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    Monday, December 28, 2020

    Borderlands Actual unpopular opinion

    Borderlands Actual unpopular opinion

    Actual unpopular opinion

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:51 AM PST

    I frequently see posts saying "unpopular opinion: I actually enjoyed the Pre-Sequel" and then a lot of people agreeing. It's not actually that unpopular of an opinion.

    People also constantly lament the quality of BL3's story, which I agree isn't the greatest. But here's where my unpopular opinion congress in. Inevitably, they compare the story of BL3 to the peerless glory of BL2. The thing is, I don't think the story in BL2 is that great. It was so-so.

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVED Borderlands 2. I bought the loot chest. I played every character to the cap on the PS3 version, and then did it again on PS4 with the handsome collection. I even played through once on PC, years later.

    Handsome Jack is a fantastic villain. The gameplay, especially for it's time, was great. I loved the environments and enemies. And some of the characters have some hilarious lines. It was definitely my favorite game for many years. But despite all that, I don't think the writing and story are amazing. It relies too much on memes, and the charisma of Dameon Clarke to carry it. I won't get into some of the story points that don't make a lot of sense, because I want this to be spoiler-free, but I just think it's funny that people hold it up for it's great story, when, in my opinion, story had NEVER been the focus of the series, and has never been better than okay.

    The Tiny Tina DLC, however... THAT had some genuinely good writing.

    Thoughts? Criticisms? Condemnations?

    *Edit - my phone continually changes BL2 to BL3. I edited for clarity.

    submitted by /u/Cubbance
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    Cant start a new playthrough with friend

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:33 PM PST

    so my mate bought bl3 so we wanted to play through together but i cant join him. I can join every other person on my friend list but not him specifically.

    does he need to do the starter area first?

    submitted by /u/Strict-Importance705
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    BL3 Heavy Outrunner bug?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:46 PM PST

    Just finally got BL3 on Steam. I got the quest to get the Heavy Outrunner. I got it, drove it back to a catch a ride, it scanned, it disappeared, i can't spawn one. If i go back to the place where i stole it from, it's back there again, and i can do it over and over again, same result.

    I've seen some similar posts on the web, but the fix seems to be exit, restart and it'll work, but not for me. I don't have the quest anymore as a side quest, it lets me scan it, then it just resets and i can't spawn one. Is there an ACTUAL fix for this specific issue anybody is aware. Geez this is kinda disappointing after BL1 & 2. I mean, it LOOKS and feels the same, but a year in, framerates are still ass on my high end Alienware laptop, and simple bugs like this are pretty hard to get past. I hope this doesn't kill the franchise, but if they don't pick their socks up it probably SHOULD kill it...

    submitted by /u/johnnyramrod
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    Best Revolvers in Borderlands 1

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:40 PM PST

    In y'all's opinion what are the best pistols to use on a crit build Mordecai? I've got a few ideas but I want to hear the opinions of others

    submitted by /u/laughing_skull06
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    Question before I waste my time

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Some people have reported not being able to get to OP levels in Borderlands 2 without the Commander Lilith DLC, is that true?

    Btw, the community patch lists "Revert UVHM scaling back to pre-Lilith DLC" what is that about?

    submitted by /u/Awkward_Replay
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    Platinum for this game! Someone help.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:22 PM PST

    I can't for the life of me find an online lobby. I need help with the duel trophy and revive trophy! I think those are the only two online related ones I need. Let me know if interested in helping!

    Update: Thanks, got them!

    submitted by /u/onehappyfella
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    [SPOILERS, Please] So, what happens to some characters from BL1 and BL2 in BL3?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:50 PM PST

    Please avoid spoilers about BL-TPS and Fight For Sanctuary, as I do intend to finish those. only BL3 spoilers.

    You might think I'm insane or stupid, wanting BL3 spoilers like that, but I don't intend on buying it.

    Does Lilith cry herself to sleep every night and starts to become suicidal?

    Does Mordy start doing hard drugs instead of alcohol and hallucinates Roland and Bloodwing every 6 and a half minutes?

    Does Brick lose weight after playing during Dragon Keep as a siren with the same name as him and takes hormones and becomes a femboy?

    Does Roland come back from the dead as Roland the White, as a stronger Wizard, but loses his n-word pass?

    Does Marcus stop manufacturing weapons and becomes a video game developer?

    Does Zed get thrown into prison for trying to forge a license?

    Does Maya start raiding asylums to satisfy her thirst of killing old men?

    Does Salvador leave behind his mortal body and ascend to a higher state of existence?

    Does zer0 get replaced by a Greek letter?

    Does Gaige develop laser eyes but stops seeing straight after all those anarchy stacks?

    Does Krieg cut his head off and the body and the head start functioning independently of each other, the head being sane Krieg, and the other being insane?

    Does Axton become Soldier:76?

    Does Tiny Tina become the overlord of Dragon Keep?

    Anyways wanted to put some awful jokes here. And also I played fallout 4 with half the game spoiled and I still enjoyed it lol, so even if i do buy it, I don't think I'll mind that much.

    submitted by /u/sentient_deathclaw
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    Anointments Stack?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Let's say i have the same anointment on the 2 different items, will the anointment stack? Like if i have melee damage after skill action on 2 items, do they stack or will only 1 work? thank you

    submitted by /u/Prettyboypa
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    Are some BL3 side missions only available for a limited time? *some spoilers*

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:31 PM PST

    So I've been playing through BL3 and having a great time but I'm at the section of the game just after Carnivora and some of the side missions seem to have disappeared. Primarily there was one side mission that was on Pandora (The Droughts zone) when I was pulling up the map to go there after Tannis got captured but once I got there the yellow exclamation was gone. I also chose to hold off on doing side missions during the carnivora section intending to just go back and do them afterwards but both the one that was in the carnivora map and one of the three that were by where Vaughn is located in the Splinterlands are both suddenly gone. Is this supposed to happen? Is it a glitch? I hadn't noticed any side missions expiring so far and I don't remember that being a concern with previous Borderlands games so it's a bit weird to think that they would expire here, especially with such a seemingly short window to do them.

    submitted by /u/GreenishWombat
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    BL2: where should I use the Golden key?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:01 AM PST

    Just picked up BL2 for the switch, and it comes with a golden key in the inventory. How long should I wait to use it? Level 10 now, and I don't want to waste it.

    submitted by /u/MrTurkeyTime
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    BL 1 - 2 -3 play-style preference, not sure who to pick next

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Preface: I didn't really like most of the play styles in BL1. Siren was the closest because I could duck out of combat for a few seconds and catch my breath.. but none of them really spoke to me. Then again, it was the first game. (also is it actually more sluggish or is that just the switch? I don't mean performance, just controls feel more stiff, movement seems slower, game progress seems like a crawl..)
    Borderlands 2, I played the Techromancer, and LOVED it, sending out my bot while I duck and reload, distracting enemies with the bot, blowing up its giant energy ball.. loved it.
    Borderlands 3 I played Amara. Easily my favorite of all the VH's in all the games. Her CC ability is top notch, gravity pull groups together with an explosive barrel and then throw a MIRV grenade.. I loved every second of playing as Amara.
    I went BACK to BL2 to give Maya a shot again (i played her briefly, up to level 10, just never felt right) and meh.. she couldn't compare to Amara.
    So now I'm at the point of I beat BL3 and want to start a new character.. I'm currently trying the Girl-Bot combo but I just don't feel as good jumping in the robot as I did with the techromancer, nor do I feel the CC is great with her.
    So, given my playstyle.. should I try the hunter pokemon master... or give the robo-girl a bit longer to get better skills?

    submitted by /u/Deminox
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    Just got BL3 for Christmas

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:54 PM PST

    I've only been able to play a small amount so far, but most of the times when I do load the game I have a pretty noticeable audio delay. Is there anyway to fix this?

    Everything I saw online is from when the game was first released and mostly occured online, but I'm playing Solo.

    submitted by /u/ForSaleinDallas
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    Is it hard finding people to join your game?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:34 PM PST

    Thinking about buying this on steam with the season pass 1&2 played the game on ps4 but I don't have any friends thst play on PS4, is it easy joining up with people or will I most likely be looking at solo play? Will most likely pass on the sale if I'm looking at solo play

    submitted by /u/Evil__Jeff22
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    I miss the BL1 level 69 cap

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Nothing more perfectly embodied the humor that Borderlands was going for than capping level progression at 69, not to mention the BL1 subtlety of never actually making a big deal about it. I was so disappointed when BL2 went to 72 and I hope BL3 doesn't go above 69. Let them add whatever loopholes they can think of if they want to add skill points beyond 69, but at least keep the level frozen.

    submitted by /u/basefibber
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    "On Action Skill End" Timer?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:24 AM PST

    How long is the timer after your "action skill ends" before the anointment doesnt apply anymore? How many seconds? thank you!

    submitted by /u/Prettyboypa
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    borderlands 2 and 2 remastered what is the diffrence and how can i change on pc?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:42 AM PST

    so i gonna buy the handsome collection really cheep 2 dollars on argenita store
    so i was wondering how do i download the orginal borderlands 2 not remasterd cuz i dont think my device will run the remaster so ... how i do that and i wanna download it from firgirl to reduce internet usage (internet is limited like cellar data) and verify the files on steam so i find 2 verisions to download remasterd and normal what should i do?

    submitted by /u/01MrHacKeR01
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    What am I looking for in a gunslinger COM for Mordecai?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Is there a perfect stats version? Difference in added bonuses? My current COM has +78 fire rate, +3 deadly, +4 loaded, +3 relentless, and +72 accuracy.

    submitted by /u/JovialSamurai
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    is borderlands 3 dlc s over?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:23 AM PST

    ı thinking about buying the ultimate edition?

    submitted by /u/Superboy-Prime645
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    Bone shredder hybrid

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Im playing borderlands 1 and i just killed bone head. He dropped a bone shredder that does x2 damage. 2.4 zoom and red text saying the lead wind blows. Did i just get the hybrid without even farming?

    submitted by /u/Environmental_Way856
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    PS4 local split screen with DLC

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:43 AM PST

    Me and my SO have played through the story and started some meyhem modes. Since we were having so much fun I have been looking into the DLCs, we have separate profiles on the PS4 so if I bought it on one would she be able to benefit from new skill trees and go into the new levels?

    submitted by /u/wrenchtoast69
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    Bout to slap 300k on Moxxi's slot machines, wish me luck.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:34 AM PST

    I'll keep y'all updated but I'm aiming for a legendary

    submitted by /u/traderbynight
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    BL3 SP2 bullshit?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:10 AM PST

    So, if I was a new player I could grab the version that has all the stuff on sale for 60 bucks, but as someone who has hundreds of hours I still need to pay full price for the SP2? Why could that not go on sale with everything else? Just super disappointed because I want to buy it but at 30 bucks and ultimate is 60, I'm thinking of just buying a second copy so I can play with my wife on two computers and just family sharing it. Any one else disappointed?

    submitted by /u/demonchief989
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