• Breaking News

    Monday, November 22, 2021

    Borderlands I am making what I believe to be the most complete and canon-compliant map of Pandora.

    Borderlands I am making what I believe to be the most complete and canon-compliant map of Pandora.

    I am making what I believe to be the most complete and canon-compliant map of Pandora.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 07:49 PM PST

    So I've been prepping to run a Borderlands Starfinder game, and really wanted a good map for Pandora. A cursory google will let you know that no such thing exists, and the best we have to go off of is coastal subsection maps and blurry, half-obscured globe shots that don't match up with each other.

    Seriously, no official map matches any other official map in any capacity.

    Anyway, so with a lot of effort, comparing of maps, and ripping files directly from BL3 (as well as a bit of artistic liberty regarding location placements), I present Pandora. It's a bit of a WIP atm, I haven't yet added any BL1 or TFTYBL locations, but I'm working on it.

    Bonus Globe Version

    submitted by /u/Ubiquitouch
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    Borderlands 2 key codes

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 05:09 AM PST

    Two more codes for 5 Gold keys each. Both expire December 06.



    Shift rewards link

    submitted by /u/CelticKitty621
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    [Spoilers] My thoughts on Borderlands 3 first time playing and story questions.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2021 01:55 AM PST

    Ok so played the Borderlands 1 and 2 recently, great fun. Up to the bit in Borderlands 3 where Maya dies. The thing is did they just do that for the death thing in Borderlands made little sense. Could she not just teleport with the annoying brat out of there? Also any Borderlands lore people, if you die do they not just appear at the re-material machine thing like when the player dies? I think would have been better if Ava got killed there, would have made more sense story wise and bonus all round.

    Also suprised me when I just found the Maya and Krieg trailer, the train meeting one was great never came across this in the last two games myself. Was really funny.

    Also the new Siren live action mind message for Lilith and Tannis is weird, not sure if it works better?

    submitted by /u/CollateralJustice
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    Are Borderlands 1 DLCs important for the overall story

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 12:49 PM PST

    I'm new to the world of Borderlands and wanted to start from BL1. But that's it really, i didn't engage well with the game and just played through it so i can relate to the other games. So is it important that i play through the DLCs so i can understand things from the following games or it's not important for the overall story?

    submitted by /u/Fa1se-Personality
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    Can you get locked from the story if you buy all the sdus?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 10:40 PM PST

    I'm asking this because I've been doing a lot of farming and I wanted to know if I bought all the sdus I would get hard locked sense you have to buy one to progress into the story.

    submitted by /u/Messeduppika
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    Well, that's something interesting. Seems like the game doesn't like the Omega body.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 08:21 PM PST


    Was doing some craw farming with my buddy and an Omega dropped. After the farm session I went to drop it and my buddy's game doesn't seem to like it. If he's hosting, the shield just straight up disappears out of my inventory along with my class mod.

    submitted by /u/kavar13
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    Co-op Baroness build (pre sequel)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 05:34 PM PST

    Need help making build for baroness for a co-op playthrough

    submitted by /u/Due-Lengthiness-6182
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    Issue with Borderlands GOTY Quest 'Here We Go Again'- please help!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 04:14 PM PST

    Okay, so. To preface why this is such an issue for me, I have OCD. Like, severe OCD. So having a glitch or issue locked into my game pretty much ruins the entire thing.

    Here's the problem. I went to do the quest and found an ECHO recorder by the vending machine for the quest. HOWEVER, the first waypoint was way in the distance, so I didn't pick it up because OCD, I have to do things in order. So I go and get the next three, but when I go to get the 4th, it's next to the actual mill entrance, not by the vending machine. Thus, I realize that ECHO recorder was an extra in the quest, not an actual missing person. So I go back to get it.

    But it's gone.

    I tried restarting and it's nowhere to be seen.

    Is this a known bug? Or am I just stuck with this because of my stupid OCD making me do everything in order? I know it's additional dialogue/background because I checked on YouTube. So why can't I retrieve it now?

    Is there any way to fix this? I can't restart the quest, I don't know what to do.

    Please don't say 'just watch it on YouTube', it has to be on my game, saved to my ECHO device. It's just how my OCD works, it'd take forever to even try to explain it.

    Essentially, I need to know if there's a way to fix this in-game, because otherwise it will literally ruin the playthrough for me if there's no way to get this recorder.

    submitted by /u/misstaken4mad
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    The last part of TPS is the most annoying part of any game I've played, in a very very long time.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 06:50 PM PST

    You damage the enemies, almost kill them, they get all their health back, plus some annoying power. They almost all have a fire weapon that has a 90% chance to destroy your shield, there are 3~5 at once.

    The most annoying being a floating purple guy with a shield that sticks way the f*ck out and blocks all damage so you can't harm the ppl around him. Worst of all all the weapon drops they give are weapons that consume 2~4 shots per trigger pull. Why is Tycho's Ribs such ass?

    submitted by /u/AfterThisbutNotThat
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    Nisha build ? (Pre-sequel)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 05:21 AM PST

    Hi, I'm completely new to borderlands and starter the pre sequel with a friend who played the 1 and 2 and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT.

    So I chose to play Nisha and my question is what's a good build for my style which is to do a lot of dmg, I also like the fact that nisha uses guns so i'm using a revolver as a 1st item and a sniper as a 2nd (i'm level 9).

    submitted by /u/Kozuma08
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    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 10:59 AM PST


    submitted by /u/Sprighty_
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    Does B1 Claptrap DLC have level scaling?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 10:37 AM PST

    I want to start the Claptrap DLC at level 16. Then at level 20 I would go back to the main story until 25. At 25 I want to continue with Claptrap DLC.

    When I'm 25, will the enemies in the DLC be at level 25 or will they be at 20?

    submitted by /u/zuldar
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    Best and worst Vault Hunters for Handsome Collection games??

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 08:07 AM PST

    I was reading some older threads on these games, and almost couldn't believe what I was reading. Popular consensus seems to be Axton is worst, Wilhelm is worst?? And many people think Krieg is strongest, and Claptrap is strong?? Unbelievable.

    What do you think today?

    Contrary to what I read, I'd say Axton is REALLY strong vh. People say his turret is useless at high level, however I noticed nobody pointed out at high level his turret basically acts as longbow stun grenade (he has TWO of these if you specced in that tree), which gives you huge window to inflict damage. Both his standard damage and defence buffs are top notch whilst running and gunning. Can't believe people put him last.

    In BL2 I think Zero is weakest (many people say he is top lol). Yes there are ways to make him uber powerful but it takes a huge amount of effort to play him like that, I've tried. Krieg isn't far behind, but he has huge health so a bit better.

    In TPS I'd definitely say Wilhelm is VERY strong vh, his skills buff him tremendously whilst running and gunning and you can breeze through the game with casual joy. He gets huge buffs to laser weapons, probably the best weapons in the game, so much so that basically you are forced to use them in many parts of the game. OK couple of other VHs probably are stronger than him, but he's still very strong.

    Claptrap is EASILY one of the worst. Low buffs to damage, unless you use explosives, low buffs to defence also until late game stage, or you're willing to take a skill that weakens your damage output even further. His random action skill basically relies on luck, if you get a good one during a boss it's happy time but if you get the meat cycle melee one you might as well just hit start and press quit game. The action skill is often just used as a way to regain health but his defence is so weak that he often ends up going down anyway, and when he does that's it, his action skill ends immediately. Definitely I say he is the weakest out of the 6 in TPS.

    Just my thoughts, rant over.

    submitted by /u/IceCat767
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