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    Monday, May 31, 2021

    Borderlands Sniping feels so good in BL2

    Borderlands Sniping feels so good in BL2

    Sniping feels so good in BL2

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    BL1's Sniping factor was, in my opinion, pretty garbage(ish). Snipers in BL2 however, are way more fluent. I feel like you could almost beat the entire game with JUST a sniper.

    submitted by /u/ToonNinja_
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    Tediore quotes I wrote

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:57 PM PDT

    Because the explosion will take the other guy with you too: Tediore!

    "Reloading is for Schmucks"

    Great Value/No Thumbs Required

    Plastic. Inexpensive. Highly Flammable. Tediore!

    Priced right, and exploding, right in your hands! Tediore

    Even a mute quadriplegic can shoot a man if his gun does all the talking -and all the shooting-for him! TEDIORE

    Every reload saves you millions of milliseconds, at the low cost of only millions of ammo!

    It's a feature!

    While your competitor reloads, we've got you -and him- covered! TEDIORE

    Ship all your ammo to their face TEDIORE

    Giving a certain explosive manufacturer a run for their money! And saving you yours, with our bargain bin prices!

    When the price is right, you dont have to fight. We do it for you TEDIORE

    A weapon for the everyman, delivered right to the face of every man. TEDIORE

    Dont waste time with the trigger Tediore

    Screw pulling the trigger, chuck the whole magazine! TEDIORE

    We build it; ship it; and now we fire it: for you! TEDIORE

    Ammunition is a you problem TEDIORE

    Dont double tap the action button

    the gun shall stand and fight even during- and past your last breath! Dont buy life insurance, buy the ensurance of your killers swift demise, and of of your home and familys continued safety! tediore.

    Product recalled; ship to nearest enemy's face TEDIORE

    "Now I know all you hoity toity cowboy wannabes love spending eons aiming on of your six bullets at an enemies forehead. But Im here to tell you: aint nobody got time for that noise. Screw the trigger, toss the whole damn magazine at 'em and be done with it. We are here to save you your time, and your money" TEDIORE -Expect great value.

    We know that throwing objects really really fucking hard is an art Let our guns be the paint, and your enemies groin region, your canvas Tediore

    For moments when you just NEED to blow your hands off when opening you locker! TEDIORE

    We are with the customer! and so is our gun! and our other gun! and our other gun! and our other...

    We dont need ALL CAPS to express our GREAT VALUE!!


    "Imagine bringing your child out on the sunsoaked pandoran ranch for his first shooting lesson, will you be handing your child a forgettable green glob of camoflauged mediocrity? would you trust a gun that will expose them to hazardous, cancer-causing material? or worst of all a gun that would snap their wrist with recoil and ricochet bullets right into their cranium?

    The only green we provide is cash in your wallet! the only ricochet you need is our fun patented bounce modules! And the only element you need is VALUE. TEDIORE. BECAUSE WE VALUE YOU."

    Warning: as per proposition 69 we are obliged to inform you that consuming this product can expose you to chemicals in the system of Sercannus-3 known to cause cancer, birth defects, growth of extraneous appendages, extreme and uncontrolled bowel movements, loss of memory, and erectile dysfunction, in addition to all other health defects caused by regular consumption of plastics and metals

    PS: Gearbox PLEASE unnerf tediore in BL3 they are my favorite guns!

    submitted by /u/Senerith
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    Can someone help me? I have a Salvador level 57 in UVHM but I'm having a hard time with the game

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    I don't know where to farm good weapons

    I'm on Opportunity and I need corrosive weapons but the RNG is not on my side.

    submitted by /u/CaptainZardok
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    How Borderlands 2 helped me cope with a death in my family.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    Alright. This story I kept to myself for about almost a year, but I think I'm ready to say this. My great Grandfather Bill Shadden passed away at age 79 in January 2020. A month before, I visited him in restorative care at the hospital. His death shattered my heart, as I loved him so much. He was a nice man and father of one of my other family members. A few days later, after I came home from his funeral, I sat in my room, and mourned his passing, my friend called me recommending Borderlands 2 to me, and I checked it out, it was on PlayStation Now, so I downloaded it on my ps4 and played it. I chose Salvador as my character. It's humor made me laugh a lot, surprisingly. Normally I Don't laugh when I am this sad, but the game was that funny with it's dialogue, especially with Handsome Jack and Claptrap. After a few hours, I thanked my friend for recommending the game to me, as it made m laugh and cope with my Great Grandfather's passing. So far I have put almost 300,000 hours into the game, and it's gonna help me more. Thank you Gearbox software and 2K for making a game that helped me cope.

    submitted by /u/Persona4fan2021
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    Daily Challenge Modded Speed Run

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:14 PM PDT

    No, that's a perfectly legit Beskar that has +1000% capacity. Any other bleedingly obvious comments? =^_^=

    I have quite a few mental "perks" and sometimes it reduces my mania to break out the modding and flatten some fools. :D No, I do not play co-op unless I know you irl. No, I will not give you modded gear. Sorry! :P I also will not sell modded gear, please don't ask, tell your mother where your life has gotten to. XD

    I also have pretty hefty memory issues so if I've talked to you online anywhere else there's a very good chance I don't remember. :/ <3


    submitted by /u/D-18739
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    Should I get Bl3 former destiny player

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    So I've played destiny 1 and 2 and enjoyed both I liked hunting exotics and cool bosses with different mechanisms. I was just worried if it was too Grindy cause even if I don't mind that my friends won't play it and that takes half the fun out. Also destiny had raids which I absolutely loved because of how tricky they were they required teamwork and had amazing loot too does Borderlands havr anything like destiny raids?

    submitted by /u/Parth6541
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    Gearboxloot.com shows that the Diamond Loot Chest is 50% off, but the page pulls up as 404'd?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:43 PM PDT


    Here is a screenshot. Any idea why this isn't popping up as advertised?

    submitted by /u/Shakeyjakey5
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    Borderlands Legendary collection ps4 download/package information

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Can confirm the legendary collection is borderlands game of the year edition and the handsome jack collection packaged together and not a stand alone game launcher with the 3 like the handsome collection is for bl2/blps

    Been trying to find this info the last 2 days so I have decided I'd make a post to anyone doing a search on this aswell :)

    (As of 05/31 the game is also 60% off at 20$ go grab it! Until 6/10)

    submitted by /u/Cpt_Owl_
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    Loving clay vh nick

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    I just started another run of bl3, this time with zane, and now im playing in english (im from México, pc default lang its spanish, so first run was in spanish) and man, having him call me smooth operator, cant help but start singing it on My each and every time

    submitted by /u/x3mcj
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    Has playing borderlands caused anyone else to develop weird gaming habits?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:40 PM PDT

    For example, I'll be playing a different FPS and I'm weary of reloading when there's still bullets inside after playing Gaige for so long. 😅😅😅😅😅😅

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Is online multiplayer still available?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    EDIT: Had a spare PS3 and another copy of the game I forgot about. I was able to connect two different accounts through hosting a private game. Took me a little bit to get everything set up, but doesn't appear to have any issues. Thank you everyone for the input.

    A friend of mine wants to start gaming online with me, and Borderlands for *PS3* has always been a fun co-op game, but I haven't played in years. I found some articles about have online gameplay was restored...back in 2015. But I can't find anything more recent, probably because of its age. I opened it up and there are no available games to join, but it gives an option to host. Not sure how to add my friend, but does the online gameplay option still work? Want to know before they go out and buy an old BL1 copy. Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/Better-Moose-9253
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    Borderlands 2 Tier 3 Rematch: The Death Race

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:12 PM PDT

    I've done this mission about 3 times now. Is this a repeatable quest I'm trying to get the trophy to do all side missions but this keeps wanting me to do it more and more

    submitted by /u/Pokemonfreaks
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    Can't get through the agonizer 9000

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    Please help I'm playing on normal and I've spent almost 14 hours on the boss but I can't get through

    submitted by /u/Cyturk
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    Do all Borderlands on Switch have equal graphics?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    I got the Borderlands trilogy on Nintendo Switch. I'm just curious, do the latter games have better visuals than the early ones, or are the visuals and performance the same, since they're all remastered? I know the gameplay improves after the first, but I'm really just curious if its like Mario 3D All Stars, where the blurriness in 64 and Sunshine are removed, but its still more pixelated than the newer games despite being remastered. I don't see how they could improve pixels without DLSS technology, which isn't in the current Switch.

    submitted by /u/newgoop
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    Questions about pc

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    Can you transfer characters from a Steam account to an Epic Games accounr or vice versa? Also, can you get banned for using save editors on an epic games save?

    submitted by /u/Bladeheart111x
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    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    So I've been reading into switching to Hellborn, Mania is fun but lately I've been noticing that my damage has been a bit lacking and been getting downed WAYYY more than I used to. I heard that Hellborn\Bloodlust is an amazing way to go, so I'm specking into that. Next I heard FoTF is amazing with Hellborn Krieg with its constant fire nova, so my question is: For a level 50 Krieg, how long will my FoTF be viable until I'll need a new one? And how do I get another one?

    submitted by /u/IronicWeea
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    Borderlands 1 Switch armoury locked by mistake

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    I recently got the full Borderlands collection for switch and I've been playing through it. Everything was fine until the end of the Knoxx DLC, where did everything but press the elevator descend button (quest ready to turn on - the first armoury quest, not the later loot runs). Since I was playing for a long time and got a bit tired of the game, I quit normally (quit to menu to save and then close the game). Two days later I decided to continue, but the game spawns me at the only fast travel location in the dlc and back in the armory the door after the colour lock door is locked.

    I tried doing the medkit glitch, but while I can drop below the floor and into the floorspace, the remaster added a fence at the end, in the opening going into the armory proper, so I can only crawl to the fence and no further.

    If there any other fix I can try? Or is anyone at that stage of the game and is willing to co-op the quest with me to fix that?

    Cya Raziel-chan

    submitted by /u/Razzy-171
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    Sirens in borderlands 3

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Warning spoilers

    I thought there could only be 6 sirens at a time and your telling me there all on Pandora in borderlands 3 (amara,Lilith,tannis,Ava, and the twins) where all alive at the same time so is this just one big plot hole or is this explained somewhere

    submitted by /u/Pastamerchant
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    What are some creative moze names?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    My last moze was iron bear based and i named her Iron Giant but whats a creative name for a build that utilizes moze herself?

    submitted by /u/Reasonable_Act1312
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    BL1 Sent Back to the Beginning on Co-Op Mode

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:15 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Sorry for the post but I could not find any information about this online.

    Been playing through BL1 on co-op mode and been getting a message 'the host is too far in the quest line' or something like that. Wasn't an issue until we finished the main story line where we saved and quit.

    When we reloaded, we were back to the beginning mission at Fyrestone with all of the same gear, levels, names, etc.

    Any idea on how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/GooseManFerg1996
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    How would you rank BL3 DLC?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    Best to worst:

    1) Tentacles

    2)Moxxi Heist

    3)Blood n Bounty


    Would put Blood n bounty at 2nd place, but i feel it was too short. If not Bounty n blood is better. Honestly hated Flustercluck, not much cool weapons and it kinda feels like fan service to krieg fan bois.

    submitted by /u/TygoFTW
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