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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Borderlands Angel DLC?

    Borderlands Angel DLC?

    Angel DLC?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    So, I had an idea for a cool DLC in BL3: How about we make one revolving around Angel? I think it would make for a very interesting DLC by giving us a unique perspective of Pandora, Handsome Jack, the vault hunters from BL1 and 2, and the workings of Hyperion. I've got some rough ideas, so here they are: 1. First things first: How is this DLC gonna start? Well, I think it would be interesting to use the "Ghost of Angel" prospect from the mission Childhood's End (If you don't know, this is a mission where you learn more about Angel and why she was locked up. During the mission, machines activate by what is implied, I believe, to be a sort of Angel's Siren Ghost.) Essentially, a marker on your echo would appear in the wreckage of Helios. Going there, you would see how it has deteriorated and been taken apart over the years, and you fight off some bandits and whatnot to get to the signal. Once you arrive, you find a diary belonging to Angel, which Tannis requests you to bring back. Once back, she says some paranormal science biz and you start the DLC by reading the diary.

    1. Now that the intro is done, let me explain the general idea of the story. The diary entries start out right after Angel gets locked up. Maybe the journal was given to her by Jack, or maybe she got it from somewhere else. Each of the story missions has a date, and each story mission takes place a decent amount of time after the previous one (side missions take place on the dates sprinkled in between, but I'll get to that in a minute). Because Angel considered the vault hunters to be her friends, I think it would be cool to be fighting through some areas of significance from previous games, as if she imagines herself running free and taking on the world alongside her friends. But that wouldn't be at the very beginning. I imagine the beginning of the game to be dark and bleak, representing Angel's fear and anxiety about being locked up, yelled at, and just living in fear of her father. Later in the story you would meet Lilith, Brick, Mordecai, and Roland, and the story would get brighter and less dreary as Angel get to see the world and her friends (Angel is hooked up to the echonet, as said in Childhood's End). Later you move onto the vault hunters from BL2, and continue with the "bright" gameplay, but instead of growing in spirit, the dreariness begins to set back in as Angel begins to feel bad for betraying her friends. Nearing the end of the DLC, the game is a mixture of bright and dreary as Angel takes a stand against Jack and fully devotes herself to her friends while also trying to come to terms with her inevitable death by their hands. The DLC ends with Angel having come to terms with her death, feeling happy that she will have aided her friends and helped save Pandora. Maybe at the end you could even bring the book to Mordecai and Brick so they could pay tribute to Angel's sacrifice (just an idea).

    2. Finally, heres how I imagine the gameplay going. I imagine enemies in this game, instread of being regular psychos or bullymongs, being manifestations of emotions, similar to glitches in the Claptrap DLC. In the beginning, Angel is full of fear and anxiety, and this battles enemies like that (not sure exactly what, but maybe could use modified creatures from BL2 who all shout hurtful things? Or maybe come up with a new type of enemy entirely). Towards the middle, Angel is feeling happy, so maybe the enemies could be representations of doubt and self deprecation. Them towards the end, enemies would be the manifestation of guilt and regret. I imagine that Angel likely suffered from some sort of anxiety and/or depression, being treated as poorly as she was, and this could give the game a bit of a deeper meaning and would make her far more relatable. The bosses in the game could be large manifestations of the aforementioned emotions that she must overcome. Then there's the side missions. I think that side missions would be dates sprinkled in between the main story dates, and they would either be dreams, nightmares, or experiences. Dreams would be wacky missions, featuring characters acting weird, locations mixed with others, and just all all around similar to the Kreig DLC. Nightmares would be her doubts and fears on a larger scale, maybe having Angel (the player) having to kill a friend who turned on her, watch her dad get killed because of her, or something that she fears deep down. Then theres experiences, which is Angel doing something with individual or small groups of the vault hunters. Maybe one would be Salvador having a beer at the Holy Spirits Bar from BL2 and then getting attacked by the Hodunks. Another could be Zero taking on a private assassination mission, or Lilith as the Firehawk defending her lair. It would be a great way for us to get to see and get to know more of the vault hunters and other favorite characters (Maybe even Roland having a "tea party" with Tiny Tina). And as a last little idea, how about adding a new rarity of weapons called Dream Weapons? My idea is that these weapons would each have 2 manufacturer gimmicks on them, but could not be annointed. Maybe you could find a Torgue pistol with a Hyperion frontal shield, or a Jakob's shotgun with an Atlas tracker puck. A ton of farming would be needed to get a certain type of weapon with the right gimmicks, and it could be very interesting.

    Anyway, that's my idea on an Angel DLC! I know this was a long post, so I appreciate it if you looked through it and I appreciate it EVEN MORE if you read it all the way through. Please tell me what ya'll think of this. Is it a great idea? A terrible one? Does it need some work or is it absolutely perfect? (Hint: It's not XD) But yeah, thanks, and give me your suggestions!

    submitted by /u/GuyWithTheCats
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    Did something happen to the science arcade game?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    The arcade disappeared from my game today. Did this happen to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/murpheyj
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    Maya hinting about the future in one of her idle dialogue

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/j1zdky/maya_hinting_about_the_future_in_one_of_her_idle

    "Just because there are always six doesn't mean they always stay the same. There's something different coming."

    submitted by /u/ALDO113A
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    What kind of DLC would you like to see story-wise?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Would you like more over the top DLC's like Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage or would you like to see more DLC's that expand the lore of Borderlands?

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    My idea for a DLC

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    The Fantastic Fustercluck was cool and all, but i wanted to share an idea for a DLC,:

    "The S&S Legacy: a mischeivous tale of two brothers"

    -We all know that S&S Munitions was founded by two brothers with enough experience in the army, and we all know that their company now fabricates the color light beams of every item... But, what really happened to them, and what they did after the events of BL1?

    -First of all, there's some returning weapons from S&S (like the S&S Crux, the Thanatos, and the Draco), except that they're manufactured by other companies/ directlly made by the new S&S staff

    -The planet would be an urban metroplex a la Promethea, but full of abandoned factories and military bases (and maybe a Vault)

    -S&S wants our help to rise the company and bring back their old glory, but there's some nasty people who wants the opposite (i currently don't have ideas for the antagonist :p)

    -Also, Raid Bosses

    -And we would learn more about the company's lorez and it's position during the latest Corporate Wars (Because the Lore is one of the things i love from Borderlands)

    submitted by /u/JowettMcPepper
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    Zane Clone/SNTNL Anointment Query

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    If I'm running a clone/drone build, does the clone's weapon anointment count? As in, if I give my clone a SNTNL Cryo bonus gun, does it gain the same damage boost that I do? While the SNTNL is active, of course!

    submitted by /u/NikolaiEgel
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    Introverted lover of the Borderlands series

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    I've loved Borderlands since it first came out and have every installment plus all DLC. Got the original on my Switch this morning and wanted to try a new experience and play with other people.

    Im playing Maya because she's my favourite in Bdl1. Like the title says im too introverted to make cool enough friends who play it on Switch too so here's my code and happy to welcome new friends to play with (hopefully EU/UK players and fellow introverts) but beggars can't be chosers.


    submitted by /u/SylvereMags
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    What are the proving grounds for ?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Is it like a farming place? Do I get something special for completing them ? Is it worth completing it under 25 minutes ?

    submitted by /u/Zbobko
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    What weapon should I focus on?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    I just started and axton character I wanted to know what weapons does he specialize in kind of like how zero specializes in snipers.

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    Borderlands 3 - Xbox One X quality settings

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Hey - My partner and I are playing split-screen co-op on an Xbox One X, and I was wondering if it's possible to change the game's quality settings (e.g. performance mode or resolution mode etc) and if so, which the best to choose?

    Split screen performance is generally okay, the menus aren't as slow as on base XBO, but it's not great either from m limited experience.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/The_Cost_Of_Lies
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    Anyone know the best place to farm the heads in bounty of blood? (Xbox)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    I've been killing the ruiner for over and hour now and I just want the fl4k head lol. Does mayhem help or hinder?

    submitted by /u/cmhallam
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    Can I despawn Terramorphus?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    So killing Terramorhus the invincible is the last thing I have to do to get BL2 completed on the Xbox 360. I have a conference call and a bee shield and I'm level 50 as Axton (i Know Its not ideal but that's what I have). I also know I can get a second controller to sit on a ledge to either distract him or failing that stop his health from going back to full since it will just sit on that ledge. My problem is that terrapmorphus has spawned so when the low level second controller character enters they get knocked off the peak before i can get them onto the ledge. So is there away to despawn terramorphus so I have the opportunity to get controller 2 into position allowing my main Axton to get the kill?

    submitted by /u/RECollector0912
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    Overheated playing lilith

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Is there any way to prevent a crash using lilith it seems every time I play her and use my skill I just crash and my Xbox turned off, is there any possible way to stop this in graphic settings or something?

    submitted by /u/zakkthewozz
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    Borderlands Legendary Collection (QUESTION)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    I have a Nintendo Switch and I was considering buying the Legendary Collection, I have never played the games, I saw that in the game description said it had split-screen two player mode.

    I wanted to know if playing in split-screen would affect the games in any way, like only saving the data of one of the players, not being able to finish the game, etc.

    submitted by /u/Cyrze
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    Boss drops

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    I wanted to know for any bosses that drop guns is it possible to get legendary versions of their drops. Like for instance if you are in playthrough 2.5 would it be possible to get a legendary gun for the 9 toes drops? It just seems like any gun that is specific to a boss in BL1 it's going to either suck or be poor quality.

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    A plea for assistance

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    Hello, put about a billion hours into BL3 plat etc. Played the 1st DLC and then just left it until recently. I mostly use Amara and was mainly doing a recursion with spiritual driver to decimate. I read that this has been nerfed. I am playing Guns, Love, and Tentacles at Mayhem lv 4 and it's very doable so far. I was wondering if anyone had some thoughts about what to concentrate on in terms of gear or, is it best just to play through and enjoy the DLC and then grind to max level? I feel a bit overwhelmed and am leaning towards simply enjoying the DLCs and seeing how I feel afterwards. Thanks for reading this far.

    submitted by /u/crustpunker
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    i found an interesting glitch for pre sequel

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    (xbox 360) so I was farming the mini boss in serinity's waste and i wanted to farm faster and i was spamming "A" on the loading screan to press continue and when I pressed it almost instantly I saw the loading screen for the game and i spawned in and there were no differences except there were no enemies

    submitted by /u/A_soggy_nugget
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