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    Monday, July 19, 2021

    Borderlands Best first game for someone who doesn't care about the story?

    Borderlands Best first game for someone who doesn't care about the story?

    Best first game for someone who doesn't care about the story?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    What is the best first game for someone who doesn't care about the story? Also is the game significantly worse without co-op?

    submitted by /u/gagging_noises
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    Borderlands Extravaganza

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    It has been over 9 years since I last played Borderlands 2. Due to life circumstances I was unable to play the pre-sequel. With BL3 now well underway with DLC my good friend and I are doing a 'completionism'(missions + DLC) play through starting with the first game up to BL3.

    Does anyone have any ProTips playing through? Since it is going to be just two of us we are looking to select complimentary classes to make it enjoyable as possible. Also if anyone has some Easter eggs worth exploring I'm open to hear about that them too!

    submitted by /u/DougFromFinance
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    Roll Reversal FL4K

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    A link to the skill tree before we get started


    I did some looking around and noticed that there seems to be a lot of dogging of the Roll Reversal class mod for FL4K. For those unaware, Roll Reversal is a new class mod added in DLC 6 that contains skills from the purple and green trees and has a 40% chance to return a grenade to FL4K's reserves when his pet crits.

    There's a lot of reasons why people didn't really get this class mod, and I understand - it's weird and seems out of place. The important part to recognize is that this isn't a grenade build mod, per say, it's a pet crit build, hence the name "Roll Reversal", which despite the typo implies that the pet is getting to crit and FL4K is providing much of the support.

    The thing that really makes the build tick is Gamma Burst - specifically using Atomic Aroma because the pet can crit rapidly using the aura from this skill modification. This means that you're constantly regenerating grenades, almost all of your weapon fire is amped from Monkey Do, your shields are always refilling from Fuzzy Math, it's kind of insane.

    This build is pretty WIP and is pretty gear dependent, so keep that in mind before you start tossing points into your skill trees. It won't just magically work like FL4K's many broken Fade Away builds. I'm going to go into my skill choices and talk about some alternatives as well, and if anyone has suggestions I'm open. The way I have it now, it is pretty great at mobbing and can get some bossing done, but I'm still perfecting it against bosses that the pet AI can't target with its default attacks.

    Action Skill / Pet

    Pet for the build is BUL Loader. You can go with WAR Loader for extra DPS, but I haven't seen that much of a drop off using the BUL Loader, and it offers better survivability and a pet attack skill that actually hits what you target (sorry, not sorry).

    Action skill is Gamma Burst for the access to Atomic Aroma and the pet invincibility.

    Augments are Atomic Aroma for proccing huge numbers of crits, and Empathic Rage for an across-the-board damage boost. If you want to swap out Empathic Rage for something else you can, this is just how I like to do it and I find my Gamma Burst to either be active or just coming off cooldown often enough that this is the best augment to use in my experience.

    Trapper Skills

    • 5 points in Gotta Go Fast - I hope this is obvious, but pet crits are pretty important to the build, so pet DPS goes right along with it.
    • 2 points in Success Imminent - This was a tree progression choice, you can put these points into Agility Training instead if you want.
    • 3 points in Better Toys - This build is surprisingly hearty, and this helps bone up your defenses. If you want a bit more of a glass-cannon approach, feel free to move these points to Success Imminent or Agility Training.
    • 1 point in Combat Veterinarian - Good clean healing, I don't see a reason not to take it.
    • 3 points in Throat Ripper - This is the first hard-required skill investment. This gives all your pets attacks a 15% chance to crit at full investment, and with the right class mod can go up to 30%. Pair that with Atomic Aroma for maximum crit procs.
    • 1 point in Take This! - listen it's hard to argue against your BUL Loader having a Re-Volter, ok?
    • 5 points in Monkey Do - This is just a flat 70-126% extra damage for both you and your pet most of the time (you can't get up to 140% because the class mod only gives up to 4 points in Monkey Do/Eager to Impress)
    • 5 points in Not Even A Challenge - More time on Gamma Burst
    • 5 points in Fuzzy Math - Your pet is constantly criting, meaning you have very full shields much of the time.

    Master Skills

    • 1 point in Ferocity - this is just to move down the tree, you can also float this into Go For The Eyes
    • 3 points in Persistence Hunter - more Gamma burst duration
    • 1 point in Go for the Eyes! - while this is technically just to move down the tree, I do suggest having at least one point here for guaranteed crit procs against fresh enemies.
    • 1 point in Who Rescued Who? and He Bites! - I mention these together because they're an old combo that has been used since Red Fang pet builds that add survivability to FL4K by making it so all incoming enemy damage on FL4K's pet results in healing over time. If you find the survivability using FL4K's shield regen to be enough, feel free to move these points.
    • 4 points in Frenzy - General damage boost that makes all pet and vault hunter damage better, really hard to argue with.
    • 1 point in Psycho Head on a Stick - pet damage
    • 3 points in Hive Mind - pet damage and survivability
    • 5 points in Barbaric Yawp - Jumps up your shield bonus from 20% to 60%
    • 3 points in Pack Tactics - General damage boost for both pet and vault hunter

    Hunter Skills

    • 5 points in either Interplanetary Stalker or Second Intention - they both wind up increasing your DPS (one through less downtime and the other through straight up damage bonuses). Just pick which one works for you.
    • 1 point in Head Count - Helps get Gamma Burst off cooldown faster.

    Stalker Skills

    Note: I don't use attack commands all that often and I don't know why I'm invested in them. If you remember to do them, use it this way, I'll probably end up having to change the build for myself though.

    • 3 points in Sic 'Em - Makes the attack command stronger and makes its cooldown better, so you can use it more often.
    • 5 points in Furious Attack - pet damage
    • 2 points wherever you want them to go, you just need to move down the tree. I have them in Self-Repairing System
    • 1 point in Lick the Wounds - this is a splash-damage focused build on the vault hunter side, you'd be nuts not to have this as a backup plan.


    While there aren't a ton of specific gear qualifications, there are definitely things you should be looking for, particularly from an anointment standpoint.

    For gear that is absolutely, 100% required:

    • A Roll Reversal class mod. The more points into Throat Ripper or Monkey Do, the better. Look for passives that boost Area-of-Effect Damage, Grenade Damage, and Splash Damage.
    • A grenade with the 150% Bonus Grenade Damage Anointment. I like to run a Cloning Hunter-Seeker with this anointment.

    For my personal suggestions on everything else:

    • Since you're going to be focusing on grenade damage, looking for an artifact that boosts grenade damage as a passive is highly suggested. The Toboggan comes in a Grenadier variant that suits these needs nicely, while also giving you a bit of extra protection and mobility.
    • Action Skill Start Re-Volter. I really don't think I need to explain this one, it's stupid good and applies to grenade damage.
    • Tediore reloads are counted as grenade damage, so getting some good Tediore weapons like the Dark Army, Anarchy, Baby-Maker, Horizon, and Bangarang, or even just a good-quality purple Tediore SMG with a MIRV homing throw will do a lot to help boost the build.
    • If you decide to go the Tediore route, grab yourself a Tediore Company Man.
    • Anointments for weapons you'll want to get either 100% Action Skill Duration bonus damage, or 115% Gamma Burst bonus radiation damage. Obviously the latter is great in most scenarios, but if you're going somewhere with a lot of radiation-resistant enemies you'll want to swap it up.


    To show off the current state of the build, I did a quick Athenas run to show you generally how it plays.


    As you can see I went the Tediore route. This build includes a Roll Reversal mod with +2 to Throat Ripper, +3 to Monkey Do, and +7 grenade capacity. I am using a Tediore Company Man with weapon damage, a radiation cloning Hunter-Seeker with the 150% grenade damage during action skill, and I swap between a Gamma Burst Dark Army and a pet attack command life steal Baby-Maker (just to show yes, the build will rip mobbing even without a proper anointment on your gun or without a game-breaking gun like the Dark Army).

    The gameplay mostly involves hip firing whatever Tediore you have while throwing out grenades and alternating reload throws with grenade throws. I could have just as easily done this without the grenade capacity boost and never run out of throwing material.


    Is this a meta build? Probably not. Sucks to use it in its current iteration against certain bosses like Graveward, but for 90% of situations this build is a ton of fun and comfortably rolls in Mayhem 11. I think a friend of mine put it best when I first demo'd it for him:

    "Joel, what have you done?"

    submitted by /u/Hatterini
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    Reasons why I fly solo until capped.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    I sometimes give the benefit of the doubt when I open my lobbies beginning new playthroughs. But the other day i went public and of course there's the people who try to take control of the lobby, switch your missions, and loot everything they see.

    submitted by /u/AndyC4N3
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    I have a bug, but not sure if it's known.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    I am doing the ,,Seek Out Tannis" mission and it shows me that I have to talk to Claptrap to finish the mission. In the mission bio it says: ,,Talk to claptrap along the way, and He'll open the gate for you", but that doesn't make sense because I already talked to Claptrap. If you have any suggestions or fixes, I'll be then waiting for comments.

    submitted by /u/SteevoBeevo
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    Looking for somone to help me defeat terramorphous

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    im a level 50 siren and i cant seem to defeat him :( can anyone help? my steam handle is the same as my username on here

    submitted by /u/queenlumpia
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    Corrosive weapon for Amara?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    I'm playing Amara at Level 72/Mayhem 10, copying Moxsy's "Khaos Queen" build. I have all DLC.

    I'm currently using a Free Radical, radiation Rowan's Call, and a Hellwalker. I really need a good corrosive weapon for armored opponents. What's good? Should I grind for a corrosive Rowan's Call?

    Currently I'm grinding for a corrosive Kaoson. It would be nice to use my SMG ammo pool; is this worth it?

    submitted by /u/BassoonHero
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    Hex Multitool 'invalid characters' help

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    Hello! I haven't played Borderlands 2 or pre-sequel in a hot minute and I wanted to play BL2 with the reborn overhaul installed, I made all the necessary steps however when I try to apply the console command key binding in hex multitool, I get a message that says

    'the path seems to contain invalid characters! These are the invalid characters: System.Char[]'

    I don't know what this means, I've set up the file path to my .exe for both games time and time again but it won't let me apply any patches. what's the issue? The brackets characters are not in the file path so I don't understand what it's trying to tell me.

    submitted by /u/-TGM-
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    bl3hotfix itempool

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    i was wondering how do people get the itempool path for certain items for example money

    # Setting the item pool



    i would like to change this to money so where do u find the path? if anyone knows

    submitted by /u/SuperficialNightWolf
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    Need some help

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    I need some help leveling to 72 real quick. I don't know if any forms where I can find people to help me out. If you could recommend forms or something that would be nice.

    submitted by /u/AliBruhh
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    Modded saves for xbox 360

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    Hey all is it possible to get modded saves for 360 without needing a PC to perform whatever it does to mod just want to download to sd card and go would be grateful for any info

    submitted by /u/Odd-Positive8612
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    Where do i farm loot and exp (lv 30)?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:45 PM PDT

    I already got hyperion gift shop in tartarus station. It gives loots of my level? I only got like lv 25~21 loot and i would like to know if there's another loot and/or xp farm for lv 30 (Mordecai) (B1 GOTY Enhanced)

    submitted by /u/recap01
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    In what category does Handsome Jack in TTFTB fit in?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    I cannot tell if he's a villain, a protagonist, neutral or what.

    submitted by /u/FemboyNASCAR
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    Anyone want to run a BL1 Playthrough 2?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 01:00 PM PDT

    Title gets to the point of what I'm asking. I'm level 40 atm, and would like to blast through the campaign as fast as possible to get to the endgame. After getting molested by Super Hyper Uber BadAss Shock Alphas or whatever in Lost Cave I kind of lost confidence in running it solo :( PSN is Emmet-325

    submitted by /u/Emmet-325
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    How do I fix my issue with a purchase in bl2?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Although I've already made a post on the bl2 subreddit, I felt like it would be beneficial to also make a post here.A while back I purchased the collectors edition pack with skins and heads for the four initial characters as well as the fireworks grenade which flies into the sky then explodes, however upon playing those items weren't there. After that I checked it in the ingame store and it showed that I had purchased it but it did not download, and when I pressed download it just tried taking me to the PlayStation store, whereupon looking at it it told me to buy it as if I hadn't spent the 5 dollars already. I'm hoping I might be able to get help to fix this issue so that I can have the items rather than possibly needed to repurchase it

    submitted by /u/WeenieHuttGod2
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    Borderlands: The Handsome Collection on the Switch is (mostly) a scam.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    I initially deleted both Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel because I was running out of space. Then, I redownloaded them again and it was only downloading Borderlands 2. I checked the Nintendo shop and it didn't let me redownload whatsoever, so that means the Pre-Sequel part of the collection was gone forever for some reason.

    Most who buy The Handsome Collection play for the 4-player split screen. Xbox One and PS4 had this no sweat. Quite awkwardly, at the last moment, I would find out that for the Switch, it wasn't the same. Only 2-player split screen by local.

    My friend said that you can player 4 players from local wireless, but he'd have to buy the game as well.

    I don't get my money's worth at all.

    submitted by /u/amidstcalamity
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    I'm bored

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    I have all the games except for tales from the borderlands and I wanna play possibly all of them with someone other it's just a duo, trio or full squad Iand I'm a big borderlands fan so i can guarantee we could beat it so if anyone wants to play my username is Forcible-flood0 and i have a mic so ig dm or just add me and message me there

    submitted by /u/jag6969420
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    Looking for someone to play BL2 with

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    I'm using steam and I'm playing as Salvador, currently level 43 on true vault hunter mode.

    submitted by /u/jams4200
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