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    Sunday, May 9, 2021

    Borderlands ‘Borderlands’ Movie Adds Magician and Comedian Penn Jillette to the Cast

    Borderlands ‘Borderlands’ Movie Adds Magician and Comedian Penn Jillette to the Cast

    ‘Borderlands’ Movie Adds Magician and Comedian Penn Jillette to the Cast

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:06 PM PDT


    During an episode of Penn's Sunday School podcast, Penn Jillette revealed that he will be shooting a few scenes for the Borderlands movie. In the movie, Jillette will be playing a preacher overseeing a wedding, and there's a fight scene that interrupts the nuptials. After the action is done, he ends up in a "space paddywagon" with Kevin Hart's character Roland. Jillette said it's a "very, very, very small part," and most of the scenes will be with Hart.

    submitted by /u/DemiFiendRSA
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    Ranking the Borderlands series' intro cinematics by their song choice

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    The songs used for Borderlands opening cinematics are the most iconic and memorable pieces of those cinematics, and I wanted to rank my favorites from the four main series games and each of Tales' episodes. This list is my opinion, and music taste will vary wildly for each person. I don't think any of these songs are bad, I think they all are bangers. Let me know what your ranking of the opening cinematics' songs is!

    1. Borderlands: Ain't no Rest for the Wicked - Cage the Elephant THE most iconic song from this list.

    2. Tales From the Borderlands Ep. 5: Retrograde - James Blake This song fits perfectly with the opening cinematic

    3. Tales From the Borderlands Ep. 1: Busy Earnin' - Jungle I bought this album because I liked this song so much

    4. Tales From the Borderlands Ep. 3: Pieces of the people we love - The Rapture

    5. Tales From the Borderlands Ep. 2: Kiss the Sky - Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra ft. Nino Mochella

    6. Borderlands: The Pre-sequel: Black Dragon/Goodbye - The Vines

    7. Borderlands 3: Put it on the Line - The Heavy

    8 Borderlands 2: Short Change Hero - The Heavy

    9. Tales From the Borderlands Ep. 4: To the Top - Twin Shadow Its good, but my least favorite of the list

    Honorable Mentions:

    Tales From the Borderlands Ep. 5's end credit song, My Silver Lining by First Aid Kit. Not usually a fan of this type of music, but I really enjoy this song and it perfectly caps off what is in my opinion, a great game

    Borderlands' end credit song, No Heaven by DJ Champion. Not much to say here, I just like this song.

    Dishonorable Mention:

    Borderlands 3's end credit song, Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys. No joke, I burst out laughing when I heard that song begin to play during the credits. I think the song is fine, but it was simply a terrible decision to put it into a Borderlands game

    This list was really tough to make. I genuinely enjoy every song on this list, and aside from Alicia Key's song, I think every song choice has been great and very fitting for the game and cinematic.

    submitted by /u/Moldeyawsome12
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    Would it be cool if the Borderlands movie was Cell Shaded like the games?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:13 PM PDT

    Like the title says, I think that could make for an awesome and unique movie even if it does end up being a little cheesy and undercooked.

    submitted by /u/FaithfulMoose
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    Enemies using Uniques?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    Hiya peoples.

    Had something interesting happen. Been poking around in TPS the past few nights after a very extended break from the series.

    About five minutes ago, while grinding in the Darksiders' hideout, a regular enemy variant was quite clearly firing at me with a Boomacorn! Multiple elemental projectiles, horse whinny upon each shot, the works. I've never seen this happen before, in non-scripted encounters!

    Has anyone else experienced something similar, whether in TPS or the other titles? Just curious.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention the encounter didn't result in a drop of said weapon, either, which makes it all the more odd!

    submitted by /u/CutsceneLogic
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    Beneath the meridian

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    The game says meet maya I went to sanctuary and she isn't there. The missions keeps saying go to neon arterial but the cars don't work and she not there and it keeps saying go there so I'm sick frustrated and about to delete the game cause it's fucking stupid

    submitted by /u/remixredix
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    Which character to start when start over the game

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    I have played in normal mode krieg on xbox but I want to play it again on xbox. Which one do you recommend me to play in solo. Please in order

    Edit: played 1 as lilith and beastmaster as 3

    submitted by /u/DiscoNicP1
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    Best BL1 Character?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    Who is the most powerful BL1 character? I mean in the context of DPS, ease of kill with bosses(specifically craw).

    submitted by /u/Walker42069
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    Any way to reset a mission back to the beginning?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    I'm at the Jakobs Mansion doing Lair of the Harpy and the mission is glitched. I can't use the switches in the projection booth. There My next objective is to get to the projection booth, and I'm there, but there isn't an objective marker or anything.

    I'm on PC with no mods. Purchased through steam.

    submitted by /u/bolivar-shagnasty
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    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    So I know bunkers and badasses is being made and I already pre ordered it but my group is currently play dnd and I want to include borderlands like weapons without making them way to powerful, I plan on making them fight a lot more enemies/ minions though too so I don't want them to use dnd rules for guns If that makes sense...I'm open to questions

    submitted by /u/GreenBatman72
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    I just got into BL2 and got a couple questions

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    How does weapon scaling with level really works?

    And I've seen people saying to wait 'til True Vault Hunter Mode to do some side quests, but if this mode resets all missions including side quests why should I wait?

    submitted by /u/igorlramos
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    borderlands 1 weapon not loaded in bank

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    Hello, im new to BL and the modding scene, and i just tried adding a modded weapon but it wouldnt load in the bank, the .u file is in the CrackedPc/Packages/weapons folder (i also tried putting it in just the CrackedPc) then i entered the code for the weapon and saved the file. this should be the order from what i know to add a modded weapon, but still no success, is there something im doing wrong or is it that the .u file is in the wrong folder?

    submitted by /u/FestiveYetiOnyx
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    Best Duel Character from each game?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    Im pretty sure that duels are over very quickly, but who do you think is the best? I've only played BL2 so idk if duel is in other games.

    BL2 (max hp): Sal BL2 (allowed to take damage/prep pre fight): Krieg

    submitted by /u/dannydinosaurjr
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    bl1: Crawmerax ledge not working in the remaster?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    The ledge glitch doesn't seem to work most of the time. Is it a bit more wonky in the remaster than in the original?

    submitted by /u/bellystraw
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    Did the original BL get a playthrough reset with the remaster?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    A scaled reset like BL2?

    submitted by /u/NAGDABBITALL
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    Anyone up for playing Borderlands 2 on PS4 with me at some point next week?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    I'm Ellie, 23 from the UK. I have all the games but borderlands 1 and 2 are my favourite. I'm not that good a player if I'm being honest, but I mostly just play to enjoy rather than excel. I play the siren classes.

    I'm pretty shy but easy to talk to, we can chat and play, I don't mind if you're shy or quiet.

    If anyone is interested let me know :)

    submitted by /u/NotSoPrettyNowNIN
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    Borderlands 3 main villian and story did not hold a candle to the previous games. So here's a better version (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Imagine instead of Typhon Deleon's kids running the COV its his sister. Typhon's sister is an older women, humorous, a genius, and most importantly has a passionate hate for all cooperations. She constantly chats on your echo about the flaws in the corporate system and laughs at you because in her eyes "by going against her, you're siding with them".

    In any other story she would be the hero but, the years of cooperate power abuse and betrayal has worn and twisted her ideals. now, her only goal is to burn it all to the ground, open the great vault, let loose the destroyer, and bring forth the destruction that all bandits wish for. Seen as a mother figure by the bandits as she showers them with love and affection (in her own twisted way), some thing they couldn't have received outside of the COV.

    Typhon Deleon's records show not only his story put her stroy also like, how she was never credited for the discovery of the vault even though she did half the work, How she never believed in Nekrotafeyo, and how when Typhon Deleon and his fiancé left for Nekrotafeyo and crashed (partly do to him trying to hide the knowledge of the vaults from corporations,) she believed they were dead.

    Tennis being deeply influenced by the romanticized version of Typhon Deleon's story from a young age is conflicted with this villian, eventually betraying the crimson raiders (for a short time) and becoming an accessory to the murder of Maya. Kraige (replacing ava in the story) who since borderlands 2 has been getting treated by Maya watches the murder first hand and goes into a homicidal rage before disappearing.

    (The reason behind Maya's death is because her power is the key to opening the great vault, seeing as those siren powers were used to seal away the destroyer in the past)

    Hyperion is back in the story with a new face a student of "Handsome Jack" who loves his to scheme. He valued Jack's opinions like, "how bandits were a plague on the universe and how someday they will destroy it" (well look at that I guess he was right). The student of Handsome Jack hates the crimson raiders and sanctuary for killing Jack but, has to create a alliance with them do to the current situation, "the enemy of my enemy is a friend".

    Typhon Deleon's sister as the story progresses slowly starts to turn into the corporate monsters she hates so much, as the audience should notices she's starting to treat he bandits less like loved ones and more like slaves. No charecter should comment on it. The audience should figure out by now that typhon Deleon's sister was the one who directed Handsome Jack to the vault on pandoras moon.

    At the end of the games as Typhon Deleon's sister is dying her last words should be " I didn't want to be a monster" as she lays on her back looking up at the opening of the great vault, hand in the air grabbing the moon, a smile on her face, and a single tear (lol classic). Lilith still jumps into the moon to stop the great vault and "this girl is on fire" plays in the back ground....

    Then a hidden cut scene starts, Kraige who disappeared after Maya's death tells the vault hunter "I'm sorry but, this war has just started" revealing to the audience that kraige has taken over the COV and has become the king of Bandits. The alien from the last cut scene in the prequel is seen in the distance. The curtain draws and the real OG song "ain't no rest for the wicked" plays.....

    submitted by /u/SmurffyGirthy
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    Mayhem Mode impossible for me?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Maybe there's something I'm missing, but after finishing the game I set it to Mayhem 7 and went to Eden 6 and got my butt kicked, so I went to pandora to fight some baby skags and it's taking literally minutes and most of my ammo to kill even skags! My digiclone is dealing normal damage amounts to them which is several times more than I am. At this point I feel like there's no way to play the game like this with the damage I'm dealing. Is there something I'm missing? Even with the Mayhem 7 loot I pick up from the ones my clone kills, I cant do any real damage to them. How do I do this exactly?

    submitted by /u/PhunkeyPharaoh
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    In borderlands 1 are Legendaries level restricted?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Context: Haven't played in a while and can't remember.

    submitted by /u/JS46Designs
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    Hotfix severely nerfed loot drops?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    Hey all. I have been farming various bosses on M10 with 2 other buddies and we all noticed a dramatic decrease in loot drops. Normally we get a good number of legendaries and now were getting a small handful of legendaries and a mostly greens and blues. Anyone else having this issue? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/DorathyMinnifield
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