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    Sunday, August 30, 2020

    Borderlands Digiclone doing more damage than me?

    Borderlands Digiclone doing more damage than me?

    Digiclone doing more damage than me?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm running through Slaughterhouse 3000, and I've noticed that my digiclone does SIGNIFICANTLY more damage than me. Like my sand hawk kills badass commanders in 4 ish shots while it takes me 10 shots or more. Happens with almost all my guns tbf. I'm still "new" at this game (meaning idk how builds work) so any advice would be great. Also, I'm level 55 and running mayhem level 6.

    submitted by /u/callmebho
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    [BL3] Wouldn't it be cool if we could switch out weapon parts?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    I think it was a big missed opportunity to have the ability to switch out weapon parts. Dismantling guns for parts we want and switching out for more accuracy or make a fire Dahl weapon become a cyro gun instead. I'm unclear as to why we can look at the weapons parts in inspect mode, but can't do anything with other than take a picture.

    submitted by /u/Bigcat9715
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    3 Golden Keys, Expire 8-31

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:02 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Loreweaver15
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    Xbox one S Frame Rate

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    (BORDERLANDS 3) Is there any way to change the game from 30 fps to 60 fps? The game is capped at 30fps and on some websites i see that you can change that with a so called 'performance mode' yet i looked for it and couldnt find it. Playing the game at 30fps should be illegal and i got a head ache 10 minutes in from the frame rate. (BORDERLANDS 3)

    submitted by /u/Szinimini
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    I think I need help with the Reflux

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    I see this added to a lot of builds, the Reflux is an excellent corrosive gun here and there, but I don't get it. When I try to use it it does pitiful damage when I'm playing Zane. I get the tesla effect every so often, but I never see it do any damage. Is there a trick to using it? Do I need to have a better anointment for it to work better?

    submitted by /u/GammaAnomaly
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    Best BL3 DLC?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    I recently got the season pass and was curious which was the best dlc to start with. Playing Amara if that plays into your decision

    submitted by /u/Pasc0e
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    Find Better Gear?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    so right now i'm currently playing thru the most recent expansion on normal mode. i havent gone thru much of tvhm, but i'm planning on going thru it after i finish the newest expansion. i'm max level, my guardian rank is 85, and i'm playing on mayhem 4. i was playing mayhem 2, but upped it since i wasnt finding good enough guns. i'll find a better gun like once every 2 days? i feel like im plateauing and i want to continue to play on this character.

    submitted by /u/darbycastles13
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    Melee Zer0 Digistruct Peak Guide (OP 10, No Norfleet, Bee-Hawk, Harold, etc. required)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Hello there, I hope you are all doing well today. Today I am back with another Digistruct Peak guide and this time we will be covering Melee Zer0. Unlike my other builds, this one is on Vanilla so it should be perfectly applicable!

    Gameplay + Commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZa_tJ86Qic

    Important note: Before we jump into the skills and gear there is something really important we need to cover for OP 10 Melee Zer0. The release of OP 10 changed how Melee Zer0 was played when using the classic Chain Lightning + Shock Bone + Hide of Terra. Before OP 10 you could throw two CL's at your feet without going down (being able to throw two is important for keeping the Hide stripped throughout your execution chains), but that changed with OP 10. It is imperative that you use an OP 7 Chain Lightning with the lowest damage possible, do not use Bad Ass Rank, make sure to skill Ir0n Hand for the extra 15% health, and have the Grog equipped when throwing CLs. The Hide and Shock bone can still be OP 10. With this very specific set-up, you will be able to strip your shield with one CL and still throw another at your feet without killing yourself. There will be many instances where you want to throw 2 Chain Lightnings in a short span (ex: strip shield for Kunai roid bonus, and then throw another grenade to make sure it stays down for your execution) so make sure to follow that set-up.

    Cool Tip: You can animation cancel Decepti0n by ADSing (aiming down sight) and immediately pressing your action skill. This is actually really nice and does make a difference. Gives you more time to get in position for the kill. You will see me utilize this practically every time I use it. Also, as a secondary tip try to slag enemies before entering Decepti0n since Kunai does not guarantee slag on enemies.

    Section 1: Build

    Red/Bloodshed Tree:

    • Killing Bl0w (5/5): 500% (1000% with Ninja COM) melee damage against enemies with low health is a fantastic increase to our damage. It quite literally allows us to deal the Killing Bl0w and finish off tanky enemies as they get lower in health. Great skill and awesome for the Mini-Bosses of the Peak.

    • Ir0n Hand (5/5): 15% Health and Melee Damage. This skill was mostly ignored in the past and it really isn't that great, to be honest. It's just decent. However, as mentioned earlier we need that extra health to ensure that we can throw 2 CLs at our feet without going into FFYL. For that reason, it is very important.

    • Be Like Water (5/5): Shooting an enemy gives 30% damage to your next melee attack, meleeing an enemy gives you 20% gun damage on your next shot. This is one of those skills where you could rearrange your points if you would like to do so. It's not eye-popping but we have some extra points and they end up here for me. I find myself often shooting with the Grog and then meleeing so you at least get some use out of it. Not super important but there are not a lot of other great options to fill a Melee Zer0 build out.

    • F0ll0wthr0ugh (5/5): Movement Speed, Gun Damage, and Melee Damage buff that activates upon gaining a kill. This is really solid and the movement speed, in particular, is great for closing the gap between enemies. Love this skill on any Zer0 build and this is no exception. Buffed to 10 with the Ninja COM as well so you hit hard and you are one speedy boi. Just does a lot of nice things for you.

    • Execute (1/1): This is an obvious capstone choice for Melee Zer0. Melee Override skill that allows you to dash forward up to 3 meters if an enemy is in your crosshair. F0ll0wthr0ugh + Execute allows you to really close the gap fast. You can spam this from a pretty far distance to reach your target and set up for the kill. Must have for Melee Zer0.

    • Backstab (5/5): +40% damage to melee attacks when hitting from behind. Further boosted by our Ninja COM as well. This is a huge damage increase and it is really easy to pull off because of our action skill, Decepti0n.

    • Resurgence (5/5): Killing an enemy with Melee restores up to 20% (40% with Ninja) of your health depending on how low it is. This is another one of those skills where we just don't really have a better place to put our points. It is not fantastic but the extra survivability definitely doesn't hurt. I would advise at least getting one point here since we use the Ninja COM but otherwise do as you wish.

    • Many Must Fall (1/1): This skill and Execute are the cornerstones to an effective Melee Zer0 build. Every time we get a melee kill within Decpti0n we deploy another clone and extend the duration. This allows us to chain multiple kills together and keeps us safe because we are invisible. This is what gives us great mobbing potential and keep in mind that each kill you get will also reset Kunai.

    Blue/Cunning Tree:

    • Fast Hands (5/5): Reload Speed and Weapon Swap Speed are always welcome buffs to any build. Weapon swap speed is especially nice for swapping between the Grog and Rapier which will happen frequently. Use Grog when stripping the shields in Decepti0n and then switch to the Rapier for maximum melee damage.

    • C0unter Strike (5/5): After getting hit, your next Melee Attack has a chance to deal +250% damage. This is an absolutely huge damage buff when it applies and it will. There will be cases where you are not using Decept0n and just hitting things with the Grog. That is primarily when this skill comes into play and you will absolutely notice when this skill procs. It is a ton of damage.

    • Ambush (5/5): +20% Damage (+40% with Ninja) when attacking an enemy from behind or when attacking an enemy that is not attacking you. Another great damage buff that synergizes really well with Backstab. These two skills together really allow us to pack some serious burst damage. A cool thing to note about Ambush is that it actually applies to grenades as well.

    • Rising Sh0t (5/5): Each successful ranged or melee attack gives +10% Gun Damage and +9% Melee Damage for a short time. Can stack up to 5 times. This is pretty easy to get 5 stacks with since you'll just be smacking things a lot. Especially relevant for the Peak's Mini-Bosses. It is a nice damage buff and again, very easy to attain.

    • Death Mark (1/1): Dealing Melee Damage marks a target for 8 seconds and they take 80% increased damage from all sources. Kunai can also apply Death Mark. This is an insanely strong skill and it continues the theme of burst damage. Keep in mind you can spread out the Kunai you throw to hit multiple targets and apply Death Mark to all of them. That can sometimes be quite useful. Make sure to always apply Death Mark before going in for the Execute on tanky targets (Dukino's Mom, Scorches, etc.). Generally speaking, try to apply Death Mark on any enemy you plan to attack.

    • Innervate (5/5): While Decepti0n is active you gain Gun Damage, Movement Speed, and Health Regen. The gun damage isn't very necessary here but not bad. The Health Regen gives us great sustain and the movement speed in conjunction with F0ll0w Thr0ugh makes us highly mobile and we are able to reposition at a moment's notice.

    • Death Bl0ss0m (Kunai) (1/1): This skill is absolutely incredible for Melee Zer0. It throws out 5 random elemental knives per cooldown that apply Death Mark. These knives can be boosted by Roid damage and they actually hit really hard. Generally speaking, it is a good idea to strip your shield, throw Kunai, throw another grenade to keep the shield down, and then Execute. This is especially applicable to very tanky enemies, not as much for weaker ones. A very solid skill that has a lot of utility.

    Green/Sniping Tree:

    • Headsh0t (5/5): 20% Crit Damage is pretty nice even though Melee cannot benefit from Crit Damage skills. AFAIK Melee Crits are always x2 or 100% damage. So, this skill doesn't boost it but it is better than Optics. We will still use guns sometimes, just not often.

    • Killer (5/5): Substantial Crit Damage and Reload Speed upon achieving a kill. Nice DPS buff for when we do need to use guns. Which admittedly, is not all that often but this is still useful.

    • B0re (1/1): Good Ol' B0re. Practically everyone knows this skill by now but I will reiterate, it is very good. Shots pierce through enemies and deal 100% damage per enemy pierced. This skill allows us to instantly kill Spider/Bar tanks, Saturn, and OMGWTF with certain weapons. Interfacer, Pimpernel, and Harold are pretty great B0re weapons for these enemies and you will see that in my video. The actual mechanics for B0re are quite complicated but essentially shooting enemies with the right weapon in the right spot will instantly kill them. I think it is a bit hard to explain proper B0re spots so instead I will leave some links to other people's videos that showcase B0re. I get some good B0re's in my video as well. I believe it is easier to visually see and understand B0re rather than conceptually understand it.

    • B0re Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEhQZPG1kh0

    • Vel0city (5/5): Bullet Speed, Crit, and Gun Damage. These are all nice buffs but this one might be a controversial pick for some Zer0 players. Vel0city can change the sweet spots for B0re or just change the sweet spots for certain weapons: Pimpernel, Lyuda, basically anything with extra projectiles that split at a certain distance. A lot of people don't really like that and if I was running a Sniper Zer0 build I would skip this skill as well. However, the primary reason I take this skill is to boost the projectile speed of my Rocket Launcher, the PBFG. I will go over this weapon but essentially, it allows me to kill Surveyors much easier. Which is great because Melee Zer0 has a big problem with Surveyors.

    • Skill Tree: https://bl2skills.com/assassin.html#505001500055055105015505515501

    Section 2: Gear

    • Weapon 1 (Sustain): The Bladed Grog. This one is pretty much non-negotiable. I don't really like using the Grog but you simply do not have enough survivability on Melee Zer0 to use anything else. The only reasonable alternative would be the Rubi but you are getting 12.5% healing instead of 65% so use at your own discretion. We take the bladed attachment for extra melee damage. For those of you that don't have gibbed or a way of farming the weapon, you will have to leave the "Beard Makes the Man" quest open so you get the Grog as a mission item. You will then have to Save+Quit until you get the bladed attachment. A pain, I know. This weapon should always be equipped when stripping your shields to ensure that you do not kill yourself (especially the second strip in a row). It is also the best option when we do not have our action skill up and just need to fight. Keeps us sustained and healed, good synergy with the Chain Lightning in general as well. Melee Zer0 relies on Health Gating quite a bit and this is the best option for accomplishing that. It also doubles as our slagging weapon which is nice.

    • Weapon 2 (Burst Damage): The Rapier. This is the premier option for Melee Zer0. 200% melee damage bonus is as high as it gets. Do not bother shooting this thing or using it for anything other than melee, it is terrible. The idea is to do all your shield stripping, Kunai, etc. and then switch to the Rapier for the final burst of damage. Must have.

    • Weapon 3 (Specialist Slot): For this slot, I typically use the Interfacer because it allows me to instantly kill Spider/Bar tanks while also doing serious damage to all enemies when I am not using melee for whatever reason. Can also be helpful for doing the finishing touches of damage to Surveyors. If you don't want to use the Interfacer then I would choose a weapon that can B0re pretty easily, like the Harold and Pimpernel. Alternatively, choose a weapon that can further help you with surveyors and troublesome enemies for Melee Zer0. This one is really just a preference pick. Don't think any of these weapons are "necessary".

    • Weapon 4 (FFYL/Surveyor Weapon): For this slot, I like to dedicate a weapon specifically suited for dealing with Surveyors... yes they are that bad for Melee Zer0. Occasionally, you will be able to execute them but those opportunities can be far and few between. Therefore, I like to pack the PBFG E-Tech Launcher. It has a decently fast singular projectile that actually becomes really fast with Vel0city. This allows you to consistently hit Surveyors without too much trouble. The Norfleet is an alternative but I actually do not think it is as good. The orbs are simply not fast enough and end up missing more often than not. It is obviously a much better FFYL weapon though. Use whatever you want here but you are going to hate Surveyors so make sure you have something to deal with them. Shock Lyuda, Butcher, Conference Call, and some others can do the trick but are not as ammo efficient and are also weak FFYL options. That's why I like the PBFG, it is a good FFYL weapon and deals with Surveyors exceptionally well.

    • Shield: All Maliwan parts Hide of Terra. If you cannot get all Maliwan at least get the Maliwan Capicator, that gives shock resistance. That part is extremely important. We need the shock resistance because we want to strip our shields without applying a shock Damage over Time effect to ourselves. This shield gives us the highest roid damage bonus in the game and also has some other great features such as Nova Damage, Spike attacks on melee attackers, and is just generally a high charge shield with good delay, and recharge rate. We obviously want it for the Melee damage and the good delay it has actually works against us here. We have to liberally expend Chain Lightnings in order to keep our shield stripped and benefit from the Roid damage. It can be annoying to do this but this is the highest Roid Damage shield by a long shot and we need all the damage we can get for the tough enemies of the peak. This is really all we need. I use the Bee extremely briefly in order to B0re/Kill Saturn quickly. Not necessary at all though.

    • Class Mod: The Legendary Ninja Com. This never comes off throughout my entire Peak run. The flat Melee Damage bonus from the COM is great and it boosts some amazing skills: Backstab, Resurgence, Killing Bl0w, Ambush, and F0ll0w Thr0ugh are all great. 10 points into them is a huge buff to your DPS and survivability. There is no reason to use anything over this COM for Melee Zer0.

    • Grenade: OP 7 Chain Lightning with Minimum Damage!! We discussed this earlier in the post but in order to properly strip our shield twice in a row without killing ourselves, we must have this specific CL. The grenade is not here for the damage obviously, but what's great about this grenade is that it will not only strip your shield but all the enemies too. Nice added little bonus. Plus the CL's bouncing properties make it easy for it hit enemies all over the map and in turn it will instantly heal you with the Grog equipped.

    • Relic: OP 10 Shock Bone. We mentioned this earlier as well but it is just the best relic. Cooldown rate is spectacular for us, we are super reliant on Decepti0n for kills and survivability. The shock damage bonus ensures that we do just enough to strip our shield while also not killing ourselves. Must have.

    Section 3: General Tips

    • Decepti0n is your best friend with Melee Zer0. Play around your action skill and don't rush into a brawl without it ready to go or without it activated already. If there are one or two enemies only you can usually "man-up" and just hit them with the Grog but be wary of big crowds without Decepti0n. You are not tanky enough, even with the Grog, to just stand there and melee the enemies. Also, try to place your clone in a position where the enemy will immediately face away from you. Furthermore, always try to avoid placing clones in the direction you are heading. You can still get shot in Decepti0n. You really never want to stop moving as Melee Zer0 unless you are in a real pickle, if that is the case then try to hide and allow Decepti0n to refresh its cooldown and resume the killing.

    • Zer0 is all about calculated aggression. Always be wary of your Decepti0n timings and try not to get caught way out of position with your pants down. For example, if there are a bunch of enemies and your Decepti0n timer is getting low it may better to retreat instead of going for an execution, especially when you won't kill the enemy in one execute.

    • Always try to slag enemies before entering Decepti0n. Kunai will slag the enemy for you sometimes, but not always. It is best to use the Grog for slagging purposes and then go into Decepti0n. This is especially important against the slaggable Mini-Bosses like the Assassins, Scorches, Black Queens, Doc Mercy's, etc.

    • Be careful of Kunai! Kunai can instantly kill you if you go in for the Execute to soon and the Kunai has not exploded yet. Make sure to give it the proper time to explode and then go in for the kill.

    • Prioritize corrosive weapons. For some reason, in the Peak flesh enemies do not actually take bonus damage from fire. They are considered "non-flesh" and take neutral damage. This means that fire is not totally useless but no longer retains a distinct advantage to flesh enemies. However, corrosive is not resisted by anything (other than some weird interactions with spider ants, use shock for them) and still deals bonus damage to loaders. Corrosive DoT also tends to do more and stick longer on enemies. Making it the more versatile choice for the peak. Link to the thread explaining this more in-depth: https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/digistruct-peak-enemy-typing-issue-and-why-your-fire-guns-suck-there/1119745

    • Thanks for checking the post out! Please let me know if you have any questions/feedback.

    • Also, check out Striker Zidane's Melee Zer0 if you want to see a true master of the character. I learned a lot from just his gameplay (he doesn't talk) and I am sure you can too!

    • Other Digistruct Peak Guides:

    Axton Digi Peak Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/i6w8mq/axton_digistruct_peak_guide_op_10_no_grog_sham/

    Gaige Digi Peak Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/huwpro/gaige_deathtrap_digistruck_peak_guide_no_grog/

    Krieg Digi Peak Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/iczrdn/krieg_digistruct_peak_guide_op_10_no_grog/

    Maya Digi Peak Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/ie9nnh/maya_digistruct_peak_guide_op_10_no_grog_norfleet/

    submitted by /u/meizinsane
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    Playing love guns and tentacles and I got a question about the lovecraftian theme

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    So you meet these npcs that all have something happening to them, the guy floating, floor is lava, time..... soup....... are there any lovecraftian scholars who can tell me if these are obscure references that I'm not finding on google?

    submitted by /u/mdahms95
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    I got a double Quasar drop from some enemy in early game, and it's not shock and does 0 damage...? (BL3)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    I'm a lvl 6 Moze but the grenades are level 4, and they both dropped from the same enemy. I don't know this game very well yet, but the grenades are definitely doing 0 damage and are not shock. The calling card says Damage 77 Radius 597 and it's a Hyperion. That gives it longbow which is how I know I'm not missing my shots. Is this normal? Is this game going to be that buggy

    submitted by /u/g18suppressed
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    The “her” krieg refers to in bl3 May not be maya

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    With the echo logs found in bl3, krieg refers to a "her" , we assume this to be maya and I still think it is, but the raving retribution quotes from bl2 also refer to an unknown "her", could just be the ravings of a lunatic but just thought I'd mention it

    Skip to 21:28 to hear them https://youtu.be/Dd0IaBX8cEU

    Tho I do still think it is maya, as it's confirmed she'll be in dlc4, and the bl2 quotes are just that, ravings of a madman

    submitted by /u/Nickman117
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    New Friend?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Anyone wanna play Borderlands 1? I restarted it not too long ago. I play on the Nintendo Switch

    submitted by /u/macho_v
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    requesting assistance on the Dragons in UVHM, BL2.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    title says it all. been gettin my ass handed to me. Shift name is shradburts

    submitted by /u/psychic-bison
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    More Siren Powers

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Just for shites and giggles, what are some Siren Powers you've always wanted to see implemented in the games / would expect in future games? Since BL3 we know of what, four siren abilities?

    I always thought it would be cool to have a siren with a singularity/gravity well ability. Sort of expanding on Maya's convergence skill (bc Maya is the GOAT), you could direct enemies around the field, throw them around, add elements/buffs to the singularities, etc.

    Would also be cool to have a player class based on the Calypsos' power, focusing on leeching strengths/abilities from enemies. I'm picturing like a violent Kirby vibe, gaining certain buffs from certain enemies a la FL4K's hunting skills.

    But yeah - what are some things you think would be fun? In whatever hypothetical sequel or spinoff or what have you


    submitted by /u/exhaustedqueer
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    Friend and I are new to game, does mayhem mode scale quests you already had?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Basically, what happens to the missions you have already started after you beat the story and turn on mayhem mode? Do the unfinished level 24 side quests now scale to our current level? As far as enemies and loot?

    Or is it better to not pick up side missions until after we complete the story? Since then once obtained, the previously 24 level side quest would then scale to our level?

    Not looking to reset in TVH, just want missions to always be challenging and loot to be relevant as we clear out the game!

    submitted by /u/MrBanana6261
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    [TPS] Looking for a gun similar to another game's

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Hi, I've started the Pre-Sequel and finished my first playthrough. I am a big fan of the Mass Effect series and I've developed a specific playstyle there I'm trying to apply to Borderlands.

    In Mass Effect 3, there is a peculiar SMG, the M-12 Locust. Compared to your go-to SMG, the Tempest, it sacrifices 45% RoF (950 vs 550 RPM), 60% of its magazine size (50 vs 20 shots), and a bit of damage-per-shot for excellent accuracy and next to zero recoil. Being full-auto and having a low-zoom scope, it makes a very good mop-up weapon for mid-range dynamic combat after you've done sniping or for when enemies managed to get closer than comfortable for high-zoom weapons. It's stability and accuracy lets you dish out a full mag worth of headshots, offsetting low damage.

    Is there a weapon and/or part combination that brings together full-auto firing, a low-zoom scope, high accuracy and low recoil in TPS?

    submitted by /u/Cheetah97
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    looking for people to play with PC

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    need people to play with i am on TVHM on all vault hunters so if any one needs help or gear add me on steam :cadams648

    PS:i have ALOT of good gear if anyone needs help

    submitted by /u/Cadams649
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    Healing in Borderlands 1!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    Haven't played in a while, just got it on the switch since I don't currently have my laptop.

    We had a consumable healing item??? How did I forget this! After so many hours in BL2 the idea seems so foreign. Just wanted to share a quick thought.

    submitted by /u/TaterThot101
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    Looking for someine to play with

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    Im in AU

    My vault hunters are

    Krieg LVL55 UVHM

    Salvador LVL 41 TVHM

    Maya LVL 47 TVHM

    I'd love to start a new playthrough too!

    submitted by /u/JohnCintra
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    Scaling/Levels for when to do DLC?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    So me and my friend have almost completed our first play through on normal mode at level 30. We haven't done any DLC yet as we thought we should complete the main game first and we have enjoyed every single moment of it. Was it dumb to hold off on doing any of them to his point? And if so, when should I do them now? Any feedback would be much appreciated both by me and my friend as we've heard the DLC's are equally as awesome!

    submitted by /u/C0laN
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