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    Thursday, November 4, 2021

    Borderlands I thought I'd never play the Pre-Sequel... now I'm not sure why I never did

    Borderlands I thought I'd never play the Pre-Sequel... now I'm not sure why I never did

    I thought I'd never play the Pre-Sequel... now I'm not sure why I never did

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    The game is actually really good? Where did all the hate come from? Maybe it's because I've just come from trying out BL3, but the writing is really decent (not quite as good as BL 2 so far, but fucking god-tier stacked up against BL3).

    The gameplay is SO god damned fun, and Fragtrap is the most fun character I've played in any Borderlands game. The low-grav, the doublejumping & slamming, the space-theme with the lasers & very pretty visuals. The game was made by 2k Australia, and I can't help but feel that most of the NPCs speaking Australian is very charming. Not necessarily because of the accent, or because I'm Australian myself, but because it's just cool that 2k Australia got to put Australian accents in their game.

    Also, Australians in space just hits different somehow.

    But yeah, game's bloody good guys. What the heck.

    edit: playing solo with the 4-player difficulty slider (tricks the game into thinking you're playing with 1, 2, 3 or 4 other players. HIGHLY recommend. It's so fun having to actually take cover & use the movement & platforming to push for your advantage

    ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1704888520 )

    submitted by /u/SoupyDelicious
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    Borderlands 3 has the best soundtrack in the franchise

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    The sanctuary and menu themes were the most memorable ones for me. I know it's ambient type music but it never gets boring to listen to.

    submitted by /u/CheeseCakeYee
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    Genuinely surprised they don't have brand Gunsmith shops In the game yet.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    This may be out of left field but the idea is kinda like the "gear grinder" from the pre-sequal.

    First players go to a gunsmith shop of any brand (Jacob's, Dahl, Hyperion, Atlas, malawan, ect.) and there are two options. you have a typical gear grind from The Pre-sequal it's just brand specific so you can only put Jacob's weapons in a Jacob's grinder. Then the second option is a GUNSMITH, you give the gunsmith up to Five of the same brand weapons then select one weapon part from each weapon like the receiver, Barrel, Stock, magazine, and sight then you pay a fee and you get a weapon on rarity higher with the chosen parts and random stats.

    This is definitely not a perfect idea, I have just always been shocked that a game series with these battling gun corporations doesn't have some sort of gunsmithing crafting to it or something.

    submitted by /u/CharlieTwo-Five
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    I beat the original Borderlands, what now?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 03:20 AM PDT

    By beat i mean the the main story once, do I go to playthrough 2? Or do I do the dlc which im too underleveled to do.

    submitted by /u/Zotronas
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    Amara Skills

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    What Amara skill is the best to use? (Phasegrasp, Phaseslam, or Phasecast?

    submitted by /u/Shaquarfsha
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    Borderlands 3's gameplay is most fun and refined out of all.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    Its like they improved on all front compare to previous games and made it even better especially weapon's sound effects rather than sounding "pew pew pew", now has real weight, that oomph and punch to it and god, the soundtracks, definitely can't forget about them. Its pure music to my ears especially the main menu theme, Katagawa Jr Boss Theme, Maliwan Blacksite, Saxophone song - Katagawa Bot Boss and my favorite this remix Main Menu Theme (EurocorpFx Retrowave Remix).

    -I can't say about other Classes. However, i played the entire game solo with Zane Flynt and being to use 2 skills made the game so much fun and OP. One thing, i absolutely loved that rather adding new half-baked DLCs character they added an entire new skill tree for their existing classes and which gave them more replayablity with mix and matching different skills from 4 skill trees. Zane is definitely my favorite character, he is like Jack of all trades but master of none. Although, his 2 skills comes at the cost of not being able to use grenades but there are some skills in his tree that compensate for that where your clone can throw grenades based on the mod you have equipped, so good.

    Although, that being said. I am running out of good things to say about BL3. In terms of story and your involvement in the plot, it is probably the worst BL game. Honestly, it is almost jarring that i don't remember a single cutscene in the entire where you can see your character involved in major plot point, your player has almost no significance to the grand scheme of things, you just defeated a boss and during a small cut-scene, your character disappears and it always feels like you didn't do anything and other key characters did all the job as they mostly never even acknowledge you as player exist in this universe aside from being their errand boi to go from one place to another to complete objectives and quests.

    Its mind-boggling as for why developers and writers opt for this type of world-building where it is almost downright insulting. You would think after TPS where your characters are talkative and given personality, they would go for this narrative for BL3 as the most obvious sign of quality progression as with each new borderland installment.

    Overall, Borderlands 3 might be the prime example where gameplay makes up huge where you don't care as much about the story and just shut your brains off and enjoy the great combat.

    submitted by /u/RarestProGamerr
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    Axton dying a lot in TVHM, is my build bad, underleveled, or Axton is just plain weak in TVHM?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 11:34 PM PDT

    This is my current build


    My weapon is alright I think, I have a slag Plasma Caster SMG, Bad Touch lvl 43, Deliverance (fire) lvl 43, some other purple jakobs guns.

    However, I am struggling big time. I haven't even reached the Constructor and I'm dying left, right, and centre. Badasses are already challenging and I have to hide and wait for sentry cooldown to even dare to face a Super Badass Loader. The Phalanx shield goes down within 1-2 seconds of deployment.

    I don't think I'm underleveled cause I beat this mission with Maya on a similar level easily thanks to Cloud Kill. Axton, on the other hand, idk. I've tweaked my build to have higher survivability and he still sucks. Maybe he gets stronger at higher level?


    submitted by /u/haznatz
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    Siren Powers

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    I'm just wondering how the siren powers work? Are they magical or just inorganic scientific tools since its got link with alien Eridian technology.

    submitted by /u/Loweion
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    Weapon help

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    When I make a new character I keep getting this (what I assume to be, at least) glitch where i'm only level 3, yet whenever I get a weapon, from a drop or shop, or crate, it'll be level five, which is annoying cuz I have to level up two times yet I only have skags to kill

    submitted by /u/The_Fly223
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    Comparing drops of the same gun with vastly different stats

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Background: I played BL1 briefly at release, and am now back to the GOTY edition (PS4 Pro) after 9 years of playing BL2 and BL3 in-depth.

    It seems like the parts in BL1 yield a lot more variation than I'm used to. I'm curious what deciding factors people use for some of the better legendaries in the game. For example, I have pairs of Defilers and Chimeras with one gun having double the damage of the other, but only 2 shots instead of 6. Similarly, Hellfires seems to break down into two main groups, fast firing with huge mags versus slow firing, smaller mags, and 1/3 more base damage.

    This is on Mordecai at the moment, if that's relevant.

    submitted by /u/swingthebodyelectric
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    a Tribute to Lucky's song and Borderlands game (i hope)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 04:53 AM PDT


    i finally got a decent (imo) video made for the song.

    ps, im not good with video editing/no experiance, so this was basicly first time and i also had to make BDL videos with mobile phone from TV because XB1X dosnt record videos from the game for some reason, so i think considering it turned out oke, hope you all...or some like it 😶

    submitted by /u/XiaoYaoYou9
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    The Hunt 2022 but Modded?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    What if the Hunt was modded this year? I have been having a lot of fun with modded Borderlands 2, so I thought how cool it would be if we were to have a hunt with borderlands 2 mod. Overall it is just a thought, I wouldn't know how hard it would be to set up, and I know console players may not be able to compete. Like I said it was just a thought.

    submitted by /u/OblivionLegacy
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    Which character is the worst, in your opinion?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    I was playing the PreSequel and realized while looking at one of the Doppelganger's skill trees, that it just wasn't good. and that kind of got me thinking, which character is the worst designed gameplay wise, in any of the games?

    curious to hear your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/Legatti
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