• Breaking News

    Friday, November 27, 2020

    Borderlands The Companion is the best weapon in the game

    Borderlands The Companion is the best weapon in the game

    The Companion is the best weapon in the game

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:53 AM PST

    Nothing else I just wanted to say that.

    submitted by /u/JZHello
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    NEED HELP for Achievement - United We Stand

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:20 PM PST

    Who's with me?! Borderlands GOTY Enhanced Edition!

    submitted by /u/kornest
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    Best level 31 leveling build for Sniper Zer0?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:21 PM PST

    I want to do a pure sniper build for zero and need a good guide for a level 1-31 leveling guide. I know that NVHM is easy as hell but I still want to be at his peak sniper damage potential with skills no matter what level. Thanks for any input!

    submitted by /u/BladeOfSmoke
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    Farming an Unforgiven

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:50 PM PST

    So my friend and I have been farming him a 300/90 Unforgiven from the dedicated drop and haven't got one, is there a better way?

    submitted by /u/blackguyfrmminecraft
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    Borderlands 3 can't joining a friend's game (PC)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:27 PM PST

    Wow I butchered that title. Anyway...

    I'm on xfinity gigabit internet, friend is on ATT rural fixed wireless internet. I'm a senior windows engineer, he's a server administrator / SQL admin (we're pretty familiar with computers). Neither of us are able to join one another's game. BUT we can join games via matchmaking (and then join one another that way). Basically, if someone else hosts, we can both join fine and play together.

    We both have all the port forwarding & necessary firewall rules enabled on our routers using the list here https://portforward.com/borderlands-3/ (both PC and Steam sections), all other network adapters on the computers are completely disabled, windows firewall completely disabled, no antivirus installed.

    Is there simply some weird NATing occuring somewhere between Comcast and ATT that's causing this to fail? One thing we have tried is using Hamachi. This almost works when the game is set to LAN mode (we can see each other's games) but the only way we can actually join is, get ready for it, we have to select "create a new character" once we load into the game or it immediately bombs if we try to load an existing one. So, yeah we can play that way but only if we start a new character each time (wtf).

    I'm really open to any ideas here. It'd be helpful to have a third person in the mix to see if we can track down who can and can't connect to who.

    submitted by /u/vinnycthatwhoibe
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    Borderlands 2 or Borderlands; the Pre-Sequel first?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:14 PM PST


    This probably has been asked many many times but I'll ask it again in that case.

    I've got the option of playing either game first.

    Could someone with experience point me in the right direction? Logically I would play the Pre-Sequel first but on the other hand Borderlands 2 was released prior.

    submitted by /u/ParallelSymmetry
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    Should I get Arms Race or Fustercluck?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:53 PM PST

    I want to get one if them, but I am broke and only want to get one, help

    submitted by /u/Ok_Reflection_3728
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    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:57 AM PST

    Would anyone care to play with me on Playstation? I dont really have anyone on this system compared to my xbox to play with

    submitted by /u/JGilliland925
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    Where to farm loot

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:51 AM PST

    Where are all of the places to farm the flakker and the reogenator

    submitted by /u/T035-N0W
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    Which one should i get?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    So i am getting a ps4 soon and i want to get a borderlands game for it. but which one should i get?

    submitted by /u/Galaxy_02
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    Help grinder question

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:27 PM PST

    So let's say I'm trying for the maggie and I put 2 zims in the grinder , does the last purple pistol need to be a revolver or can it be ANY kind of pistol?

    submitted by /u/MartinGillis
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    Borderlands 3 edition questions (steam)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:38 PM PST

    with the sales going on right now, i may pick up Bl3 since i enjoyed the hell out of the sequel and pre-sequel, my question is, is the extra 25 dollars worth it for the ultimate deluxe? i think it adds the season pass 2 so designers cut and arms race, or can i get away with playing the super deluxe?

    submitted by /u/YoKnowIHadToDoItToEm
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    Hybrids on remaster/goty?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:30 PM PST

    Just recently picked up the legendary collection for the switch and I'm wondering if it's still possible to get hybrid weapons on these versions of the game?

    Also if any other guns had been fixed such as some legendary effects being bugged?

    submitted by /u/Canadianlimey
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    Transfer accounts?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:01 PM PST

    Is it possible to transfer my characters from psvita to switch? Im talking about bl2

    submitted by /u/BbqSauceee
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    Skywell 27 Rhys Ball Boss

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:35 PM PST

    I think I have glitched my game as I have no way of returning to skywell 27. My mission marker says sanctuary 27 but the drop ship for promethea is not there.

    I researched abit online seems like a common glitch. Only way people have fixed it is join a multi-player game where someone is on the same mission. If anyone has a save file on ps4/ps5 around the same area help a brother out.

    submitted by /u/AintSingingForCoke
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    LOOTSPLOSION! - November 27, 2020

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Look at allll that gearrrrr!

    Welcome to the /r/Borderlands LOOTSPLOSION! Show us your most highly prized, your most disappointing, your hardest-won pieces of booty. Tell the tale of how it was won. Ask questions about it, if you like, or describe just how nifty it's been for you.

    (Every week we'll post a new LOOTSPLOSION! thread for that week's show-and-tell. Show us what you've got!)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Sledge (mission + boss fight) tips?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Does anyone have any tips for the mission titled "Sledge: Battle For The Badlands", as well as the boss fight (on the switch version)? I am asking because I am having some difficulty with the mission the boss fight specifically.

    I'd appreciate the help given.

    Edit: Just defeated him 😎

    submitted by /u/TheGamersofaLifeTime
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    Borderlands 3 Questions

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:24 PM PST

    I'm just wondering on how Borderlands devs are left-wing as I found out, if they're going to inject that stuff into BL3, since I just got it after like a year of waiting.

    Also, do they have actual relationships in BL3? Instead of just flirting and stuff like there was in BL2, which I really enjoyed anyways.

    submitted by /u/Impossible_Ad_7758
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    Borderlands GOTY Enhanced not working

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:54 AM PST

    So i got Borderlands GOTY enhanced yesterday, waited for the download, but when I hit play, it came up with "initialization error". I tried verifying the files and that didn't work. is there a fix?

    submitted by /u/McDuck0_1
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    Is BL3 worth it?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:04 AM PST

    I was a big fan of BL2 back in the day and had many days played on the game. I didn't pick up BL3 when it released as I got a New job and had less free time. I've just seen BL3 on sale though however and wondered if it was worth picking up? I wanna be able to play it at my own pace but feel like I've missed so much and have so little free time that I'll be overwhelmed.

    Pls give your opinions

    submitted by /u/TakeAChillPillM8
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    Do online videogames improve attention and socialization? A survey for italian gamers only

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:12 AM PST

    University of Catania is trying to understand if italian online gamer improved attention, organization, socialization and their behaviour thanks to videogames. You can still partecipate the study if you're italian speaking, an online gamer and you'd like to answer few questions. Partecipating is completely free and anonymous, click here: https://forms.gle/6c9JS1HCg9bpsWAk9 .

    Thanks for the attention and gg to everyone =)

    submitted by /u/w0rkingmem0ry
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    BL1 not even running on Switch

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:36 PM PST

    Title says it all. I bought the Legendary Edition on the eShop last night and let it download overnight.

    Tried starting BL1 and was immediately spit back out to my Home Screen after I saw the Nintendo Switch loading logo and an error message appeared. Deleted the collection from my Switch to see if the other games were affecting it somehow and a reinstall would help. Still nothing. Any help? Never played a BL game before and the holiday discount was too good to pass up.

    EDIT: Never mind. I just restarted my Switch and all is well now. Will update if there's a change for the worse.

    submitted by /u/TheDriver458
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