• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 6, 2021

    Borderlands Randy Pitchford says they’re working on a new Borderlands, saying it’s “the big one”.

    Borderlands Randy Pitchford says they’re working on a new Borderlands, saying it’s “the big one”.

    Randy Pitchford says they’re working on a new Borderlands, saying it’s “the big one”.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    How long will it take for my coplayer to catch up level with me?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    I'm level 24 and she's level 21 how long will it take? On the pre sequel

    submitted by /u/second_prize
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    License Plate "REDTEXT"

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    My Borderlands ride:


    I came into possession of a 20 year old Buick Skylark, which has a resale value somewhere in the vicinity of a carton of Marlboros. So about $80.00 worth of spraypaint later, I've got a Borderlands themed ride, all ready to jump Piss Wash Gully! Now to paint a vaulthunter arch on the trunk, and it will be perfect.

    submitted by /u/whitelubeoil
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    SHiFT Codes - Borderlands 3, 3 Golden Keys, all platforms

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:03 PM PDT

    K953J-3JHRS-KX5FZ-F3TJ3-BCC69 (no expiration?)

    thanks to orcicorn.com

    submitted by /u/JiNXX9500
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    [Math][Fixed] Moze Fire Damage vs Non-Flesh

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    When I originally posted this my math was wrong on how FitSD procced (thank you u/lolfail9001). Upon fixing that I discovered that Fire damage is stronger on Moze that I previously thought due to double dipping fire elemental bonuses on short fuse FitSD procs (much like splash damage bonuses) but not on regular FitSD procs.

    Assumptions: Many. Average dps, 3/3 Stoke the Embers for both calculations, 5/5 FitSD, 5/5 Torgue Cross Promotion, +AOE on relic, +weapon type on COM, splash weapon, 0% and 15% guardian rank elemental and gun damage bonuses, TVHM elemental multipliers, and the base gun damage multiplier for different elements.

    Vs. Armor (Normal ratios: Fire/Acid: 29%, Fire/Cryo: 31%)

    Fire/Acid: with matching Old God and Relic: (0%) 56%, (15%) 53%

    Fire/Acid: with matching Old God: 51%, 49%

    Fire/Acid: 48%, 45%

    Fire/Cryo: with matching Old God and Relic: (0%) 61%, (15%) 58%

    Fire/Cryo: with matching Old God: 56%, 53%

    Fire/Cryo: 51%, 49%

    Vs. Shield (Normal ratios: Fire/Shock: 20%, Fire/Rad: 35% )

    Fire/Shock: with matching Old God and Relic: (0%) 41%, (15%) 39%

    Fire/Shock: with matching Old God: 38%, 36%

    Fire/Shock: 35%, 33%

    Fire/Rad: with matching Old God and Relic: (0%) 68%, (15%) 65%

    Fire/Rad: with matching Old God: 62%, 59%

    Fire/Rad: 57%, 55%

    Tldr: Using pure fire damage deals half-ish damage to armor and shields compared to using corrosive, cryo, and rad. Due to how high Moze's damage is, this means you can use fire damage for most mobbing without losing much efficiency (in part due to Moze's swap speed and use of Maliwan weapons slowing her down a lot when it comes to element matching vs just keep shooting).

    Hope this helps the other Mozes out there.

    Edit: Just ran elemental projector damage with an infernal wish shield, Fire/Acid was 146% vs armor.

    submitted by /u/MonochromaticPrism
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    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:57 PM PDT

    Does anyone have any good weapons they could dupe been farming and farming but haven't had the luck to get the items Iv been looking for and with work it doesn't make it easy? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Basic-Half4255
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    Hey guys it’s my cake day and over the last 2 months I have been being playing all of the games and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THEM

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    Here are my rankings

    GAMEPLAY: 1. Borderlands 3 2. Pre-Sequel 3. Borderlands 2 4. Borderlands

    STORY: 1. Borderlands 3 2. Borderlands 2 3. Pre-sequel 4. Borderlands

    Personal favourite was the pre-sequel but being from Australia I cringed so hard at some of that voice acting haha.

    submitted by /u/binchicken03
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    When I start UVHM in borderlands 2 it puts me back at the first scene where you meet claptrap?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    Is that meant to happen? I want to play the dlcs and stuff. I'm level 35

    submitted by /u/megamuph
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    Who’s the best enemy?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Reaver Krom Sledge King Wee Wee Franz Hans Baron Flynt Nine-Toes Bone-Head Bleeder

    submitted by /u/RoyalSoldierx
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    Vault Card Weekly Challenge

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    Killing 250 enemies with heavy weapons. Been using all manner of heavy weapons and none of the kills are being added to the count. Anyone got a clue what's going on with that?

    submitted by /u/GrimTwin
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    Ways to get shift codes

    Posted: 06 May 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    Hey so I made a guide on how how to get shift codes, check it out! (Hope it helps) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2321438491

    submitted by /u/GlobalThrone
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    Who are the characters Spongebob counterparts?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    Spongebob=Claptrap Marcus=Mr. Krabs

    submitted by /u/RoyalSoldierx
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    Handsome Collection 4k Update Bugs

    Posted: 06 May 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    So the 4k update to the handsome collection was fantastic, but why'd it make the jakobs wheel guns look all buggy and get rid of the glowing effects on the snipers? Really noticeable on maliwan snipers. Is it too late for a patch on this issue? Like, should I even try putting in a support ticket for it? Because from what I've seen from other people, this is an issue that affects all PS4 players AT LEAST, and I'm sure affects other consoles as well. I don't think Gearbox understands that this isn't a local issue because all my friends have experienced the issue as well.

    submitted by /u/skerpie11
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    DLC 6 is a phantom

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    My friend isn't able to download dlc 6 on bl3, it just doesn't apply to the game. When it's done downloading he tried to open the game from the notification that it finished but it brought him to handsome collection. We're on ps4, any help appreciated

    submitted by /u/Cletus_the_Hotty
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    Commandant Steele

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    How would you have the final boss fight with Steele?

    What would her powers be?

    What would her background be?

    submitted by /u/RoyalSoldierx
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    Is it wrong that I like bl2 more than bl1?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    I wanna profess by saying that I am no way trying to take a dump on it nor am I trying to tell people to not like it,I still like the game but there's just some things that keep me from loving it. First is the the general pacing , now unless you go for side missions first,it doesn't feel like a big deal but unless you're just going for the story missions,it can be pretty jarring going from a slow pace in the badlands to suddenly travelling to so many new places at once,the entire back and forth visiting one place to another is pretty irritating, stories fine but the villain sucks,you hear from her the first time after the gate key I think? but then I completely forgot about her ,I guess I get what they were going for,with not everyone being a good guy but why should I care for her when she's got the whole dialogues and focus? Second is really stuff in gameplay I don't like,the driving straight out sucks,I dread having to kill enemies by car, although Ironic how you can insta kill people by ramming into them, even enemies 2 levels higher can be killed pretty easily by just running over them,the spawn mechanics also suck,you get killed halfway through and you if you get killed,you spawned RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MAP,I hate it,I really fucking do ,also like the playable characters don't feel as different as like in borderlands, like yeah they do have their specific weapon type that works really well with them like mordecai with snipers and roland with combat rifles,but there's no real point anyway since just about every weapon will perform the same on anybody ,the fight for yourself is not great since you can't move and I've noticed sometimes that the hit detection just doesn't work sometimes. Now there are things I still really like in bl1, like the legendaries actually still being useful 10 levels after so you don't have to re-farm them again and again,I also really like the more gritty atmosphere and asthetic ,it's a big refresh over the hyper,over the top humour that the series would later adopt (though there is still humor in this game but alot more subtle) the npcs are always fun,tannis,zed,marcus,even claptrap,though I don't care for helena and just the fact that the gunplay is admittedly better in this game than the later games.Overall though I still really like bl1 and the pros do way more than the cons while I was playing it but to say that this game is the best in the ENTIRE franchise..............I just don't see it,I don't see it at all

    submitted by /u/Technical_Diet4893
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    Idea for BL3 DLC

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    S&S returns and we find out about the seventh siren

    submitted by /u/IhavenoideawhoamI
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    After end game (normal mode)

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I finish the main game at lvl 32 with Salvador. Its a good lvl for start the DLCs before TVHM?


    submitted by /u/titixbox
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    BL3 Moze Dakka Bear

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    I understand that coop partner can enter this dakka turret? Can I use minigun and railgun with dakka turret?

    submitted by /u/Ylyb09
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    Game claims that Designers Cut is not owned?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 03:19 AM PDT

    Just bought the new dlc , but the game still doesn't let me access it.

    Tryed redownloading the dlc and reinstalling the game but with no success..

    on the epic store

    Edit: Turnes out I got confused by the names of the dlc, god dammit

    submitted by /u/Zopiti-Bopbop
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    Community patch and console commands

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    Hi im trying to install community patch on both BL2 and TPS but im having difficulty with enabling console commands. All tutorials online say to set the console to the tilde key, however the tilde on my keyboard is a dual key with the hashtag being the primary key, any help as what to do would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/oaty12
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