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    Monday, December 30, 2019

    Borderlands I want a DLC that's essentially the main game, except it's told by all the Vault Hunters, and none of them can agree on what exactly happened

    Borderlands I want a DLC that's essentially the main game, except it's told by all the Vault Hunters, and none of them can agree on what exactly happened

    I want a DLC that's essentially the main game, except it's told by all the Vault Hunters, and none of them can agree on what exactly happened

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:35 AM PST

    I imagine it to be a bit like Tiny Tina's where things are constantly popping in and out and changing around because another Vault Hunter goes "No no no, it went like THIS"

    I even had an idea that one of the bosses must be fought multiple times because each Vault Hunter remembers it completely differently

    submitted by /u/30SecondsToFail
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    Borderlands 3 All Boss Intros

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:36 AM PST

    In case y'all want to re-watch all of the Boss Intros in Borderlands 3 https://youtu.be/BzcJAt3dPK8

    submitted by /u/sebanatic5000
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    Borderlands Wood Burning I made for my friend!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:13 PM PST

    Here is some wood art I did of the Borderlands logo for my friend! What do you guys think? https://imgur.com/gallery/SeEUXex

    submitted by /u/CaptainChud
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    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:42 AM PST

    Be me. Be absentmindedly flitting through a bunch of mayhem 4 build videos on youtube. See how sexy the kyb's worth is. Develop an uncontrollable, frothing desire for the kyb's worth. Realize you'd need to farm Wotan, and that you haven't even attempted the takedown yet. See how bullet ricochet Amaras are steamrolling it with the recursion. Realize you'd need a corrosive one if you wanted to perform anywhere near that level. Go to farm one. Spend the next NINE hours farming traunt for one only to get a bunch of miscellaneous GARBAGE that you pickup ANYWAYS beacuse you have a HOARDING PROBLEM. Realize how long you've been farming beacuse the sun is now out. Come onto reddit to in a fit of dejected rage at not getting one recursion after NINE FUCKING HOURS. Scroll through posts hoping to relieve some tension and feel validated by other peoples anger at seemingly horrible drop rates. Click on a post asking where the recursion drops. See that it says from general traunt. REALIZE YOU'VE BEEN FARMING CAPTAIN TRAUNT THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME. Manage to restrain yourself from having a small-scale hysterical breakdown. Go to farm general traunt. Get a corrosive recursion with +100% damage annoint after 5 minutes. Close the game. HAVE THAT ONLY SLIGHTLY EXAGGERATED SMALL-SCALE HYSTERICAL BREAKDOWN.

    submitted by /u/nothankyounot
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    My opinion on Mayhem 4 now that it's been out for a month

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:35 AM PST

    So when Mayhem 4 initially came out, I did not like it. Every enemy was a bullet sponge and it was not fun. After a month of playing on Mayhem 4, I now have a couple builds that are functional, but it finally hit me as to why I don't enjoy Mayhem 4, and subsequently have played less Borderlands 3.

    Borderlands has always been about finding that loot, and coming up with crazy builds and finding that most powerful and fun one to play. By release Mayhem 4 so early in Borderlands 3's life, Gearbox has invalidated the majority of legendary items and character builds that would otherwise have possibly found homes in Mayhem 3.

    Ultimately I'd love to see some re-tuning to Mayhem 4 scaling and possibly Legendary strength so that players can experiment with more weapons and builds again.

    submitted by /u/R-con
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    Was anyone else disappointed with the destroyer?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:38 PM PST

    I recently just completed the game and I was severely disappointed with the destroyer.

    submitted by /u/JoshOettinger07
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    Moze's Healing Needs a Change

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:24 PM PST

    I've tried a variety of builds with Moze so far, and of course the most fun one was the Bloodletter/Hex build (super broken though, obviously). But it was so broken because it helped you stay alive way too well.

    Every other build besides that has had a horrible, horrible time staying alive. Right now that all comes down to grenade regeneration. I find that it is insanely inconsistent, but that's because you only get a 6% chance to get a grenade back. Even when using a Big Boom Blaster, I come up empty way too often.

    What bothers me the most about this is that Vampyr is Moze's only inherent ability to heal in all of her skills. I don't really know about Zane, but I know that Fl4k and Amara have plenty of health regenerating skills that can work together to help you get through a fight. Of course, not every character has to have a bunch of skills dedicated to healing (and I see Moze's lack of them as a sort of role-playing aspect to mimic her being sort of headstrong and reckless).

    Given, though, that this is her only skill for healing, it seems pretty ridiculous for it to be dependent on a source like grenades, which are obviously quite sparse as far as ammo goes. You can't carry hundreds of them.

    On top of that, you honestly can't use just any grenade you like. Only a small portion of people can likely say that they prefer anything other than an Atlas tracker of some variant. If you want to stay alive, you need as many grenades out there as possible, but I don't necessarily want to rely on just a purple tracker that splits a couple times and MIRVs.

    If I have to use those grenades and a BBB, I feel incredibly limited by gear just to stay alive, and they still don't really keep me up. I would much prefer a build that helped her heal off of splash damage directly, albeit at a very small rate given how much she can pump out. If Amara can heal off of elemental damage done and get back half or all of her health with a single bullet, Moze should be able to do something similar.

    I'd love to hear any suggestions on how to better make Moze's healing work--I really enjoyed playing her, but doing solo stuff on Mayhem 4, and the raid on lower levels, is frustrating and inconsistent.

    submitted by /u/ROCO_Sweatshorts
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    Anyone else compulsively jump on couches just in case?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:36 PM PST

    Or is it just me?

    submitted by /u/Emilyroad
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    There's a subrediit called Borderlandsguns and its to trade guns/gear

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:20 PM PST

    Just to let y'all know

    submitted by /u/zeldaoddesy
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    Borderlands Games Knowledge Quiz

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:29 AM PST

    Hello, I run small quiz site and I've created Borderlands Games Knowledge Quiz (1,2,3 and pre-sequel) that I would love if you check out - http://www.quizzes-daily.com/borderlands-games-knowledge-quiz/

    submitted by /u/metanoven
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    I would absolutely kill for a legendary Cost-effective Q-system

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:11 AM PST

    Its the only purple I still use and I just can't find a gun I like enough to replace it

    submitted by /u/Chuckieshere
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    The issues with dedicated drops and multiple solutions to fix them.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:58 PM PST

    Yeah yeah another post complaining about dedicated drops. Well the majority of other posts don't go into depth about the actual problems and come down to "pls buff". And while the majority of people do seem to be on the same page that something needs changed, there are still people in the back that think we're just whining or are entitled. This post is for them.

    Back when the Maliawan Takedown came out I made a similar post about its issues and gave real solutions, a few of which Gearbox has since said they were considering, or have actually implemented. That post got a lot of traction from the well thought out structure, and multiple reasonable solutions. I hope I can achieve the same here.

    Now to start off I want to make it clear, I don't want gear handed to me. I don't have an aversion to grinding hard farms to get what I want. In the past I've farmed for Maliwan gripped Banbury Pimpernels, all Jakobs Rustlers Orphan Maker, OP10 Practicible Interfacers, every single pearl in both BL1 and 2, and I even have an Ajax Ogre in GoTY. All this done on Xbox without access to farm methods that PC users have. By saying this I'm not trying to start a dick measuring contest of who farmed for what. I just want everyone reading to understand just how impossible it is to actually get specific gear that you want in this game.

    Now for a story of last thing I farmed for in BL3. With the release of the Jackpot DLC I wanted a Rakk Attack anointed version of the Lucky 7 for my Fl4k. Seems like an easy grab right? It took 7 hours. 7. From a boss with a generous 50% droprate, that can be respawned without even leaving the game. 7 hours. Now 7 hours to get a specific piece of gear isn't too bad, but considering the nature of the farm, it should become quickly clear just how impossible it is to get other items. Imagine that farm from an enemy who only has a 3% droprate, or a gun that can have multiple elements, or a boss that doesn't even spawn every time you load in, or a boss that's locked behind a Circle of Slaughter or a Trial. It quickly multiplies to a point where you're more likely to with the Mega Millions than get the item you want.

    So I want to be as objective as possible and list the actual issues and then give solutions in an easy to understand format.


    1. Lootpools are oversaturated with too many legendaries being put into a single enemy making it too difficult to get the one you actually want.

    2. The "meta" gear is all put behind the most tedious farms. Whether it be rare spawn enemies or Trial/Slaughter bosses. If you go look through the spreadsheet of legendaries and locate on that's higher tiered, chances are it's one of those enemy types that drop it.

    3. Anointments just add a massive level of RNG. Larger than anything else in any other Borderlands game. And these anointments are almost necessary to play the game on Mayhem 4. And I don't think most people realize how bad it actually is. According to the Wiki there are 51 gun anointments. That's 50 possible versions of a gun you can get that aren't the one you want. Add on the already existing RNG or parts and elements, and getting something specific and synergistic becomes impossible.

    4. Class mod RNG. This one I personally hate the most. In past games you'd always get the same skills and the most you could get was a few percent points. Now there are so many variables that you can get two versions of the same class mod that are either trollingly bad, or god tier absurd.

    So instead of just resorting to "buff pls", I'm actually going to give solutions and explain why I think they can work.

    1. So the most obvious one is make dedicated droprates and rare spawn rates both scale with the mayhem level loot modifier. If you think about the numbers this solution makes a ton of sense and would feel natural to play in game. On Mayhem 4 a 3-5% dropchance becomes 21-35%, which is 1 drop every 3-5 runs. And rare spawn enemies would go from 5-10% to 35-70%, with some of the most common spawns being almost 100%. These honestly seem fine number wise and it makes sense to reward players for playing the game on the highest difficulty.

    2. Revert the shadow nerf to anointed droprates and or drastically increase their droprates for Mayhem 3 and 4. No Gearbox I didn't forget, but I am willing to forgive if you make it easier to get the anointments I want. These perks are needed to help round out builds at higher difficulty, but their drop chances do not reflect that at all. Like I said there are 51 different gun anointments, so getting the one that actually works with your build is extremely hard, and in all reality, pretty much every gun you get on M4 should probably be anointed.

    3. Stop making useless anointments that saturate the few that are actually good. Go read through the list of them all. Maybe 12 are worth using. The rest are meager handling buffs or stats while airborne or sliding. Things that 99% or all builds will never use. So if you're going to add more anointments, at least make them desirable.

    4. This is more of a two fer for the Trial/Slaughter bosses. The simple solution would be to drastically increase their drop chance to reflect how time consuming and difficult they can be to get to. But I think a more interesting and rewarding idea, would be to make those map drops. So any mob in the arena or trial has a small chance to drop those items. This makes the whole experience of the Slaughters and Trials more rewarding because now any of the mobs can drop the gun you're looking for.

    5. Find a way to reduce the RNG of class mods. Either give them static skill bonuses, or guaranteed synergistic stats, or do something to make them less RNG dependent on whether they're good or useless.

    If you've read this far, thanks. If you still think I'm being entitled and lazy and didn't actually read or think about anything in this post, I wan't to issue you a challenge. Pick one farmable legendary in the main game, and choose the anointment that's best for your build. Now farm for it. Come back and tell me how long it took to get.

    I want to be able to farm my own gear. I want to make my builds myself. But as the game currently is, I feel like I'm trolling myself if I don't go to PandoranRedCross or and L4G to get items. Because otherwise I'm just going to be wasting days upon days farming for one single item, with minimal chance of actually getting it. I hope this post can have the same effect as my last one and effect some change for the better. If you have other solutions please comment and add ideas. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Tamed_Trumpet
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    anybody else kinda disappointed by their loot drops from the vaults and vault bosses?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:05 PM PST

    i started a Zane in normal mode and i've been getting decent legendaries, at least early on. On graveward, i got no legendaries and all of the vaults, including the final, gave me mostly greens and a purple at best. i got a legendary pistol from traunt that was lvl 12 and carried to like my 20s, but from tyreen i get a legendary slide artifact? what bullshit is this?

    submitted by /u/GigaKaramaz
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    [Theory] What do you guys think about this one

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:48 PM PST

    How can I replay the dlc?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    I finished moxxies heist and loved it so much I want to play through it again. I know I can do it on other characters but in only have one at max level.

    I'd hate to have to reset all of my quests just to play the DLC again, but I'm scared that's the only option cause GB doesn't seem to have a lot of forethought.

    submitted by /u/crescen_d0e
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    Sense the takedown event is tomorrow im just scared they're gonna nerf the ion launcher..

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:29 PM PST

    I wouldnt be surprised but hope not. And hope to god we get a update or something about the dedicated loot drop % chance.

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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    Spoiler alert. I have a question?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:30 AM PST

    When you have the option to complement reeses mustache or insult his mustache. When you answer him it says Reese will remember that. What difference does it make on your answer? I complemented him and as far as I can remember he didn't do anything or give me anything for the answer. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/thekipling
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    BL3 fast travel not working on controller

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:15 PM PST

    On the pc version of BL3 I'm having an issue where my xbox one controller isn't letting me fast travel. You have to hold down the A button on the location to fast travel there and when I do, the little meter around A fills up but does nothing. Occasionally fast travel works just fine. I usually resort to using my keyboard to fast travel. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue and if so, is there any fix for it?

    submitted by /u/Claymoresama
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    Ultrawide GUI issues.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:02 PM PST

    This issue has persisted since launch and I'm wondering if there's any work around.

    The GUI has pretty severe scaling issues in 32:9 ultrawide. Text elements like quest updates will be above the screen and only the bottom will be partially viewable. The map was fine, but now it's a mess after the last patch. The special event tab is so big that it's unviewable.

    Any fixes or workarounds? Has Gearbox mentioned anything about fixing it?

    submitted by /u/Fygee
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    Can You Navigate Through The Menu With WASD?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:36 PM PST

    Does anyone else navigate through their menu with WASD and if so how do I? I am currently using arrow keys to navigate and i'm on borderlands 2

    submitted by /u/GamerKidMN
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    Does anyone else run Deathless + Transformer on FL4K?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:54 AM PST

    I feel like it's a great band-aid for his survivability in mayhem 3/slaughter shaft if you don't want to think too hard.

    submitted by /u/99-Coins
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