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    Sunday, December 29, 2019

    Borderlands My one problem with Typhon Deleon

    Borderlands My one problem with Typhon Deleon

    My one problem with Typhon Deleon

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:36 AM PST

    Look, I loved his character but I was seriously bothered that "The First Vault Hunter" was still alive. I always thought that Vault Hunters had existed for over hundreds of years. I also hate that whenever we meet anyone they get so excited that we're a Vault Hunter. Anyone can be a Vault Hunter in this galaxy so it doesn't really make sense that NPCs get all excited when they meet us.

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    Just now realizing how TPS ties in with Bl3 the most.. Spoilers for both inside

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:50 AM PST

    Should have maybe been more obvious, especially with this being my third character and 6th time getting to Troy phaselocking elpis.

    Zarpedon saw the whole vision of the artifact in TPS and knew the moon was the key to the great vault, aka pandora, so Zarpedon was trying to destroy the moon to prevent the great vault from opening. Jack never saw (and probably wouldn't have cared anyway) the full vision. Zarpedon was destroying the moon for the greater good.

    Probably obvious to others by now and I have no clue why it took me so long to figure this shit out.

    submitted by /u/nickgenova
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    I really like Borderlands 3, I just wish everyone would stop screaming

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:53 AM PST

    Love the game to bits but what I would give for a volume slider specifically for enemy dialogue. No problem at all with the crazy lines that they throw out during combat but when you've heard the same soundbite of a scream 20 times in a fight on Mayhem 4 because you're slowly grinding down an enemies health with an elemental gun it becomes abit irritating.

    I know I could just turn the regular dialogue slider down, but that means I miss out on the actual story or my boy Zanes amazing callouts.

    Anyone else interested in this being implemented?

    submitted by /u/GenericAccount117
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    Dedicated Loot Drops Need to be Buffed by Atleast 100 Percent of Their Current Drop Rate.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:24 PM PST

    With just how much loot/different builds there are in BL3, farming sure is a MASSIVE pain in the ass. Let's take the hex for instance. The enemy you have to kill has 3 dedicated drops in his pool. Dedicated drop rates are ten percent, therefore 9/10 times you kill him, none of the dedicated drops will actually drop. THEN, there is a 1/3 chance that you get what you actually want, THEN you need the correct element on your hex, THEN you need the correct anointment. That's just... absolutely garbage. That amount of rng is what leads to weeks of not getting what you actually want. It's still better to just farm graveward or traunt instead of dedicated drops. That needs to change.

    submitted by /u/HalfthemanMarco
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    Unresolved questions (that I haven't seen elsewhere)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 03:15 PM PST

    I have played through the campaign a number of times now and there are few issues that constantly catch my attention. It could be that they are just "plot holes" or will be addressed later, but I'm hoping someone has seen an interview or read an article where they are explained. Or just have some fun head canon. They're not meant to be critiques on the game. Ok, the first one kinda is, but I might just be missing something. The rest aren't. Obviously, spoilers for the game campaign.

    >! First off, why do the Calypsos want the "vault map" on Pandora? When the Crimson Raiders find it, it motivates the plot to travel to Promethea. Later, it also gets used on Nekrotafeyo as one of the four keys in the machine. So the map/key has plot importance for the Raiders. But for the Calypsos? No. They already know which planets have vaults due to the stories from their dad. They might even know the exact locations depending how specific he got in his retelling. So the map aspect is superfluous for them. And they never use/need the Pandora vault key as a key to open a vault. So what was the motivation for them to acquire the map/key in the first place? Why not just focus their attention on the other vaults/monsters they were planning to leach? They have already sent troops to the appropriate planets, but not made any real progress at opening the vaults. Kinda inept there, or maybe lazy?

    There could be an argument made that the Children of the Vault are simply on all planets as part of the cult's spread. Therefore, when we as vault hunters just go the important ones (ones with vaults), of course there are bandits. But the timing of, and sponsorship from, Maliwan seems to disprove this. The fact that we are contacted about the next vault on "schmeden shmix" is further evidence the vault map means nothing to the Calypsos. They know where the vaults are, and never needed the Pandora key. Just not understanding their initial motivations.

    Secondly, what is up with Katagawa Jr. having only three fingers like Zero? Does this imply that Zero is related to the Katagawa family and there is a common genetic abnormality? Some sort of side effect from the augmentation process to use the deception skill? It's hard to tell, but I don't think Naoko seemed to have the same finger issue. So, maybe some other, deeper story unites Katagawa Jr and Zero? It might help explain why Katagawa wants Zero to come to Maliwan so badly. This might be expanded on later.

    Thirdly, has there ever been an explanation for the turbo death guns that mark the edges of some maps? Practically, they exist to mark boundaries and limit a map size. But is there a canon explanation for them? Something like there exists really dangerous monsters that lie beyond that we have yet to fight. And for insurance reasons, or whatever, the corporations have cleared out certain areas and protect them with automated defenses.

    Finally, and most importantly, how does Claptrap make it from the main level of the command deck/bridge on Sanctuary III to the rest of the ship? We keep getting bombarded with how Claptrap can't climb stairs, but then the bridge is accessed by three small sets of stairs leading from the entrance downwards. Differing interactions have him traversing between the areas with no issues. Is somebody carrying him up and down? This could have been rectified by having one staircase be a ramp, but no... !<

    Hopefully somebody can expand and enlighten on these issues. Or post other small details that have bothered them.

    submitted by /u/Broken_Arrow_17
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    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 05:52 PM PST

    I've played all Borderlands games to date and as much as I didn't like the pre sequel, the one thing I'll always remember is the loot grinder. That machine was pretty awesome in my opinion and should make a come back. I can't even begin to count how many items I've dropped or sold just because I didn't need them. It's just about 2020 we really need to be recycling these days...

    submitted by /u/TimmyJToday
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    Crashing on joining in BL3

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:04 PM PST

    Joining up on a friends game and I'm loading into the game only to get kicked back to the dashboard. Been playing all day and it just started. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/BuckeyJaw
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    Moze Vampyre skill worth it now?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:48 PM PST

    I don't mind the nerf to like the tesla grenade. That really wasn't splash damage and it was.kinda OP but even splash grenades don't seem that affective.

    Most of the time I can only catch enemy in the blast but even then i don't think it procs every time.

    I also noticed that it proced when Bear did splash damage so I reread the skill and that is suposed to happen so I watched. Some times it works and some times it doesn't like maybe there is a hidden cooldown or something?

    submitted by /u/kamishiblacktooth
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    What are the best Grenade mods at the moment, both for mobbing and bosses?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:43 PM PST

    I've been using an infinite grenade build with Zane for a while, but after going through various bits of the game on M4 my trusty homing cloning bouncing atlas grenades just aren't quite cutting it, so I was wondering which legendary mods are worth farming for.

    I have a MIRV Hex that's not as good as the Atlas nade, and a Storm-Front that doesn't put out the dps I'm after.

    Has the new dlc added any that really pack a punch?

    submitted by /u/HuntedWolf
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    [spoiler] after game complaints

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:53 AM PST

    Overall this game was amazing, one complaint, I wish we saw more Brick Mordecai, and Tiny Tina, oh and talon of course, what do you think of this?

    submitted by /u/lordpepe03
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    E-Tech Launcher barrels from BL2 originated as deployable Wormhole Generators in BL:TPS used by Dahl soldiers / engineers.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:02 PM PST

    Was really surprised when I saw it lol, looks pretty cool. Here's a picture of one I found: https://i.imgur.com/VlcTxOF.png

    Imagine if you had a way to modify them in BL2 and use them as a wormhole.. Krieg would sure love that :)

    submitted by /u/Krieg_Krazy
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    What character do you find the most sympathetic (spoiler city)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:15 PM PST

    Skipper/Felicity's death gets me the most choked up, but after replaying BL2 I think Tiny Tina has it worse since she was kidnapped, subject to horrible experiments, and had her parents tortured to death in front of her. I'm not surprised she lost it, plus in Tiny Tina's assault she's come to befriend the Vault Hunters and doesn't seem to get Roland is really dead. That just makes me want to cry.

    submitted by /u/Bootlebat
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    We need a way to LFG

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:49 PM PST

    I'd love to meet some fellow vault hunters in BL3 and play the campaign and whatnot and do the Malians blacksite with them. So I'd love a way to look for group sort of like how you can in overwatch(I know totally different games) but I think it's a great way to have more fun playing games, by playing with people and getting to know them as you go along.

    submitted by /u/NJhumanbeing
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    Skip to BL3?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:45 AM PST

    I just started BL2 (I just saved Roland) but after seeing all the improvements BL3 made I kinda wanna go straight to 3. Is it imperative I finish 2 ?

    submitted by /u/alphadark5732
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    Title shmitle

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:46 PM PST

    Can we Just say thanks to the devs for making tedior weapons say things like "yeet" sometimes then you throw them.

    submitted by /u/troinoivopper
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    Playing Co-op with a friend on PC and apparently I spent their money??

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:30 PM PST

    Hey all, so as the title says, my friend and I started a co-op play through together

    We play in the mode where we each get our own loot and what not. So last night I hosted the lobby and after playing, they got off. I ended up buying SDUs and spent all the money I had (40,000 or so). I ended with about $600 and when they got on they said they only had $1000 and that they did not buy anything (they had about the same amount as me)

    Is that possible? That we share money even when they're not online? That doesn't seem right at all

    submitted by /u/3rdlight98
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    PC split screen

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:08 PM PST

    I don't understand why pc was left out of this. Can anyone explain why?

    Like other than the "they want pc to have to buy more".

    Is there any way to get them to include this? I just want to game with my girlfriend and this has been a HUUUGEEE let down.


    submitted by /u/hugnzombie
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    Okay I have to Gripe SPOILERS.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:43 AM PST

    I have been thoroughly enjoying the gameplay and mechanics in BL3. Overall, I feel like basically every aspect of the game has been improved except one. And no, it's not what you think. I think Troy and Tyreen are decent villains, and the story comes together well around them.

    My gripe is the fact that every single time Troy or Tyreen show up my character is THERE with his/her thumb up their ass. Just watching. Letting Maya die, letting Typhon die, etc. It doesn't make me feel more involved that the main villains keep directly appearing in the story because I can't get involved or do anything. It ruins the feeling of being the protagonist, I do nothing besides play the passive bystander while events happen literally right in front of me.

    Things that would NEVER happen with any kind of logic. As soon as Troy and Tyreen appeared the first time in the vault they would have bullets coming at their head the ENTIRE TIME, there would be no opportunity to talk, or drain Maya. And the thing that really bothers me is, all they have to do is make my character not be there at the moment these events happen. Instead I show up and just watch dumb shit happen that I could stop. It's... So infuriating and stupid.

    submitted by /u/TheGeckomancer
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    Two Trophies for visiting location are locked

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:32 AM PST

    I just finished the DLC and decided to hunt for the last few trophies I'm missing. Among them are 2 trophies related to locations:

    • A Hundred Names For Sand: Discover all named locations on Pandora.
    • City Slicker: Discover all named locations on Promethea.

    When I check the galaxy map I can see that I am missing one location on Pandora (77/78) and one on Promethea (14/15). The problem is that when I check the map for each area on the planet I have visited all locations.

    When I played yesterday trophy "Master Of All You Survey" unlocked few seconds after starting the game. The thing is this trophy is for visiting all locations but the 2 trophies above are still locked. I guess it's some kind of weird bug. Any way to unlock these trophies without starting a new game ?

    Edit: I unlocked the 2 trophies. The actual planet stats for Pandora and Promethea were correct. My problem was that I did not visit the 2 circle of slaughter that can be found on these 2 planets. I visited the 2 places and unlocked the trophies.

    submitted by /u/theripper
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    Best fl4k class mod?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:27 PM PST

    I just looted a bounty hunter but it seems a bit underwhelming. I'm going red/green tree for high damage and crits. Whats the most commonly used class mod?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_ANT_FARMS
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    FL4K Hunter Skills questions...

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:20 PM PST

    • does the Cosmic Stalker class mod "Hunt Skill power is increased by 25%." only affects the skill effect or also the duration?

    • does the Cosmic Stalker hunt skill bonus stacks additive or multiplicative with Big Game hunt skill bonus?

    submitted by /u/ecchisoba
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    Anyone want to run through story mode with me

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:45 AM PST

    Hey there. I'll be on for a few hours trying to finish my last character, Amara. I'm currently level 9 if anyone is bored and wants to run through with me or even help each other find gear

    submitted by /u/Catluv69
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