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    Saturday, July 31, 2021

    Borderlands I tried to beat borderlands with only Quest Rewards

    Borderlands I tried to beat borderlands with only Quest Rewards

    I tried to beat borderlands with only Quest Rewards

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    Here are some things I found noteworthy about my journey:

    -The rewards were of a far lower level than the suggested quest level
    -Only three reward shields in the entire base game
    -almost no strong late game quest rewards
    -The borderlands fandom wiki wasn't always correct with what quest did or did not have quest rewards (don't know if that wiki is based on the old or enhanced edition and that the to differ in handing out rewards)
    -the most rewarded guns were sniper, shotgun and rocket launcher and the least were revolver assault rifle and eridian guns.

    also I tried playing the enhanced version but that one kept stuttering while recording unlike the old goty version.

    link to the video if anyone is interested:https://youtu.be/DLcCJFtUUsQ

    submitted by /u/KayCastTV
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    Cross play display name

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    I've created one, signed in and played yesterday. But today, when trying to sign in, the game prompted me to create another display name. Weird. So I did and submitted it, and now its stuck on the sign in screen. Anyone having issues with this??? So frustrating

    submitted by /u/Revolutionary-Tap506
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    Playing a Butcher only Zane

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Anyone else try this? It's pretty easy mode. Lvl 72 mayhem 11, revolter(crappy annoint) all elements butchers, fishslap(also crappy annoint) and a random relic. Running clone/ drone and seeing dead.

    submitted by /u/Ok_Monk1060
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    Borderlands 3 Instanced Loot

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    me and my friend are playing and we share the loot but its on coop not competition is there any way to fix it? i thought we were supposed to get instanced loot.

    submitted by /u/rmi28
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    Wut iz gunn?Why no see screen when mad? My first time playing BL1 GOTY and mainlining Brick

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    So I got into Borderlands the same way I did Mass Effect which is to say I started on the second game in the series. I've played and beaten BL2 like 8 times, BL3 like 4, and made it though one single play through of TPS, but I had never played the OG Borderlands game. So I decided to get the GOTY Enhanced edition and try it out

    I'd heard people talk about how fun Brick was with his rampage ability so I just ran around with him and using Sledge's shotgun for half the game. Running around pummeling people was really fun even if I couldn't see the screen half the time due to the blood and fire and body parts flying everywhere.

    Lill was also fun. Maya still has my favorite power set when it comes to Sirens but phasewalking makes getting around the map faster and its fun to just pop into existance and melt a enemy with my pistol.

    I know the enhanced version already comes with a number of updates and changes from the normal BL1 game and their are some things I really like and some that make me glad I started on 2.

    I feel like ammo and health are a lot more rare in the overworld than they are in BL2. Also its weird to me having to buy slow release health packs at the heal vendor instead of having instant heal pickups everywhere. This has led me to basically running around the map at less than full health all the time because I don't want to take up a space with a heal pack. And I do get peoples complaints about the aiming. I'm ok with the gunplay in the game but I do like the later ones more. On the good side it does feel like I can keep and use the same gun for more than two levels.

    Something I really enjoy and wish they had kept for the later games was picking up the backpack SDU over the course of the game by helping out claptraps. That and getting more gun sdu's as the plot progressed felt better than just going to Marcus and buying up all of them at once. Yeah its quicker and easier that way but it doesn't feel like I accomplished something.

    And the underdome is soooooooooooooo much better than the circle of slaughter in BL2. I didn't like the circle of slaughter because their is really no place to hide. You can stand on top of the tower in the center or underneath the second story behind a pillar but you seem to just get rushed and mobbed all the time. The ones in BL3 were better as you had more room but I love the underdomes set up of having a large area to run around, hide behind, change position, etc without getting mobbed. Now yeah the AI is dumb and you can basically pick a path and run it each round and win but that's more the games age showing than it is a problem with the underdome.

    I like the game but I'm still glad I started with BL2 because I'm not sure the pre GOTY Enhanced would have held my attention.

    AN: Also I like how everything explodes at the slightest contact with the. Plus Rakks are actually dangerous now..well at least for the couple few levels.

    submitted by /u/TheMastersSkywalker
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    So the first leg of my journey is complete. BL1 is done.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    I have just beat the main story and a bunch of side quests in BL1 (yay). It was…rough. I don't plan on playing the DLC for 1, though. I raced through the game (started 7/27, ended 7/31 with a total of 16hr50min).

    I can tell this was almost a kind of proof of concept when compared to the other games. It didn't really have the humor associated with BL, it was very color void, and the story was almost entirely absent if you don't read mission texts. I didn't remember the game being this bland and wonky (getting stuck on terrain constantly, for example).

    (Almost wondering if I should write mini reviews for each game).

    submitted by /u/malcolmreyn0lds
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    Is Broken Hearts Day bugged?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    So, I turned on this event and when I kill gold hearts for legendaries they drop only event legendaries (sniper rifle and smg) and nothing more and makes this event even more lackluster. Are Gearbox aware of this thing?

    submitted by /u/HaveNoFear1437
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    Anyone want to join my game on steam?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    I'm starting as axton and my username is rabbiddog1998

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    I want to do something different in borderlands

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    I wanna do some kind of challenge in borderlands for personal enjoyment boosting can anyone suggest a fun one for either 1 or 3

    submitted by /u/JazzDaSpood
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    I just got BL2 on steam, any recommendations for mods to install?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    Really excited for the weapons with stats that go for miles.

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Broderland 2 on Mac - mouse problem

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    Hi all, I'm running Borderlands 2 on a MacBook Pro Running Big Sur. I'm able to launch the game no problem, but while in game I can't use the mouse to look around. However, shooting and scrolling through weapons still works. Anyone have any similar issues that might be able to help out?

    submitted by /u/paj_one
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    Lilith's Build (Borderlands GOTY Enhanced)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:30 AM PDT

    What's the best weapons for Lilith? I'm probably going all SMG. I want to use Double Anarchy and Hellfire because those seems to be the staples. But what about the other 2 slots?

    I'm thinking of using Tsunami and Stinger, but maybe there are better recommendations.

    Also, between Spark and Radiance, which one is better to be taken?

    submitted by /u/ittou_zangeki
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    Is there a mod that lets me farm for any loot?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:53 AM PDT

    As the title says, is there a mod that will let me get any/all loot from farming enemies? For example, I have finished the Pirate dlc in UVHM at about 70 levels and Have a 70 Sandhawk. If I want a leveled SH, I'd have to restart the whole thing. I wish there was some enemy that drops SH instead. Is there a mod that does that for all the quest reward loots?

    submitted by /u/Tharindu207
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