• Breaking News

    Monday, March 30, 2020

    Borderlands Adding loot from limited-time events back to the loot pool with every level cap increase would be fantastic

    Borderlands Adding loot from limited-time events back to the loot pool with every level cap increase would be fantastic

    Adding loot from limited-time events back to the loot pool with every level cap increase would be fantastic

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Even if they only let players who have already obtained the item to refarm for it, or just adding it the loot pool for a short time after a cap increase would be amazing for letting great loot not become obsolete. I hate the thought of needing to get rid of my ghast call and wedding invitation because they will become unviable in the new higher levels.

    submitted by /u/The_Inquirer_852
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    IF Borderlands 3 gets something along the lines of a Season Pass 2, I want a few DLC’s that have us fighting some of the Manufacturer’s.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    The whole Promethea Atlas V/S Maliwan showdown stuff was awesome to me. I have an urge to keep learning of Maliwan and shooting their troops in the face.

    And Dahl, everything about Dahl makes me want to punch every executive in the face and put them out of business. From The Crackening to New Pandora to making every weapon burst fire when ADS in BL2 (I would like to punch the face of the weapons executive who thought that was a good Idea).

    Jakobs and Atlas right now I'm A-OK with. And it would be crazy to see what they do with "Space Walmart" and "Space Capitalism disguised as space communism."


    submitted by /u/MatrixReaper
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    A little Story for ya.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    So this one Guy in New Haven, right? City's burning. People are dying left and right, yadda yadda yadda. This Jackhole rushes me with a spoon. A frickin' spoon. And I'm dying laughing, right? So i scoop out his stupid little eyeballs with it and his kids are all "WAAAAAH". He can't see where he is going bumpin into stuff. HEH. Funniest shit i have ever seen.

    submitted by /u/Ismaelontherun
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    [major story spoilers] Anyone else think the world feels much smaller now?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Borderlands 3 was meant to expand the world past Pandora, opening up from a single planet to an entire galaxy of potential.

    While it did have some success on that front, I feel as though BL3 spends as much of its story shrinking down the world and it's potential for future stories.

    The Great Vault, meant to be planet sized, has already been dealt with. The Destroyer was shot to death. The machine used to close up the planet required precisely 4 Keys from the 4 planets we happened to visit. I guess those were the only important Vaults, and now we're finished with them.

    We've met and directly interacted with seemingly half the CEOs of the gun manufacturers in the game. BL2 introduced Torgue and Hyperion CEOs, but now we've also interacted with the head of Atlas, Maliwan and Jakobs. It really takes away the feeling of faceless corporations with hundreds of layers of bureaucracy and red tape, instead making them feel for personal, for both better and worse.

    The first Vault Hunter was already found and died.

    The Erydian language has been fully translated and Tannis is apparently smart enough to understand all of their tech, sucking the air of mystery out of that too.

    Finally, and this is the most important bit, the new Siren lore about transferring their powers locks in the power set instead of having new unique Siren abilities after one dies. (As shown by Tannis receiving the exact same abilities as Angel). That means that we already know all of the Siren power sets (Eva, Lilith, Amara, Tyrene, Tannis, Steele from BL1). If BL4 wants another Siren character, it has to recycle Lilith or Steele).

    As a related point, we have half of the Sirens hanging out in the same ship, when there are six for the entire universe.

    All of these points aren't bad per say, and they even give the world of Borderlands a more personal touch. However at the same time, the scope and potential of the universe feel much smaller than it was at the beginning of BL3. Anyone else think so?

    submitted by /u/Dantalion_Delacroix
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    *SPOILER* Burton is Amazing

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    Alright soooo… I absolutely love DLC2 and the characters but the one who I love the most is Burton. Seriously, his side quest is such a beautiful story and it really got into my heart. I finished it couple of days ago and finished it again as Zane… it still made me feel emotional. I know that I am a sensitive VH but come on, who else didn't have heavy feels about this mission?

    Also, the reward is absolutely great and fun to use and this side mission is one of my favorites in the entire franchise!

    submitted by /u/-TheFluffyPanda-
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    Why do some guns have + in the name?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    I have found some guns will have a + or even a ++ in their names as a variant. I wondered what this means and couldn't find my ch info online.

    submitted by /u/Curses_in_cursive
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    Just started the Wedding DLC and I have to say

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    I am loving Gaige as the wedding planner, I was upset she wasnt in the story in this one but if this DLC has a lot of her then im happy, plus playing as Moze (another badass girl with a robot bestie) they have some good dialog

    submitted by /u/Kylesworld92
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    Salvador is alive!!!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    If you go to the Lodge and go to the wall on the right side of the reception you can see his unpaid bill. Maybe be will be back in the future ¯_(ツ)_/¯. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/GGGREECE
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    Any advice for an extremely frustrated Moze player?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    As the title says.

    Thanks to level cap increases, my chuck build is...well hot garbage now. It took a LOT of hours to farm the gear to make it sort of work, and even then it wasn't optimal.

    Now at 57 I can barely run Mayhem 4 and I am beyond frustrated trying to grind for loot. Is there a halfway decent M4 build I can try and get to that doesn't require uber specific gear?

    I've watched several youtubers but their gear is all ULTRA specific and I'm having no luck finding it.

    It isn't about "git gud" because I play well enough but when life bars don't move after throwing everything you have at it, it's not worth the effort.

    I've given up farming lower Mayhem levels because they aren't giving me anything...

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Nec_Pluribus_Impar
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    Stop using the DLC to shit on the devs

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Yes, we know you weren't happy with the base game. I'm sure Gearbox knows too by now. It's an almost universal feeling here.

    When you finally find something in the DLCs that you enjoyed more than the base game, it doesn't need to be mentioned as a backhanded compliment to Gearbox. I hardly see them interacting with us here anymore and all the negativity is probably why. I'd feel terrible if I were one of them reading all these posts.

    This isn't to say that I was totally happy with the game initially or that it doesn't have issues, yet I can appreciate their current efforts without shitting on the main storyline. If you have critiques, make them constructive.

    submitted by /u/OzWu
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    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    So like, the transformer is the best all around shield in the game? Sure other shields are better for certain builds and play styles but Transformer is all round the best one

    submitted by /u/AsTheyAttack
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    Is Borderlands 3 "bad"?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    I've been wanting to play but haven't had the chance until recently now that its on Steam, but I do know a fair bit about the game already. But I see ALOT of people mad at the game. That it doesn't make sense, past plot points ignored or forgotten like Tales from the Borderlands, etc. This video is just one example of the kind of stuff I see...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yuEKEdEXTI

    submitted by /u/Pyrosium
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    Zarpedon fight

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    Usually, I understand that I am outmatched and not able to do things. However, I'm also trying to beat Borderlands The Pre-Sequel as quickly as I can so I can move on to the next game, and I was curious as to whether or not someone would be willing to help me do the fight on PS4. If you're interested in helping, please message me! I need all the help I can get ;-;

    submitted by /u/tr590
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    Cant get Elemental Hyperfocus?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    I've farmed out a total of like 15 of these lil shits and I've only gotten 4 and they were all radiation or corrosive with crap anointments. Why the hell do they keep dropping without an element?

    submitted by /u/OhGriggsy
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    Bosses in the new DLC not respawning?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    I dragged myself through that long as map to farm the Wendigo but he hasn't been appearing, what gives?

    submitted by /u/xRedxDragonx
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    Best build for flak for takedown?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Im using gamma and i just cant seem to do mobbing good. I have plenty of gamma burst weapons but im just so used to my zane destroying literally everything i just feel like flak isnt all so well And plus using the fucking brainstormer destorys my game

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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    Anyone else agree that the empowered scholar fight is bs

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    Maybe they should remove the void if you fall and throw you back to land, right now his insane armour is bad enough without death falls

    submitted by /u/roast_macoen
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    Tediore + Extrication?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    If my shields are charging the next shot (sits 'in potentia' as indicated by the glowy weapon tips) and I chuck my shooty Tediore, does the bonus apply to those bot-shots? It doesn't drain my shield so I'm assuming not, but it'd be cool if it did.

    submitted by /u/callingFives
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    I'm a little worried about Gaige...

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    I think she might be an alcoholic. She's always talking about her "margs", and after you finish the main story of the DLC, she's non-stop drunk.

    submitted by /u/Ceiyne
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    Just realized one thing that made BL1 so great that is lacking in BL2, but mostly BL3....

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    ....and it's that feeling of desolation on an unknown and hostile place.

    BL1 absolutely nailed this feeling from the very beginning of the game. NPC's are scarce in the world and they never go on missions with you. You feel alone on the adventure, and when you do end up interacting with people, they come across as creepy, weird, frightening, or all 3. This was such a cool feeling as no game had nailed it like they did up to that point. It's really what made me fall in love with the series at first (along with the loot).

    BL2 has this at times also, but they're few and far between. It has much better environments than 1, but it was always lacking that special something that made the character feel alone in the harsh world.

    BL3 forgoes this completely, which sucks. NPC's constantly go on missions with you, 3 of the classes have a "pet" mechanic, and the world is colorful and sorta cheery at every turn.

    So far, it seems DLC 2 takes some steps in the right direction to capture that past magic, but to me, there will be nothing like the first hours of B1. That was some special stuff, IMO.

    submitted by /u/ngriner
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    Does Zane's barrier matter whether it's stationed or running with it?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Besides obviously having allies being able to come under your shield as stationary, is there any differences if you pick it up and run with it instead?

    submitted by /u/DanX47
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    How do you know which guns are better in BL3 ?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    Hi. I'm currently playing Borderlands 3 with a friend on xbox we're both new to the series and I have trouble determining which guns are better when I get new loot. different manufacturers put out different damage numbers plus some guns damage numbers have x's in them like (858x3) for example and i have no idea how to compare these numbers i thought originally it was based off item score but i was wrong about that 2 pls help

    submitted by /u/new52pillows
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    Moxxi DLC broken and can't start Wedding on PS4

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    My game loaded and told me that I couldn't load into the area because it was in a DLC that I don't own (Moxxi) but clearly I own it because I was already playing it. All my guns are inactive that are associated with Moxxi DLC. Also, I have the wedding DLC purchased and the quest won't start. There is not way for me to purchase it but my only action is "purchase". Anyone else dealing with this?

    submitted by /u/johnastew
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