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    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    Borderlands "New Item" (!) Icon

    Borderlands "New Item" (!) Icon

    "New Item" (!) Icon

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:20 PM PST

    In your inventory, some items will have a yellow (!) marker on them, to indicate that you haven't looked at the item since it entered your inventory. In addition to the obvious usefulness of quickly seeing which items you should take a look at before dropping/selling, it also lets you very quickly mark items as junk when you pick them up from the Lost Loot Machine (which brings up the obvious idea that you should be able to mark items as junk when initially picking them up, but that's another topic).

    So what's the problem with the (!) icon? One word: consoles. Navigating the inventory requires that you scroll by moving your selection onto items that haven't shown up on the screen yet.

    If a console player wants to get the most value from these icons they need to scroll down using only one column, and this only lets them use the (!) icons for one half of their inventory. The other half of the inventory may as well never have had the icons in the first place, because they get cleared when you scroll down each row of the inventory.

    This just seems like a weird oversight. Anyone with suggestions on a fix? Or better yet, a workaround that I haven't considered yet?

    submitted by /u/br0d30
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    I want a sneaky "Eff Yo Couch"

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:50 PM PST

    I have jumped on every couch in BL3 in hopes it will say "Eff Yo Couch" for old time's sake. Just one! So disappointed every time. I'm holding out hope it will happen eventually...maybe in a DLC.

    submitted by /u/oceaneyes_12
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    Just finished the DLC and OMG the gear!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:39 AM PST

    Out of all the legendaries and uniques I've been lucky enough to get they've at worst been decent. Most of them are really good to amazing. In the base game I can't honestly think of a unique that I really liked and this DLC is chock full of them. And the legendaries are just good. Did my first Moze playthrough and lucky for me I got the Lucky 7 and just wow. Obviously very useful with her skills of not having to reload. Before I got blessed with that beast I was walking around in marvel at Torgue's pistol, thing's like a mini Nuke'em.

    submitted by /u/shamus4mwcrew
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    I killed Graveward 500 times (100 times each per TVHM M0-M4) and dedicated drop rates are abysmal

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:47 AM PST

    I had +13.45 Luck, the Treasure Hunter Perk, and an Elemental Projector Loaded Dice with no additional luck roll for all kills, so the only difference in luck was from mayhem.

    Of his dedicated drops (Lob, Ward, Grave, and Moxxi's endowment) I got 19, 23, 13, and 16 respectively. Whereas from the global drop pool I got 10 Long Muskets, 10 Malak's Bane, 10 Krakatoa, 11 Rectifiers, 10 Nagata, 10 Red Queen, 14 Breaker COM, and 10 Phasezerker COM (I was farming with Amara so I did get an increased COM drop rate for her over the other vault hunters).

    Basically, I got almost as many drops of several global drops as I did of the least common dedicated drop, and I only got slightly more than twice the global drop rate for the most common dedicated drop. Also, mayhem clearly had no effect on dedicated drop rates, as they appear to have a completely separate roll from the rest of the global drops.

    Additionally, it would appear that Mayhem 3 and Mayhem 4 have slightly higher annointed rates for legendaries than lower mayhem settings, but this could just be RNGesus.

    here is the spreadsheet where I recorded all my info, possible annointed is just a sum of all non cosmetic, non artifact, and non COM legendary drops. annointed rate is the actual number of annointed legendaries divided by the possible annointed and multiplied by 100. All rates are in percentage. I highlighted his dedicated drops.

    submitted by /u/jab136
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    One thing that bugs me.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:24 PM PST

    When You complete a Crimson Radio challenge, next time you load or enter an area, it goes right back to COV propaganda. Doesn't make sense why it wouldn't be Crimson Radio again.

    submitted by /u/AlcoholicZombie
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    Just something I thought of and thought y’all might like. Vault Hunter interview skits.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:21 PM PST

    Roland (on a board with Lilith, Mordy, and Brick): What makes you qualified to be a Crimson Raider?

    Axton: I'm a highly trained soldier with the Dahl Military and I have my little lady whips out turret which shoots up the room

    Roland: Did he call his turret his girlfriend?

    Lilith: Yes, he did.

    Roland: well military and bounty hunting experience helps. Your in

    Axton: Yeah. We did it darling

    Mordy: There he goes again


    Lilith: So your a siren, show me what you got.

    Maya phaselocks brick

    Lilith: I'm impressed welcome aboard

    Maya: Sweet.

    Bricks phaselock ends

    Brick: Let's do that again!


    Brick: Do you have any special talents?

    Sal: I am ambidextrous

    Lilith: How is that gonna help in a fight?

    Sal: WITH GUNS Whips out two guns and blasts apart the room

    Mordy: Really?

    Sal: Ok how many of y'all can hold a gun in your left hand only.

    They all try and their guns fly out of their hands

    Brick: You are hired my friend

    Mordy: Ok, but I don't think he will be able to manage all on his own


    Mordy: Says here your a sniper and a swordsman?

    Zer0: That is all correct, I'm a boss with a rifle, and a beast with blades

    Mordy: Ok so what makes you any better than me

    Zer0: I forgot to say I also possess cloaking I have fake clones too

    The Zer0 sitting down flashes and goes away and zero cuts the top off Mordys bottle

    Mordy: Thanks for signing up.

    Zeros display shows :)

    submitted by /u/Nerdzilla88
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    I’m so...disappointed.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:17 PM PST

    My friend and I just finished BL3 (we're very behind). And I had seen how a lot of people were unsatisfied with the game, but I figured I'd give it a fair shot before forming opinions. Now that I'm done, all I can say is...really hope the next one is better. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of good moments, but I'm just left feeling so unsatisfied. I won't go into specifics, but I just wanted to voice my frustration.

    submitted by /u/frodo4760
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    This BO3 shift code is a guaranteed legendary.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:37 PM PST

    After using the code, redeem it in mail and head for the chest.


    The chest will include a guaranteed legendary, usually infinity pistol, but who knows, post what you get.

    submitted by /u/bubwithchub
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    Why do you think people stop being vault hunters?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:55 PM PST

    Is it because of they could no longer pay the respawn fee or was it just the mental trauma of dying over and over again?

    submitted by /u/Brotato_Pancake
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    Still Hard Crashing Xbox One X

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    Any official updates from Gearbox regarding console crashes? I saw this articlefrom September that they acknowledged it's happening and they're working on a patch but haven't heard about any execution of it.

    I booted up the game this morning and within 2 minutes my Xbox One X did a complete hard crash (full system shutdown) which happened many times back at launch of the game. Haven't played at all since September due to that always happening. I'm guessing 3 months later it's still an issue and not an easy fix for them or perhaps they've abandoned the idea. Who knows?

    submitted by /u/DeltaDood
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    Golden Rule bug?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:29 PM PST

    Is there a bug where the only legendaries getting dropped in the DLC for Amara is the golden rule mod? I just beat the last boss again, got 5 legendary drops, all of them were the golden rule or some variation of it.

    submitted by /u/losbeardos
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    Could someone please explain to me how to farm the scraptrap for the Lucky 7 pistol?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:48 PM PST

    I played the DLC and my first time through scraptrap dropped the lucky seven pistol legendary at level 45 once I completed the game and tried to go back as an ultimate Vault Hunter playthrough to get a 50th level. After I defeated him he didn't drop that legendary so I quit to the main screen but when I reloaded the game scraptrap is nowhere to be found

    Full disclosure I don't understand the concept of farming when you were supposed to quit out in order to come back and fight the boss again

    submitted by /u/Fifi-Mcafee
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    I’m confused with the story, and would like some clarification.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:08 PM PST

    I recently played through Borderlands: GOTY and I just played the begging of the Pre-Sequel and am really confused. I've played the general knoxx dlc. I've also played a good deal of the second one, not sure how relevant that is.

    In the General Knoxx dlc, Athena is a protagonist that you work with. In the beginning of the pre sequel, shes tied up having nearly killed brick and mordecai. How does this all fit together? I know its after the second one because it talked about Jack's and Roland's interaction, so there is time for change from the first one, but I'm still confused. Please clear this ip for me, without spoiling presequel or anything after the roland part in the second game.

    submitted by /u/_Radiator
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    Skins/heads not showing up.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:56 PM PST

    What's going on with the BL3 skins and heads? I just got 3 or 4, but nothing is showing up at the quick change station. I'm on xbox btw

    submitted by /u/Psychohyde
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    Figures in Locker?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:38 PM PST

    I've found statues of a guy with sunglasses in a few lockers. Anyone know if there is something special with those? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/sploo1012
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    Vehicle discussion

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:09 AM PST

    I've admired what they did with the driving controls in borderlands 3 compared to the past games in which leading me to wishing for more vehicle models for me to edit. What did you guys think?? (I want a dlc which added more vehicles)

    submitted by /u/Rhesontheful
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    AMD Echo device skin

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:53 PM PST

    Hey guys I just want to know if there is any way to receive this echo skin other than buying an AMD product.

    I am asking this because I spent the rest of my savings purchasing this game and can't afford to buy expensive AMD products.

    I'm a massive collector and have pretty much all customisations except for this echo skin.

    If anyone could help me out with a code for the skin (You can DM me) or something that can get me the skin then I would really appreciate it a lot!

    Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/ExchangeableFat
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    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:38 PM PST

    Heyoo Im about to start bld3 but I have questions, first of all which character should I choose, secondly Ive been hearing about the new dlc, idk the price so please if some can tell it thank you and lastly should I buy the dlc?

    submitted by /u/someone_-_random
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    Questions on the final boss (spoilers)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:37 AM PST

    Okay okay, so we already know that Tyreen fused with the destroyer at the end of the game. But it couldn't have been the whole thing right? She had to have only fused with that amount that cane out of the vault in the first game, right? Otherwise she'd be actually invincible. Think about it, with the power of probably thousands of COV, a vault beast, her own power and liliths, and what was left of Troys power all fusing with even just that small amount of the destroyer and she shoud already be invincible. God, if she really used her siren powers in her boss fight then I don't think we'd be able to beat her.

    submitted by /u/Narutony191
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    A very simple change to improve "junk" in BL3. Gearbox, please do this.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:34 AM PST

    When an item is marked as junk in your bank, why can't it get sold when I "sell all junk" at the vending machine?

    But even worse, when I mark an item as junk in the bank, then move that item to my backpack, it loses it's junk status. Then I have to sort through my gear all over again just to find what I moved into my backpack. When moving only a couple guns, it's no big deal, but when I want to dispose of a dozen+ guns to make room for better ones, this is nothing but a pain in the ass. Of course, none of that should even be an issue if I could just sell from the bank.

    If this is already a well known issue, then disregard this post. Otherwise, upvote this so Gearbox can see it.

    submitted by /u/GunLovingLibertarian
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    C-C-Combo - does it stack?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:46 PM PST

    Does the guardian skill c-c-Combo stack? I've seen some say it does, while others claim it doesn't. Does anyone have a definitive answer for this?

    submitted by /u/samm_234
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    Vampyr skill

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:29 PM PST

    I watched chadly99's ranking of the vault hunters video and in the video he talks about the vampyr skill. The vampyr skill doesn't work with a lot of the great grenades of the game. So for example the hex's initial attack before splitting with the versions that split give health back. So when the hex splits you're no longer getting health back. Thus leading to another question. What grenades really work with vampyr because moze players would like to survive more because in the past the hex worked wonders for me and now it doesn't. Which probably means gearbox shadow nerfed Moze.

    submitted by /u/ComicBookKnight
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    Best way to farm for butcher shotgun?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:39 PM PST

    Looking to farm for the best one.

    submitted by /u/Kornfrk2727
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