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    Thursday, July 8, 2021

    Borderlands I think they did Axton and Salvador dirty

    Borderlands I think they did Axton and Salvador dirty

    I think they did Axton and Salvador dirty

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Every character from previous games excluding pre sequel (Athena mostly) got a decently large roll in the game wether they were in the main story or a main character in a DLC. With Axton and Salvador they were made semi annoying commentators to an add-on I wouldn't even call a DLC more a repeatable quest. Being two of the main four in BL2 I feel like they got wronged super hard.

    submitted by /u/CapnKrieg
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    Today's learning experience.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    Fairly new to Borderlands 3, played a lot of one and two.

    Anyway after killing some mobs I was thinking damn my gun seems low on damage compared to a few hours ago when I was playing.

    Quick Google leads to me realizing I need to wait on menu screen until all hot fixes are working etc.

    Then it hit me. I just killed grave warden and it was a 12 minute fight. My smg was on 72 damage not 269. Fml

    submitted by /u/Bakerstas
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    How are you guys min/maxing lightshows?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 01:24 AM PDT

    Yo so I'm still fairly new to br3 I'm max level and made a high dps flak build similar to the one Killer Six made. So I'm wondering what are you guys looking for with similar builds on lightshows? Right now I have a Molten Ruthless Lightshow that's pretty good but I just wanna have something to benchmark my rolls to?

    submitted by /u/sasalovespearljam
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    The previous games vault hunters should act as the mentor role in the next game - change my mind

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 12:20 AM PDT

    Title says it all, the previous games vault hunters should be the supporting cast/mentor roles in the next game allowing us to see our characters from a third person perspective.

    We can see in BL2, the BL1 chat west acted as catalysts to help the story move on and supported the player through their endeavours. Simply; the BL1 cast helped the BL2 cast. And it payed off as the story had characters we could quickly bond too as we had played as them before and continue arcs and personal quests from the first game through to the second; ie - Roland was still the commander/leader role that was calculating and thorough in his field work. - Mordecai was still the nonchalant sniper that only really was invested when something of his was on the line (acting suave and cool before WEP and his outrage afterwards and consistent driving force of "for blood wing") - brick was still the fists first think later brawler and followed a path that suited his character (king of the slabs) and still helped out in the final conclusion. - Lilith was still the headstrong character who went through a whole arc and a half through the game with rolands death, blood shots, Jack and angel etc

    In BL3, they abandoned this and decided on style over substance. Bringing back tonnes of Chartres for no real reason and still hanging onto the BL1 characters. IMO these should have taken a backseat to the backseat and showed up when needed. Ie maybe Lilith is away helping crimson raiders elsewhere and we are introduced to her coming to help out with Tyreen.

    I feel if they had kept the extra cast (Marcus, Ellie etc) the same but let the BL2 helm the operations with the vault hunters the game would have been better and more accepted by fans.

    But anyway change my mind :D

    Edit; typos and I have so much more to say but I'm suddenly on mobile and recalling to work. Feel free to ask about it

    submitted by /u/Lazymario123
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    Can't get in heck hole

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    Every time I try to enter the heck hole it tells me I don't have the add on content installed

    submitted by /u/JazzDaSpood
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    What game should I play after borderlands 2 and the pre-sequel

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    I don't know if I should get borderlands 3 or borderlands 1? Could some please help me?

    submitted by /u/GWS_REVENGE
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    Lucky find on my Gunslinger Mordecai

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    Just got to cap level, was working on starting the claptrap dlc and when I got to town, Marcus has a Masher Unforgiven! 540x7 damage and its level requirement is 69

    submitted by /u/pinksweater204
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    Lore of borderlands 2

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Who have placed the turrets that shot you when you exit the map limit? Hyperion? Dahl? I find that curious

    submitted by /u/Poldopoppy
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    Borderlands 3 Class Gameplay Combos / Loops

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I just started Borderlands 3 and reached a point where I understand one of Zane's possible combos is:

    1. Pop shield
    2. Pop Digiclone
    3. Run through shield (get movespeed boost)
    4. Swap with clone beside an enemy (cryo nova and kill skills)
    5. Shoot and aggro and swap around

    I want to get to know each classes' combos, but I don't really have the time to invest into researching and levelling as I did back in the day (can't believe BL2 was more than half a decade ago!!).

    Another issue is BL3 class design is not as clear-cut and archetypical as previous Borderlands games, so it takes a bit longer for me to read up and understand.

    What is each class' staple combo like? What's your favorite combo?

    submitted by /u/FlickMyLeftNipple69
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    looking for games similar to Borderlands (i.e. with good map/quest tracker and humor)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    I'm looking for single player games that have lots of quests and side quests and a good map/quest tracker. Humor is also a big plus.

    I can be a picky gamer and the only "big" games I've 100% finished successfully are the whole Borderlands franchise and GTA V. The things those 2 games have in common are: they're shooter games, have good quest map trackers and humor so I'm looking for similar games. I also get motion sickness but I can really only know if I do once I play the game so I'll just have to gamble on that.

    I'm a completionist so having a great map quest tracker is important. It's okay if it's an open world as long as they can show me where to pick up quests etc.

    If anyone has any ideas for what I can play next, it would be appreciated! :)

    submitted by /u/rockinrobin_28
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    Could we please get some optimization on Console?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    I don't know if this is the same in Xbox or PC but PS4 optimization is really bad

    Nearly 1 minute long loading screens (sometimes longer)

    Game lag when you open your inventory and go to different tabs in your ECHO menu

    Texture Pop in(ok that's always been there but still)

    Those are just so examples of problems I'm experiencing right now with BL3 if anyone else is experiencing these issues please say so in the comments because that'd help get gearboxes attention

    Every waking moment I feel like my console is going to explode due to these issues

    submitted by /u/Pridefull_Furry
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    Is BL3 more like 1/2 or more like the pre-sequal?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    I remember they added a bunch of weird features to pre-sequal that just didnt make it as fun as BL2 was

    submitted by /u/Arbitard1171
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    Any comunity for borderlands 2 ?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    My psn is Khyh_The_Best

    submitted by /u/Iker_khyh_lima
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    Need help with General Knoxx mission "loot larceny" 2nd PT on Nintendo Switch

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    I did the glitch but accidentally went through the elevator room so now I can't beat loot larceny. I was told I needed to join someone else's game that's on the Super-Marcus Sweep Mission in order to fix it

    submitted by /u/DandyDan2
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    The Door.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    So with our level cap to 72, and the events now in game full time, and possibly not getting anymore DLC (not that I have heard, but im outta the loop for the most part). Will we ever get to see what is supposed to be behind the door in Ascension Bluff? Unless there is something, and I haven't seen any results in searching. I've seen that people have been in there, but it's empty. I'm just getting back into the game so, I possibly have missed it.

    submitted by /u/radxink
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    Stuck on Shadow of starlight Quest Borderlands 3

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:17 AM PDT

    Im stuck on the shadow of starlight quest where im supposed to follow typhon but something happened at the end where he suddenly stop and froze in place and wont move at all. I cant even restart it properly because the quest box is checkmarked is there anything i can do to fix it? Im on Xbox

    submitted by /u/bored101baka
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    UVHM in borderlands 2

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    I just finished my TVHM run and iam at the begening of UVHM , i have a few questions about this diffculty mainly iam looking for some tips trough my questions .

    If everything scales to my level should i just blast my way to level 80 ?

    Is farming weapons useless unless iam max level , if so how do i counter weapon becoming stale really quickly in this mode ?

    thanks in advance , i appreciate any bit of tips you guys have for me .

    submitted by /u/Sea_Management_8356
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    Playing through every BL1 DLC for the first time. Where did the game design go?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    For context I have played plenty of the original Borderlands base game across the years but recently have decided to go through all of the DLC content to see what I missed and I've noted some serious quality drops from the base game in many cases.

    Maybe the base game has some kind of protective nostalgia for me that the DLC lacks but I'm sure the general quality of the game in these expansions just falls off a cliff.

    Future games DLC content has typically improved on the quality of the base game adding nice Quality of Life features and polish. The borderlands 1 DLC content appears to have bypassed the polishing stage and just thrown together some cool ideas in a hurry without proper playtesting and thought.

    First of all the ridiculous piece of design that plagues every DLC here is the fact that each DLC only has 1 singular fast travel location for the entire thing. Because of the way BL1 works this means every time you save & quit you end up at the very beginning, if you want to leave the DLC to go to somewhere on the base game or another DLC then you must Run/Drive through the entire map to get to the fast travel point, or just cheese the system and Quit + Reload to spawn yourself back at the ONLY fast travel point.

    The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned
    - Took me what felt like 20 minutes even though I went in underleveled.
    - Would have taken even less time if the only point of difficulty wasn't bullet sponge Tankensteins.
    - Who thought every single enemy reducing your movement speed to a crawl (or completely stopping it) was fun?

    Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot
    - Literally just arenas not much to say about this one it does it's job.

    The Secret Armory of General Knoxx
    - Car physics straight out of Goat Simulator, especially the racer which has tires made of glue and a 5 meter high centre of gravity for some reason.
    - Gigantic portions of map with literally no way to replenish health or ammo.
    - Vehicle health bars are tiny meaning most combat situations make you have to walk across the huge monotonous maps waiting for the next catch a ride spot.
    - Wonky balance with level 53 missions having swarms of level 55 badass enemies that sponge an absurd amount of damage.
    - The minimap on the highway maps is 3 light years away and practically pointless
    - Lance assassins go run a marathon as soon as you enter FFYL so good lucking getting second wind (if you can even see past the insane darkness filter added by the enhanced edition of the game)
    - If you're lucky they wont even put you in FFYL but just launch you off the map
    - Some enemies literally just don't have a crit spot, my entire build is built on crit damage.

    Claptrap's New Robot Revolution
    - By far the worst offender of the 1 fast travel per DLC, it's in the middle of fucking nowhere.
    - Marcus plays his introduction cutscene every time I walk near him.
    - Horrible terrain that you just float on and get stuck constantly.
    - Some maps and areas look like and feel GMOD map of a borderlands map.
    - Hyperion troops are immune to damage from a majority of their hitbox. Fun
    - Took a boss fight from DLC3 and then made you do it again, then it made you do THAT fight yet again, made a unique boss fight but then made you do it twice within about 15 minutes of gameplay, also recycled the DLC1 boss for good measure.

    Basically I was just curious if it was a general consensus that the DLC content was shit quality compared to the rest of the game or if it has just aged very poorly in comparison to the base game. It's an almost 12 year old game these are more observations than moaning, if I wanted a more polished game I would play BL2, or a more fun game then BL3.

    OPINIONS BTW, feel free to agree OR disagree.

    submitted by /u/OfficialBreeze
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    Anyone want to play

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    I have bl2,bl3 and pre sequal you choose I don't care but bl2 and pre sequal my data got reset so yeah ps4 username F_trQ1 spell it exactly like that

    submitted by /u/williamiscool123
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    Quick question

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    Does anyone still play borderlands 1? I'm level 17 and I seem to be getting railed a lot. Playing as brick. Any pointers, or help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Suspicious_Slide_394
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    Borderlands pre sequel ps4

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    I'm looking for someone to play the pre sequel with.. starting the game from scratch

    submitted by /u/Grungehead47
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