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    Tuesday, May 4, 2021

    Borderlands What happened to the people on Elpis, when the Calypsos wanted to open the Great Vault?

    Borderlands What happened to the people on Elpis, when the Calypsos wanted to open the Great Vault?

    What happened to the people on Elpis, when the Calypsos wanted to open the Great Vault?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    It's just a question that popped out of my head today.

    submitted by /u/JowettMcPepper
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    Felicity's arc in TPS is the only BL storyline death that gives me feels

    Posted: 04 May 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    I didn't feel anything for Roland (even though he's my main) and I was mostly pissed at Maya's death in 3. But Felicity dude....... that shit was rough. Just slowly holding out hope that you could pop in for an optional objective to save her or that we'd have time to save her in any way.

    TPS didn't mess around and delivered some heavy feels to a character that seemed to enjoy life more than anyone else on Elpis and after dealing with her bossfight I just sat there and had to take a break the first time I did it.

    Even on my current playthrough I was just like "oh fuck oh no, please don't" when I entered the robot lab.

    TPS did some stuff wrong but DAMN DUDE, they got some shit so right that the other games wish they were on TPS's level

    submitted by /u/bellystraw
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    Can anyone explain why they like Lilith or why she’s a good character?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    I love Borderlands 3, and I'd say it's the best gameplay wise. However, the plot and characters are the weakest in the series, besides the first game. I also don't get why whenever the 2nd game is brought up, they always treat Lilith like the savior. There are several moments in the game where she's treated as this powerful character, but really hasn't accomplished much in the grand scheme of things.

    BL2: Lilith, along with the rest of the OG cast become the Crimson Raiders. She had to be rescued multiple times by the 2nd team of Vault Hunters and was easily captured by Handsome Jack without a struggle.

    TPS: She has Athena captured, and calls for her execution. I don't really mind this. Hear me out, Borderlands has presented several cases of the word Hero being misused. Hell, the opening of the second games states "This ain't no place for no Hero." I really thought this could've explored Lilith. We could've gotten a story arc focusing on Lilith slowly falling down, and reflecting on her past actions. Maybe taking responsibility for what Jack has done. Sadly, at the end of the game, she just apologizes to Lilith and this scene is never reference in the third game as far as I know.

    Honestly, she feels like the character that dropped the ball the most. The only reason she gets this much focus is because she's a Siren. I really want to like this character but the games aren't doing that. Let me know what you think, or why this character is good from your perspective?

    submitted by /u/Marthescar
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    BL2 My Fav Game

    Posted: 04 May 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    Borderlands 2, the game that trumped all other games. This game brought more to the table than tiny Tina's parents ever did. And with each rendered model past our explosive teen, brought depth, damnation, and dialogue that remains with me today. I have spent hours contemplating my choice in a favorite game. I have hopped from Pokemon emerald to black ops 2 with each game restoring some lost memories like my first shiny, or developing my very own trick shot in cod, the flop (Ya it never really took off). But borderlands didn't just have one or two good memories. With every passing minute new waves of emotion flooded in. the blissful summer of 2016 crashed in along with it Bringing back the killing clowns and the Hillary Clinton memes; ah the good O'l days.

    Borderlands was an all you can eat buffet, hold the ugly bathroom visits. My first encounter with Shooty Mcshoot Face or the time the jack called me a bitch, these are the moments I remember when I think of my favorite game. But they don't just stop there. The first bunk3r fight, farming Legendaries, the countless loot hunts, and the comradery it built within my friend group. It isn't the game I accomplished the most in, not the game I was the best at, but the game that could bring joy in every aspect.

    So, I want to hear from you. What is your favorite moment from borderlands 2?

    submitted by /u/Applewaffle62
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    Salvador Difficulty? (Spoilers)

    Posted: 04 May 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    Im playing the game by the first time. The early game goes to easy with Salvador. Gunzerker aniquilate any enemy or boss.

    But now im in lvl 30, and im getting killed so much times. (Im in arid badlands, after roland death)

    This is normal?

    Thanks :D

    submitted by /u/titixbox
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    There’s a YouTube channel that is toward the end of collecting every gun in the game, with every prefix.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    BL2 has a lot of guns. These guys want to get all of them. This isn't only referencing legendaries, this is 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑔𝑢𝑛. White rarity leather coachgun? yes. Pearl rarity Binary Wanderlust? absolutely. I'm sure y'all will enjoy this.

    (I'm not associated with this channel at all, I just think it's really cool somebody would dedicate their time like that)

    Every Borderlands Item - BL2

    submitted by /u/LacksMuscle
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    Possible New Borderlands

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:22 PM PDT


    This site claims that a new Borderlands game is coming sooner than we think and that it will be different to what people will expect

    submitted by /u/chillyapples
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    Does anything differ in the UVHM?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    I just finished BL2 yesterday and i wanna play the DLCs so i looked up the order that i should play the DLCs in and it said that it is better to play them in UVHM,so my question is,can i just go play the DLCs or do i have to re-finish the story again bec i might miss out something?

    submitted by /u/Punshy__
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    Playing BL1 for the first time; it almost doesnt feel like a borderlands game

    Posted: 04 May 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    I started the series with BL2 and have played every game since, and I just recently got around to trying the first game. I'm really enjoying it, but somehow it almost doesnt feel like a borderlands game haha. Idk how to explain it, but something about it feels fundamentally different from BL2 on.

    submitted by /u/Tharadin1970
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    HUD display text

    Posted: 04 May 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    I am sure this has been asked a thousand times but I will ask anyway. Is there anyway to increase the size of the display text when you hover over the weapons. I play on PS4 with my daughter and we have to literally stand 2 inches away from the TV just to read the weapon attributes.

    submitted by /u/gomez70
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    Coming back after a long rest...

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Well, I'm coming back to the saga after 2 years or so, the first Borderlands that I played was 1 and I didn't ever finished because 2 got in GWG and forgot about 1 after that. But now I picked up the Borderlands Collection on One for 20$ and I'm starting to play each one of them in order. My question is, how does Borderlands 1 endgame works? Like, there's another playthrough like in 2? And when should I play the DLCs?

    submitted by /u/MrSpyNa
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    How active is Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel on PS4?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Hey, I bought Borderlands handsome collection, currently playing offline because I'm not signed in ps plus (I not much into multiplayer games), but the coop of this game seems pretty fun and I'm thinking on getting the plus to play it online, the thing is, there are players to play with? Sorry if I said something wrong, English is not my main language, thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/Camille35
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    dakota shotgun earl's vending machine

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    Can I get the Dakota unique shotgun from the crazy earls vending machine?

    submitted by /u/gabrielgns
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    recently beat TVHM for the first time, surprised at the complexity of late game

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    hi all, i should preface this by saying that i dont think any part of this game is "too hard" as long as you know what you're doing, i'm not complaining about the difficulty. but ive been playing this game casually here and there for a couple years and now that i'm approaching some of the later content (UVHM and beyond) i've been surprised at how complicated the grind and build preparation for this game can be. i dont think it's a bad thing per se, but it's certainly a lot to get used to coming off of mostly playing normal difficulty where i could basically do whatever!

    submitted by /u/lundzilla666
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    Zer0 or Maya?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    I'm going to play Borderlands 2 for the first time with a friend (he's going Gunzerker I think) and I can't choose between these two. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/elusivzz
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    Xp after level 65

    Posted: 04 May 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    Does anyone know what xp does after you reach the level cap in borderlands 3?

    submitted by /u/myfriendisasianlol
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    Is the borderlands GoTy enhanced, borderlands remaster?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    I'm new to the franchise so I decided to finally play the first one and I wanted to play the remaster cuz I heard that it was a improvement,but wherever I go,it's always borderlands GoTy or enhanced, does the remaster have a specific name or is it the enhanced version? How do I tell the difference?

    submitted by /u/Technical_Diet4893
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