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    Monday, May 24, 2021

    Borderlands Weapon mods

    Borderlands Weapon mods

    Weapon mods

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Dose anyone know the destiny and doom weapon mod that EpicNNG used in one of his recent videos? Much appreciated if someone can find me this mod. I'll link his video, https://youtu.be/QMu1gRR1UX0

    submitted by /u/NapalmWolf213
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    Has Borderlands Science been removed from Sanctuary 3?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    Like the title says, I visited Tannis's office and the Borderlands Science arcade game is gone. Was there a patch or update about this? I only recently discovered it, beat like 50 levels, then it said it was having trouble retrieving puzzles... and now it's gone :(

    submitted by /u/SometimesIBleed
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    Legendary gear MORE helpful in TVHM than normal?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    I had gotten flame of the firehawk in my first play through but I only kept it on until I found a new shield as I kept dying before it could do any real damage but I suddenly acquired it in my current play through and suddenly I'm an unkillable god? I haven't even spec'd into the Hellborn tree yet.

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Vault card Issue

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    So, starting off sorry if this has been posted before, I had a quick look and couldn't find anything, but for the past five days I have logged on only to find at two and as of today and yesterday all three of the vault card daily challenges already complete and no exp gain on the card. is anyone else having this issue? is there some way I can fix it?
    and before anyone says they're not worth the exp I know, but they are the only reason I am jumping on BL3 at all while I play through other games

    submitted by /u/SNake57575
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    Borderlands Goty Starting weapons

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    When I start the game I don't spawn with the 2 free Gearbox legendries. I have log into shift and have a save in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands The pre-sequel

    submitted by /u/Timdog2786
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    Ideas for Vault Hunters in a 2nd "Pre-Sequel" Game

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    So, let me start out by saying even though it's the weakest in terms of gameplay, I had a legit good time with Pre-Sequel. It was a great way to reuse the game engine from BL2 to fill the gap between the two games and showed us what caused Jack to go insane and take over Hyperion. Because of this, I think using this concept to tell a story that takes place between BL2 and BL3 would be really cool, especially if it fills in what happened with the Calypsos and how they rose to power on Pandora. I always thought it was weird that they just showed up without any context in BL3 without explaining anything about how they got famous so quickly, and making another game similar to Pre-sequel would be a good way to fill those gaps in the story.

    Now, another thing I loved about the Pre-Sequel was how it took characters from previous games and made them playable Vault Hunters. I think upgrading this formula to BL3 gameplay would single-handedly make the perfect Borderlands experience for fans of BL3 AND the older games (two of my VH picks in particular have had huge fanbases for a while and totally deserve a leading role).

    So, without further ado, here are my Vault Hunter ideas for a hypothetical 2nd "Pre-Sequel" game! Keep in mind that I'm not a game dev, so I don't know how exactly they'd work in terms of actual gameplay, but I hope they're good ideas anyway.

    Clay - The Rogue. I thought Clay was one of the standout new characters in BL3, and in my opinion has a design/personality that practically begs to be a playable character. The prequel would provide new insight into what he was doing before working for Jakobs, what his whole deal with being a smuggler was, and show a darker side to him before he developed a sense of morality.

    1. Smuggler Tree- Clay becomes invisible to all enemies and can perform a stealth kill up close (Think BL2 Zero). As an added bonus, if you take damage while it's active, Clay's ammo increases from losing health.
    2. Gunslinger Tree- Clay targets all enemies on screen automatically and shoots several more rounds than usual without having to reload. He could even have an "It's high noon somewhere" voice line as a cute reference.
    3. Sixth Sense Tree- Much like how the Rogue-Sight works in BL3, Clay can use this action skill to see things that others can't. In combat, weak points on enemies get larger, deals more Crit damage, and increases movement speed.

    LoaderBot - The Machine. Formerly a Hyperion weapon from Tales of the Borderlands who gained a newfound independence and a soul, this character deserves to be in the spotlight again- it's high time we got a chance to see where he ended up after the ending of Tales, and becoming a Vault Hunter seems like a fitting thing for him to do. He could be like a more emotional version of Fl4k, with his sarcastic personality coming through every so often. It would also be really cool to finally get to play as a main enemy type in BL2 after all these years.

    1. Surveyor Tree - LoaderBot summons a Surveyor to increase defense and health stats, while using a Riot Shield to defend attacks and bulldoze enemies around him.
    2. Constructor Tree - LoaderBot spawns a tiny clone of himself to attack enemies for him. The clone also copies whatever weapon he's currently using like Zane in BL3, and you can use him to target a specific enemy like Fl4k's beasts.
    3. WAR Tree - LoaderBot's arm transforms into a gatling gun that fires multiple rounds at once, providing much quicker and easier kills all at once. This also increases gun damage and movement speed, and can be modified to use different elemental effects.

    Tina - The Demo. Everyone's favorite psychotic little girl is now a psychotic grown up, ready to earn her place as a Vault Hunter alongside her friends/surrogate dads Brick and Mordecai. They did Tina dirty in BL3, I really expected her to have a larger role in that game but was disappointed by how much she got reduced as a side character- she only showed up in one story mission and a cutscene that's literally less than 30 seconds! However, this only makes it more obvious how much she deserves to be playable in a Borderlands game, with an entire skillset themed around demolition and exploding as many things as possible.

    1. Boom Boom Tree - As expected by the name, Tina summons a whole bunch of bombs and throws them around the area one by one. I imagined this skill basically turning EVERY weapon you're currently using into a grenade that you can just go around throwing at enemies until they explode. The weapons respawn after each throw, so you can keep doing that until it runs out. There's also elemental buffs and increased grenade damage.
    2. Crunk Bunny Tree - Tina fires a projectile missile that zeroes in on a target, creating an explosion that causes everything around it to be set on fire. There's also added bonus effects, like the missile turning into several missiles like some grenade mods do, or maybe a homing beacon like the ones Atlas weapons have.
    3. Pop Goes the Bandit Tree - Tina will set up a special explosive trap that, when activated by an enemy, causes them to be temporarily paralyzed and allows her to deal a whole bunch of damage- while singing her favorite song, of course. (Side note: I'm kinda proud of myself for coming up with three different variations of "She blows people up.")

    Fiona - The Swindler. Last but not least, the one character I think we all want back in Borderlands again. Not having her show up in BL3 was a crime, and to fix this I think finally being able to play as her in a main series game would be amazing. It would also explain what happened to her between the events of Tales and BL3, as the ending of Tales implied she would become a Vault Hunter.

    1. Golden Bullet Tree - Fiona pulls out her trusty derringer and fires a precise, targeted shot that guarantees crit damage no matter where it's aimed. It could also have an elemental effect that references how you chose which bullet to fire in Tales.
    2. Gortys Tree - Fiona summons Gortys for healing, defense, and nice words of positive encouragement and wisdom. Gortys doesn't actually attack, but her positive attitude helps Fiona's stats (gun damage, reload speed, crit damage) increase significantly.
    3. Forgery Tree - Using tactics she learned from years as a con artist, Fiona will analyze her opponent and determine the best possible way to defeat them. This is actually a direct reference to Claptrap's skill from The Presequel where he uses a randomized attack based on previous Vault Hunters, but Fiona relies less on bullshit luck and imitates other skills based on their usefulness when fighting a specific enemy type.

    Finally, here are some other ideas I had for playable Vault Hunters that I came up with while I was writing the first four:

    Janey Springs - The Mechanic. Having been married to Athena for several years, her wife's bounty hunting lifestyle has finally rubbed off on Janey. Bored of domestic life, she decides to seek out adventure and loot. Janey's skill trees are all related to building machines and tools to assist her, sort of like Axton's turret skill but more varied: A jet that allows her to fly around, a canon that fires a big laser, or a booster pack that allows her to regenerate health.

    Digby Vermouth - The Musician. I've always wanted to see a Vault Hunter themed around music, and having this guy as a playable character would be a perfect fit. Digby's skill trees are themed around different types of music- for example, one skill has him dropping the bass to explode a bunch of enemies, an electric guitar that stuns everyone on screen, and a saxophone that slows them down with a smooth jazz lullaby.

    Naoko Katagawa - The Corpo. After rescuing her in a side mission, I've always wondering what her story was and how she was able to survive after almost being murdered by her brother. Also, having an updated design for her that isn't just a generic Atlas soldier would be really great. As a Vault Hunter, her combat style would be military tech-themed like much of Maliwan's forces, and her lineage as a corporate businesswoman would be great to reference in her skill trees. One idea I had was an action skill where she orders a bunch of orbiting satellites to fire at all enemies on screen at once, taking out a bunch of health.

    Eista - The Slasser. No joke, this guy was one of my favorite DLC characters of BL3. He had a fun personality, and I could easily see him as a melee-type brawler much like Brick was in the original game. It would also be great to hear more of his backstory and how he ended up in BL3. Eista's skill trees would be all about close-up combat and explosive attacks, and I imagined one action skill where he throws his twin hammers at enemies and they fly right back to him Thor-style.

    And that's all I got so far! This took way longer to write than I thought it would, I just kept coming up with ideas haha. If you have more ideas or want to share your thoughts about this, feel free to leave some feedback.

    To those of you who read this far, thanks for sticking around! I appreciate you :)

    submitted by /u/RebornHumanoid
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    Borderlands 3 purchasing advice

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    I just got in to Borderlands, finished #1 and playing #2 now. Can't believe I never looked in to this game before but I am obsessed. Easily a top 5 game of all time for me. So I want to buy #3 at some point and get the Ultimate edition.

    Questions though: 1. I bought 1 and 2 for Xbox Series X. Is there any advantage to buying #3 for the Xbox as well? I also own a PS5 and it would be nice to have a version of BL on different systems/rooms (in case my boys want to play on the Xbox).

    1. Do they have more seasons/DLC planned for BL3 or is the Ultimate edition probably all I will need (barring surprises)?


    submitted by /u/Bholmes4
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    BL1 Marcus not giving quest in claptrap DLC

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    Hey guys I have been playing for awhile now and I realised that I have never gotten the "Taking stock" from Marcus in the claptrap DLC (the mission that asks you to collect 10 bobbleheads). I ever tried using my other saves but I still did not receive the quest. Does anyone know why?

    By the way, for all the saves which I used to check for the quest, I have already finished the campaigns and the claptrap DLC as well.

    submitted by /u/d1avolo_
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    Fan theory: Dr Zed is Canadian

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    Otherwise his name would be Dr Zee 😅😅😅😅😅😅

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Legendary Farm?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    Where would be the best way to farm loot in borderlands 3? ive been playing for a long time but ive realized I dont even know how to farm for general legendary items. I have all of the dlc so i know im not missing out on any areas.

    submitted by /u/EmeraldGuardian187
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    Legendary weapons levels

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    I'm beginner so please be okay, if my question is stupid and was answered like billion times.

    How to get Legendary weapon to my current level, I'm level 27 and I wanted to farm for the Twin hornet. I got it but it's level 1 which is absolutely useless. So what to do to get it on level which will be useful for me?

    Thanks for advice

    submitted by /u/maTEsbacc1
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    Achievement help

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    I just got to the mission "sub-level 13" and need 3 other people to help me with the level to get the achievement. I am on xbox one and my gamertag is Dings

    submitted by /u/ThePerfectPalico
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    Need help killing Crawmerax in Borderlands Game of the Year Edition on the PS4

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Like the title says, I need help killing Crawmerax in the first Borderlands game. I am having difficulty killing him solo with my level 69 Soldier. I have tried to kill him via the old hide-behind-the-cliff method or whatever you want to call it but I cannot reach all of his hit spots to put him down for good.

    Does anyone have any tips or, even better, have a character to join me in killing this lobster?

    submitted by /u/Snowdayz7
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    Why is Angel STILL so condescending to the vault hunters when she’s aware that we’re the only ones who can stop Jack?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    I've played this story a bunch of times and the dialogue she has between after she betrayed the vault hunters to at the start of Wildlife Preservation irritates me to no end and makes killing her less sad then it's supposed to be, she's aware that we hate her and she knows that we need her help to stop Jack and SHE wants to stop Jack so.... her plan is to keep pushing us around and risk making them abandon their ECHOES and just do everything themselves with a bunch of TORGUE weapons? I mean they could have rephrased her dialogue better or used a different take with a different inflection at least.

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Best game for low-end computer?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    I've been looking to get into Borderlands, though I have a weaker machine. What game would run the best? I was going to assume BL1 but thought that checking with others couldn't do any harm.

    submitted by /u/MattsDeCool
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    The upcoming Borderlands movie cast is TERRIBLE

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    Whoever is in charge of getting the cast together for borderlands movie definitely needs to be fired. That movie is going to be so bad. First off, Kevin Hart as Roland? ARE YOU SERIOUS? That is a complete joke. Second, Janina Gavankar as General Knox? Who tf even is she? Why would they cast a female as a badass MALE VILLIAN? This case literally makes zero sense to me. Please someone out there as to agree with me.

    Edit: IM AN IDIOT, JANINA IS PLAYING COMMANDER, NOT GENERAL. So that may be irrelevant.

    submitted by /u/OH_CALI2017
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    Max level

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    Hello! I would like to know what is the max level I can get without DLCs. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/0P101D_P4R4N01D
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    Haderax the Invincible PC / Steam

    Posted: 23 May 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    Need help finishing Haderax lvl 50.. I'm on PC steam version :)

    submitted by /u/AveSatanna
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    I'm sorry... Kevin Hart as Roland? Fucking seriously???

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Just saw the cast for the movie saw he was playing Roland. That is maybe the worst casting I have ever heard. (I'm exaggerating obviously but JESUS it's so shit hahahaha) The worst part is that the rest seem really good. (Or at least interesting) I mean Cate Blanchette as Lilith? Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis?? Holy shit.

    submitted by /u/EHM1799
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