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    Wednesday, September 29, 2021

    Borderlands Handsome Jack here..

    Borderlands Handsome Jack here..

    Handsome Jack here..

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    I bet you're feelin' pretty great about killing that no-name bandit king, huh? (sigh) Sometimes I envy you bandits -- you're so...unburdened with things like intelligence, culture, morality, honor, ambition, good looks...I could go on. I won't.

    submitted by /u/Remo_yesman
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    Borderlands 3 Worth it on PS5?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone so after almost a year of trying I was finally able to get a PS5 at MSRP, so I am planning to get 2-3 games from the PS Sale that is going on right now and I saw BL3 Ultimate Edition at $50. I've played BL1 & 2 before, got bored of 1 but loved 2. Also is BL3 hard to learn or play? I never really struggled on 2 but there was times when I got stuck and kept dying trying to kill the boss & enemies. So hopefully you guys can convince me to buy BL3 UE, lol thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Zadies
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    Hardest Boss in any Borderlands game

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:53 PM PDT

    Who, in your opinion, was the hardest boss in all of the Borderlands universe?

    For me it had to be the Empowered Scholar from the Guns, Love and Tenticals DLC. That guy was an absolute bitch to defeat.

    So many immunity stages, a minion that is invincible that he hides behind, hits like a damn truck, rechargeable armour, shields and his health pool is insane. And let's not forget the platforming you have to do which if you mess up, insta-death and you get to start all over again.

    I'm lucky I main with Fl4k and my skag would revive me whenever I went down, I couldn't imagine doing with any of the the other vault hunters. Also lucky I had an ammo restore on melee because I ran out so many times.

    Edit: Also just to add, after I defeated him on Mayhem level 10, not a single legendary. I was pretty disappointed.

    Edit edit: Spelling

    submitted by /u/ShoddyWishbone2825
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    Is there any way to know a memory leak could happen prior to playing BL1?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    I am interested in trying Borderlands 1. However, I've seen some players report issues of memory leaks. Was it fixed? If not, is there specific pc hardware like graphics cards that cause the issue? I am aware of the fix that gets rid of all the cutscenes but I kinda want to have cutscenes during my first playthrough.

    submitted by /u/ImYer
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    PC Players wanting to play with a noob?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    I just recently picked up Borderlands 2 and I have all DLC except Fight for Sanctuary.

    My friend (who is console sadly) showed me how to farm this giant snowman mission for weapons and xp, and I managed to beat him once.

    However, this game feels like one that is better with more players. PC seems dead (?). I am on US servers.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Withergaming101
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    What should I farm before b3nkr in TVHM

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    I want to fight b3nkr but he the constructers that lead up to him are really really strong. what grenades or guns should I farm? I have every DLC except fight for sanctuary and I'm a level 44 gunzerker

    submitted by /u/hahafunnythatscool
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    Need help with a boss… (PC) (TPS)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    hey, im playing the pre sequel and im stuck on the boson guy.. is anyone willing to help? 😅

    submitted by /u/liklikliktik
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    Which Vault Hunters?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    I'm finally sitting down to complete all Borderlands games on the 360. At the moment I'm just about finished with 1 as Roland. Who should I play as for 2 and the pre sequel? (also I have most of the dlc for 2 but none for pre seque so no baroness or doppelganger)

    submitted by /u/TerrarianT3rrabyt3
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    Finding friends to play through the games with...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I've always been a big fan of borderlands and I've decided to play through all the games from scratch. I just wondered if there is somewhere I can go to find people to play through it with? Is there a discord server or is this subreddit the only place? I remember the days of playing through BL1 with my friends all on voicechat and it was a blast!! To anyone that replies, I truly appreciate it <( ̄︶ ̄)>

    submitted by /u/BiggWoo
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