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    Friday, August 27, 2021

    Borderlands Bringing Bordlands: Pre-Sequel to modern-ish graphics (+lightning bug fixes)

    Borderlands Bringing Bordlands: Pre-Sequel to modern-ish graphics (+lightning bug fixes)

    Bringing Bordlands: Pre-Sequel to modern-ish graphics (+lightning bug fixes)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    I've been having a new graphical overhaul in the works over the past days of BL:PreSequel. As I've done in the past title BL2.

    I've noticed how there's barely to any attention to this heavily underrated jam with heavily dated graphics. So I'm finally bringing a semi final image of a newest ReShade with max graphics for high end users (There will be a performance version too)

    Main features:

    - Major overhaul of lighting (This includes atmospheric, fog color changes and their intensity, improved indirect and direct lighting)

    - Godrays have been added and light artifacts on surfaces and even certain weapons

    - New types of bloom (This fixes a lot of major lighting bugs ESPECIALLY in the Hyperion hub of heroism)

    - Slightly better texture clarity *1

    - Indirect color saturation techniques (All of the colors have not been altered or directly saturated. Meaning all of this is done through increasing light intensity, mix of lighting effects and removal of desaturation filter.)

    - Changed Ambient Occlusion *2

    Known issues:

    *1- very rarely you can find a texture somewhere with poor quality which makes it look a bit pixelated. You would see this in vanilla too.

    *2- Due to ReShade nature and their limitation, UI like main menu and intro may look weird due to all of these effects starting at the very start of the game and still being applied in the main menu. However when browsing inventory and such, it has no issues. This is very minor and doesn't affect gameplay at all.


    Note: since my ReShade includes edited game config files, this does not feature a full 100% comparison between vanilla and end product. For best comparison I recommend launching up the game yourself and going to specific areas to compare it to see the full difference.


    - global light exposure has been reduced in order to fix overly bright areas
    - global saturation has been slightly reduced
    - Another type of bloom has been added
    - removed lens flare
    - removed some effects to improve performance without losing quality
    - heavily improved shadow quality (and to some extent light quality)
    - removed vanilla AO

    Coming on 28/08/2021 on Nexus!
    *I'll make an updated video on release as well.

    Any feedback, opinion, criticism is welcome !

    submitted by /u/LeSipdero
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    Wishes for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    What is the /r/Borderlands community hoping to see Tiny Tina's Wonderlands include?

    I'm quite hyped for the game since Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragonkeep was my favorite DLC from the franchise, though I have worries, like the magic mechanic replacing grenades.

    I look forward to the magic mechanic, I'm worried that it'll be useless or very situational, like grenades in Borderlands 3, hoping for some magic focused builds though and some amazing animations to go alongside them.

    submitted by /u/MattyKun
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    Is Borderlands Handsome Edition crossplay between Xbox One and XSX?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    My sister has xbox one and I have XSX and wondering if we can run through BL1 and BL2 together if we each get the handsome collection.

    submitted by /u/josbor11
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    Theory about WHY Ava was given Sanctuary

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    Okay, so first off I'm relatively new to Borderlands 3 having bought it just a few weeks ago while it was on sale on Steam. I've beaten the main story twice thus far and am currently exploring the DLC's. That said, I've not been here for the past couple of years while the Ava hate was going strong. So I'm minus a lot of the baggage that exists already. So if I'm retreading something someone else already has, I apologize.

    I got thinking on this after beating the game the first time. Everyone online had been saying that Ava had been given command of the Crimson Raiders and how poor the writing was around this decision by the Dev's. Yet when I beat the game, she wasn't given the Crimson Raiders, she was given Sanctuary. This small difference I think is very important.

    Back in BL2's Commander Lilith DLC, it was made clear that the Raiders were falling apart. People felt that with Jack defeated, there was no more need for the Raiders. Then they lost Sanctuary and most of the Red Shirts that comprised the Raiders. For all intents and purposes, apart from core personnel, aka the named NPC's, the Raiders were finished. There are a few other clues to this as well.

    In the Pre-Sequal, the Vault Hunters from both 1 and 2 were all still active in the Raiders. Mordecai and Brick both went after Athena. During one of the DLC's it is revealed that Gaige and Axton were out hunting vaults and recruiting vault hunters. From the way everything sounded, everything was firing on all cylinders in preparing to hunt the vaults down from the Map at the end of 2.

    Then in BL3 we learn that Gaige is now a Former Vault Hunter turned Wedding Planner. Axton and Salvador have both gone on to host an Echo Net show due to a lack of cash flow. Zero went on to work for Atlas with his bro. And Maya left Kreig by himself in order to go back to the planet and monastic order that had been using her as a paper tiger to control the citizens. Brick, Mordecai, and Tina all left to go out bandit hunting and act as Merc's.

    If the Raiders aren't already disbanded in all but name, they certainly seem to be on their last legs.

    So, Ava gets Sanctuary, but Lilith never said she got the Raiders and I don't think she will. I believe that the Raiders won't follow Ava for two reasons. The first is the obvious age issue. Most of the raiders are going to be older and far more experienced than Ava. I doubt any of them are going to follow her or if they do it will only be to manipulate and use her. The second reason is that Ava isn't Lilith.

    Think back to the beginning of the Raiders. They were a Cult of Personality formed by Roland and his charisma. He convinced former Crimson Lance soldiers that had been abandoned by the then defunct Atlas to team up with him to take down Jack. His 2nd in command was his girlfriend Lilith. So when Roland died, Lilith had the cred with the existing Raiders to step into Roland's shoes and finish the mission. Yet even then, they didn't want to stick around once the mission was done. She wasn't the center of the Cult of Personality. Roland was.

    So how does this whole thing relate to my theory about Borderlands 4, Ava, and the Raiders?

    I think the Raiders are going to have disbanded entirely after Borderlands 3. There is nothing more for them to be afraid of. No mega-corp on the horizon, no big bad, no revenge trip. The personality the cult was formed around is dead and has been avenged. Lilith is now MIA, presumed KIA. The war that the Watcher talked about wasn't enough to keep the raiders together before. I doubt it will be enough after the end of BL3. So I predict the Raiders will have completely disbanded back into galaxy, whether that is on Pandora or elsewhere I couldn't say.

    For Ava, this means she will have Sanctuary, she'll have Tanis sticking around to help research further Eridian relics, Elle will likely go back to Pandora to resume her junking business aside from running Catch-A-Ride. Moxie will likely move on to the Casino and start spreading her Bar Franchise through other worlds. Marcus might still be around. Free passage on a ship for providing weapons for sale? Yeah, that's a good deal for him. Brick, Mordicai, and Tina will likely continue doing what they are doing.

    My money is that the opening of Borderlands 4 will also feature Sanctuary III being shot down either during the opening or prior to, and the new Vault Hunters having to pull Ava's fat out of the fire and either get her a new ship or repair Sanctuary III to open up traveling to other planets again.

    So, yeah, long post.

    TL;DR: Ava isn't going to command the Crimson Raiders in BL4, they'll be disbanded by then. She'll be lucky to have Tanis and Marcus around on the ship by then. Oh and Claptrap.

    submitted by /u/KhjiitLiketoSneak
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    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    I am going to be starting the full series but mostly borderlands 2 on nintendo switch should I play krieg

    submitted by /u/Epicgamer13370
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    Best save editor for this game? Borderlands 3

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    Exactly what the title says.

    submitted by /u/MisterJ2318
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    Is there anyone willing to loan me a decent gun to complete the firing range trophy B3?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 02:58 AM PDT

    People have suggested either a monarch or dictator because they have a bipod mode...I promise to return it straight after PSN CozJsy

    submitted by /u/CozJsy
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