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    Borderlands I’m playing the series for the first time and just finished Borderlands 2

    Borderlands I’m playing the series for the first time and just finished Borderlands 2

    I’m playing the series for the first time and just finished Borderlands 2

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    After hearing so much acclaim for BL2 as most people's favorite in the series, I was happy to discover this entry really is better than the first game in every way. The environments are so much more diverse and interesting, from glacial tundras to grassy plains to a floating fortress in the sky, compared to the deserts of BL1, which were great to explore but became rather bland after a while. The characters also just felt so much more dynamic and fun, especially the Vault Hunters from BL1, who finally received an actual personality. The humor, though hit and miss at times, was also done well, bringing a little bit more flair to the game then the first entry.

    I still have some minor nitpicks, mainly that your own playable character is still very interchangeable and dull, though I will state BL2 makes an effort to give your character a little bit more purpose to the story, taking down the Hyperion corporation. Though he might be the most "basic", I chose Axton as my main character, as I just really loved the turret ability he could use, especially after playing Roland last game. Another nitpick I have is really just the loading screens whenever you die and respawn, which felt painfully slow compared to BL1, and the fact that if you die during a boss battle, the boss regains all of its health. I accidentally fell off a cliff during the battle with BUNKR, after nearly destroying it, and had to redo the whole thing over again.

    Moving on to the main event - Handsome Jack. I'm going to give a controversial opinion: He's just okay. I certainly liked him a lot more than Commandant Steele, since he was a lot more present in the story, but I didn't really find him compelling until the end of the game, when you discover he's Angel's father and kills Roland. As someone who played Roland in the first game, I was very shocked and sad to see him go, especially after he and Lilith were starting to reconnect, so his death actually made me pay attention to Jack.

    What I found interesting was Jack's more grey areas, such as locking up Angel after she killed her own mother. Jack definitely views himself as the hero of the story, not recognizing the pain he's inflicted on people in order to fulfill his own personal destiny, and his final moments really reflect that, believing that it's impossible for the Vault Hunters to kill him, because that's not how heroes are supposed to die. It makes him a very pathetic figure, and I really want to know how he even rose to power in the first place (which I guess will be explored in Pre-Sequel), because him just popping up out of nowhere in BL2 seemed a little jarring after BL1 introduced us to Mr. Blake, who seems much more like a capable business head than Jack does. Overall, he was a lot more interesting towards the end when his facade started to break, but I didn't really care for the shallow snarky douchebag he was at the beginning of the game.

    Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty - I'd say this was probably my least favorite DLC. After having spent nearly all of BL1 in a desert biome, I was a little tired visiting the Oasis, and seeing as how I was already very leveled up by the time I started the DLC, none of the challenges were really all that difficult. I also just didn't really care for Scarlett herself, and I thought it was strange you don't get to kill her when she betrays you. The highlight was definitely Shade, whose jokes about going insane in the sun started out pretty funny, but after a while, it just got a little creepy; still a fun character though.

    Mister Torgue's Campaign of Carnage - This DLC was a whole lot of fun, especially with the introduction of Mister Torgue, who became one of my favorite characters just by the way he yells everything he says. I also found the villain, Piston, to be simple yet effective, as someone who repeatedly insults you, but is too cowardly to face you honorably; It was so satisfying to kill that guy. Moxxi was also awesome in this DLC; I really liked seeing her defend your honor as a contestant and try to rally public support for your rise up the leaderboard. The DLC was still a little easy, as I was several levels higher then the rest of the enemies, but it was no less engaging.

    Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt - I had found Sir Hammerlock to be an overall unimportant side-character in the main game, who never really fit in with the rest of the ensemble, but this DLC really lets him shine. After the prior two expansions were pretty easy, this DLC really makes up for it, with the various creatures and warriors you have to face being pretty difficult to take down. I also liked how Dr. Nakayama lacked all of the charisma that Jack had, and says out loud how scared he is of the Vault Hunters. It almost makes you feel bad for him when he falls down that flight of stairs.

    Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep - I'm really just throwing out all of the controversial opinions here, but I honestly didn't like Tiny Tina in the main game, as she was just kind of annoying to me. Fortunately, this DLC really made me appreciate her, as she deals with the trauma of Roland's death by fabricating a story where he doesn't die and everything has a happy ending. It felt like she was a stand-in for the actual player, which is shown in a meta way by how your character is being controlled by the dice rolls of Tina, Lilith, Mordecai, and Brick. It was a surprisingly sad and grounded story for this otherwise outlandish kid character and brought a lot of heart to what was essentially a Borderlands/Skyrim crossover. Definitely my favorite DLC of the bunch.

    Headhunter DLC's - I liked these little one-off side-quests you could do, that continued various story threads from the other DLC's, like the return of Zombie TK Baha. There wasn't a whole lot of substance to them, and I finished all of them in just a couple of hours, but I liked some of the meta jokes, like when you have to take the blonde wig from Stella the robot, and the robots are just joking about how you don't have to do the quest line and kill them, but could instead spare their lives and save the quest for another day.

    I was fortunately informed in my last review that the Commander Lilith DLC actually takes place after Tales From The Borderlands, so I will be saving that DLC for when I finish Tales. I hope you enjoyed this review, and that some of my opinions don't cause the subreddit to bring out torches and pitchforks. Looking forward to Pre-Sequel!

    TL;DR - This game really improves a lot on the foundation of the first, from better realized characters to better looking biomes. As a newbie to the franchise, some of the characters didn't really hit me the same way it did to others, like Handsome Jack and Tiny Tina, but that's okay, and I ultimately appreciated those aspects more as the game went on.

    submitted by /u/Broadbeck7
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    Guys, should i buy borderlands?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    Is it worth buying and playing?

    Edit: just to clarify, i mean borderlands 1. I've played almost all the other games already

    Edit 2: after reading all your replies, i have decided to wait for a sale or buy remastered.

    submitted by /u/Redditenjoyer135
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    3 Golden Keys, expire August 5th

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:14 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Loreweaver15
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    What is your opinion on golden keys?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    Particularly, are golden keys a form of "cheating" akin to cheat codes in the early days of gaming? I have used them on occasion since BL1 when I can't find a good item when I gain a level but I always felt like it kind of cheapens the experience since Borderlands is all about the thrill of loot drops. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Go-Wade-Racer
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    A Marcus voice line I've never heard before.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    So I was doing the mission for Marcus where you test the elemental weapons, I've done the mission a lot by now so I just try to burn through it as fast as I can skipping dialogue, this time however as I was skipping Marcus's dialogue I heard a line from him overlap at the same time he was already speaking, it was a message to Scooter in which Marcus said since Scooter was such a freeloading piece of crap that he'd sold his belongings on the black market.

    Between PC and PS3-PS4 I've put in close to eight hundred hours and I've never heard this line before, is this just something I've been missing the whole time? or some seldom heard dialogue that drops once in a while?

    submitted by /u/PraiseThePun81
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    Is it best to play per sequel between 1 and 2?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    Or does it really matter?

    submitted by /u/patstoddard
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    Is the base Borderlands 3 worth 20$?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    It's at that price on the PS Store, so i was wondering if it's good enough for that price without the dlc's.

    submitted by /u/llKanell
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    Community Patch presequal

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:31 PM PDT

    Im confused i do exec patch.txt and the command types out

    say exec patch.txt

    what am i doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Adept-Newspaper-6502
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    Tartarus Station DLC: 2 Skills rewards or just 1?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:41 AM PDT


    Can you get 2 skills in total from the tartatus station DLC? 1 skill from the first playthrough and 1 skill from second playtrough?

    submitted by /u/Afura33
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    Can i kill Crawmerax alone?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    Currently leveling up my character (Lilith if that's important to the question), because i really wanna beat Crawmerax. However, how difficult will killing him alone be? Should i just level up and pray, or just start BL2 until i have other players? (I don't have PS+, so you don't have to suggest you'll help out... yet...)

    Crawmerax is basically the only thing i haven't done yet (besides a few side missions and dlc in playthrough 2)

    submitted by /u/AlMothEx
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    Needs Help for Lilith Build (Borderlands Remastered)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    I'm about to play Borderlands 1. In gaming, I like to research stuff first before playing (not watching walkthrough, but more like beginner guide or tips/tricks). So after a while, watching YouTube, reading Reddit post etc, I decided I'm going to play as Lilith. The problem is I can't decided between Spark, Resilience, and Radiance. Spark seems okay for me but a lot of people say it's kinda useless because SMG like Hellfire has enough elemental proc chance already. I do think Resilience is kinda useless because of Silent Resolve and I think I remember people saying elemental enemies aren't a lot or something like that. From what I see, people seems to like Radiance and use it, but I also hear that the damage is just poor.

    So which one between Spark, Resilience, and Radiance is the best one?

    submitted by /u/ittou_zangeki
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    BL3 on sale, what are some things you liked/hated about it?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    I'm considering buying BL3 (I played all BLs before this, excluding the telltale games) and I'm not sure if i want to get it just yet. What did you like/hate about BL3 and would you recommend it?

    submitted by /u/Thesolmesa
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    Communicating with gearbox

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    Hey there . I'm looking forward to send an email to gearbox about a question I have. Does anyone know an email address that actually works? (ideally, you've already sent an email to that address and they have responded)Thanks !

    submitted by /u/-ghost-bc-
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    Should I get it? Yes or no?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    Hey, guys, I have really and I mean REALLY been on the debate on getting borderlands or not I have not played and haven't watched many videos on it, it's a blank canvas for me, so should get it?

    Also while I'm at it what's your favorite part of the game?

    submitted by /u/3ch02660
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    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:25 AM PDT

    Anyone have BL3 and want to grind through takedowns and such on Playstation?

    submitted by /u/Pmoney122
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