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    Wednesday, September 15, 2021

    Borderlands Are people aware that the skill calculator was never updated to accommodate the purple DLC trees?

    Borderlands Are people aware that the skill calculator was never updated to accommodate the purple DLC trees?

    Are people aware that the skill calculator was never updated to accommodate the purple DLC trees?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    I tried to figure out how to best level up Moze for an incendiary play style but it only has the original 3.

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Borderlands 3's dialogue problem - is it overblown?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    I'll make this very clear:

    If I could ask for one thing in this series, it would be dialogue skip. I am not arguing that Borderlands 3's lack of a dialogue skip is okay; instead, I am proposing that this is a series issue, and not a Borderlands 3 issue in particular.

    "return to lilith at sanctuary" has kinda become a meme in this community, and for good reason. many players have justifiably criticized Borderlands 3 for the degree of (what is essentially) time-wasting. Returning to Lilith to hear her meander about the mission forces you to return to sanctuary, run across the ship, listen to her entire dialogue section, then repeat when the next mission is over as well. in general, the biggest problem is idly sitting around with your thumb up the ass because some random character is meandering on for an extended time about shit u likely dont care about

    ok, so we agree that waiting for dialogue is a problem. everyone should understand this and back the inclusion of a dialogue-skip (which you actually can do on PC). but is borderlands 3 particularly deserving of criticism for time-wasting design, or is this a problem similarly shared by its predecessor: Borderlands 2? (i wont get into TPS or B1 in this post)?

    well im gonna argue that borderlands 2 is actually worse when it comes to wasting your time as a player, and borderlands 3 receives an unfair, disproportionate amount of criticism for it.

    Firstly, let's ignore the fact u can skip dialogue on PC with Borderlands 3, cuz that makes this comparison too easily in favor of the newest title.

    There are three main components to time-waste in this series, that I can think of atm:

    1. dialogue
    2. backtracking
    3. repetition

    Dialogue: something I think is often overlooked is the fact that Borderlands 3's main story is longer than that of Borderlands 2. If 3 takes 50% longer to see the credits roll, then assuming its the same proportion of writing as 2, that's 50% more dialogue you have to sit through. So this is an expected increase in time-waste, despite people Ive talked to claiming ridiculous hyperbole like "40% of the game is the dialogue/sanctuary filler." My point here is that, unless someone actually proves that Borderlands 3 has more time proportionally listening to dialogue, then this would be normal with regards to the series.

    Furthermore, Borderands 3 lets you skip all cutscenes. Borderlands 2 does not (as far as I know). Another thing to consider.

    Backtracking: Borderlands 3 lets players fast travel from anywhere they want. It also lets you fast travel to your car. Borderlands 2 just says "eh, fuck you. Run all the way back." If we take into account the added up time of backtracking that Borderlands 2 forces you to go through (think midgemong in southern shelf, where u have to run to a different level, complete task, and run all the way back with no fast travels), it may actually skew the time-waste total to be higher than that of Borderlands 3.

    Furthermore, Borderlands 3 also lets you quit and rejoin next to the nearest checkpoint, which can save a lot of time surprisingly (i.e., claptrap getting stuck on elevator in Borderlands 2, so u have to redo the entire fucking area starting all the way back in Liar's berg)

    Repetition: and finally, the most significant difference which I never see people bring up with regards to this topic. Typically the "Borderlands 3 sucks cuz so much dialogue" crowd only focuses on NVHM - that is, the main story. What about getting to max level? In Borderlands 3 its pretty simple - enable mayhem, then play the DLC or, hell, whatever you want, until max. Borderlands 2 has TVHM and requires you to redo the entire main story, even if you use the DLC to level up. Okay, so that's one time redoing ALL of the dialogue and backtracking from the main story. But now u have to hit level 80 and maybe you want to, ya know, take advantage of certain gear locked behind missions which are locked behind the main story...that's a a second time redoing it all (same goes for if u have to redo DLC from nvhm/tvhm). what if u want mission-reward level 80 loot? thats a third time redoing it all. Borderlands 3 ain't like that, so the time-waste comparison between 2 and 3 is hilariously worse in 2 if you take into account reaching max level.

    in summary, I love both games but I cringe whenever I see people exaggerate the problem of time-waste in Borderlands 3, because I know they'll downplay its existence in Borderlands 2 ("well i like getting to end-game in 2!" as if that discounts the time-waste problem...). Rip apart Borderlands 3 for its dogshit writing, unoptimization, questionable AF anointment system, or whatever, but pretending that wasted time is unique to or worse in Borderlands 3? maybe that's a series problem and not a valid complaint if you aren't going to maintain consistency by criticizing 2 for the same

    submitted by /u/Zoomemy
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    Playthrough 2.5 Destroyer and Final Mission

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Given that Playthrough 2.5/Playthrough 2+ begins as soon as you begin Destroy The Destroyer/enter The Vault, do players who are farming for the maximum level (to then complete sidequests (due to scaling) at the maximum level) save killing The Destroyer for drops and Bring The Vault Key To Tennis for scaled rewards?

    It appears that The Destroyer always scales to 2 levels above the player, so saving that sequence until one is at the maximum level seems like a logical thing to do (for maximally beneficial drops)

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/homecycLical
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    A little help for a newbie trying to get to UVHM

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    So, i played borderlands 2 casually since it came out, only play one playthrough with one character and then leave it, but since i started on pc i really got interested in reaching lvl 72 in UVHM but i have a concern. I have a Zer0 lvl 38 and just finish NVHM Pirates booty dlc, and i wanted to play the rest in this mode before starting the TVHM. Then i read the guide here in reddit and it says that i should have played the DLC in TVHM when i reached lvl 30 and i considerate it. Now I'm starting to worry to get to much xp and get 50+ and just turn UVHM into a soulslike shooter.

    Am i worrying to much? If someone can give me some advice it would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Hefesto86
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    stats vs damage?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    I've been playing BL3 for a while now and loving the game. I get some guns with great effects and stats but the physical damage isn't very good. Is it wise to choose stats over physical damage? or should I always choose higher damage than whatever the stats maybe? For instance a green weapon will have better physical damage and handling than a purple weapon that has accuracy, radiation damage and a larger magazine size?

    submitted by /u/Lefthandovg0d
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    Borderlands 3 Redux mod. Missing files? Installed correctly?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    I installed Redux and it's the only Redux mod I have installed, but how can I tell if it's working? I installed the Redux mod, but it shows 11932/12617 modded hotfix files under the "News" in the main menu. Did I install it correctly? Or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Snoo26740
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    BL2 keeps freezes as soon as i get to the character select screen.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 04:09 PM PDT

    I finally decided to install BL2 after having it in my EGS library but every time i get to the character select screen, the game freezes. any help?

    submitted by /u/Brilliant_Surprise_3
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    The hunt spreadsheet???

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Hey friends! I was wondering if anyone had the spreadsheet from the BL3 hunt 2021, or even better if someone has updated it to include seasonal event loot now that the events are always accessible?

    submitted by /u/carbonostin
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    Can I play borderlands 2 (ps4) with my friend who plays on ps5?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    I Tried looking it up but I found different answers so can someone who has tried tell me if it's possible?

    submitted by /u/Gage_Unruh
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    Can you crossplay between Xbone and Series X with The Handsome collection?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Couldn't seem to use the 360 version to play with someome who was using the handsome version on their series x.

    submitted by /u/Egobot
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    Arms Race missing?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    I have the Super Deluxe Edition I bought at launch. I just upgraded to the Series S. I swear I bought Arms Race as like a $10 add on when it came out, not the whole Season Pass 2. Am I remembering things wrong? Was Arms Race offered a la carte?

    submitted by /u/mtwotheatt
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    Is epic gear worth keeping?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    I'm level 72 and trying to assemble endgame Moze builds, I don't understand why epics have higher score on average compared to legendaries, does it means that they are better? I also have plenty of Ethereum and I don't know which is the best way to spend it.

    submitted by /u/Ironforce92
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    Are the DLC's for Borderlands 3 worth playing?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    Hi all.

    I completed Borderlands 3 a while ago when it first came out. Never touched it since. The story was near dog shit. The twins were forgettable and I ended up forgetting that they were the main villains halfway through the game. Ava was useless and I couldn't stand her bratty attitude (not to mention she got Maya killed) and Lilith running into the sun or whatever the fuck she was doing at the end while "Girl On Fire" blasted over the credits left me in disbelief, and not in a good way.

    I'm feeling the Borderlands itch at the moment. I do like the gameplay in BL3 and I do own the DLC's, But I was just wondering if the story picked up in them or reached the levels of Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep in Borderlands 2, or should I completely skip them overall and find something else to play?


    submitted by /u/IzzyBlues
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