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    Tuesday, December 29, 2020

    Borderlands Will revenge of the cartels ever be enabled again?

    Borderlands Will revenge of the cartels ever be enabled again?

    Will revenge of the cartels ever be enabled again?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:04 PM PST

    I want to replay the revenge of the cartels with my friend so badly and it says it's inactive. Will they ever enable this again or was it only available for this few months? That was some of the most fun I've had during borderlands 3 and desperately want to play it again

    submitted by /u/jackie1616
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    (LORE / FICTION) I was wondering, what happens to all gun models that dissapeared after years?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:32 AM PST

    F.e. original Harold, Defiler, Crux, second version of Ogre and so on. Not only that but also some prefixes like Jakobses XX knockback prefix.

    The time difference between events from BL2 and BL3 is significant and while we can see a new generation of old models (new Tsunami / new Ogre) the previous versions and all guns that have dissapeared were never mentioned. So my concept is the Galactic Gun Policy, where they ban some models becouse of their absurd power and whatevs. Then we can think about something like arms black market or smuggling, illegal guns dealing, which would be realy cool. If the GGP would be so respected that they can ban weapons of any company and those companies obey their orders then it should be company responsibility to track down any owners of those blacklisted guns.

    I like to think bout those stuff cuz Borderlands universe is nuts, one of the best sci fi / post apo that there is and create my own mini stories and I wanted my character to use og xx skullmasher so I came up with the GGP

    submitted by /u/Raxiti
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    Is there a way to turn off mini-map fill-in?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:48 PM PST

    Like the title says, I'm going to go crazy because my organized brain wants to fill in every single grey area on the map with Blue. I know Borderlands: GOTY didn't have mini-map fill-in and I honestly just want to remove it ASAP.

    submitted by /u/richiejd00
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    Need a BL3 PC friend I can join on Sanctuary to pick up my Brawler Ward at lvl 1

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 03:09 PM PST

    Title says it all, need someone that will allow me to board sanctuary with a lvl 1 character to pick a brawler ward out of my lost loot.

    Originally posted in BL3 sub and was suggested I use a save editor. Would prefer not to, so if that is your suggestion it has been heard already.

    Thank you ahead of time, my Shift username is SirRobin95

    submitted by /u/BillPaysTheBills
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    Completing BL1 (not enhanced) 100% Steam

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 10:15 AM PST

    Need some help with the online achievements, if any one would wanna join a lobby with me that would be amazing. Dm me for friend code and discord for voice chat. Thanks in advance. If you have "They'll Tell Two Friends Achievement" that would be even better.

    submitted by /u/MrAndMrsAnomaly
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    And Then They’ll Tell Two Friends (PS4)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:20 PM PST

    Could a couple people possibly help me get this achievement?

    I'm playing online right now. My PSN is xantropus.

    submitted by /u/xantropus
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    Please fix the "new" icon bug

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 03:30 PM PST

    Every time I load up BL3, half the locations on the map have an exclamation mark like it's a new location I haven't been to. No matter how many times I clear them, they always come back. Same goes for every item in my vault. I get this isn't a priority issue, but it's been a bug literally since launch, I think it's fair to have expected it to get fixed by now. It drives me crazy and god knows how much time i've spent clearing the things over and over agin.

    submitted by /u/ptheiway
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    Lost story missions - GOTY edition on switch

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:32 PM PST

    After completing 'Ned's undead baby, Ned's undead' - I can no longer find any further story missions. I know this is not the end of the game. Anyone know how to fix this problem? I played coop for the first time after completing this mission and wondering if they caused the problem. I'm level 43, on Switch, Game of The Year Edition. (First time using Reddit so not sure of this is best place to post.)

    submitted by /u/Worried_Ad_9252
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    Zane Builds

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 07:24 PM PST

    Hi Everybody,

    Just downloaded the new DLC, and wanted to share my main 3 builds and get feedback and/or answer questions. I'm sure there are more and less experienced people out there than me!

    DPS Regular Zane Build

    CCC Zane Build

    DPS DLC Zane Build

    As you should be able to tell, I'm a big fan of SNTNL. I find the tree is powerful with kill skills, and it's great at dealing consistent damage regardless of enemy position (and sometimes even poking them out of cover). I think all of the action skill augments are usable, though I prefer Static Field and Boomsday.

    I've used my regular DPS build the most, and the DLC build is quickly becoming a favorite. I've always had trouble with the CCC build because I get too bogged down behind the barrier and don't have the mobility I usually like.

    Before anyone says anything I know the website hasn't switched some skills from the November 9th patch and some of the stats are still incorrect. I'm using it more as a build tool than anything else.

    submitted by /u/tuckerhazel
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    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 06:05 PM PST

    How can I modify a PS3 save for Borderlands 1?

    submitted by /u/ja927074
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    Anyone wanna be friends on Playstation?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Looking for friends, mics or not, to friend and play on Borderlands: GOTY, 2 or 3! My PSN is richiejd00.

    submitted by /u/richiejd00
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    First time venturing into BL1

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 11:06 AM PST

    Hey all, I recently picked up BL1 GOTY edition as a break before I go back into BL3 and grind for Mayhem 10

    Just wanted to know if there was anything I should know before I get into the game? I'm just hoping to do one play through (base game and DLCs) and reach the max level cap. Will it also be possible to be Crawmerax in my first playthrough (I heard there was a ledge glitch?)

    I will be playing as Lilith, so that should be fun as well. Any tips, tricks, or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/PhantomJB
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    Screen freaking out when I die or try to shoot??

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:43 PM PST

    Sometimes it's when I aim a certain type of weapon(usually assault rifles) but most of the time it's when I do anything, die, aim, reload, shoot, sprint, crouch. What is it and how do I fix it??

    submitted by /u/kiki5600032
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    Insane damage bug ?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Hi, so i have been playing Bordelands 3 again with a friend recently doing all the DLCs and i am using FL4K we are in chaos level 2. And sometimes i don't know why i will just deal insane amount of damage i got a 3M indicator yesterday and just one shotted a tough enemy, does anyone know if this is a bug or is there some chances for these kind of damage to happen ? Did i miss something ?

    submitted by /u/Yotei_
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    What's the best Gaige skills to set?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:12 AM PST

    I've been rocking Mechronancer this time round and have been all willy nilly with skills but now I've finished the main campaign I wanna get SERIOUS any tips?

    submitted by /u/traderbynight
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    Best character right now? BorderLands 3

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Haven't played since the first DLC and want to know which character is the meta right now thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/oh-hey-Mark
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    Switch Performance on BL1-2 feels...weird?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 08:30 AM PST

    TL:DR version - i think everything feels slower on switch, movement and aiming, not framerate. Am I the only one?

    Kind of self explanatory, but is it just me or do the games feel weird on switch? I'm VERY late to the series, playing on Switch was my first experience, and when I saw BL3 go on crazy sale for the PS4 i jumped on it.

    I enjoyed borderlands 1 enough despite having not beaten it by the time that sale happened that I knew I wanted it. I kept playing 1 for a while, still haven't beaten it because I've tried every character class and none feel great (siren is the best one for me though.. Good enough). The game is fun and all but everything kinda feels.. slow. Not just the pacing, but movement speed, aiming, everything feels slow and stiff.

    Next i booted up BL3 on PS4, and oh man was that incredible. I only allowed myself to get to level 15 before i promised myself I'd go back to play the other games more fully. Obviously, the game performance is miles above on the PS4 as it's a much newer game, not even a console power difference, games get better (generally) with every generation.

    So I go to BL2. Don't really like the siren Maya as much as Amara, but Gaige, hell yes she's fun to play. Everything feels a bit stiff again. I get to about level 20 before I'm frustrated with how it feels.

    Then i remember I also have the handsome collection on ps4. I load up the game, and while replaying the beginning felt tedious, overall it just ..faster? Aiming felt better? Moving didn't feel sluggish? I still feel like everything is just slightly faster in 3.. which again given the age of the games is to be expected.

    I haven't gone back to bl1 yet but if I do it will probably be on ps4, as much as I love being able to play in bed.

    But has anyone else noticed this? Is it just the small screen making it feel slower than it is? (Again not frame rate.. just.. feels slow to move and aim) Part of me really wants a port of 3 to the switch, the other part of me is worried it will feel "off".

    (Also unrelated but the story overall in all games is great, but I don't understand any complaints about 3, 3 was compelling.)

    submitted by /u/Deminox
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    How do I access borderlands 2 or the pre sequel

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 04:09 AM PST

    I recently got borderlands the legendary collection and I just finished playing through the first borderlands but I can't figure out how to access borderlands 2 or the pre sequel, can someone help me please

    submitted by /u/Punisher01234
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    In search of aurelias 1# head biotch head. Have some questions

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 01:05 AM PST

    So I know it only drops from her during story. Is that ONLY NVHM? or can I get it in TVHM so long as I have the mission active?

    submitted by /u/HisokaMIW
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    why is this BLUE gun not dropping.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 03:16 AM PST

    this gun this one gun named "bone shredder" never drops from crushjaw what is the drop rate for it

    submitted by /u/AbandonedBed
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    Leveling up gunzerker fast help

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:48 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I have a couple of questions regarding the the trophys for the special skills of each vault hunter.

    I'm currently playing through as zero so I will get the trophy for staying in deception mode for 10 seconds and the siren and soldier ones only require you to be level 5 to complete so that won't take very long.

    My only problem is the gunzerker one which requires you to be level 25. Ive heard of the moonshot exploit but that would require me to play through the whole game again which I'm not too interested in.

    So I was wondering if I could create my gunzerker now and have him in on split screen with a second controller (I also have some other splitscreen trophys to take care of) for big bosses while I do my stuff with zero and he will get easy exp from it. Would this work?

    Another idea I had was the DLC. I have them all to play so if i ran through them all with my level 1 Salvador he would be some where near 25 by the end. The only issue is I need zero to reach level 50 and I'm nearing the end of the game and hes currently 32 so was hoping to get closer to 50 using DLC.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    TLDR Would salvador in splitscreen level up to 25 using zero by killing bosses?

    submitted by /u/nick02911
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