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    Saturday, June 5, 2021

    Borderlands Does anyone else feel like Borderlands 3 doesn’t really feel like “Borderlands”?

    Borderlands Does anyone else feel like Borderlands 3 doesn’t really feel like “Borderlands”?

    Does anyone else feel like Borderlands 3 doesn’t really feel like “Borderlands”?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    I actually enjoyed the story but there always something that feels off with BL3 to me. The gunplay is fantastic but I think that I became so familiar with the clunkiness of the previous games, that it kind of soured me on BL3's gameplay. I also feel like the unique weapons don't really feel that "unique". There are a couple other things as well but these are some of my main critiques. This isn't a hate post for the game but I'm genuinely curious if anyone else feels this way.

    submitted by /u/iAMGREATNESS2301
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    3 Golden keys, expire June 10th

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:43 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Loreweaver15
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    Help! I'm playing through a mission at level 12 and the boss is level 16 and I can't beat him and keep dying, how do I restart the mission or leave?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    (Borderlands) This is literally my first time playing through borderlands and I have been loving it but I'm on a mission titled "sledge to the safe house" and I didn't see the suggested level requirement, and now I'm going against a level 16 boss as a level 12 player and can't even skim his health a bit, can I restart the mission or leave or anything?

    submitted by /u/Akari48
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    Quiz about Borderlands Games

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Hello, I've created a 20 questions quiz about Borderlands Games (1,2,3 and Pre-sequel). I think I've made it difficult even for the biggest fans so I am curious if I am right or will you guys just ace it and prove me wrong :) You can check it out here - http://www.popculture-quiz.com/borderlands-games-knowledge-quiz/

    I hope you'll like it :)

    submitted by /u/MarylynnMcghee
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    Borderlands 3 play thru

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    So this is a super selfish question so feel free to ignore or deny LOL. I want to take a break from competition gaming and play thru and grind borderlands 3 this summer on a fresh start. I'm looking to only really play on stream as my schedule is wild. I would be streaming it Monday's and Wednesdays 8pm eastern. I know it's tough and there's only so much progress two days a week but I also do you have a full-time job children and acting outside of that LOL and Friday night on my retro nights. If anybody sounds interested in doing something like that charismatic cool people no out-of-pocket folks that I can have all my stream to grind is true I would definitely love to have you. Thanks for your time let me know if anybody is interested.

    Side note, it's on PC (till so called crossplay comes in) and I own on epic games since I got on Xbox day one but when I switched to PC I got it free on epic games with my PC

    submitted by /u/XO_TheChosenOne
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    Have an idea for a spin off game...

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    You are dropped on a random planet from one of the weapon companies to harvest rare raw materials. You are dropped on a random spot on the map and have a drill that will take X amount of time to fully gather the materials requested.

    It'd be a rogue like game where if you die then the mobs on the planet will destroy your drill and you have to start all over again.

    There would be a hub world where experience points earned can be assigned to your character. You could start a new match with a higher weapon proficiency, higher chance of better drops, higher shield capacity, etc.

    Building/fortifying a base around your drill will require you to venture out and gather scraps from enemies. Leaving your base puts your drill at risk unless it's guarded by your defenses or another player.

    Making it all the way to the end would give you big rewards such as experience points, skin customizations, unlocking new recipes, etc.

    submitted by /u/Otherwise_Magician_7
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    How to level up quickly

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Me and my friend are trying to level ourselves up to fight Crawmerax WITHOUT starting a second playthrough. What do we do?

    submitted by /u/Shaquarfsha
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    Just finished Borderlands 2, should I switch to TVHM to play DLCs?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    I finished the main game at level 34, can I switch to TVHM to play the DLCs immediately? I don't wanna be overleveled for normal mode, there is too much content

    submitted by /u/gustavosqez
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    Normal Mayhem vs TVHM Mayhem

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    I've searched through all of this sub and I couldn't find a definitive answer for that, so... is there actually any difference from normal mode mayhem vs tvhm mayhem? Some say the elemental modifier is higher on mayhem TVHM, some say it isn't... some say TVHM got more baddass enemies which in turn could mean more loot, some say it doesn't. Is there a conclusive answer to that already?
    I don't mind running through the story again, I actually liked it, but I wouldn't do it again if there's no difference between both modes on mayhem.

    submitted by /u/VaquinhaAlpha
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    Clarifications on UVHM

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    Hi. I have picked up Bl2 and TPS again after letting them sit while I played BL3. I am picking both of them up again and had some clarification questions about UVHM. I am running UVHM in both games and been doing a little reading to make sure I don't accidentally do something out of order or "use up" a quest or mission item reward before max level. I both love and hate that there is so much to this game that isn't explained (especially the level caps and subsequent playthroughs).

    I am also doing a first run-through of BL2 with a friend on another toon and he inadvertently picked up the quest for the grog nozzle last night before max level. Although I think you can do it again for UVHM?

    So that is my first question. when you start UVHM does it reset all of the DLC? If so is there anyway to run it again or should I just wait until I am max level to start any DLC so I can get maximum level rewards?

    Second question: I see different level caps. Probably because it was raised apparently more than once. The best I can figure is that it is either 72 with 8 "OP" levels or 80 with the same OP levels. Not really sure (or sure what OP is except probably overpowered (original poster?). My Gaige is 51 right now and it was a slog to get through the last level. On UVHM with Aurelia it has been relatively easy until the point I am currently at (Zarpadon). Maybe because I have a Skullmasher, I dunno. But with Gaige it has been surprisingly hard. Wait for deathtrap to CD, deploy, and then empty four clips of ammo on one mob. Rinse and repeat. Once I get around 100 stacks of anarchy it gets easier but I am easily one shot-able by just about anything so it is a pain to build those up and try to keep them.

    I suppose I should just run through the story as fast as possible then get to max level then do any sidequests (missions) that have rewards that are worth it?

    submitted by /u/josefgabriel
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    Skagzilla drop bl1

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    Hi all first time posting I'm quite new to borderlands I only play 360 but am looking to upgrade at some point for bl3 think the community is great and learnt alot from joltsdude and killer6 but I've a question about bl1 I'm on playthrough 2 and I've been trying to farm skagzilla for a replacement elephant gun does he drop after turn in sold mine by mistake I like the gun regardless of larking scope level 40 and it competed with some of my 65 snipers anyone know anything about drop would be grateful

    submitted by /u/Odd-Positive8612
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    Anyone still play BL1?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    Just picked up the GOTY enhanced edition for the nostalgia, unfortunately I don't have anyone to play with on pc. Anyone else in the same boat and need people to play with??

    submitted by /u/OnlyhereforCiv6
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    Editing .ini for BL1 GOTY Enhanced

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    I imagine there will be plenty of people having a go at me for trying to do this. I've beaten this game a few times and now I just don't want to deal with such limited backpack space at the start...

    Anywho, I've downloaded this from Steam and found how to edit the backpack size "InventorySlotMax_Misc=". I found this file / line in several places. [Documents\My Games\Borderlands Game of the Year\WillowGame\Config] & Steam\steamapps\common\BorderlandsGOTYEnhanced\WillowGame\Config

    When I edit it to 20, the slots = 12 each and every time (the default). If anyone has any ideas I would GREATLY appreciate any help as I've exhausted the guides and really don't wanna deal with a save editor.

    thank you!

    submitted by /u/Garden_Druid
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    I'm stuck on a screen with a robot dancing upon start

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    No main menu or anything, just a strange dancing robot on a black background. I have tried pressing buttons on my keyboard, clicking on and around the robot and waiting 15 minutes, and I'm still on the same screen. I spent £16 (got it on sale) and 6 hours downloading this game, I really don't want to file for a refund

    update: I requested a refund. Turns out other people have the same problem of the game not responding upon reaching the start menu and have still not found a fix :/

    submitted by /u/Willo2ty
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    How much content time do all the dlc’s combined have?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    I played the base game at launch and never bought any dlc, if I bought the ones that they have right now is it worth it?

    submitted by /u/eddboy1704
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    Help me Minions!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:40 AM PDT

    So, I am subbed to Ps now which has Boderlands 2 with all DLCs, Pre-sequel with all DLCs and 3.

    I just finished Boderlands 2 and started playing it's DLCs. Playing Pirate's Booty atm.

    Honestly kinda bored, too many side quests & not that interesting worlds. But I'm planning to keep going since there are better DLCs ahead and I can unlock all the good stuff in the deep into the skill tree.

    Now, I started both Pre-sequel and 3 just to check the graphics and atmosphere. Pre-sequel kinda feels the same as 2 and 3 feels awesome.

    My question is, should I skip Pre-sequel? Like I'll just play 2's DLCs and start 3. I don't wanna get worn out and Pre-sequel doesn't feel refreshing unlike 3.

    I recently replayed my fav AC game, AC orgins but with all the DLCs and now I can't stand the sight of that game.

    Last thing, is it worth to play 2's DLC too? Or should I just start 3?

    submitted by /u/splashyDIAMOND
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    Are the dlc’s for the goty edition compatable with xbox 1?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:22 AM PDT

    I have the borderlines extension disc but it's not wanting to download, just says my extension disc "isn't playable here" instead of downloading the dlcs.

    submitted by /u/burnt-sausage
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    Should I play DLCs while in normal or should I start TVHM (BL2)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    First time player here. I am currently on level 32 and started my first dlc. Should I go to TVHM or play DLCS?

    submitted by /u/ManMunx
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    Mayhem 11 Zane Damage

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:11 AM PDT

    How do you get Zane to actually do damage? My team is outdamaging me like crazy, but I can survive anything as long as I have ammo. My Amara teammate has an ability to keep our ammo stocked with melee damage, and using the new tree, keeps me fully loaded all the time. I'm an unstoppable tank, but can't deal damage. Amara is dealing an easy 200 million damage a tick with the orb, just obliterating everything, and I'm using SMG's not doing shit for damage. What do I need to do to get some actual damage output?

    I'm running Clone & Drone with a fully spec'd blue tree minus Cold Bore and Seein' Red. Orange Tree is all but Quick Breather, Proemunitus, Pocket Full of Grenades, and Like a Ghost.

    My Gear (which I'm not married to in any way):

    Transformer with SNTNL=15% Speed
    Seein' Dead
    Nagata with ASE=50% Shock dmg, 10 secs

    Clockwork Res (I'm so tanky, this is an easy "go save my teammates")
    Breath of the Dying w/ ASA=200% (which I just quit using because I grabbed a...)
    Kaosan (corrosive) with an annoint that does nothing for me, It's just a better Kaosan than I had
    Shreddifier w/ Barrier anoint that I don't care about.

    I haven't gone Anoint hunting, as I haven't really needed it for my group things, they damage while I control, but I'm tired of not dealing damage like Amara or Moze.


    submitted by /u/MasterFortuneHunter
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