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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Borderlands Borderlands Games Knowledge Quiz

    Borderlands Borderlands Games Knowledge Quiz

    Borderlands Games Knowledge Quiz

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:57 AM PST

    Hello, I've created what I think is a pretty hard Borderlands Games Knowledge Quiz. It features 20 questions about all of the main released games so 1,2,3 and Pre-Sequel. I think I managed the difficulty just right and I would love if you checked it out - http://www.quiz-corner.com/borderlands-games-knowledge-quiz/

    submitted by /u/BriefEast
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    Time Jumpin!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:02 PM PST

    So it's simple. A dlc where you time jump, but mostly just to old boss fights throughout the series. An antagonist could be doing the same thing messing the time stream up. Mix in great comedy and outrageous alternate timelines. Go back and fight nine toes, The rakk hive, terramorphous, general Knoxx, Slagged Bloodwing, Boom bewm, I mean it'd be great. It could be the way to integrate older manufacturers, have different effects for old favorites, have characters meet/fight themselves. Borderlands is tongue in cheek as is, having Tannis guide us through warped ass time could totally work.

    submitted by /u/Thundapainguin
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    Are Fiona and Sasha still missing???

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:27 PM PST

    So, despite my hatred for TellTale games (mostly quick time events), I took it upon myself to finally play through the story of Tales From The Borderlands and I absolutely LOVED it! I loved it to the point I'm about to play more games in the same vein as TFTB because it was so excellent, but I digress.

    I beat it not an hour before making this post and felt slightly robbed of an actual ending (having played Borderlands 3 already). I know Vaughn and Rhys make an appearance in 3 and I appreciate them more as characters after having played TFTB, but there are still questions on my mind that seem to have gone unanswered and, hopefully, someone can shed some light on the situation for me. (Let me preface by saying I have not completed all the DLC for BL3 so I may be just missing something from one of them)

    1. Vault of the Traveler, what did Fiona and Rhys find inside and why did they feel the need to hide it from us at the end of TFTB?
    2. Rhys's ECHO eye, at the end of TFTB it was a hazel color but in BL3 it's blue again, similar to the color that it was whilst Handsome Jack was in Rhys's cybernetics. Is the Rhys that runs ATLAS possibly a fraud? Possibly Handsome Jack?
    3. Why is there little to zero mention of Fiona OR Sasha (Rhys's fricken love interest) in ANY of BL3 outside of a desk picture and a vague ECHO log?
    4. Did other TFTB characters make the cut while Sasha and Fiona bit the dust? Because I could totally see them putting someone like August or Felix in a town or somewhere hidden as just a random citizen.
    5. Despite it being an off-series style game, but retaining canon in BL3 with the death of Scooter and the finding of the Vault of the Traveler, why are more people not angry that these characters with amazing stories and setups into the series aren't included in anything but basically a few scraps of paper and the memory that TFTB existed?

    I'm not really expecting much more than collective shrugs of unsure-ness, but I'm genuinely feeling blue-ball'd after the way TFTB ended and I'm craving more information besides "oh, but there's a picture of Sasha and Rhys gets all sad about relationships." Like, NO! THERE HAS TO BE MORE!! Any help in filling this empty gap in my heart would be much appreciated!

    EDIT: Went to bed and woke up to a SHIT ton of comments with theories, expansions on theories from last night, and a bunch more. Glad to see some people feel some way about the non-inclusion of these characters. Also, sorry, I completely forgot about LB and Gortys but I felt they deserved a break after what the two of them went through and the Star Wars walk off looking like C3P0 and R2 was a pretty nice send off, if very unsatisfying.

    submitted by /u/BradTheBrony
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    Borderlands 3 new player

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Hi guys! I jumped onto the borderlands 3 wagon with the black friday sale for borderlands 3 on ps5 and i'm loving it! I was just wondering what i'm missing out off if I don't have the dlc? And should i just wait till i'm done with the original game till i get the dlc or is there the MUST HAVE dlc pack? i'm also playing with FL4K and he's awesome, if u have any pointers i'd love to hear them :). Thanks guys and gals!

    submitted by /u/Fragbeatje
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    Do you get more experience if you play with friends?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:35 PM PST

    I know the more friends (up to 4 players) you have the more difficult the enemies are but you get better loot so I wonder if one of the players is under level then the other does the experience boost upwards to help the under level players?

    submitted by /u/Ndean192
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    Can i just talk about how much i love the visual design of these games for a minute?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:47 PM PST

    TL:DR The games are pretty ok? With a very strong art direction that does more for series then I think most people realize.

    I normally don't make these kinds of posts because fawning over a well received game on that games subreddit is probably the easiest, safest karma posts you can get on reddit, its like posting "pedophilia is bad" to r/unpopularopinion. But fuck it, im sick in the hospital again, hopped up on dilauded, so imma go do just that, gush over how goddamn much i love the visual design in these games, especially bl3 (imo). Of course it goes without saying that this is all super subjective so if you disagree then please tell us why, im being genuine too, I love sparking earnest discussion more then getting points or awards.

    Anyways, before getting sick I had just come back to bl3 after a bit of a break (I didnt stop playing for any particular reason, I just rotate through my library quite often) and it really just struck me just how beautiful these games look, not through raw graphical realism, but by having such strong art style. I just love being in these worlds, the lighting, the colours, the atmosphere, the fantastical creative design, the willingness to experiment with setting ideas. Like the handsome casino for example, when i heard of the first dlc's setting i was a bit disappointed, "oh, a hyperion location, ive already been to opportunity and helios" but they took the idea an just ran with it, a huge variety of places for such a constrained setting, the impound lot is one of my favorite places because of how its "outside" with the black holes in full view.

    I love the breadth of locations too, some were disappointed that we didn't get to explore more of pandora in bl3 to extent that we did in 2, but i thought it was a brilliant decision, to me there is more to good visual variety then just choosing between green, brown, or white. You cant have locations like promethea or eden-6 (or really any of the places in 3) on pandora. It was pretty clear later in 2's life just how much the art team was straining against the established lore and mad max like setting, for example, you might not remember but the presence of palm trees in the captain scarlet dlc was actually a pretty big retcon, now compare that eden-6. Lectra city and gehenna are standouts for me, the former for how well it executes the "concrete jungle" concept, super dense and twisty, but it's nothing but blocky buildings, and the latter for its American western meets feudal Japan, and while i am definitely going to read to much into, but it also feels like an oblique reference to how influential Japanese cinema (particularly kurosawa) was on some of the best spaghetti westerns (notably, the good, the bad, the ugly). So I am very happy that the art team decided unhinder themselves, bringing pandora back to its roots so to speak, while devs were free to explore newer ideas.

    So thats my little way to big, literall drug induced ramble, its just there are so few games where i truly enjoy the look of past how "realistic" they are. These include, botw, horizon zero dawn, borderlands, bloodborne, dishonored, ghost of tsushima, mass effect, and a few others. I really wanted to talk about at least one of them especially because with borderlands people are much more focused on builds and loot and, you know, gameplay and with good reason. Before I (finally, good god) finish off i just want to ask all of you guys what your favorite areas in the series are, it can be for any particular reason, but i do sorta want to keep to the visuals. My top five (in no order) would be athenas, blastplains, lectra city, desolations edge, and impound deluxe. It can be any number from any game.

    And I really do apologize for the wall of text, but its not like I got a lot to do here, I cant play right now but at least i can talk about it.

    Also what the hell gearbox? Why does athenas have only one area? You know what, forget what i just wrote, everything sucks until we get more of athenas.

    submitted by /u/ComManDerBG
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    General Knoxx DLC question.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Am I nuts or does a Atlas branded loot chest near the Atlas depot in the T Bone Juction dlc seem to appear and disappear at will?

    I've noticed this both back on 360 and now on Switch.

    submitted by /u/StyxfanLZ129
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    How get golden keys?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:09 PM PST

    Hello this my first time playing borderlands i just see this chest and need golden key and can't find it anyone know get it really help for a person 😊

    submitted by /u/UnionUsed
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    Help with Borderlands 2 Randomizer?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:23 PM PST

    I've been trying out the super randomizer for borderlands 2 but the enemy spawns seem to be increased twice to three times the normal amount and enemy spawns in most open areas never actually stop. also the flying enemies that spawn are almost always the invincible dragons or something very similar as well as other certain enemies popping up way more often than anything else that could. as a result, its taken me about three to 4 hours to just get to sanctuary (along with some messing around and breaks obviously). is there anyone that could help me tune the spawn rates and maybe what spawns?

    submitted by /u/Myoosick
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    Adding shift friends

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:55 PM PST

    Hello! So I play via PC/Steam. I also have the game on PS4/PS5. I wanted to send myself items. I made a shift account and linked it to the PlayStation and linked it to a dummy steam account. But when I go on BL3 I don't see a friend request. I added the shift name on PC. So I sent the shift friend request to the PS5 BL3 shift account but I don't see it in game.

    submitted by /u/notruthh
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    Character save reverted on Steam

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:39 PM PST

    Hey guys, I rarely have time to play games due to school and work. I finally almost beat the game after a couple month and got my character to around 41. I log in today and for some reason my character reverted to level 21. Only change has been a update to my graphics driver and maybe steam. Any ideas on how I can recover my character on steam.

    submitted by /u/challengershuai
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    Question about the rough rider and krieg

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:14 PM PST

    Alright so I'm playing through BL2 with Krieg and I heard about the rough rider and I'm totally getting it. A question:

    I know it's not optimal to play the dlc until UVHM due to over leveling, but what if I only do the hammerlock dlc in NVHM, get the rough rider, then do it again in TVHM, get a better version of it, and then finally get it again around level 72 in UVHM for the best possible version. Basically making it so I upgrade my rough rider at the end of each play through, without having to wait until I'm finished with the game to use an item I want. Is this possible?

    submitted by /u/-LouisVuittonDon-
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    Best shotgun for Sal

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Alright guys, I'm trying to solo voracidious on op10 with generic build sal (original, I know). The big problem I keep running into is ammo. I've got a hoarder mod that I slap on when the ammo gets low so I can get some regeneration. My question is what shotgun should I use while my hoarder mod is doing it's thing? I've thought about Butcher, conference call, and the heartbreaker but I'm not sure what's best and I don't want to waste my time farming the non optimal weapon (since I'm trying to get an interfacer). What shotgun is best for this scenario?

    submitted by /u/Lotus0104
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    Two QOL patches that Gearbox could give to the fanbase who still plays the older games. What would you like patched in the older Borderlands games?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST

    I've recently gone back to playing BL2 with friends after a long period of BL3. Man how nice it would be to add the "cooperation" mode to the older games. I forgot about how your whole squad basically has to be within 2-3 levels of each other or else its just not fun for the lower level people. I would also add the auto-fill your ammo at machines instead going item by item, forgot how tedious that was.

    submitted by /u/grundleburn
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    BLCMM is unavailable for download how do I get it?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:16 PM PST

    When I try to get it in the Nexus page it gives a 404 error

    submitted by /u/Awkward_Replay
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    Borderlands 3 keeps upgrading same content Xbox series x

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:33 PM PST

    Every time I launch my game a box appears that says upgrade available. Then it downloads a bunch of packs like retro cosmetics and the toy weapons one. But it does this every time I open my game. How do I stop this?

    submitted by /u/sharkbait1387
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    Does anyone here know about the tough guy omega shield

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:00 PM PST

    I'm here wondering if anyone here knows about the tough guy omega shield. some guy who had the gearbox employ achievement had given it to me and I don't know if it's a legit shield or a gearbox dev item from what I remember the shield had unlimited health and was worth the max amount of cash.

    submitted by /u/jjbigbro69420
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    Crossplay between PC and xbox one?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:11 PM PST

    Just wondering if theres cross play between pc and xbox one. Ive seen conflicting results searching so figured coming here will give me a answer.

    submitted by /u/Abashedclover
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    Glitching into New Haven basement?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:32 AM PST

    Title. Is there a way to glitch into the basement in new haven if you've already beaten PT2?

    submitted by /u/heavywisp
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    Zane vs. Moze Duels

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:41 AM PST

    My friend whoops my ass every time I duel them (Moze) as Zane. We're low level at the moment, but I was wondering if you have any tips for 1v1ing Moze so I can surprise my friend and destroy him next time we play?

    submitted by /u/InappropriateStuffs
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    What vault hunter to pick starting?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:27 AM PST

    What vault hunter should I pick starting out now, got all the dlc just haven't played it before. Curious to know if the fourth skill trees are viable for leveling. Is there a best option or is it really pick what sounds good.

    submitted by /u/GotDonuts
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    I thought Borderlands 3 allowed crossplay but it doesn't?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:39 PM PST

    So I finally bought myself bl3 on steam earlier this week and wanted to play with my boyfriend but I don't have any consoles and he doesn't have a pc. We looked it up if bl3 allowed crossplay between ps4 and steam and everything we saw before buying said yes it wasn't an issue so I went ahead and got it for him since it was on sale still and I really wanted to be able to introduce him to the borderlands universe. But as you can probably guess we couldn't get them to connect and now everything seems to point to being able to play together is impossible. Is there something I'm missing? Is there some other magic way to play with ps4 and pc? Am I just kinda screwed and it's not possible? Any advice would be greatly appreciated but I'm also fairly tech illiterate so if you know of a fix please explain like I'm 5, thank you 😊

    submitted by /u/ProfessionalOcelot9
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    1.20 broke the game on my PS4.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:12 AM PST

    I've never had any issues with the game in the past and literally started the game up earlier today on 1.19. All I wanted to do was start the game so I could transfer my save data onto my PS5 but I can't even get past the opening splash screen. Every time I try to start the game it sits on the opening screen for 2 or 3 minutes and then crashes my PlayStation 4 and when I start it back up an error screen pops up and a screen after that saying my external HDD wasn't disconnected properly. I'm afraid if I try it anymore it will brick my console. Anyone else have this issue?

    submitted by /u/FrumpaRump
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