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    Saturday, February 29, 2020

    Borderlands 5 golden keys

    Borderlands 5 golden keys

    5 golden keys

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST


    submitted by /u/thekipling
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    The Cosmic Romance trinket was a preview of what the next DLC was going to be

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:43 AM PST

    Was switching out some trinkets for the hell of it when it struck me that the trinket was clearly telling us about Love, Guns, and Tentacles; we just didn't know it yet. Maybe we should keep our eyes on these event rewards a little more closely...

    submitted by /u/neochase23
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    Is Borderlands 3 for me?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:42 PM PST


    I am looking for a looter to sink a lot of time into. I have not played a Borderlands game but have heard great things.. currently I have sunk hundreds of hours in Destiny 2, MHW, division 2, Diablo 3.. And never played the originals in any of those games..

    Anyways, I know Borderlands is different, I am hoping for an end game loop that can keep you interested for many hours... with the claim of billions of guns and limitless customization, it would seem this is a great fit. I don't care for meta and really just like discovering builds etc. I also do like at least some multi player elements and I know there is match making and raids so that seems awesome.

    Are my expectations too high? I can't tell from what I see online and on twitch hardly anyone streams... do people just play the campaign and bounce or is there something to keep you coming back after?

    Thanks for any input!

    submitted by /u/Ishbu69
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    So, there's an eridian thing in Floodmoor Basin, a little help?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:21 PM PST

    It's not the eridian writings, I'm not that much of a fool. Its right by where you save dalton, the gunsmith. It says inspect, but my character does the same reaction he would if i tried to interact with an eridian writing before I had the reader thing. Wondering what this is.

    submitted by /u/StretchyBoy2
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    Next Skill Cap Increase?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:47 PM PST

    With the recent spring lineup that has been revealed, has it been made clear when we will get the next skill cap increase or new tree?

    submitted by /u/seanspeirs_44
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    Good Cryo Legendaries?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:49 PM PST

    Been doing an Amara melee build that's been amazing with my cryo Ion Laser. All the melee bonuses with the triple damage when they freeze is so satisfying. Can I get some ideas for other legendaries that work really well as cryo element (and maybe where to farm them)?

    submitted by /u/BigSquidSalad
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    Wedding Invitation, Oh My

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST

    I've never been who has had any luck farming over Mayhem 1. But with the Wedding Invitation (no annointment) I can take down Graveward in under 60 seconds on MH3 (too chicken to try 4) with my 53 Zane. Here is hoping they don't nerf it. I got 2 nice and shiny, newly OP Lob Shotguns with Radiation and Corrosive.

    Now to head to Agonizer 9k to give him a try.

    submitted by /u/Zimmy68
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    Sniper rifles

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:58 PM PST

    Just got back to the game after months off and was looking into playing a sniper fl4k fadeaway crit build since I heard sniper rifles got buffs. Unfortunately for me apparently the best sniper rifle in the game currently was just available for a few weeks and now is no longer available? Really sucks for me, and seems like a really bad idea to have items available only for a limited time. Now that it's gone though, what sniper should I be shooting for?

    submitted by /u/That_Kawaii_Kid
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    Weapon damage question

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:44 PM PST

    My question is: If my gun says that it has 615 damage but also does 543 shock damage per second, does it mean it has 1358 damage in total or shock is already included in the damage stat? Hope I made myself clear and thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/OlaKeAse27
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    Need help with the last circle of slaughter and the duel trophy

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:50 PM PST

    Matchmaking sucks so much ass on this game! I've spent the last few days on and off trying to do these three circles of hell, some of the players are so toxic, I had one guy do the dino/rakk one with me and as soon as it finished, before we could even turn it in he quit and because he was the host it booted everyone to homepage and we all failed!

    I'm a 53 beastmaster and can hold me own, but I'm not on any kind of level where I can solo it! And I can't seem to get paired up with any players doing the cov map or players that can hold their own.

    If you can help I'll be on tomorrow afternoon /night (uk time) drop me an invite on ps4 j1ggerjay

    submitted by /u/JiggerJay
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    Which class/build is best suited for Jakobs guns?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:23 AM PST

    I play on console, and compared to the last three entries in the series, something about 3's aim assist makes tracking a target really, really hard. So, after the first few hours playing BL3 and not being able to hit a cow's arse with a banjo, I learned to compensate with the strong ADS-makes-you-snap-to-target mechanic and almost exclusively aim with snap-shots now. Which of course means Jakobs guns are going to be my bread and butter this time around, (which is actually pretty nice thanks to weapon skins being a thing, because literally the only reason I didn't like using them before is I'm not a fan of all the old-timey wood-grain aesthetic in a futuristic sci-fi setting).

    So, knowing that I'll be focusing mainly on Jakobs guns--(especially sniper rifles!), which class/build would synergize best with that? I'd assume it'd be either FL4K or Moze, but I'm not sure which would actually be better for this, since apparently FL4K's Fade Away doesn't actually benefit from Jakobs' bonus crit damage, and Moze's "sniper" builds that I'm finding online basically just use Dahl/Vladof/Lyuda sniper rifles as assault rifles, which doesn't exactly mesh with the single-bullet-snap-shot playstyle.

    submitted by /u/Xaldyn
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    BL2 not working with mods after update

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:52 PM PST

    Recently BL2 recieved an (unecessary) Steam update to announce that BL3 is coming to Steam. After that update, my whole game was disconfigured and my mods didnt work anymore. I tried all i could, but when i try to install the Console Patch from BL Hex Tool, the game just doesnt open. I press the "Play" button but, or nothing appears, or an error appears or Windows error pop-up appears. Can someone help me ? Pretty please ?

    submitted by /u/locaterino
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    XB1X Hard Crash

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:03 PM PST

    I guess the multi-player hotfixes and patches aren't working? I have now crashed 3/4 attempts to load into a campaign multi-player game.

    Is there a known way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/fatpandafjc
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    (BL2 - PC) Constant freezing since the mini-update

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:34 AM PST

    I bought and started playing Borderlands 2 on steam about a month ago, enjoy the game. But since the feb 27th update, every 6 seconds my game fully freezes for about a second, and then frameskips to where it should have been. Literally unplayable. I have never experienced any lag issues before, game always ran at a steady 60 fps whatever I was doing.

    OS is win 7, 16 gb ram, 4.2 ghz cpu, GT 1030 graphics. Not the most epic PC but its not a hardware issue. I've done the really obvious stuff like restarting PC and fiddling with ingame performance settings but that didn't make the slightest difference.

    Would greatly appreciate if anyone else has experience of this issue + a reliable fix.

    submitted by /u/LardofKrayons
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    Is there a discord for non duped/non saved edited items for trade? PC

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:05 PM PST

    I have the issue of wanting to trade but I don't want any duped or spawned in items. Not that I'm against those who do it, that's just how I prefer to play, so I was wondering if there's a forum or discord for players who are the same. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Caswell01
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    The ogre

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Does the ogre have a designated drop and if so who drops it and where are they?

    submitted by /u/videogamefan2019
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    BL2 - Steam Mac/PC - Coop play not working

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:23 AM PST

    Game: Borderlands 2 (not 3)

    Anyone else experiencing issues with connecting to a friends lobby, or for your friend to connect your lobby?

    We have tried inviting via the main menu and also via the steam overlay, none work. We have also tried a VPN and that didn't work either.

    Me: In UK, Windows 10, latest update and game files verified. Accepting invite does nothing.

    Friend: In UAE (Dubai), Mac, latest update and game files verified. Accepting invite attempts to connect and then fails shortly after.

    submitted by /u/bass2k8
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    Gearbox pax 2020 panel

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Does anyone know where i can find the song that played before the panel started?

    That song slapped.

    submitted by /u/RjSeaturtltington
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    Borderlands 3 on Steam Hype Stream!

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Hello, fellow vault hunters! My friends and I have been waiting a long time for the third game in this series to come to Steam, and its finally happening! To celebrate, my friend and I are going to be running through BL1 and 2 and all of their DLCs in the 2 weeks leading up to the launch to get ready for the game! Come and join us on this adventure through Pandora, and the wonderful story the games have to offer!

    Come get awesome!

    submitted by /u/King_Asiimov
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    In an interview, Anthony Nicholson says Gearbox don’t “ever try to take political stances”

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Comes up in relation to the new DLC and FL4K being non-binary

    Read the full thing here

    submitted by /u/deltaphoenix08
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    Second character

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:03 AM PST

    I've finished everything on my flak, so now I want to start a second character but I can't decide on which to choose. Can you give some like pros and cons or why a certain character is good?

    submitted by /u/GronakTheOrc
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