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    Sunday, February 28, 2021

    Borderlands I forgot how incredibly OP Hellfire is in the original Borderlands

    Borderlands I forgot how incredibly OP Hellfire is in the original Borderlands

    I forgot how incredibly OP Hellfire is in the original Borderlands

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:00 PM PST

    I bought the PS4 version of BL GOTY a few months ago(played the original and General Knoxx dlc on the ps3 a long time ago) and finally got to playing it the last few weeks. Got a level 29 Hellfire SMG and am still wrecking enemies in a few shots who are level 40+.

    submitted by /u/claytalian
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    VH for next games idea if its in the past

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Okay, listen to me, what if the next game is a prequel before bl1 ( very unprobable) and the 4 VH were:

    -Typhon deleon: 1st VH, young and ressourcefull

    -commander steele: siren with yet unknow power who need more time in the franchise cuz she was so badass

    -grandma flexington: in the grandma flexington' story she quote: "Didn't you fight terramorphus? I fought a creature like that once he was a big whale squid with a hundred tentacles, you ever fought anything with tentac-oh of course you have terramorphus had tentacles how silly of me...Now where was I? OH RIGHT the whale creature his name was "blowhole the apocalypse." Seem like she could be one badass VH

    -Steve the bandit "hey yoooooo": in the lack of a 4th character⁴, Steve take this spot XD if you have a better idea, said it in the comment.

    submitted by /u/electrojoeblo
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    Question about Sharing is Caring.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:57 PM PST

    Does the health penalty from turtle shields apply to Deathtrap? Im still leveling Gaige (Lvl 74) and I wanted to know if can keep using those until i farm for more optimal shields for both of them.

    submitted by /u/medicalcompanions
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    I can't enter dahl headlands

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:37 PM PST

    Hi! Recently I've been playing a lot of bl1 but whenever I try to enter dahl headlands for the story is just gives me a neverending loading screen. Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/goypoyfish
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    Favorite Vault Hunter?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 03:24 AM PST

    You can use whatever reasoning you choose, character design, personality, mechanics.

    I think I had the most fun and felt the most badass with Athena. I love standing in front of groups with my shield out and then sending all that damage back like Xena throwing her chakram.

    Close second is Gaige, she took a while to get used to, especially because I'm a compulsive reloader but once you start maxing out anarchy... I AM THE GOD OF DAMAGE

    submitted by /u/Slothmancer
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    Lost my Weapon and Backpack SDUs in Borderlands 1 after defeating the Destroyer. Are there any ways to get these back?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:34 PM PST

    Bought the Handsome Collection and BL1 on PS4 for my girlfriend so we could play it together. We finished BL1 today, but after I skipped the credits the game dropped all my guns on the ground, took away all my money and removed my Weapon and Backpack SDUs, leaving me with two less weapons slots and ~20 less backpack slots for the next playthrough.

    Am I just fucked until I collect it all in Playthrough 2? I'm kind of bummed, we'd been having a really good time and now it feels like my whole save is screwed up if we were to push on.

    submitted by /u/SmokusPocus
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    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 05:57 PM PST

    I looked everywhere for a solution and every time I fast travel in the handsome jackpot Freddie tells me the robots were doing their job by trying to kill me

    submitted by /u/Xavier200708
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    Heads not showing up in quick change after I unlock them

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 05:23 PM PST

    This has now happened with Demon Could Weep, the NOG head, and Jawperative, and it's getting annoying. Any fix or prevention?

    submitted by /u/T1mek33per
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    Lost sleep today

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 05:21 PM PST

    So I could finally platinum this game. I did it on xbox 360 many years back. Now I need sleep cause I have a 11 hour shift in 3 hours haha

    submitted by /u/xxedgelord42069
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    "Unable to load this save data because it is from downloadable content you do jot have or are not permitted to use" What the hell is going on here?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:26 PM PST

    I literally played this game less than a month ago, and now this is happening. I am effectively unable to play because of this weird shit. Has anyone else had this issue? If so, how did you fix it? The only thing I've done in the mean time is get an update for PS store, if that helps.

    submitted by /u/BigBiscuitBrisket
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    BL1 GOTY not-enhanced PC: first playthrough questions/vent

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 03:34 PM PST

    My character is a Level 25 mordecai with bloodwing build. For context, I beat PT1 once as lilith forever ago but forgot most of it and wanted to start over. I also have played BL2 a lot and TPS a bit.

    -Is it normal in this game for most of the quest rewards to be quite underleved? For example, after killing skagzilla (which took 76 years of kiting around) the elephant rifle quest reward was 7 levels below the quest that brought me there, so it wasn't even useful against the current enemies. Sledge's shotgun was like 4-5 levels down and worse than my greens at the time. It just feels kinda disappointing, constantly.

    -What about with drops from fighting enemies or in containers? Everything I'm getting is 5-10 levels under me, even from same-level or higher enemies. The bandits only use/drop bad white guns. I am obsessively opening all lockers and skag piles etc, and checking vending machines and getting hidden chests, at least the ones I can find.

    Even at 25, my best gun is still a level 13 blue shotgun (not unique) and a level green 19 sniper. My other best stuff is from vending machines. I'm currently equal level to the krom's canyon mission, but when I went there I died a bunch and had to leave.

    I love that you can use a gun for many levels (feels so good compared to BL2), but I'd also rather not be forced to always do it, and only after receiving it underleveled anyway!

    This, combined with the fact that a lot of enemies spawn at a higher level than the quest (hello krom's spiderants??), seems to make the game really really hard. The solution I've found has been to spam side quests and overlevel a bit, and I'm going to keep doing that.

    I still want a cool gun though... just one legendary or a purple. It can be any type...

    I know I'm venting but I really love this game. The aesthetic is so enjoyable and it's exciting to explore maps and fight. Sometimes I just stand somewhere and look at the environment through a scope. Even the "bad" weapons can be quite fun to use, and I don't want it to be too easy. But honestly the troll tier quest rewards and boss drops are starting to make me go WTF.

    So... am I just getting unlucky? Is it designed to be a struggle (which would make sense in many ways)? When I get to that one red chest farming level maybe I'm gonna abuse that. For now I would love any tips or just solidarity ha ha ha.

    PS is any of this affected by the Enhanced? I am playing on a really old computer but I could try it.

    update: I got through the next few missions and seem to be powering up a bit. yay

    submitted by /u/wwleaf
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    Please help. Having issues loading BL3 via steam

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:46 PM PST

    Installed the game and was working fine until yesterday when it crashed. Now it wont even open.

    All I get is a info box "The UE4 Oak game has crashed and will close.

    Have tried a fresh install, checking game files via steam. I am at a loss on what to do

    submitted by /u/Azazel-Senpai
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    Angel Bioshock Reference

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:11 AM PST

    Just noticed, in Borderlands 1 when Claptrap gets shot by the bandits in Fyrestone and you have to repair him, Angel asks "Would you kindly give him a hand?"

    Seeing as Bioshock was released in 2007 and BL1 in 2009, this is a reference to Atlas/Fontaine. Also, considering the manipulation that Angel (Jack) uses which you find out at the end of the game and more clearly in Borderlands 2, this is a cool Easter egg if you're paying attention.

    submitted by /u/UberPerfection
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    Borderlands 3 - Fast Travel Glitch

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 11:15 AM PST

    I've found a few threads here and there about this with no real conclusion on if there is anything I can do. I just started playing BL3 (on PC), and the game absolutely refuses to recognize when I activate fast travel points. This is making my play through almost unbearably slow, since I have to drop pod to a planet every time and run through the entire world to get where I need to go. Each time I start the game in Sanctuary, it only sees that I have the Sanctuary fast travel point and nothing else.

    Is there any known fix for this? I'm playing solo, and I haven't been able to connect with someone who can let me teleport to them yet.

    I'm only 10 hours into the game, but it's effectively bricked my save file. No fun to play when 90% of the time is just driving to get to where you need to be.

    Thanks in advance.

    edit: I'm an idiot, but leaving this up in case someone else makes the same mistake I did. Remapped the zoom out key by accident, did not pay enough attention to the map. Fortunately, all is well now and I can enjoy my save again. Feel free to laugh at my expense, hope this helps someone!

    submitted by /u/dermau5
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    I love how there's loads of legendaries in BL3, but now it just feels like cheating. Do you throw away legendaries that are too good?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 06:43 AM PST

    There's been a shocking amount of legendaries showing up. I think I found maybe 3 in each previous game. I just left Athenas and I think I've found a dozen at least.

    They've been pretty nice, but now it's too good. I got one called Ten Gallon that is a SMG that deals 150 and when reloaded it makes a flying turret of the gun. I don't even have snipers that do 150 damage yet. It one or two shots almost every generic enemy.

    Oh yeah, and it was for sale for a tiny bit of cash at Marcus. Not from some huge boss. Just Marcus at Sanctuary.

    I'm half tempted to sell it or store it. It takes the fun out of the game. I'm all for a good weapon, but it takes no effort. Have you guys thrown away guns because they're too good?

    submitted by /u/montezuma300
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    Should I do a second play through then dlc or do them now?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 06:25 AM PST

    I just finished borderlands 1 and was wondering if I should start the dlcs now or do a second play through and start them after that. If I do a second play through I'm not going to do the side missions because I did them already in play through one and I really just want to get a feel for the story this time. I also want to move on to borderlands 2 because I really want to figure out who or what angel is.

    submitted by /u/LazySown85285
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    Badass token glitch not working (BL2)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 05:15 AM PST

    Does anyone know why the badass token glitch isn't working in borderlands 2? I'm doing all the right stuff, it just won't work

    submitted by /u/zane-the-big-gay
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    Borderlands 2/3

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:09 PM PST

    Is there a mod to skip cutscenes

    submitted by /u/Resident_Voice_5134
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    Am I just unlucky?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:44 PM PST

    I've farmed Tector and Jim about 40 times and I haven't gotten a Slagga drop. I'm on my lvl 66 Mechromancer and I wasn't sure if it was something like "Grieving Tector" doesn't drop it

    Edit: Idk how true this is but the first time I tried killing Tector first it dropped, every other time I killed Jim first making "Grieving Tector" so I believe he doesn't drop it in that state.

    submitted by /u/DefenderOfWaifus
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    Anyone know

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:22 AM PST

    Does anyone know about those different colour enemies in bl3 I've only seen them a few times i can't find nothing about it on google

    submitted by /u/ForsakenAd2952
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