• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    Borderlands Unpopular Opinion: We are part of the problem.

    Borderlands Unpopular Opinion: We are part of the problem.

    Unpopular Opinion: We are part of the problem.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    I'm gonna start this off by saying I recognize that Mayhem 2.0 has some major shortfalls. Farming has been very inconsistent and a huge pain. However, when talking about power creep and the feeling of being shoehorned into picking up the new legendaries because the last months God Tier just isn't quite cutting it in M10. I feel like we are part of the problem. Our incessant need to max out the difficulty and play it exclusively, despite the overwhelming difficulty at times is a large contributor to being unhappy with balance. If you want to run purples, or really want to keep using a Brainstormer, Krakatoa, Dictator, etc. I'd suggest using the new OP weapons to farm up some higher Mayhem Versions of the guns you WANT to use and then lower the difficulty until it suits you. The other side of this coin is that we now have 13 difficulties to choose from with Easy, Normal, TVHM and Mayhem 1 - 10.

    submitted by /u/SarphasSkeleton
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    I just realized something (spoilers for most of the game's endings)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Lilith has been present and mostly responsible for the endings of all the main Borderlands games, except only from Tales from the Borderlands.

    She, as part of the original 4 VHs of the first game, was responsible for defeating the Destroyer in Borderlands.

    She was present during the whole final fight with Jack and the Warrior during Borderlands 2, and technically killed Handsome Jack (If you chose that).

    She was the one to punch the Vault Artifact in Jack's face during the end of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

    And last but not least, the entire ending of Borderlands 3 revolved around her "sacrifice" to save Pandora.

    Lilith is literally the protagonist of the whole Borderlands franchise.

    submitted by /u/WillaSato
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    Mayhem 2.0 may be lacking balance, but M10 Scraptrap Nest with Cartels is the true meaning of Mayhem Mode

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:44 AM PDT

    Holy shit. I mean just...holy shit. That was the most enjoyable, amazing utter and total chaos I've experienced in a Borderlands game ever. You'll be absolutely up to your face in robots, with Cartel goon squads spawning in left and right, firing fucking EVERYTHING to thin the hordes, and if it was that fun with a basic Elementalist Amara build...I really wish I had a maxed Zane to try in there. Just do it, especially if you're looking to get an M10 OP.Q-System.

    PS: bring a corrosive Lob, you'll know why when you get there.

    submitted by /u/FrozenSeas
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    Say what you want about Mayhem 2.0, Borderlands is still my favorite game.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    I love the base game. I love the extra content. I love how I'm not nickeled and dimed for wanting to play more of my favorite game.

    Borderlands has consistently done this from the beginning and it's gotten even better and more awesome with BL3.

    Specifically on Mayhem 2.0, I enjoy the level of challenge and if starts being not enjoyable then I can change it and have fun in a different way.

    Thanks you, Borderlands. Keep it coming.

    submitted by /u/Uh-Oh_Coreo
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    I think having guns scale based on mayhem levels was a terrible design choice

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    I'll address the root of the problem first- the typical GB method of making content more challenging by simply inflating the crap out of enemy health. Because of that, they needed a solution to make the content actually doable (no one would be able to play with +12500 health boosts with Mayhem 1.0 items)

    Because of this, they've created a FOMO in the hardcore playerbase when it comes to farming. Lots of people here simply don't see the point in playing on M6 when M10 offers guns with hugeeee increases in damage. So they go and get the best version possible (M10) and then what? People aren't incentivised to play at lower mayhem levels, because any loot they get will be worse than their current gear. So now some people are already geared for the hardest content possible with no where to go with it.

    At least with OP system you were forced to go through each rank, for Mayhem 2.0 there's nothing stopping you from going as high as you can handle asap, and that in turn means there's no outright incentive to farm each mayhem level before moving up. (Btw, you don't have to go up to M10, an attitude I keep seeing that I don't agree with, I'm just talking about incentives)

    Had they focused on basing the challenge of mayhem around mayhem modifiers, and not enemy health, they wouldn't have had a reason to change item scaling between mayhem levels. Alternatively, if they wanted to just tie the challenge to enemy health, they could have created barriers for people to rank up, like not do gun scaling but provide a guardian-rank like system to boost your character stats and tie that to something like the proving grounds. Want to play on M6? Well you're gonna have to hit time thresholds on proving grounds on lower mayhem levels to accumulate bonuses that let you handle M6 easier.

    But unfortunately the cat is out of the bag, they can't undo this now and we are going to see a ton of hotfixes and patches with targeted buffs to skills and items to address balancing, and anyone who is already playing on M10 is probably going to stay at that level until they increase the cap. It hasn't even been a week and people are at the ceiling, lol

    submitted by /u/Lopsidedbuilder69
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    Hey u/taurustrev I know you’re gone but I’ve still been killing badass motherf*ckers in your name.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    I've gotten every variant of your weapon that I could get. Your gun is on my wall of excellence on all four of my vault hunters. I've brought your gun from the main game all the way to Guns, Love, and Tentacles. I know you can't read this right now but you still deserve to hear it.

    Long live u/taurustrev, the one true bandit king.

    "Trev's gonna get ya"

    submitted by /u/ItsFappinBradley
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    Event Idea: The Lost Weapons

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    The Lost Weapons event will have you for 4 weeks uncover lost weapon parts to weapons from COV, Atlas, Hyperion, and Tediore. To start this event, you'll have to talk to Marcus and he'll inform you about some exotic blueprints he found from Pandora, Promethea, Eden-6, and Nekarotofeyo. He tasks you to find weapon parts that are similar to the parts that are on the blueprint. Upon completing each quest, he goes off screen to digistruct the weapons from the weapon parts you gave to him.

    The first week he tasks you to find COV parts on Pandora. In order to find said parts, you'll have to kill enemies to get them. You'll have to find 50 parts to complete the quest. You retrieve these parts to Marcus and he introduces you to COV shotguns. COV shotguns have high pellet count, high damage, and high fire rate at the exchange of poor accuracy and low magazine size.

    For week 2, he gives you a new quest to find 50 Atlas parts on Promethea. After doing that, he'll introduce you to Atlas SMGs. Atlas SMGs have High firerate and accuracy for the cost of low damage.

    For week 3, he gives you a new quest to find 50 Hyperion parts on Eden-6. After doing that, he'll introduce you to Hyperion Pistols. Hyperion Pistols maintain their properties from Borderlands 2 along with their properties from Borderlands 3.

    For the final week, he gives you the final quest to find 50 Tediore parts on Nekarotofeyo. After doing that, he'll introduce you to Tediore Rocket Launchers. Tediore Rocket Launchers maintain their properties from Borderlands 2 along with their properties from Borderlands 3.

    Every week, your reward for completing the quests are random non-unique weapons from the manufacturers you found parts for. Along with that, for the rest of the game, you can find these new weapons from enemies. Each manufacturer that produces these new weapons will have 3 legendaries that'll accompany them. 2 being original and 1 returning from past borderlands games. COV will come with the Jolly Roger, Atlas will come with the Ajax's spear, Hyperion will come with the Fibber, and Tediore will come with the Kanedas Laser.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask them.

    submitted by /u/Retr0Mxsked
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    It's now possible to double-stack Amp damage from shields and the new Mayhem 2.0 anointment.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    Shout out to zKarmaa for the breakdowm of the new anointment. Like all things in this game, the anointment is more complicated than the card description indicates.


    I ended up getting a Re-Router with the anointment on it.

    After my own testing, I found that

    • Amp on Shield Break only triggers if your shield is fully charged.

    • Amp on Shield Break will trigger if some of your shield is spent on the initial amp shot.

    • Amp from both the shield and the anointment stack if your shield breaks from fully charged and then recharges.

    • I'm not sure of the complete math breakdown, but the stacked amp damage seems like it was almost 900 percent.



    A gun doing 6401 damage is amped to:

    • 14k from the Re-Router alone;

    • 25k from the anointment alone; and

    • 56k when both are stacked

    Weapon damage from skills add to the on Shield Break amp damage.

    The best part, though?

    Entering FFYL doesn't negate the amp double stack


    For all you FL4K players out there that means if you go down and your pet revives you, you will remerge from the ashes with a vengeance.

    Rock a Yellowcake or Nukem or ION Cannon and one-shot any boss in the game or seek revenge on those annoying anointed eneimes.

    This also means that if you have the appropriate guarden perks, kills will help maintain a full shield and coming out of FFYL will give you full shield and health. It's a great backup for anyone who keeps killijg themselves with their Anarchy.

    submitted by /u/_Mellex_
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    Quick reminder where you can farm M10 guns with basically no endgame stuff needed

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Most of you know this already but i wanted to remind you in case some of you forgot it. Eden-6, The Anvil, Mother of Grogans. One melee is needed to OHKO, just take a face puncher with you. It's boring but very fast and easy to farm and you get some exp, if you're max level some guardian rank exp. She always drops 1-2, sometimes 3 legendaries every run and oftem times the creeping death gun. The run itself is done in like 30 seconds. I would suggest you to turn on the loot explosion modifier even if it's just a chance of 10 % it's still worth since you do the runs so fast. Oh and don't forget the two loot boxes there, they drop legendaries every now and then.

    submitted by /u/Zonero
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    I became Face McShooty every time when Ava speaks.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    I Seriously hate Ava ever since the first time I heard her speak.

    She made me become Like Face McShooty from BL2.

    Ava better go back to whatever fart can sewer she came from. i have no sympathy for her.

    submitted by /u/Mr-Abade
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    ASA 200% doesn't work when swapping weapons

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    I don't know if this is intended or not, but I thought it was worth sharing. I decided to test if the 200% ASA anoint worked like Zane's 100% cryo anoint where you can swap over to the weapon with it and have it work. Turns out that you have to be holding the weapon when activating action skills and keep holding it to get the effect.

    submitted by /u/Arachnica
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    Should I buy DLC 1 or 2?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    I can only buy one, which offers the better weapons and better experience etc if its that simple

    submitted by /u/AdmiralBojangles
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    Suggestion: Bring back Mayhem 1.0 Health Modifiers as OP Levels, Change Mayhem 2.0 to just being Gameplay Modifiers

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    I think they should separate the enemy/health/loot/wrapon scaling into a new (old) "Overpowered" system and change Mayhem into a mode that just turns on modifiers.

    Not sure how "hot" of a take this is, but I think the increased health modifiers of Mayhem 1.0 were fine, up until Mayhem lvl 4 was introduced where I think they could have smoothed out the curve a bit more for all of the Mayhem levels rather than make 4 much harder than 3.

    Personally I found the Mayhem modifiers added in 2.0 to be overly disruptive to the point that I don't even play Mayhem anymore (not even on 1) but I understand if that's where they want to take the mode. Granted I might enjoy them more if the health scaling wasn't as ridiculous as it is, but as of now the gunplay isn't as fun with Mayhem 2.0 enabled.

    Players that want to have more challenging enemies and better drops can farm OP4, players that want to have a weird crazy time can turn up the Mayhem level, and if you want both Mayhem 10 OP4.

    Hopefully this will lead to come insightful discussion for the developers to draw meaningful feedback back from.

    submitted by /u/neoxid501
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    When To Do Borderlands 1 DLC

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    Hello! I want to playthrough Borderlands 1 for the first time, but don't know when to do to DLC. I definitely DO NOT want to play through the main story twice, i'm playing strictly for lore and experience, not the best loot. Do the DLC's take place lore wise after the main game? If that's the case I wouldn't mind starting them immediately at the start of Playthrough 2, I really just don't want to play the game twice. I'm mainly worried about overleveling, I don't want it to be too easy, while still getting the dlc experience without two playthroughs of the game. Might not complete the arena dlc because I heard it's terrible and i'm playing solo, i'll try it out regardless though.

    Thanks for any feedback, a list of when to do the dlc would be great, just 2 things

    1: I don't want to play the main story twice or even do a partial 2nd playthrough

    2: I want to play the DLC in the order they came out, then move on to Borderlands 2 after claptrap dlc

    submitted by /u/TheModestHavel
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    O.P.Q. Question

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    I've been grinding Maurice's mission for about 10 hours now and the thing refuses to drop. Is this an "it can only drop from Josie, Franco, and Joey" type thing, or does it just have a boosted chance from them? Running around farming decoders is getting tiring.

    submitted by /u/seagullplus
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    Convince me to keep playing BL2

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    Hey so I've just finished my second playthrough in BL2 (my first in BL2 VR) and I'm now starting in TVHM.

    Now I was pretty into BL3 for a while. Mayhem is nice not having to redo the entire damn story again and after going through BL2s story twice now I can say I honestly enjoyed BL3 more.

    So what do I do here - Just run through TVHM now until I get to UVHM? I wanna actually start getting to grinding and building but it's such a slog but it's one of the only few good games on VR and I wanna give it a good go at its fullest potential.

    submitted by /u/Kandicainerides
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    Anyone else have a problem where the Borderlands Science machine just permanently ceases to exist?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    After completing the claptrap tutorial, the machine froze on the loading screen and then ceased to exist when I went back later.

    submitted by /u/bkltorch
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    Joey Ultraviolet question

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    Does he drop any item that only he can drop and no one else?

    submitted by /u/justcuriousoptc
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    Newbie help with endgame on Moze

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    I'm looking make my way into the endgame with Moze (just finished main game 3 days ago) and was wondering what current gear recommendations are. I tried looking up information but after going for a lifesteal + shield healing build and getting a lot of the parts I found out elsewhere that the beam grenades had all been nerfed to no longer heal (made me sad, I loved the stormfront in Bl2) and none of the other grenades I have found have been able to keep me alive. Currently on m5 because I found a m2 Lob and was able to get some better gear with scrap traps and cartel.

    Also any "unwritten" properties about the mayhem levels that a newbie wouldn't know about would be great. Ex: I just found out yesterday that grenade damage apparently doesn't scale up with mayhem.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    submitted by /u/MonochromaticPrism
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    Do class mods an artifacts get stronger with mayhem?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    So do class mods and artifacts scale with mayhem mode in the same way that wepons do? Because I don't know if I should be farming the final boss in dlc1 for seein dead, on mayhem 1, or a higher level. Because I can get this done much faster on M1 obviously.

    submitted by /u/OPost21
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    BL: The Pre-Sequel, Looking for 2-3 more people to Platinum

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    EST, Quarantined and kinda nocturnal right now, so we can work out schedules.

    Just started the other night, a friend and I did the first few missions, I currently have 9 of the trophies. Trying to get a group going on the road to Platinums, looking to possibly do BL 1 & 2 afterwards depending on how burned out from the lore we get.

    submitted by /u/uhhmisterdavis
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    Where to start?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    I want to play Borderlands but I don't know which game yo buy, I just saw The Handsome Collection is 94% off, so that's definitely a good deal, but that has Borderlands 2, the DLCs, and The Pre-Sequel. But where should I start? What does a pre-sequel even mean?


    submitted by /u/SenpaiTati
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    Borderlands 2 Physx crash fix, Windows 10, NVidia

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I recently started playing BL2 (yes, I know I'm several years late :)), and ran into repeated hangs while playing in Opportunity. There have been several threads that talk about this and, after reading various descriptions, I think I've found the solution, at least on my system.

    Various folks pointed to issues with PhysX and running out of memory, and that turning PhysX to low or off avoided the problem. I have a GTX 1070, and a monitor running at 2560x1600 . I didn't want to disable PhysX and so set about finding out how to increase the amount of memory available to it.


    • Edit C:\Users<yourname>\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Config\WillowEngine.ini
    • Find the line that says


    change it to


    • Save the file.

    So far, I haven't experienced any more hangs.

    HTH anybody still playing,


    submitted by /u/tenortim
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    What Mayhem level to get old M4 gear?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    Did the requirements change for items like spiritual driver or recursion from Wotan? In Mayhem 1.0 it was M4...is it still that or did they bump it up?

    submitted by /u/blaxative
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