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    Monday, November 15, 2021

    Borderlands People who didnt like the Twins in Borderlands 3, what would have made them better?

    Borderlands People who didnt like the Twins in Borderlands 3, what would have made them better?

    People who didnt like the Twins in Borderlands 3, what would have made them better?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 10:21 PM PST

    I honestly liked the dynamic of Troy being a parasite, and how he becomes kind of a bigger dick to his sister after getting his full power. That being said I would have liked the Twins if they didnt have the weird online youtube streamer thing and if they played off their dynamic with each other more.

    submitted by /u/snackelmypackel
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    BORDERLANDS and Mental Health?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 08:23 AM PST

    Borderlands has always helped me focus and kind of "meditate" when I'm feeling depressed, angry, or anxious. Can anyone relate or explain why?

    submitted by /u/xXxShadowDragonxXx
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    The studio that’s doing this Arcane series on Netflix could do one hell of a borderlands series if they got the chance!!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 08:51 AM PST

    Guess it's based on the league of legends universe which I've never played but the show has an art style that fits perfectly with what I'd imagine an animated borderlands show would use. The whole atmosphere they've created with the role to the dialogue and even the music all works so good and they could absolutely kill it with the borderlands universe too I think. Any one else watching this and think the same?

    submitted by /u/kaijuking87
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    Chubby spawn rates in tiny Tina one shot

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 07:38 PM PST

    Does anybody know these yet?

    submitted by /u/supercool56571
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    is puma ok?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2021 04:30 AM PST

    i'm wondering if we have any info on wether he's safe or not as i and many others are obviously very worried about him

    submitted by /u/me-no-smart
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    Tiny Tina One Shot - asks me about PS+ when save quitting

    Posted: 15 Nov 2021 12:04 AM PST

    Hey guys, I recently started Tiny Tinas One Shot Adventure and have a problem when I go back to the title menu.

    Basically I quit the game, then it qoes back to the menu and says "updating" for a while. Then it says "connection lost" and I can press continue. Then it says again something like "updating" and it puts me into the PS+ screen to buy a subscription. So I have to press circle to get back and I get an error message that not everyone has PS+ (I play alone) and then finally I can press continue and play.

    Is that happening to anyone else without a PS+ subscription? When I play without internet I cant even play the game because it says I need PS+. So when farming this is quiet bothering.

    submitted by /u/Deamon28
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    Looking for PS5 BL3 Players

    Posted: 15 Nov 2021 03:08 AM PST

    Hiya! Im looking for some PS5 BL3 Players cause I cant find anyone at all on matchmaking. (I guess PS5 and PS4 arent crossplatform which is bs) If anyone has a PS5 and wants someone to play with, shoot me a Friend request. (MidAirFlare)

    submitted by /u/iiXenix
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    Who is your favorite character

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 07:50 PM PST

    Who is your favorite character in the game mine is claptrap if he wasn't in the game I don't think I would laugh as hard as I do with everything he says in the game. I also feel like he adds to the game which makes the play through much more easier.

    submitted by /u/Mother-Jicama8292
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    Tina's Oneshot Autosave Symbol

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 09:29 AM PST

    Does anybody have a good quality image of the new pink flowery symbol?

    submitted by /u/The-Boy-On-Fire
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    Bnk3r head drops

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 10:35 AM PST

    Does anyone have the space knight head for axton? I have farmed the bunker for days all the way back on 360 and never gotten a head to drop. The only one I want is for axton at this point I don't exactly care where it comes from so can anyone help I'm on xbox one

    submitted by /u/SirRedHood1
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    Best BL3 Character

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 05:54 AM PST

    Now that Borderlands 3 is mostly done with balancing and major content updates, who do you think the most powerful (solo) character is? I feel like starting a new character but I like the idea of trying to become super powerful now that I've experienced the game normally twice. So who is the most OP? Including glitches too because why not

    submitted by /u/SuperJolster
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    Shift Codes (on Switch)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 01:13 PM PST

    Switch platform doesn't have a dedicated category of shift code to my knowledge, i only see xbox/ps4/PC so it stands to reason i have to use codes from one of those platforms. Can anyone confirm which?

    submitted by /u/TheEbolaArrow
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    Save data help - PC GOTY

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 12:48 PM PST

    I tried copying my save file and renaming it to a different number (save0001, 0002 etc) but no matter what i do, which ever file i play it overrides all other saves to become the same save despite all having different names. How do i prevent this?

    submitted by /u/DemLewis
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    Rocket launcher BAR challenge?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 11:16 AM PST

    Trying to 100% the achievements, currently working on the one where I get the first rank of every challenge, but there is one in the rocket launcher I can't figure out. I have Sky rockets in flight done, splish splash done, gone with the second wind done, and rocket and roll done. If anyone knows the one I am missing, please tell me what you have to do to complete it.

    submitted by /u/You_dontkn0wme
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    Tiny tina end game not scaling. Anyone know why?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 11:16 AM PST

    So I beat both normal and tvhm for tiny tinas standalone dlc. But after beating tvhm, everything is still scaled to lower than me. Usually on borderlands 2 everything just becomes whatever level I am. Im stumped, please help me.

    submitted by /u/MerkyMouse
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    Assault on dragon keep glitching

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 07:03 AM PST

    Playing the stand alone on PS4 and it keeps glitching.

    I keep having to restart.

    I was in a boss fight and the boss never popped up on the screen and the fairy wouldn't let me move when I caught her.


    I played it before as the DLC and forgot how scary Duke of Orc is lol

    submitted by /u/Pretend_Delivery7105
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    Issue with Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragons Keep One shot.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 10:15 AM PST

    I downloaded the free epic games version of the One Shot Assault on Dragons Keep, However im finding that I have no audio, but all sound settings are at 100 percent, mixer shows that volume is fine but no audio is coming out. Is anyone having this issue?

    submitted by /u/JBRedPhoenix
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    Going back to BL3

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 09:53 AM PST

    Hey all, so I played BL3 at release and beat it- definitely wasn't as good as 2 but with the upcoming Tina game coming in March and me needing something to kill some time until then, does anyone recommend getting BL3 again just to play the dlc?

    submitted by /u/Billyboy1789
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    Borderlands the Pre Sequel keeps crashing

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 05:16 AM PST

    Hey guys quick issue that I have had, When I am playing with people my game crashes, it was working fine yesterday (played for about 3.5 hrs and no crash). Today I started a new character with a different friend and played for about 30 mins (all good) then the game froze, every time I have tried to play the game now I crash within 5 minutes. I have tried the following to fix it: Restart the game, Restart the computer, Verify files and now I am doing a fresh install. This issue is only happening to me for some reason. Specs: I5 9400 F And a Geforce RTX 2060

    Thanks in advance for any help :)

    submitted by /u/oVerBazanator
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    Wonderlands One Shot Adventure Cosmetics

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 04:00 AM PST

    Does anyone know where to get them? I always see them advertised, but haven't gotten one to drop yet.

    submitted by /u/Snowball_from_Earth
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    Found 2nd lootapult

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 05:16 AM PST

    2nd lootapult in FRR couldnt post images here for whatever reason. Reference images in my profile posts, havent seen anything about this one on here so thought I would post about it.

    submitted by /u/Comfortable-Job-3415
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