• Breaking News

    Monday, June 14, 2021

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 on PS5 has been broken for months, and Gearbox are yet to address it

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 on PS5 has been broken for months, and Gearbox are yet to address it

    Borderlands 3 on PS5 has been broken for months, and Gearbox are yet to address it

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    This isn't a rant or a hate post directed to anyone, it's to raise awareness to the fact that Borderlands 3, for a fair amount of people, cannot be played on the PS5.

    The issue stems from the console's activities cards which were designed with the goal of helping players jump back into their game as quick as possible.

    Unfortunately, if these activity cards are pressed while playing one of your characters, it will trigger a memory issue with your save file and cause missions to loop.

    Let me give you an example: I managed to get up to the mission 'Cold as the Grave' on my Moze save. After finishing the mission and starting the next one I shut down the console for the night.

    When I returned the next morning, the game sent me all the way back to the start of the mission where Tannis and Ava are talking. My gear, level and map progress had all saved but the mission itself had reset.

    This of course makes the game unplayable and for people who have invested a lot into their character, it's a massive turn off.

    I've seen other posts with the same issue and people have replied stating they were in TVHM. This is not the case, the issue is happening on the first playthrough.

    I hope that the progress blocking bug can be resolved soon, but it has been present since launch for many so I'm not holding out much hope.

    If someone from Gearbox is reading this, please look in to the issue. Several people have filed tickets only to be turned away by support. Please make this an issue to look at fixing for the next patch.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/cleangooose
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    BL3: Joining a new friend reverts my lvl 50 character to lvl 1? How do I use my character?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    I'm joining my friend's new game and we are doing co-operation but it just sets me to level 1 and idk why. Any help?

    submitted by /u/dramatic_walrus
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    How do I get to the DLC’s on Borderlands 1 GOTY? (PS4)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    Played the game when it released on PS3 but just recently beaten it. I'm at lvl 32 and I'm trying to find the DLC's but I don't know how to access them

    submitted by /u/creampieyourself
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    Borderlands lore question

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I got a question about the lore ingame.

    What exactly are the Borderlands lorewise? Is the galaxys name or something like that?

    submitted by /u/ZwakerFaker
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    BL3: half-assed or am i missing something?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    just picked up BL3 for $12 and was very excited because i have all the others...

    but i have to ask, does anyone else feel like this was phoned in? they changed a lot of stuff and not for the better (Maliwan, i'm looking at you...). in a ship that big, i can only mount 3 of the dozens of decorations i unlocked? no more Badass ranks? WTH?

    i purposely avoid trailers/let's-plays/spam-shit so i can land on a title without any preconceptions. and since BL2 and BLPS were just better and better, i assumed this vector would continue... but i find i'm horribly disappointed. and i kinda feel like BL3 is more of a cash grab/phoned-in project than a proper sucessor...

    happy to field opinions because i'm reluctant to get the rest of the DLCs if there's no improvement. more crap is just more crap, know what i mean? anyway. not trying to start a flame war, just trying to see if it's worth getting the DLCs. so far, not looking good.

    submitted by /u/WhiteRau
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    Anybody have experience with the Vita version?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    So a few weeks ago, I asked about Borderlands and after getting feedback, I decided to get the Triple Pack on PS3, and I've been having a great time. While I was copying all the dlc from the bonus disc, I checked out the PS Vita version off of PSN, and before I even think about getting it (it's ridiculously cheap, only 20$), I had some questions. First off, on the listing on PSN, it says it has 6 dlc's already included, 2 campaigns and the dlc characters included. Does the Vita version support all the dlc? I'd be pretty bummed if the Dragon Keep campaign wasn't available, or even the head hunters, though I hear those are only included in the original releases and Steam now, which is weird. Second, How's performance? I know it'll be a lower framerate, watched a friend play it in high school, and, well, it's the Vita, but what about general stability? Are frame drops often, does it crash and render 2 hours of grinding wasted, that kind of thing? I know the amount of people with this version will be alot less out of everyone here, but I still appreciate any input. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/IndependentLobster27
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    Riding to Ruin big - BOB DLC

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm stuck on the last main story mission Riding to ruin on the bounty of blood dlc. It won't let me progress into the compound to kill Rose, has anyone else had this problem/know a fix?

    submitted by /u/bawksauce96
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    As of June 14th 2021 is BL 3 still freezing and crashing the Xbox one S?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    My ps4 is conked out and I have this urge to play it again and it's on sale.

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Borderlands 1

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    I've been trying to find enough people to fill a lobby for the first game and I really want to play with other people.

    submitted by /u/Shadeddabbins
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    Fps issues on Xbox One

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    So about a week ago I decided to buy the Handsome Collection on my Xbox One S ,I have already completed Borderlands 2 on Xbox 360 ,but I just love this game so much that I bought it on x one ,but the problem is that in many cases there is a issue with the fps ,roaming around feels smooth 60 fps ,but when I go in to combat there is alot of frame drops ,i mean like sometimes it feels lower than 30 fps, I play on 90 fov ,lowering it to even 80 doesnt change much. Is there a way to fix this problem? Please help.

    submitted by /u/Greedy-Foundation-10
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    How far can I take melee krieg in the OP levels?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    It's my first time taking a character to the op levels. Right now I've made it to op4 but I've heard that his melee build starts to fall off in the later op levels is this true? If so what op level does his melee start being ineffective.

    submitted by /u/ssskakuja
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    Tyrant of instinct bug?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    I just bought this game and playing well so far in normal difficulty. I'm now almost at the end and do some side quests: trial of X. Level 47 operative.

    Every trial was so easy, one shot no death. Problem is this tyrant of instinct. I'm using lvl 46 hellwalker with 2160*10 damage and other decent legendary weapons. With this hellwalker, other trial bosses die in like 10 shots. But this monster just doesn't die. It almost one shots me, but its affordable since I can dodge every single projectiles. But what can I do if this meat bag doesn't die even if I use every single goddamn ammo?

    1 shotgun ammo = about 15k damage * 200 shots = 3M damage. 1 assault rifle ammo = about 3k damage * 1000 shots = 3M damage. 1 handgun ammo = about 4k damage * 800 shots = 3.2M damage. 1 sniper rifle ammo= about 4k damage * 200 shots= 0.8M damage.

    In total, I almost deal 11M damage to this monster and can't even deal half of phase 1. Seriously? Other bosses seem to have less than 1M hit point, then what's wrong with this one?

    I search for youtube and it seems other players just kill it easily without any strategy. Is it bugged?

    submitted by /u/isthisbugornot
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    BL2 - bad performance on modern pc?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 12:37 AM PDT

    Just starting playing borderlands 2 for the first time, and on a 2060 3700x build i will drop from 85fps frequently down to 50fps. I assume the game isnt using all my cores simply because its an old game but are there any mods or things of the like to give better performance boosts? Idk how people are getting 144fps on this game if it doesnt properly utilise newer cpu's

    submitted by /u/Jimmyban
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    What's next?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    I finished the main story on playthrough 2. Aside from DLC's, is there anything else to do? Is there a playthrough 3? Can I reset 2 and do it again like you can on UVHM in BL2 and TPS?

    submitted by /u/rojogo1004
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    Need very quick help with trophy on ps3

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    Need someone to join my game really wuick to help me get the and they'll tell two friends trophy

    Just brought the game and am hoping to be able to platinum it. Any help would be appreciated

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/lachie4172
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    i really have to ask regarding Borderlands 1 intro

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    So in every other game vault hunters show off during a fight in the intro however is there any explanation why out of nowhere, in the bus Mordecai flexes his machete skills Lilith shows off phasing and blows a kiss to no one Roland starts waving his hand as if someone is taking a photo of him

    Brick doing his own thing is the only understandable i get it's meant to be for the player but story wise there isn't anyone else there in the bus why the fuck did they just randomly do this shit? you know how confused Marcus must have been?

    submitted by /u/Swapi96
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