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    Friday, January 28, 2022

    Borderlands UVHM too hard, but TVHM too easy?

    Borderlands UVHM too hard, but TVHM too easy?

    UVHM too hard, but TVHM too easy?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 02:48 AM PST

    Hi, hoping someone can help me find a good way to play this through.

    I was wanting to do a full play through of bl2 and the DLC.

    I did the main story on play through 1 and 2, and then started on the DLC in TVHM.

    Problem is after about half of Scarlett's booty and Torgue's, I was completely overleveled. I hit lvl53, and the enemies stop scaling, so it's far too easy and kind of kills the fun. I then tried to swap to UVHM but then have the opposite problem of it being way too difficult, with me dying every few seconds.

    I'd love to have the difficulty be equal to pkaythrough 2 of the main story, aka scaled to my level, but not capped out at 50.

    Is there a way to manage this? I don't think my gear is too bad for UVHM, but maybe I need to farm some better stuff before trying the rest of the DLC.

    Axton btw

    submitted by /u/ZwnD
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    Is there a way to change the language settings specifically the spoken language for Borderlands 2, the Pre-Sequel, and Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 11:11 PM PST

    I'd like to know...

    submitted by /u/DancingBabyChalupa
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    Looking for Borderlands streamers/YouTubers

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 10:21 AM PST

    I know of KillerSix,Joltzdude,darksmoke11,and deceptix but that's it.

    submitted by /u/shifty_yoda
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    Is Borderlands GOTY and Borderlands OG compatible?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 10:14 AM PST

    I have the original game and my friend has goty, I wonder if we can play together. We're both on series X

    submitted by /u/No_Positive_5235
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    Pre-Sequel/2 VH Mods

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 05:29 PM PST

    So I've looked around on the internet and not found much, but I figured I'd ask here as well just to be 100% sure; Has anyone talked about or started to work on a mod that allows you to play TPS Vault Hunters in Borderlands 2? I'm not gonna rag on the game, it's been overdone at this point, but the Vault Hunters are the only thing I enjoy from it, personally.

    submitted by /u/Ocean_Estates
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    Any good UVHM builds for krieg to recommend?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 09:01 AM PST

    I'm getting close to UVHM and want to be prepared.

    submitted by /u/Signal_Putrid
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    Zx-1 won't lock on target?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 02:39 AM PST

    When I use the ZX-1 it very rarely ever works like it is supposed to. It never locks on target after I've made a shot on somebody, and when it does, it isn't accurate, and misses nearly every shot.

    Platform PS4

    submitted by /u/cpg357
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    Deck 13/2 glitch in the pre sequel.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 08:50 PM PST

    Has anyone experienced the glitch that if you head back to deck 13/2 in fast travel you skip a good chunk of the game?

    submitted by /u/UnicornNoob2
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    Pre sequel

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 04:37 PM PST

    I am playing the story and want to know if anyone else wants to play right now

    submitted by /u/Correct-Argument9597
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    Have Gearbox removed the hard-coded emote keymaps from the arrow keys?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 08:25 AM PST

    I tried to play last year after buying the ultimate edition and ran into issues with keymaps. It lets you map the movement to the arrow keys but the emotes are still hard coded the arrow keys too. This meant that whenever I moved it would try to do an emote and interrupt whatever I was doing like reloading etc.

    This drove me crazy so I contacted support and they said they were aware of the issue and were investigating (Which is weird because I have seen that you were able to change the emote keys before a patch stopped it). I haven't seen any patches since then so I'm guessing it still hasn't been fixed. I would check but the game is 140GB on PC and I'm not downloading all that to be disappointed. Can someone tell me if it has been changed?

    I posted on the BL3 subreddit but got no help there.

    submitted by /u/JakeMac96
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    Will playing BL3 ruin playing 2 for the first time?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 11:35 AM PST

    BL2 seems to have awesome DLC with really cool worlds. Sometimes I worry about playing games later in the series especially when they're spread over a few years because when I play a more modern one it just makes the older games feel more dated than if I just played the older games before (uncharted is a good example. I think I would have enjoyed the first one a lot more had I not played 2 first).

    I already have 3 and don't want to get the HJC until it goes on sale. Would it be a bad idea to start 3 now?

    submitted by /u/pouyank
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    I'm getting double golden keys from Shift codes while my wife is not - is this a glitch or something promotional? (BL2 via GOTY)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 12:59 PM PST

    Mostly in the title. We both have our separate accounts tied to the switch. I redeem the codes for us both online when they're released. At first I got only the normal amount but the past 5 codes have given me double the amount of keys.

    I'm not complaining by any means, just curious really. We don't even need her to get double, we'll never use them all unless we force ourselves to.

    I just found it interesting.

    I haven't loaded up TPS yet to see if those are doubled and BL3 is lost in transit so I'm not sure about that. Being as #3 isn't part of the GOTY if TPS has double for me I'm going to post back.

    The only thing I notice that's obvious is that we only play co-op and when we load the game, it only shows a notification for her about her new keys. It almost makes me think somehow hers are also getting added to mine. She still has all of hers. We've just been using mine and sharing the loot so far.

    No clue really. Just bored at the moment so figured I'd ask. Searching just yields people looking for or posting potential exploits.

    I'm the main account and also bought the DLC that wasn't included with the GOTY hence my line of thought.

    EDIT: I said "GOTY" thinking of BL1. It's the Handsome Jack, Legendary or whatever collection that includes 1, 2 and TPS for the Switch. It's been a bit since I bought it and it was digital. My mistake.

    submitted by /u/HallOfMirrors2021
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    I finally understand why I don’t like Ava

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 10:26 AM PST

    Ava is a very clichéd character we've seen tons of characters like Ava in a lot of video games, TV shows, books, and movies but this isn't necessarily bad tons of great video games and stories, in general, have clichéd characters but the problem with Ava is that throughout the entire game she acts like a fangirl and a brat but we never get to see her act any differently she always acts as either a fangirl or a total brat she's like an annoying little sister minus the qualities that would make you like your little sister.

    If Gearbox showed us more moments where Ava acts more positively than she does throughout the entire game perhaps we would've liked her more but no, she constantly acts like a brat and nothing else, I suspect that the directors cut DLC tried to do this but the DLC is just too short so we don't get enough time to show more positive character traits from Ava.

    TLDR: the reason why I hate Ava is that I was only shown her bad side and not nearly enough of her good side, Gearbox never gave me a reason to like her since she constantly acts like a brat

    submitted by /u/Orion-The-King
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