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    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    Borderlands (SPOILERS) Krieg's character in BL3 and weird retcons/not explaining anything

    Borderlands (SPOILERS) Krieg's character in BL3 and weird retcons/not explaining anything

    (SPOILERS) Krieg's character in BL3 and weird retcons/not explaining anything

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I've noticed during play-throughs of BL3 (in both the main game and DLC) Krieg's character (and overall backstory) has changed significantly from BL2-BL3. Like not in the sense that his character just developed off-screen and we get an explanation later, but that it was written completely differently than he was before and it sorta bothers me since I was a Krieg main in BL2 and a major lore junkie. (This is mostly just my opinion please do not crusify me)

    Let me explain.

    So in BL2 Krieg is a psycho with an obvious love for gore and violence. He was experimented on by Hyperion (and a woman named Dr Samuels who works for the corporation who is speculated to have freed him/let him escape), and became a psycho because of that trauma. However, in BL2 Krieg can somewhat hold conversations with people (his 1 liners make sense for what is going on and directly reference what is happening ), and he is fully aware of the things around him (like when he makes comments about there being "too many icons" when opening the menu screen). There are more examples but these are just a few I can come up with off the top of my head. My point is, he is self-aware.

    In BL3 however, Krieg presents more as an unhinged lunatic that is unable to convey thoughts via words and rarely references (or is really aware) of the things happening around him. You should chalk this up to Krieg's psychosis gradually worsening and "the little man" gradually losing control over the facets of Krieg's mind. Like in BL3 he mentions exiling himself to a cave due to his psychosis and bloodlust. That is a fair statement to make. BUT, in other ECHOlogs (ones set during the events of BL2, more specifically during the commander Lilith DLC BEFORE Maya left) Krieg's character is still fairly unable to communicate via the use of words. He speaks in these Shakespearean monologs speaking of meat, bodily fluids, and other various psycho-esque things much like he does in 3 rather than his equally as graphic but more understandable dialogue in 2. I get he would experience some decline after Maya leaves for Athenas, but this has not even happened yet. It is about to, but it hasn't happened yet. This somewhat makes me think the writers either forgot how Krieg talked originally, or they wanted to amp up his character so they made all of his dialogue similar to his "Raving retribution" monologues in both style and coherency.

    DLC 4 had a lot of potential to rectify the plotholes and weird errors left for Krieg in BL3's writing (like why he was no longer with the crimson raiders of why he never made an effort to contact Maya when she left) but we did not get that. We still got SOME background on Krieg and reasoning for things, but nothing that really deviated from what knew already beforehand.

    We knew that:

    • Krieg's character was experimented on by Hyperion and became a psycho as a direct result of those experiments.
    • he was not a psycho all of his life and at SOME POINT HAD A FAMILY
    • He was a hired gun who did tasks for the highest bidder
    • He had a close connection with Maya due to their meeting on the train and subsequent interactions afterward
    • Sane Krieg (the little man) hates Psycho Krieg (the meat man) and tries to control him as much as possible

    BL3 touched upon all of these points to some degree but did not build off of them or build up Krieg's character using them. Instead, it just restated what we already knew but rewrote a few MAJOR points. Much like with Krieg's dialogue BL3 seemed to change Krieg's actual backstory from something fairly straight forward to something filled with plot holes and deviations from BL2.

    Like with the addition of Dr. Benedict being one of the antagonists of the DLC (and the main antagonist about his experimentation), they completely retconned Sammy who was some relevance to BL2's story. They could have added her into the game in conjunction with Benedict but she was written out altogether. Writing her out of the story not only takes away from Krieg's backstory (since it sounds like she was the only one sympathetic to him in the labs and let him escape) it also takes away from Tina's since Samuels was technically the one who killed her parents (under direct instruction from Jack). The son of son of crawmerax DLC in BL2 even has Samuels directly writes to Krieg apologizing for what she had done to him, and in earlier events kill a Hyperion agent sent to kill Krieg. Sure the letter (when read by Krieg) makes very little sense but when looking at the rest of his lore we know up to that point it fits right in. The Needleman (Benedict) was not mentioned or built up to in the events of BL2, and even if he was what we got of him did not really fit that well into Krieg's story. All we see of him is a stereotypical evil science man (which makes sense for Krieg's mind since he generally thinks in oversimplifications like how he sees Mordy for example) but even in the ECHOlogs its the same thing. Even if he IS just a weird oversimplification in Krieg's mind, why don't we get more info on him outside of that oversimplification? Like does Tannis know anything (other than Hyperion liking to do unethical experiments) or is that all Benedict's character really is, "evil science dude".

    And in addition to that; in both BL2 and 3 Tina is implied to have some greater connection to Krieg. They both were victims of the slag experiments, maybe they were related somehow (like the Krieg is Tina's dad theory which has been debunked but seems to be coming into play again with the weird writing) or maybe he helped her escape and sacrificed his own freedom for hers. Maybe they were just there at the same time and Krieg protected her because she reminded him of his own kid. We don't know. They never really explain it. Hell, Maya AND Tina's faces are on coins in vaulthalla. Not any other characters, just them. I get why Maya's face would be, but why Tina as well? They could have explained this but they didn't and It just seems weird to me that they didn't because this is a story/character-focused DLC. If those characters are important to Krieg, they should explain why they are rather than just leaving it to the player's imagination. Like the writers do not need to explain EVERYTHING, but they do need to give us more exposition than simply rewriting what we already knew (which in all honestly is probably the biggest issue the DLC has as a whole storywise, it does not really tell you anything).

    I feel like DLC 4 (and BL3 in general) flanderized Krieg's character and made him... well less Krieg. We got some good moments in DLC 4 and we got SOME further exposition, sure. But with the amount of hype given to the DLC and with what was promised vs what was delivered... I don't think it lived up to it at all. There is just so much missing or retconned its just strange.

    submitted by /u/mel-the-moth
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    People Usually Post Things They Love, I'm Gonna Post About How Royally I Messed Up My First Playthough of BL3

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    So I was super hyped for BL3 when it came out. It's my favorite series so far. We're talking I loved the game so much I had to buy a new Xbox because I let my ex have that in the divorce. So I haven't played video games in months when it came out. I played some of my Star Wars Battlefront II to get acclimated to the system again then put in BL3. I want y'all to know this game was hard as hell. I played as Zane. I got my ass handed to me left and right and I always ran out of ammo. Y'all, I was legit mad at this game. I also couldn't figure out why the machines didn't have SDU's. I figured since they didn't exist, that it just automatically scaled storage decks up. I never even thought to check that in any way.

    I started my second playthrough a week or so ago. When I tell y'all that I could have slapped myself this time when I strolled into Marcus's place on Sanctuary and got the (X USE) prompt for this table I hadn't seen before I was confused. Y'all, I nearly sold the Xbox last Christmas because of how dumb I am. It two me 60 hours to beat that game with Zane because I never upgraded a single SDU.

    Be happy you weren't that stupid, y'all. This game is great now!

    submitted by /u/ImNotYourRealDaddy
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    Challenging myself to make canonically accurate builds for each VH!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    While I'm locked down still, I'm trying to make builds for each VH that align with the story, but still destroy everything!

    Example: in BL1, one of the most powerful builds are Brick's Blast Master, but that wouldn't work for this as he's been shown in the games to be all about punching stuff. So I've made the best Berzerker build for melee I can come up with (which absolutely MELTS Moxxi's Underdome btw!)

    So far, I've done:

    Brick- Berzerker Melee Lilith- Firefly Phasewalk with SMG DPS Mordecai- Sniper w/ Bloodwing Support

    Zero- Crit build w/ Melee finisher Salvador- Gunzerker DPS Axton- Sabre Turret/ Dahl Manufacturer

    Athena- Shield & DPS

    Zane- Clone/Drone Lazy Zane

    What sorts of builds would you guys suggest for "canon" characters? I'm thinking Roland Heavy Gunner, and one for Maya/Amara around Phaselock/Grasp, but what about everyone else?

    submitted by /u/NikolaiEgel
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    TEDIOR, a company run by this guns.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I have seen so many different corporations represented throughout the Borderlands series. Though I think we have yet to see anything in depth about TediorE. They have always been a butt of jokes within the world of Borderlands. Especially in BL2 and 3.

    It was during my playthrough of the Krieg DLC, doing the mission for P.A.T. that I came to the conclusion that TediorE, the quiet little gun company that everyone makes fun of, is actually run by a Gun with an A.I.. I mean it makes sense to me. All the guns are digistucted, they all have smart versions of the gun when you reload that do many things, and some can also talk.

    It just seems completely plausible to me that if Gearbox ever did an expansion into the world of TediorE, it would be a fun and hilarious experience to learn the company is actually being run by a literal "smart gun".

    TEDIORe, guns making guns for all your nonstop shooting needs.

    (Edit: I added the "E" to my typo where I could, for those who belong to its AI annoyed by it) lol

    submitted by /u/RexRedwood
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    The game I really wanted.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I would like to have Borderlands 2 with the updated mechanics from 3, please and thank you. I will pay good money for this.

    submitted by /u/protomillenial
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    Game idea...

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    I have an idea for an add-on that may just be crazy enough to work... Mick Foley. Think about it, you're roaming through the wasteland of an abandoned planet, taken over by an assortment of creatures when you come across a lonely old shack. You see a man in a flannel shirt and sweatpants, he says something, you can't quite make it out, and suddenly that man gets up. He stares at you for a second, mumbling to himself, when he pulls a sock out from his crotch. He starts running at you screaming and laughing, your only choice is to murder him as fast as possible. If you don't, you may have to taste whatever horrid taste is on that sock. You kill him and he utters his final words as he drops to his knees, "I can't jump high, so I jump from high places.", he falls to the ground.

    I'm not actually expecting anything from this, it was just a random ass thought that popped into my head and I couldn't help but share.

    submitted by /u/SpearKing_38
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    Crossplay down?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    Hey all have a group of friends and we all do BL3 they have steam and I have epic because I got it free on epic store :). Tonight we are unable to see eachother online via Shift, and this has never happened to us before, anyone else see this issue?

    submitted by /u/gandulfy
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    For those of you who still think (or are conflicted) whether the The Fall of Fyrestone/Tannis and the Vault comics featuring Asha the Beastmaster Siren are canon or not

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Look no further than this official tweet (September 26, 2018): https://twitter.com/Borderlands/status/1044635608755273728?s=19

    To quote:

    Not official canon, but they're a great read!

    Personal Opinion

    Even if it were up to me, I wouldn't canonize it since it not only rewrites parts of BL1, but also locks doors for future Sirens and their powers. I mean, I know Asha's ability inspired FL4K (very likely, anyway) but still.

    Haven't found word on the canonicity of the John Shirley books yet. Only the wiki page (https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Books) says something (TBF, there's no page for the above comics, yet):

    Category page for novels, comics and graphic novels acknowledged by Gearbox and/or 2K as canon.

    submitted by /u/ALDO113A
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    What do I need to do to farm the final boss?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    I just finished The Pre-Sequel and loved the entire game. I finished the last boss and killed them relatively easily, but now I can't fight them again.

    I've read that there should be 4 places you can deposit moonstones and those haven't even shown up yet. All I want is to do some farming before TVHM and so far I haven't been able to do that.

    Any help is appreciated and I hope I can fix this problem.

    submitted by /u/Desperate-Exercise
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    Mayhem mode 10 difficulties

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    I'm playing amara, I've filled out the blue and orange skill trees and I find im having a crazy hard time on bosses, I dont really know if its the weapons I use or whether I'm bad im not capped out for levels yet

    Any advice?

    I run hellshock, nopewpew, crossroads and speedloadin hellwalker

    With transformer, firestorm, electric banjo and elementalist

    My action skill is ties that bind with stillness of the mind

    My element is lightning

    I can mob crazy good but bosses are a slog any advice? I get the feeling if I have the right gear I can grind bosses well with what I have

    submitted by /u/pkgdogg92
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    Borderlands 2 (HS collection) and co-op

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I have a couple of friends playing a couch co-op campaign; can I join them from remote (obviously buying my copy)?

    submitted by /u/-Defkon1-
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    about gibbed 2020

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    so I got the handsome collection a few months ago but I had the standard game on my console when it came out so playing this game for a long time now but farming for legendaries is not fun anymore and tiring

    I tried looking for recent posts about gibbed but the most recent one was 1 year ago... can anyone clarify if it still works today?

    submitted by /u/ESP4NCHO
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    Stupid question need help!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    So I have a dumb question. I'm on PlayStation an I'm trying to add a friend through shift. But every time I try I just can't seem to find my friends list through my phone. Can someone help? Or am I just being dumb, also borderlands 2 btw.

    submitted by /u/SugarSweetKittyKat
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    Returning player, is Moze's Iron Bear decent now?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I played at launch and after besting the game, I moved on to other games. With the next gen consoles coming out and this game getting next gen updates I figure this might be a good time to get the DLC. My main question is, is Iron Bear still a glass cannon? I remember liking him during the campaign but as soon as upped the difficulty IB would just get melted instantly. Have there been any updates that address this?

    submitted by /u/IceDragon77
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    Next gen Borderlands Games

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Does anybody know if they're gonna release enhanced versions of 1, 2, and pre sequel for next gen consoles?

    submitted by /u/diegop1113
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    My pecs have pecs

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    Can someone give me the sound files for kriegs line "my pecs have pecs"

    submitted by /u/DauntedSmoke
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    Noob question: Will the game look better if I download the UHD textures packs for my ORIGINAL XBOX ONE and 1080p tv?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Sorry if its a stupid question but I couldn't find an answer anywhere.

    submitted by /u/ccreyo
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    Next gen console updates

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    I have been hearing some games will allow save data to transfer and others will not have save game transfers. Does any one know if BL3 will have it setup for save game data to transfer when you update to a next gen version (be it PS4->PS5 or XBone 1 -> Xbox Se X) or would it be better to just install the older version and play in backwards compatibility mode.

    submitted by /u/mpop1
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    Witches Brew Bug

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I'm trying to complete the Witches Brew side mission, and when I tried to equip the Black Flame, it wasn't there. So I'm stuck where it tells me to equip it. Also, not sure if this is tied. But it says I have 22 inventory slots with an odd number of equipment. But I have even amount of equipment and a space in the bottom right that's blank. So odd inventory slots.

    submitted by /u/LikeIke1300
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    Just completed Borderlands 3... Some ramblings.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Overall?... The gameplay was amazing. Zapping around and teleporting as Zane in the later game is too much fun. But I'm a big story guy in any game I invest myself in...

    Characters. This was really hit or miss. Claptrap is funnier then ever, Moxxi is the same, and Vaughn makes me want to die? OGs like Lilith, Tannis and Marcus were all fine. Zero was a treat.

    The B Team, Tina, Brick and Morde were amazing for the ten minutes they appeared, and more like 1 minute for Morde. Sigh.

    Hammerlock was done amazing and I love his Boyfriend Winnie. Makes the hammerlock DLC even worse, because he has a lot of potential.

    These new characters were also hit and miss. I thought Typhon as a while was really cool. You can follow his whole story through these side collectibles and it all ties in at the end. And I enjoyed his character. And Ofcourse the previously mentioned Winnie Jakobs.

    The calypso twins. I'm in the minority but I really enjoyed them. Threatening? Hell no. But the inflated ego some people can get through social media numbers really shined through, and I enjoyed Troy especially. No handsome Jack Ofcourse.

    Funnily enough one of the best part was the Angel side mission lol

    The comedy was also hit or miss, not dry or anything, but it can sometimes be painful.

    The funniest moment in the game is when you arrive back in sanctuary from Athenas and Ava meets the legendary Claptr4p....

    I thought though the ending was really good. Did give you some feels. Left some good potential for 4, But what was that dreadful credits song? lol

    Also, no Fiona? :(

    submitted by /u/112DB
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    Some questions about Borderlands 2's DLC and THVM

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    So, i have a couple of questions about BL2's DLC and extra modes that have definitely been answered a million times, but I couldn't find specific answers so apologies in advance.

    I've just finished the main game and the vast majority of side missions (i have Fink's slaughterhouse, Hyperion Slaughter and the Terramorphous raid left to do) at level 33, but I didn't really touch the dlc content. I've just gone into the Torque's Campaign DLC to find all weapons and enemies locked to Level 18- I think I may have fast travelled there at around that level and accidentally started the quest line, so is that entire DLC now woefully underlevelled for me?

    • Will the rest of the DLC modes be the same deal, or will they level to whatever level I start them at?

    • If I start THVM, can I skip past (most of) the story stuff and go straight to DLC? Is that a better way to go? I really don't want to replay the main story, I want to move onto the additional stuff ASAP

    • After starting TVHM, is there any way to go back to my current playthrough to finish off those few sidemissions, or should I do them now? I'm guessing Terramorphous is probably off limits until I've finished THVM completely and reached Level 50, so I'm fine with skipping that one for now

    • I'm playing on PS4 and don't have the Commander Lilith DLC, though I do have it on EGS on PC- if I start a new game from Level 30 there, would it be a better idea to do the rest of the DLC there too, as a sort of fresh start?

    Again, apologies if all these questions have been asked, I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing and not adding dozens more hours to my playthrough! I just got BL3 so I'm anxious to move onto that whenever the PS5 upgrade comes, so I'm trying to finish all the BL2 stuff beforehand.

    submitted by /u/eoinster
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