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    Tuesday, March 15, 2022

    Borderlands #Bossfight

    Borderlands #Bossfight


    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 10:14 AM PDT

    At the end of Borderlands 2, so happy because I haven't even touched the Lilith DLC... YET! Level 30 Zer0, so close. So close. Hero's Pass, here I come!

    submitted by /u/MaskedXeni
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    Wheres the TT hype

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 09:22 AM PDT

    TT Wonderlands got like no hype rn, idk if its Elden Ring or Bad Marketing but something needs to change, TT wonderlands neeeedss more hype!

    submitted by /u/MrSythYT
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    Preparing for Wonderlands with a franchise playthrough (only I really failed)

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 11:40 AM PDT

    I'm a huge fan of the Borderlands franchise. I've played all the games from release except for the first one (I had to be talked into trying that one a couple months after it came out, because up until then I'd never played a first-person shooter before). In every game, I've played all the characters to the level cap and had a blast doing it.

    However, all of that was on console, except for BL3. I made the transition to PC gaming entirely in December of 2019. So now I have all these games on PC, but none of my characters and progress, obviously. I had gotten it in my head that I was going to do legit playthroughs and get all the characters maxed out again on PC. But that took place over years on PS3, and I was playing with my ex-husband then. I decided I didn't have the time to do all that again, so instead I was going to do a single playthrough of each game, plus all the DLC, with only ONE character per game, and then I'd use a save editor to max the rest.

    Sorry, I know this is rambling. Anyway, I thought the playthrough would be a good way to get myself well and truly hyped for the new game. But it's been fraught with problems. I decided that for each game, I'd play one of my least favorite characters. So for BL1 I played Roland. I was going to choose Brick, but I really hate his action skill, so decided that since I hadn't played Roland since I finished leveling him up originally, that he'd be a good choice.

    Anyway...problems started immediately. First of all was the realization that I'm not great at these games, and I never knew just how much me ex was carrying me when we played. It was hard. There were a lot of cheap deaths. Also, the memory leak glitch made the game unplayable by the time I reached New Haven. I followed the solution online and removed the movies and disabled them and all that, and the game became stable enough to finish, but it did cost me a bit of time. I played DLC1, but when I got to DLC2, it was too hard, and tedious, and without any real reward, so I decided to do my first cut. I didn't really NEED to do the Underdome, because it wasn't a story DLC. I finished the Knoxx DLC (barely...it's tough!), and finished DLC4, but by this time, waaay more time than I intended was spent on the game.

    I moved on to BL2, playing Salvador. I know people love Salvador, but I just find his action skill to be really really boring. And also, I kept dying, because I'm used to using action skills in that game that sort of draw aggro OFF of you. Whereas, with Salvador, everyone's on top of you. But I pressed on, because I said I would. I finished the main game pretty thoroughly, skipping pretty much only circles of slaughter and timed missions. I breezed through DLC1 and did all the side quests. But I was so overleveled that nothing really challenged me. So I rushed through DLC2, just doing main quest, just to get it done (I've never been terribly fond of DLC2 and 3 anyway). Hammerlock's Hunt was more challenging, but by this time I was just so bored of Salvador, and I just wanted to get to DLC4, which is my favorite. So I rushed through DLC3, remembered just how much Jackenstein sucks to beat (though I succeeded), and I moved on to DLC4. And I realized, I just can't continue. I love that DLC, but it's HARD. And I was playing a character I hate and I'm not good at.

    If I were playing Maya, I probably would have continued. But instead, I quit. I figured it was good enough. And I really didn't want to go through all the headhunts and whatnot. So I figured, time is running out, so I guess I'll just move on to TPS. I made a Nisha character (having not learned a damn thing from my BL2 playthrough), and I started playing. I figured I could finish quickly because there isn't much DLC to go through, and I could finish just in time for Wonderlands, and I'd only have to skip BL3, which I've played a lot, and all on PC, so there's no characters to level.

    But I was bored. And I was getting glitches. The game froze up on the very first mission. I restarted. Then I was getting caught on the tops of staircases, and on certain transitions, where it was causing a collision and I couldn't move forward. Even jumping I was getting caught, and I could move past the bit, but it was frustrating. So I restarted again. Then I beat that first flamethrower mini-boss, and activate the elevator...and now Jack is caught on the lip between the elevator and the walkway, and won't get on. So I had to restart AGAIN. That fixed it, but by this time there's a real sour taste in my mouth. I get to Elpis, get my Oz kit, and I realize I just don't want to go through all this with a character I don't enjoy, and now I'm also pretty sure I don't have time to finish before Wonderlands comes out anyway, and I definitely don't have time for Tales, either.

    So, I failed my hypetrain induced megaplaythrough, and decided that I would take a hiatus from FPS games in general until Wonderlands comes out, so I don't sully the experience.

    Is anyone else in the midst of a playthrough to hype up for the new game? Has your experience gone smoothly?

    Anyway, sorry for the long, rambling, and probably pointless post. But at least it wasn't a post about BL3's story or not understanding why TPS gets hate, right?

    submitted by /u/Cubbance
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    What are the odds of getting the same pearl in borderlands 1

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 03:05 PM PDT

    I got the jackal twice

    submitted by /u/EATMYFART696969
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    Glow Up Healing Rate

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 10:46 AM PDT

    I'm trying to play a Support Amara as a refrance to Maya, using Glow Up as my main source of healing.

    What all helps with that? Does increasing Action Skill damage also increase the healing aura, or does it only increase the damage of enemies contacting the orb itself? Right now, since I'm not sure, I'm planning to build around Action Skill Cooldown rate.

    Also, what Augments work well? I'm thinking Revelation might be good since the orb still does damage, but minimal. So, adding the Cryo Nova- which goes off character level, not the Action Skill's damage, I believe- should compensate. I'd go for Soul Sap, but the damage is so pitiful that the healing isn't worthwhile, I think. Unless the healing aura counts, but that'd be bat-shit insanity and also not make sense from a programming standpoint. Maybe Glamour, charming enemies hit instead of damaging them with the nova?

    submitted by /u/B_E_H_O_L_D
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    Looking for Player 2

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 09:19 AM PDT

    Recently restarted Borderlands: GOTY edition Enhanced (pc) and am looking for more players. The game seems dead but I know if i look there will be a group happy to play! DMs open shoot me a message if youd like to join. Current Lvl 21

    submitted by /u/Kerb453
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    Where can I get a ***physical*** copy of Wonderlands the EXACT second it drops?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 11:01 AM PDT

    Can't seem to find this info anywhere and if it helps I am on Xbox One :)

    P.S. I want to get it the exact time it drops because I have no clue how fast it will sell out ;)

    submitted by /u/jeef_berky139
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    Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Instant Gaming Preorder

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 02:00 PM PDT

    I would like to preorder the game on Instant gaming, the chaotic great edition.

    Does somebody knows if i'll receive or not the preorder bonus by preordering it on instant gaming?

    submitted by /u/ScottAragon
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    Out of all Vault Hunters across the series, which is more iconic to you?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 01:12 PM PDT

    My personal answers

    1 - Lilith

    2 - Zer0

    TPS - Claptrap

    3 - idk Zane

    submitted by /u/External_Writing2726
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    New to borderlands series

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 12:21 PM PDT

    So I've never played any borderlands game and the new tiny Tina is coming out. Can I jump straight into it? Or should I play every game that came out before it? Is it crucial to understand the lore + characters ? Or is it a stand alone game with its own lore?

    submitted by /u/murderstone0
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    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 11:03 AM PDT

    Which borderlands games are you favorite not included tales. Here is my list. Just to note, I love all these games. Also I think that the ones that are more difficult are better.

    1. Borderlands 2- has best story, endgame, loot, enemies, nice difficulties and DLC's.

    2. Borderlands- good story, good loot, okay endgame content, very difficult, good DLC's, okay enemies.

    3. Borderlands the pre-sequel- grinder, okay difficulty, low grav, okay endgame content, good loot, one of the best DLC's, okay story, good enemies.

    4. Borderlands 3- worst story, bad endgame content, good loot, annoying anoints, good DLC's, very easy, good enemies.

    submitted by /u/thisisfarticus
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    Tiny Tina's Wonderland does the PS5 version apply adaptive triggers and haptic feedback?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 10:12 AM PDT

    Tiny Tina's Wonderland does the PS5 version apply adaptive triggers and haptic feedback?

    submitted by /u/edig789
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    how to find cute loot

    Posted: 15 Mar 2022 09:45 AM PDT

    How to find cute loot

    submitted by /u/South-Pie5679
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