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    Tuesday, July 6, 2021

    Borderlands I spent 44,000 Eridium re-rolling 2 guns and didn't even get the Anoints I wanted :(

    Borderlands I spent 44,000 Eridium re-rolling 2 guns and didn't even get the Anoints I wanted :(

    I spent 44,000 Eridium re-rolling 2 guns and didn't even get the Anoints I wanted :(

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    I've been hoarding Eridium for a while now (playing daily with Lootsplosion on) and managed to get up to 44K. I've been using a Urad Shock Kaos as one of my main guns (Deathless Fl4k) and wanted to make the jump to M10 (I was mostly playing M3 but my gun was still M1).

    I spent an afternoon farming the Psycho Billies at M10 and managed to get both a Corrosive and a Shock Kaos. Excitedly I went to Crazy Earl and started re-rolling the Anointments. For some reason I started with the Corrosive and it took me 22K to get Urad. I thought to myself "well at least it can't be that bad the second time around..." and started re-rolling for the Shock Kaos. I ran out of Eridium before I saw Urad. :(

    I played a bit longer and managed another couple of re-rolls bit still no luck. So I guess my life is just grinding Eridium now.

    Any tips? (I've only played up until the end of the Jack's Casino DLC so nothing after that please)

    Edit: I'm on Xbox BTW.

    submitted by /u/Elemteearkay
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    A simple, stupid, thought.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    I will clarify my point in one post.

    Fragtrap has the ability VaultHunter.exe wherein they can possibly use a copy of a previous, in franchise installments, vaulthunter's ability.

    Fragtrap comes from a game that takes place after BL1 and before BL2. His ability can have him use another ability called Funzerker which, coincidentally, mirrors that of a BL2 vaulthunter ability, Salvador's Gunzerking.

    Name aside, both abilities are incredibly similar in their function. However, chronologically; Salvador is not yet a vaulthunter when Fragtrap is introduced.

    Now, I have not found any in game/universe evidence Salvador was known about during the creation and programming of Fragtrap for the names to be so close and usage of both abilities to be an exact match. I realize that this may be just an Easter egg reference to Salvador, but this lack of in game/universe evidence has me thinking that, lore-wise, it is a plot hole. That is my reasoning. If I'm wrong and this is not a plot hole, please explain and provide evidence for why it is not.

    submitted by /u/truGreyLoki
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    If I never played as Krieg in BL2, am I missing out on anything in Fantastic FusterCluck?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    Never played Krieg because my understanding was he was a very melee focused character and I wasn't super interested in that. It seems like a lot of folks love him though. Do I miss out on anything other than the experience of playing as him by just jumping into the DLC?

    submitted by /u/Warfightr
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    having trouble setting up my echocast on my stream

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    i have the echocast installed i have shift linked to twitch and steam/the game, i have everything set up, but i keep getting "unexpected error happened while looking up twitch account associated with this shift account"

    submitted by /u/Pocketshovel
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    Nisha: Luck Cannon or Maggie

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    I enjoy using both, Maggie when Nisha doesn't have her kill skills/reload skills going, but I like the Luck Cannon more when it's all set up. Just wondering what people prefer (or if there really is a "better" option between the two)

    submitted by /u/Xb-Dashie-dX
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    Shield purchase glitch

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    So I'm playing borderlands and I played play-through 1 and am on the 2nd one for fun and just just like the first one I've purchased a shield but I can't turn it in. It'd be either, in play-through 1 doesn't have zed by the stretcher but in play-through 2 he's there but I can't turn in my shield or the mission of even purchasing a shield. So I was wondering if there's anyway around this glitch

    submitted by /u/Longjumping_Algae619
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    Almost perfect sandhawk...

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    Playing on switch, farming for sandhawk on op4, found a flying prefix with grip and stock... but no element (again, I already have a lvl50 one) Should I take the damage upgrade or look for an element?

    submitted by /u/IgneousPhoenixflame
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    Idea for Borderlands Spin-off

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    Idk where to post this but I had an idea for a spin-off called Borderlands forever, where tannis discovers the vaults had been recording biological data of all the vault hunters that enter, making a sort of chaos realm almost identical to the real one where the game is set. Of course there'd be a new set of vault hunters, but there would be three seasons of DLC with each season making each earlier games vault team playable, (maybe a fourth for characters like tiny Tina, rhys, Fiona, and typhon)with updated skill trees to match bl3's style. I know this would never happen, but it's cool to think about, and maybe they could bring back some dead characters through the realm somehow

    submitted by /u/komipaii
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    Progressing through Mayhem?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    I just read u/Elemteearkay's post on re-rolling anoints, in it he mentions that he was trying to progress from M3 onwards to M10. This really confused me, but I think it shouldn't, so here's my issue:

    I've only recently started playing BL3 and have only really played Amara so far. I instantly fell in love with her design and skill trees. Pretty early on I switched to a melee-build and it's been a lot of fun. I have since reached max level, finished all story content and am now completing side quest and challenges to fill out the map (i need to have everything say 100%, or more). At around level 60 i started trying M1/M2 and switched it about depending on the challenge/difficulty (i haven't switched to easy, not yet at least). At max level I farmed my basic items (psycho stabber, face-puncher and brawler ward) and continued on in M2. At some point I noticed that Mayhem loot doesn't seem to increase my melee damage and as an experiment switched to M11. I was very surprised when the difference was almost negligible. While farming the cartel bosses for fish slap I switched to M10 to make it a bit more interesting through the modifiers. At no point has Mayhem ever felt as something one would progress through, like for example torment does in D3. Is this basically exclusive to build such as mine, whose damage seems to inherently scale with mayhem (I guess that's what's happening here)? Or am I missing something obvious as to why others seem to approach these Mayhem levels very differently from the way I do?

    tl:dr do some builds just skip gradual Mayhem progression while others can't?

    submitted by /u/ota-Q
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    How to reacquire Level 72 Super Soldier Shield?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    As title states, I'm not sure how to get the super soldier at 72 after already unlocking it at 65. Do I need to delete the one I have currently?

    submitted by /u/DamnltJ3rry
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    [PC] Should I get Borderlands 3 during this STEAM sale?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Base game is currently 67% off, but the Super Deluxe and Ultimate Edition is also on sale. I can get the base game for now, but afraid on losing out not getting the other editions.

    However the Super Deluxe and especially Ultimate is kinda pricey for me currently, even with the sale.

    Should I go all out and get either edition, or just get base game and wait for next sale?

    submitted by /u/kekubuk
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    OUTLAW ZANE!! Best Jakobs Zane

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    Hey guys so today I'm showing off my OutLaw Zane build, this build does some insane damage and is just a blast to play with. Go take a watch and let me know what you guys think of the build. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VvzjSnFOKs

    submitted by /u/SiahZ_
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    Slaughterstar Boss issue

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    I play on ps5 and have been trying to fa some Rowan's calls however everytime I get to the boss fight, neither of the bosses spawn. Is there something I'm doing wrong, is there a fix? I just wanna get some rowans calls dammit.

    submitted by /u/dinorigu
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    [Pre Sequel] stuck selecting a character since I’m indecisive

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    So I started as the shield assassin chick because I have a soft spot for murderous ladies but then realized 'man Jack probably has some good dialogue' so I started again as jack and it's alright I guess but apparently he's OP and I'm not tryna be super op I usually like to not be like that til like end game (plus his ult is good but kinda underwhelming but like I said his dialogue so far makes up for it).

    But I'm wondering how the other characters are? The wilhelm dude seems super basic and not up my alley at all and the cowgirl seems really fun but I'm not sure I can get into the character (don't even know why this is suddenly an issue I'm literally only playing this whole bl3 downloads but I'd like to beat it since it's a full game I always thought it was like a half game kinda thing)

    Wondering who you guys played as and how it was?

    submitted by /u/xTenzaa
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    Question about gibbed (BL2)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    So, my girlfriend has been playing through the games and we're currently on Borderlands 2, in order for her to be able to play the DLCs without being over leveled, I'm reserving her level to 30 every once in a while with the gibbed save editor. Now, here's my question, even though I'm resetting the levels, im letting her keep the skill points, which means she has more skill points than she should at this level, will it affect the game in any way? She's currently destroying everything in her path, but I'm not sure if her having more skill points through gibbed is somehow affecting her damage output or if she simply has very good guns. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/NAmorath
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    Anyone want to play from the starr

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    I have bl3 and is wanting to know if anyone wants to play ps4 username F_trQ1

    submitted by /u/williamiscool123
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    New arrival documenting their adventure on Pandora!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I'm new to Pandora and have decided to document my stay planetside. To try and limit the chances of getting robbed, I've decided to limit myself to relatively inexpensive gear. I'm sure someone else needs those blues and purples more than me down the line. Who am I to take away that from those who need it more, y'know?

    Things have been interesting so far. Lots of intriguing people, plants, animals. Some are friendly and some... well... aren't...

    To see my journey so far follow the link below. I'm posting weekly updates from Pandora and this is part 5 of my adventure. In this latest episode I seem to have made a LOT of people angry. Hope you enjoy!

    Here's the link

    I'm new to the whole YT game and by new I mean I've been editing and posting videos for a few weeks now, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Fudge_Lobster
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    How good is the online on Switch?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    So I own the entire series on PC, but I want to play with a friend who has a majority of it on Switch. As you can imagine, that just doesn't work.

    Because of that, I'm considering buying the collection for Switch. However I can't find any information online for how good Borderlands' netcode is, especially compared to other games on the console like Smash Bros.

    Basically I just want to know if it's likely the online will run smoothly, or if there's a way I can even test it without just buying an entire Borderlands game.

    submitted by /u/Eddiemate
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    Borderlands 3: How to change characters in a splitscreen coop campaign?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I started the game yesterday with my GF - enjoying it but I am unhappy with my character selection. We are playing local splitscreen coop mode. I would like to change character but I don't want her to have to restart the story. Is it possible for me to join with a new character at the point at which her character is currently at in the story? Playing on PS5 if that is relevant.


    submitted by /u/Illustrious_Gas2188
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    What's the mask in Borderlands 1 Cover called?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 02:09 AM PDT

    ive only played an hour of borderlands 1, i honestly couldnt get into it but i to know whats the white gas mask thing called in the borderland 1 game cover

    submitted by /u/zenithically
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