by.


    submitted by /u/WitchQueensRevenge
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    So mayhem level is just a bonus to damage in weapons in the end?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    I know the loot chance is higher and the such , but Im leveling up a roll trough that system.

    And I upon reading up on mayhem; seem to just find the weapons that drop only have a damage increase, and that the only loot items affected?

    Also any of the mayhem level 10 weapons I find in stores in that level, aint that a easy way to get some stuff and just "pull out" ? (don't you dare giggle)

    I love returning to the game; but I find its a lot to pick up on that might not be explained in game properly.

    submitted by /u/Elio8Twitch
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    Pet Fl4K or Clone Zane?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    I played BL3 at launch, now I got the complete version on the next gen, with all current DLC, and would like to start anew.

    Back then Zane was pretty weak, and "invisible Fl4k" was the real thing.

    But my playstyle is kind of slower and I love turret/pet classes.

    Are those 2 viable? Which one you recomend for me, as a solo player?

    Edit: also, anything new I should know? That changed/improved core gameplay?

    submitted by /u/PizzaurusRex
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    Help with glitched armory!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I accidentaly glitched the armory and now the door won't open anymore. I was looking for someone that still has "super Marcus sweep" or "its like xmas" quests still open so i can enter the armory again and complete the quest. I am playing on ps5/ps4 and my id in game is sadness901. Please help :)

    submitted by /u/sadness9001
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    First play-through, don't do crew challenges or open Red chests?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    Sup, I saw there's a couple of other threads about this but they mostly date from last year, want to see if they updated anything. Basically I shouldn't do any crew challenge, red chest/typhon chest as they are once per character, and wait to be level 50 to go back and do/open them? That seems extremely counter-intuitive.

    Thanks boys

    submitted by /u/ViniSamples
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    Stutters every 5-7 seconds.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    Howdy, I recently started playing BL2 again and I've encountered a really weird bug. I'm on Steam, unmodded, and only missing the Fight for Sanctuary DLC if that helps.

    The problem is that when I start the game up, even in loading screens, the game stutters for not even half a second, then continues as usual for 5-7 secs, the repeats. The weird thing is when I validate the files of the game on steam, the first time I load the game it's fine, but if I close and reopen the game, the bug returns. If I revalidate the game, it says it reacquired a missing file, and the cycle repeats. And the SUPER weird thing is that the issue goes away when I'm not connected to the internet.
    You guys have any idea how to fix it?

    Specs: (I have the latest drivers, and no overclocking)i5 6600kAMD Radeon RX 580 8Gigs of Vram16Gigs of Ram

    submitted by /u/SageGaming67
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    mayhem drop rates

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    patch notes say they changed, so can anyone attest to how much? im someone who really enjoyed the high drop rates. my friend and i just casually play through on like mayhem 3 enjoying ourselves, so are we just gonna no longer find common legendaries now?

    submitted by /u/Zoomemy
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    Shift keys for PS5

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    I have tried on all the games the PS5 will let you download to use shift codes in order to get golden keys. However, every time I go to the area to put the code in I get an error that reads (we are currently unable to establish a connection with the gearbox software shift services) I would really only like the have the keys working for borderlands 3. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Scared-Incident-9526
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    Is iron bear good now?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    I haven't played BL3 since launch and remembering that iron bear kinda sucks for endgame activities. But since I'm starting to get back into the game, Have gearbox buffed him at all? Or am I still better off just making a build not focused around him

    submitted by /u/Demonic-Glaceon
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