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    Thursday, November 11, 2021

    Borderlands Bounty of Blood

    Borderlands Bounty of Blood

    Bounty of Blood

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 06:58 AM PST

    Alright, so over the passed few weeks, I've been replaying Borderlands 3 after having not touched the game since my second playthrough back in 2019. The story had greatly put me off from playing it again (this time on PC instead of PS4), and it's just as poor as I remember it. However, now I've reached the DLC after suffering through the main plot and I'm not disappointed in the slightest.

    I deeply enjoyed "Miss Moxxi and The Handsome Jackpot", and the "Cold Case" series of side missions in "Guns, Love, and Tentacles" genuinely choked me up because of how good it was. The writing in that one questline feels onpar with that of "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep" and The Pre-Sequel's "Claptastic Voyage" DLC. Then I reached Bounty of Blood.

    Going into the third DLC, I expected a dumpster fire given the <50% review score on Steam. But... it wasn't a dumpster fire. In fact, the first thing I noticed was the narration and how... good it was. It reminded me of "Call of Juarez: Gunslinger", one of my favorite FPS games. I also quickly noticed how straightedge the DLC was playing the world of Gehenna. I expected some over-the-top parody of Westerns with not Japanese inspiration here and there, but I was completely wrong. Instead, I found a place that felt... genuine. It didn't feel like a meme is what I mean. It felt like the folk who designed Gehenna had a genuine passion for its creation.

    I understand that one of the reasons people didn't like it was its length, but I don't get it. I think the length is fine. Then again, I'm a total Metroid fanboy, so I'm used to shorter gaming experiences. I'd just love to know why so many people hate this DLC. Honestly, I would fucking kill for a spinoff set solely on Gehenna, sort of like how we're getting "Tiny Tina's Wonderlands" in a few months. I think you could do so much with it as a campaign setting.

    Sorry for the long and very wordy post, I just needed to gush about it.

    submitted by /u/DiscoDanSHU
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    [Pre Sequel Spoilers] What do you think would have happened had Jack not been betrayed by Moxxi, Lilith and Roland? Could this have even happened at all? There are many possible scenarios I've thought out in which this could have occurred:

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 03:41 PM PST

    First, say Gladstone happens not to mention the possibility of a spy being on Helios, thereby never letting the whole airlock thing happen, which would keep Lilith and Roland's opinions of Jack from changing. Would this change anything though? Jack still seems to be growing a penchant for killing throughout the game, so if the airlock doesn't freak them out, I'm sure something else down the road could.

    Second let's say that, rather than being the soulless husk of a character that he is, Roland approaches Jack and speaks to him about all the pointless killing. Let's say that this happens immediately after the airlock incident. Suppose he appeals to Jack's ego, telling him that "this isn't what heroes do," blah blah blah. Would this change anything, though? Would Jack even listen?

    Maybe something else could happen involving Angel that would give Jack a change of heart, I dunno. I could go on, but I got tacos to eat. What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/iridium_carbide
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    Custom Weapon Idea: a love letter to Sonic the Hedgehog

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 10:26 PM PST

    (First post here, I'm Sonic trash, don't judge)

    I haven't thought of a good name for it, but I do know what it would look like. It's a Vladof Assault Rifle with an E-Tech barrel. It would have a decent magazine size (somewhere in the 50-60 range), mild recoil, an extremely fast reload, and an absurd rate of fire, close to Shredifier RoF. It would also have awful accuracy. Every bullet you fire from it flies at a stray angle, even when ADS.

    Sounds awful, right? A bullet hose that can't put those shots anywhere, and just generally isn't reliable at all? Well, I haven't gotten to the good part yet.

    You see, that E-Tech barrel fires blue fast traveling projectiles that, when near an enemy, aggressively home in on their crit spot. As in "makes 90 degree angle turns like it's nothing" levels of tracking. Again, these bullets come out after each other at a blistering pace with mild recoil and has a nice mag size to boot. And the cherry on top? There's another unique effect to this gun: taking a page out of the Vladof Rocket Launchers' book, each shot from this AR has a chance to not consume ammo.

    What you have is a gun that rapidly fires crit spot-seeking homing bullets with controllable recoil and the ability to fire longer than it has any right to, with an extra fast reload just in case.

    I even have a good red text quote for this: If you played nice, I wouldn't have to break all your toys.

    As you can tell by the title, this gun is inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog; the quote is from Unleashed, the homing bullets reference the Homing Attack, and the poor accuracy is based off of a loosely-confirmed headcanon of mine that Sonic is a hilariously bad shot.

    This gun will have to be Pearlescent at least, anything less rare and we'll have a new Norfleet. Anyways, what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Umbreonel
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    Norfleet is back in the new Tiny Tina Stand Alone DLC !

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 11:20 PM PST

    I just wanted to share the news that the norfleet is back, got it from the four king during the main quest !


    I don't know if you can grab this in a later part of the game, but I was quite please with myself when it droped.

    submitted by /u/Jobenben-tameyre
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    Tiny Tina’s Adventure, thoughts from someone who has never played Borderlands before.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:38 AM PST

    (Sorry this is long. got carried away)

    Hi all, just some rambling thoughts of the game I got for £8 on XB. I've never even looked at Borderlands before, which is weird to me now since it feels like a child of Diablo and Destiny (to me), 2 games I love!

    1 The animations: These are smooth af in first person. The feel of you running and holding/using/switching weapons is top notch. The enemy animations seem pretty good too. I don't understand jumping yet. Why is it so floaty? I've come across one reason that it was used, and that was a very small jumping puzzle in a quest, but i'm sure floaty jumping wasn't put in for that. So yea, don't understand that yet.

    2 The World style: Is fantastic. The art style on the maps and town is great, nothing like i've ever seen before. The music is also really good for each of the areas so far, I appreciate a good music track and the sound effects too I thought are well done for ambience to weapons. The Bane gun from the Roland quest is hilarious to use and had me laughing a lot. The dialogue is also brilliant.

    3 Wearables: If I came across someone talking about borderlands in the wild of the internet, I had no idea what they were talking about when they mentioned heads. I get this now. I like that I can unlock more and there's some pretty cool ones in there too. Same goes for outfits.

    4 Gunplay: I like this a lot. I think i've been spoilt with games that have minimal recoil lately so it took me a while to get some of the guns wild recoil under control. The tokens and perks to recoil and accuracy have helped.

    5 Skills: I haven't played with this much, and i'm spread across 2 of the 3 skill trees. I'm a commando and it's different to me that skills for the turret are spread across all 3, rather than focusing on 1, so I have much to play around with to get this right. But reminds me of Diablo, which I love.

    6 UX for UI: Again love the art style, even though it appears quite low res and date I say a little dated, it also seems to be squashed all in the middle of the screen and not using the full width (maybe that's a console thing?), but the UX of it is nice, I like it.

    What I do not like is I can't check ammo without having to pause the game and go in to the backpack. Fights are frantic and I can't keep track of the ammo on weapons when they get chewed through so quickly. A small on screen indicator with the dpad weapon and ammo amount would be very welcomed.

    7 My only major gripe with this game is pickups: It seems some items auto pickup and others do not. Why? I don't see any logical reason why a non equipment item wouldn't auto pickup if you run over or near it. Especially ammo in a game where you chew through it at blistering pace. I swear i've spent half my time looking down in this game to pick up ammo(which I just spam X on because see #6 gripe), shards and smash pots or graves. It's actually quite annoying.

    8 Items: I fucking love items. I love grinding for them, I love wondering what will drop next. That's why everything must die!

    Apart from getting stuck in the terrain on a few places, this game is great fun. And the humour is just a huge cherry on top. I cannot wait for Wonderlands!

    submitted by /u/Spindelhalla_xb
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    DLC questions

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 04:42 PM PST

    Hi. I have borderlands 3 on epic (wish it was steam). There seems to be a few different pricing options for DLC that confuse me. I'd like to get them all (with the exceptions of cosmetic only ones) for a fresh playthrough. Do they add just more quests or do we get classes or anything? I wanted to do a full restart since I only played once but I'm not sure what to expect with the DLC if it's worth it. And the fact that there are multiple ones confuse me.

    Any clarification or help would be appreciated.

    Also since I have the epic version can I still co op with steam?

    submitted by /u/Dill_Bo_Baggins
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    Borderlands 2 character and Tiny Tina standalone

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 04:31 PM PST

    I have a very simple question. I started playing BL for some time now and I already have some leveled up characters in BL2. But my friends started playing Tiny Tina standalone. And I want to know if it is possible for me to play with my BL2 character in the standalone game with my friends, knowing, that its practically the same DLC from the main game. Thanks in advance !

    submitted by /u/Different-Bunch5587
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    Cm'ere I'll mash your insides up and play mud wrestlin with me winkle

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 08:39 PM PST

    *3 seconds later*


    submitted by /u/AfterThisbutNotThat
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    Question regarding the Tiny Tina One Shot's scaling

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 04:51 AM PST

    Hi all, I know it's not been out for long but has anyone here managed to max level a character yet? Because I'm curious how it's balanced and whether slag still ends up being necessary for significant damage at higher levels (I'm assuming there'll be a UVHM equivalent?). Cheers!

    submitted by /u/coffeefan1804
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    Ultimate edition PS5 upgrade

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 08:27 AM PST

    I originally purchased the base game on PS4 (disc). If I buy the ultimate edition on PS5 (disc) will I be able to transfer my previous save from my PS4 to the PS5? Or would the new PS5 disc version not be compatible?

    submitted by /u/TheGeolog1st
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    Has anyone been able to get the adaptive triggers on a DualSense to work on a PC, without 3rd party programs, in Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 07:09 AM PST

    The game has an option to enable the adaptive triggers on PC too but so far i've had no luck. I tried disabling all controller configurations in Steam Big Picture but that just disables controllers entirely in BL3. Enabling the configs in Steam makes BL3 see the DualSense as an XBox controller as the automatic button prompts option turns the symbols to that seen on XBox.

    submitted by /u/MuusiV2
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    Can you get the new Tiny Tina Stand-alone items in BL2?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 03:30 PM PST

    I read there are some new heads was wondering if you can get them on the normal game.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/The-Snowstone
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    The Pre-Sequel is by far the hardest BL game

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 11:01 PM PST

    I just beat 3 and I'm so frustrated with TPS

    All my weapons are garbage

    All the enemies have extremely good any and have very high elemental chance

    I am always running out of oxygen

    My shields are crap

    etc etc etc

    submitted by /u/AfterThisbutNotThat
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    Should i skip BL1

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 11:23 AM PST

    I have bough the GOTY edition and i must say the enhanced edition is ass... The huge memory leak is a huge issue and i have went back to the og version but there is constant screen tearing and i cant change FOV ive tried to use a config tool and even try to edit the ini file myself and without luck.. i love the games atmosphere and game play but it has so many issues

    submitted by /u/HoodieXeno
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    Anyone wanna go through and complete all side quests in the One Shot Adventure?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 02:45 PM PST

    This is TVHM and I'm not getting rid of the "The Beard Makes The Man" quest.

    submitted by /u/NecessaryAd8694
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    People who ordered the tabletop Bunkers & Badasses, is it any good?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 01:27 AM PST

    I just saw that gearbox is trying to kickstart or is at least involved in the kickstarter of another tabletop, and some of the comments reminded me of the existence of the Bunkers & Bandasses tabletop. After some research, apparently it is shipping out to folks almost right now, so I am curious if anyone has purchased it, what are your thoughts? Was it worth however much it was?

    submitted by /u/spongbobluvshrek
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    What's the name of the Execution Bot from Pirate's Booty in Bl2?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 01:24 PM PST

    I'm trying to find out what he says and or re-fight him in my game. The Loaders in Pirate's Booty are funny. Anyone know the name of the Execution Loader Bot or the quest to check out?

    submitted by /u/AfterThisbutNotThat
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    Shift Keys

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 01:20 PM PST

    Are there shift codes out for the one shot adventure? I tried active codes for borderlands 2 and 3 with no luck. Am I missing something or?

    submitted by /u/fishboy26
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    Question about claptrap revolution

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 01:06 PM PST

    I'm playing the OG borderlands with a friend, and we're trying to get all the achievements we can. I was wondering if for the achievements involving collecting items, like the panties and the bobble heads and stuff, if it counts for both of us or not. For instance if I pick up an item, will it count towards my friends achievement

    submitted by /u/jeabus69
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    What is your favourite weapon in BL2 (or the others)?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 09:18 AM PST

    Mine would be a shock or corrosive Veruc

    submitted by /u/NiklausKaine
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    Save edit New tiny tina standalone

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 01:06 AM PST

    Has anyone found a way to save edit yet? I wanted to add keys to my character and tried gibbed but it said invalid magic. I know they messed with it a bit but I thought that since it was basically a rip of the base dlc that it would work just fine but doesnt seem so.

    submitted by /u/Madgunner1
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