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    Thursday, March 31, 2022

    Borderlands Tiny Tina's Wonderlands 1 Skeleton Key code Expires April 7, 2022

    Borderlands Tiny Tina's Wonderlands 1 Skeleton Key code Expires April 7, 2022

    Tiny Tina's Wonderlands 1 Skeleton Key code Expires April 7, 2022

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 01:40 AM PDT

    TTWL bricking Xbox Series X.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 04:37 PM PDT

    As stated, buddy of mine will be playing on his series X and it randomly shuts off. Completely shuts off with no real rhyme or reason. Has tried both performance and resolution modes. It's not tied with death or even too much going on on the screen. Can't seem to find anything online about this. Anyone else experiencing this?

    For more context, he bought the digital package with the season pass.

    I'm playing on Series X also with physical disc and have has zero issues.


    submitted by /u/theyak93
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    Better or worse than BL3

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 11:42 AM PDT

    Is Wonderlands better than BL3 or what are the pros and cons of the two? I'm thinking about buying the game but I want to know others opinions.

    submitted by /u/cn_misterabrams
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    (Spoilers) A genuine critique of Wonderlands' boss quality.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 08:38 AM PDT

    I also posted this in the Wonderlands subreddit, but I wanted to post these thoughts here to get some thoughts from the wider Borderlands community.

    So there's been a lot of buzz regarding the Son of a Witch boss, Wastard, and how unbalanced he is in chaos chambers thanks to his shield recharging wyvern companion (alongside his enormous dps output in chaos chambers, which is honestly a criticism that could be levied at all bosses in the endgame. There's not much more to be said in that regard, but I would like to shift a topic for just a minute and use Wastard as the crux for a really prevalent issue I've noticed in this game, one that I haven't seen many people talk about and one I think will really hurt the chaos chamber's long-term appeal for people who want to return to this game in the future:

    A lot of Wonderlands bosses are (to put it generously) kinda underwhelming.

    (Fyi, I'm not going to be talking about the secret chaos chamber bosses in this post because they're all pretty solid in terms of quality and they're all tied to secret puzzles in the chaos chamber rather than being at the end of a normal run like most bosses)

    In my personal opinion, I think there are 4 bosses within the main story and side missions (which appear in the chaos chamber) that I would regard as quality encounters: Banshee, Dry'l, Knight-Mare, and the Dragon Lord. All of these fights, in my opinion, have enough unique attacks and behaviors to make them engaging to fight, and these are the fights I look forward too the most in chaos chambers (though I think the Dragon Lord could definitely benefit from less health in CC). Most of the other bosses either suffer from a limited pool of attacks and behaviors to challenge the player or end up feeling more like basic enemies with boss health bars attached to them.

    Take Wastard for instance. Wastard is basically just a beefed up skeleton mage enemy with a shield granting pet, an extremely-easy-to-dodge attack where he calls down corpse from the sky (hell, I'm willing to bet most of you here didn't even know about since the corpses never seem to fall anywhere near you), and a bizarrely-simple second phase where he turns into a bunch of super-easy-to-kill skeleton mobs. In addition, despite the moderately-large arena he occupies, Wastard isn't a very mobile adversary and will usually stick close to the caves near the center of the arena, and if you stay close to him he'll always stay in the exact same position casting spells. And I know I mentioned it before, but I seriously have no idea what the devs were going for with that third lifebar phase; killing a bunch of shambling skeletons is the opposite of challenging. Wastard doesn't feel like a complete boss encounter, and the only reason he even feels like a threat is due to his wyvern buddy.

    Unfortunately a lot of the games bosses suffer from the exact same issues as Wastard: extremely easy/limited move pool or to much of a relation to basic enemies:

    Vorcanar really only has 3 attacks at his disposal: breathing fire in front of him, the 4 flame geysers spinning around the arena, and shooting homing fire balls, all fairly easy to avoid. And the "second phase" of the fight just changes the location of his crit spot.

    Parasite is basically two mushroom minibosses stapled together, his only defining traits being his shock projectiles and his ability to summon sporelings and skeletons. It's a really disappointing fight to be at the end of one of the best looking areas in the game.

    Lechance is just pathetic. I can't remember any unique attacks other than hitting you with his anchor. And given the size of the arena, odds are he'll never even catch up with you. Same goes for Zomboss and Ribula (though funnily enough, they tend to put up more of a fight than Lechance in my experience).

    The only other bosses I think get really close to hitting the quality mark are Kastor and Salissa. Salissa in particular feels like what Parasite and Lechance should've been going for: a remix of a common enemy with some unique attacks and mechanics to keep the fight engaging. Unfortunately, and this may just be relative to me, but I don't think Kastor and Salissa engaging enough to last as drawn out fights on higher CC levels.

    Now, Borderlands 3 did have quite a few fights that were essentially just beefed up regular enemies (The Traunts, Geniviv, Mouthpiece), but they felt unique enough from the regular counterparts and (at least your first time fighting them) provided enough of a challenge to feel engaging. Unfortunately, I do think that Wonderlands is a bit of a step down in boss variety, even compared to BL3's launch content.

    I can definitely see ways to improve these fights if Gearbox were interested. For example, as a magic casting enemy, maybe Wastard could teleport around the arena and only regenerate his shields if you stay off him too long, that way you'd be more susceptible to his stronger attacks AND the fight would make better use of the arena. And maybe the second phase could be reminiscent of the Katagawa Jr fight from Bl3 and Wastard could summon skeletal clones of himself and the player would have to figure out which magic caster was the real one. Obviously they would have to tune Wastards damage and health to compensate, but I definitely think it's possible to improve the fight. Same with all the other bosses: maybe give them more moves or change up their attack patterns.

    I understand that it would be a lot of work for the devs, especially for a project that seems to be more scaled back in comparison to previous Borderlands games, but I think these kind of improvements could really help Chaos Chamber in the longer run and make more boss fights feel less like mindless bullet sponges and more like…well…fights!

    Sorry for the length of the post, I had a lot of thoughts on this particular aspect of the game and I wanted to articulate them as best I could. I would love to hear your opinions on Wonderland's boss quality and if you'd also be receptive to improvements such as the ones I outlined.

    submitted by /u/Gorotheninja
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    Does anyone know if it is at all possible to use the command console in borderlands 1 these days?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 02:45 PM PDT

    For those who don't know, you can go into the DefaultInputs file in the \Borderlands\WillowGame\Config folder and make an key to open the console. I used to just do this to change my fov, and did it again on a fresh install for the same reason, except now there is a problem. Everything that I input is just read as if it has the "say" command infront i.e. it goes directly into the chat. I cant get any console inputs to co through no matter what command because it puts say infront, except for "say" itself which it reads as normal (typing "say h" just outputs "h" in chat). this is in goty edition not the remaster btw. could anyone boot up their copy and see if this is happening? if this is a known issue is there something i could put in my commands to get them to read?

    Also yes, i know there is a way to make keybinds to change fov, but i would prefer being able to set it on the fly.

    submitted by /u/m_Dovahssucc
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    quick overview of Bunkers and Badasses

    Posted: 30 Mar 2022 10:24 PM PDT

    Didn't see many people talking about Bunkers and badasses so I thought I would give a quick and simple overview.

    As a borderlands fan and a dnd fan, I decided to cave recently and got myself the collecters box. assault on dragons keep was one of my favorite moments in BL2 as well.

    Everything in the collector's box feels really nice to me so far and It's really well packaged. I wanted to wait until after it was released to see if it's decent. Though with a lack of discussion I decided to get it anyway.

    So first of all, this isn't just a Borderlands ttrpg, it's Bunkers and badasses. It's essentially a borderlands ttrpg but aesthetically it's a tiny tina-ifyed fantasy world just like in assault on dragon's keep. The book is written from the perspective of a character from pandora and tiny tina had scribbled notes and changes sections of the book to fit her needs and humor. I heard that this is supposed to be the copy she used in the BL2 dlc.

    I haven't fully read through the rules yet but this is the gist of it from what I have seen. The game feels like the game/DLC in book form. obviously very combat-focused, but not a whole lot of non-combat stuff. Lots of tables for rolling up random guns and stuff but no sections on out of combat gear like ropes or food or cost of lodgings for example. you can probably intuit a bunch of that stuff by referencing both the games and other rule books like dnd but still.

    The 4 stats:

    • Accuracy (ACC)
    • Damage (DMG)
    • Speed (SPD)
    • Mastery (MST) -essentialy focus and proficiency plus how many times you can use your action skill per day. generally once per combat +MST times per day


    • Insight (ACC)
    • Interact (ACC)
    • Search (MST)
    • Sneak (MST)
    • Talk (SPD)
    • Traverse (SPD)

    you do not roll for stats in this game. Instead, your stats are determined by your Archetype, class, and background and then adding a free 3 points at the end. Stat mods are the stat divided by 2 rounded down.

    so first you choose your archetype. There are 4 you can choose from including Deadeye, Elementalist, Enforcer, and Guardian. These essentially determine what you get each time you level up. You always get a skill point and more health but there will occasionally be other things like stat increases, archetype feats, and other stuff. At level 5 you can learn a second archetype and then you can choose which archetype to level up each time you go up a level.

    Classes: These are all based on the playable classes/characters from the first 2 borderlands games. I am personally ok with this but some people might have wanted to see unique classes. each class has favored gun(s), melee die (how much melee damage they do and how much health they get when leveling up), action skill, a set of backgrounds to choose from, and a skill tree. You must spend 3 skill points at a level in the skill tree before you unlock the next level in the skill tree. the book doesn't really say if the skills have a max skill level but the character sheets have 3 bubbles per skill so I'm going with that.

    after picking your class, you pick a background from your class's list and then you get 2 traits, one rolled and one chosen. These essentially give you an additional +5 on certain checks.

    you also have a badass rank in this game. Badass ranks typically level up when the BM says but should level up about half as often as character levels. Your badass rank gets used in a few things like for badass moves (special rolls to do crazy shit I believe). You get badass tokens in a few different ways. these can be used to get a +1 on a roll or for additional badass moves.

    players can fast travel to various locations they have already visited and have "echo stones" used to communicate with NPCs and each other.


    I won't go into super detail here but there are a bunch of things you can do on a turn. Rolling to hit is interesting because instead of trying to beat an ac, you essentially roll to see how many hits and crits you deal to the enemy. the only way you would do no damage is if you get a 1. The number of hits and crits you deal is determined by the gun you are using. Generally speaking, you roll 1d20 and add ACC mod if it's a favored gun and add other modifiers as determined by other features and gear.

    when characters die they can respawn at a Brew-u station at the cost of 10% of their gold. characters can gain either a temporary trauma or a permanent trauma after respawning. these can range from detrimental mechanical effects to silly things.


    When players take certain actions, fail a roll, or when an enemy rolls a nat 20, the BM gets a Mayhem point. The BM can spend Mayhem points to make the players' lives more interesting. you can spend them to activate mayhem actions, spawning more enemies, etc.

    Page Breakdown:

    Chapter 1 Creating a vault hunter pages 12-55

    Chapter 2 playing the game pages 56-64

    Chapter 3 running the game pages 65-101

    List of enemies pages 101-127

    Pre-written adventures pages 128-256 (this is a large chunk of the book and includes 3 different adventures)


    Overall I really like this book and it seems like it would be a lot of fun to run and play. I am pretty satisfied with the rules. Although you can run a long-running campaign with this, It seems like it would best fit for shorter campaigns and one-offs to take a break from a long-running campaign in a different system (at least for my group). Especially with how silly and video-gamey it can be. If you enjoy the humor of not only borderlands but Tiny tina stuff and ttrpgs and are a collector or are looking for something a little different to try then I would say give it a shot.

    submitted by /u/Yellowninja007
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    What is up with Tiny Tina’s co-op glitch?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2022 09:36 PM PDT

    Been playing couch co-op with my husband and we farmed bosses and went from level 20 - 30. We turned off the Xbox, and we logged back on and suddenly I'm back to level 16 and he's still 30.

    I lost all my loot and my skill tree went back to just one class.

    So I tried to level up again and when we finished the quest that unlocks the 2nd skill tree (I'm 1st character this time because I needed to finish the quest on my account to unlock it) - the game froze and restarted! And I was back to level 23 already before it froze and now I'm back AGAIN at level 17.

    This is so frustrating!

    submitted by /u/LaurenZNe
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    Hot Take: Skywell 27 is the 2nd worst map ever

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 05:37 PM PDT

    There is only 1 Fast Travel station, and it feels like a tedious chore to get the vault key fragment. At the end, you would also expect a hard and challenging boss with a good reward, but instead we have Katagawa Ball, more of a pushover than Captain Traunt. The side quest also just slows down your progress significantly, if you choose to do it. The only redeeming quality is that it has Dinklebot, which you can farm for loot-o-grams.

    submitted by /u/TimmyBlitz
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    Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands on PS4 is a broken mess for the menus

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 03:40 PM PDT

    Missing options, freezing, etc

    submitted by /u/48424842Ea
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    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 02:27 PM PDT

    Can you farm Mervin the wizard boss for a gold holey spell-nade

    submitted by /u/dumdstupididiot
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    Looking for some one to help me in story mission. I am on chapter 14 !

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 01:30 PM PDT

    Problems with BLCMM

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 01:22 PM PDT

    i formated my pc yesterday and reinstalled border2 again today, i was trying to run blcmm to manage a mod but it won't open for some reason, i did run the hex tool but when i run blcmm i get the update screen saying that there are no new updates and when i lauch or wait for auto lauch it just close, log:

    17:57:27 blcmm.Startup.main(Startup.java:130) -> Running BLCMM version 1.2.0

    17:57:27 blcmm.Startup.main(Startup.java:131) -> Running Java version 18

    17:57:27 blcmm.Startup.main(Startup.java:132) -> Arguments provided; VM arguments: [-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=50] - Runtime arguments: [-launcher=C:/Users/Sellineth/Desktop/boderlands/Mods/BLCMM.exe]

    17:57:27 blcmm.Startup.main(Startup.java:133) -> Username: Sellineth

    17:57:27 blcmm.Startup.main(Startup.java:136) -> Free Memory: 2,1 GB

    17:57:27 blcmm.Startup.main(Startup.java:138) -> Maximum Memory: 2,1 GB

    18:02:22 blcmm.gui.panels.FirstTimeActionsPanel.<init>(FirstTimeActionsPanel.java:121) -> Creating FirstTimeActionsPanel - advanced=false

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.getExe(GameDetection.java:449) -> Found executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2\Binaries\Win32\Borderlands2.exe

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.detectWindows(GameDetection.java:132) -> Found Borderlands 2 Steam installation on registry.

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.GetRegField(GameDetection.java:151) ->

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.GetRegField(GameDetection.java:152) -> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 4 out of bounds for length 1 Index 4 out of bounds for length 1










    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.GetRegField(GameDetection.java:151) ->

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.GetRegField(GameDetection.java:152) -> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 4 out of bounds for length 1 Index 4 out of bounds for length 1










    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.detectWindows(GameDetection.java:123) -> Can't find Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Steam installation on registry.

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.getPathToGameConfigFiles(GameDetection.java:537) -> Atempting to find config folder failed for: C:\Users\Sellineth\Documents\My games\Borderlands The Pre-Sequel\

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.getPathToGameConfigFiles(GameDetection.java:537) -> Atempting to find config folder failed for: C:\Users\Sellineth\Documents\My games\Borderlands The Pre-Sequel\

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.getPathToLogFiles(GameDetection.java:608) -> Path to log files: C:\Users\Sellineth\Documents\My games\Borderlands The Pre-Sequel\WillowGame\Logs\

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.FindGamePathInLog(GameDetection.java:203) -> Also can't find a log for Borderlands The Pre-Sequel.

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.findGames(GameDetection.java:100) -> Games folders found:

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.findGames(GameDetection.java:101) -> Borderlands 2: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2

    18:02:22 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.findGames(GameDetection.java:102) -> Borderlands The Pre Sequel: null

    18:02:23 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.getPathToINIFiles(GameDetection.java:600) -> Path to INI files of BL2: C:\Users\Sellineth\Documents\My games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Config\

    18:02:27 blcmm.utilities.GameDetection.getBinariesDir(GameDetection.java:383) -> Binaries dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2\Binaries

    18:02:40 blcmm.gui.panels.FirstTimeActionsPanel.showResultString(FirstTimeActionsPanel.java:636) -> Hex action: ACTIVE, Console action: ACTIVE

    18:02:40 blcmm.Startup.updateLauncher(Startup.java:386) -> Could not find the new launcher at: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\BLCMM\launcher\BLCMM.exe

    18:02:40 blcmm.Startup.main(Startup.java:175) -> Your BLCMM installation can be found here: C:\Users\Sellineth\AppData\Local\BLCMM

    18:02:40 blcmm.Startup.main(Startup.java:176) -> Working directory: C:/Users/Sellineth/AppData/Local/BLCMM

    18:02:40 blcmm.Startup$MyExceptionHandler.logError(Startup.java:560) -> java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError null

















    18:02:40 blcmm.Startup$MyExceptionHandler.logError(Startup.java:560) -> caused by:

    18:02:40 blcmm.Startup$MyExceptionHandler.logError(Startup.java:560) -> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The Security Manager is deprecated and will be removed in a future release The Security Manager is deprecated and will be removed in a future release



















    18:02:40 blcmm.Startup$MyExceptionHandler.logError(Startup.java:560) -> java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.length()" because the return value of "general.utilities.StringTable.get(String, String)" is null Cannot invoke "String.length()" because the return value of "general.utilities.StringTable.get(String, String)" is null













    submitted by /u/Sellineth
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    Poetry Pages

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 12:39 PM PDT

    Does anyone have a screenshot of what Tiny Tina says after collecting all of the poetry pages? I just completed it myself but wasn't fast enough to get a pic. I want to send to a friend because Tina happens to say something that we have an inside joke for lol and my friend doesn't play BL games

    submitted by /u/juic3head
    [link] [comments]

    Chaos levels resetting to the previous level.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 12:23 PM PDT

    Anybody else experiencing this? I'll level up then apply new level of chaos and it will randomly and automatically reset itself I don't know how and I do not know why but it's really annoying I've done a couple chaos chambers after applying new level and I'll get through with it and it doesn't tell me new level available I'll check and for whatever reason I'm back down at the previous level I was on.

    submitted by /u/GanglingGiant
    [link] [comments]

    [BL1 GOTY][PS4] Looking for someone to help me finish the big tournament trophies

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 12:11 PM PDT

    I'm level 15, the optimal level for someone higher level to come complete the big tournaments with me. My username is LetterZero if anyone wants to help.

    submitted by /u/hoopsrlife
    [link] [comments]

    A bug? (TTW)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 06:57 AM PDT

    What i think's happening is that the instakill border is a biiit too high here.

    Link to YT video of the bug, I'm too sleepy to explain it myself and I hope this won't get taken down I spent 7k gold to get it on video

    (also, sorry for the poor video quality, pc being a dummy)

    submitted by /u/Xilinei
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    is Tiny Tina's wonderland worth getting on ps4?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 03:49 PM PDT

    I just wanna know because gameplay looks great.

    submitted by /u/SuperEd-09
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    Fuck Mad Moxxi

    Posted: 30 Mar 2022 08:49 AM PDT

    Playing it for the first time. I've now done 7 consecutive rounds of five waves each because both times I've gotten to the boss of Round 3 I kill the boss and go into FFYL at the same time, and can't get a kill quick enough to count it as a victory.

    EDIT: And whose idea was it to make the enemies worth no XP???

    submitted by /u/ElboMan
    [link] [comments]

    All the glitches I have come across wondering if it’s just my set up/something I need to tweak or if it’s known issues

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 08:36 AM PDT

    Hey I am playing on epic with a nvidia gpu and here are some glitches I have in my game but my husband who is playing on epic with an amd card does not. And I want to see if anyone else has these.

    🔴My inventory does not show the pictures in my back pack it will start off showing the pictures of the loot I have picked up but as I continue to play the pictures slowly stop showing up until they're all gone

    🔴My character cannot fix Skulldugger (COV) guns. Sometimes I can sometimes I can't. I have a legendary skulldugger pistol and the whole special skill is that it breaks easily but when you fix it these fire dragons come out and seek targets. 50% of the time my character won't fix it and it'll just act like I can continue to shoot it but no bullets will come out. At that point I have to drop the gun and have my husband (who I am playing with) pick it up and have his character fix it and then give it back to me very frustrating

    🔴 I just got a black powder legendary sniper not sure the name at this moment but when it shoots the arrows turn onto roses (if that gives you a clue as to what gun I am talking about) anyway it's a 1 bullet clip and sometimes it won't reload I have to cycle through my guns to get it to reload.

    (These are more minor)

    🔴 The "sell all junk" button added to the machine doesn't work for my character I still have to go into the menu and sell all junk the old fashioned way.

    🔴 sometimes my guns won't automatically reload when out of ammo I have to manually hit the reload button. Which isn't such a big deal but I'm a clawzzerker and I have alot of stuff going on and sometimes I don't realize my gun is out of ammo and continue to shoot it and obviously nothing is coming out

    Now my husband has none of these but we are bit level 30 so far and I have gotten 50x more legendary drops than he has. He has only gotten 1 legendary drop our whole game and we are playing on "his" game and according to our her stats I have a base loot drop and he has a better loot drop. Which is a known bug and they said they're working on it. And we have focused on getting dice so he should be getting the legendary drops.

    I know that was long but let me know if any of you have experienced any of these and if you know whether gearbox is aware of these specific glitches or not

    submitted by /u/Ambitious-Sir6319
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    The Critical Role/Tiny Tina's Wonderlands crossover is available to watch now

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 04:21 AM PDT

    Video games and tabletop games seem to be crossing over a lot lately - and it happened again yesterday, as the D&D streamers Critical Role have aired a sponsored one-shot game based on Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. The titular Borderlands voice actor is even the Dungeon Master - or bunk master. Has anyone watched this?

    You can watch the whole stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJrLQHo9rW0

    And I also covered the story in more detail in a news story for Wargamer, in case you'd not seen CR news before: https://www.wargamer.com/dnd/critical-role-tiny-tinas-wonderlands-one-shot

    submitted by /u/PrestigiousTaste434
    [link] [comments]

    [Bl2] Is it pretty safe to say the best parts for any particular gun are its manufacturer parts?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 07:32 AM PDT

    I think it goes with saying that the vast majority of the time, at least the grip is best to be made by the same manufacturer as the gun, so you may get its bonus reload speed/magazine size, as well as the other perks it would bring.

    But for things like the stock and barrel (barrel is irrelevant for unique/legendary/e-tech) should you go the same route? I've found it true for quite a bit of Legendaries like the Invader, Pitchfork, Lyuda, Veruc, etc.

    For example: would the best stock for the Bitch be Hyperion, or Dahl? I thought Hyperion at first, but Dahl's superb recoil reduction could be extremely helpful.

    submitted by /u/Me_Carl
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    Max level in pre sequel

    Posted: 31 Mar 2022 06:44 AM PDT

    I have been doing a Wilhelm Pre sequel And I want to know what to know the best way to get him to Max level.

    submitted by /u/The_Country_Cowboy
    [link] [comments]

    I need the BL3 Krieg DLC plot completely spoiled and explained for me please. Just realized I never played it and it will probably be a long while if ever before I do. Thanks in advance.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2022 05:52 PM PDT

    I need the Krieg DLC plot completely spoiled and explained for me please. Just realized I never played it and it will probably be a long while if ever before I do. Thanks in advance.

    Also, any relevant side quest info / plot from the DLC.

    submitted by /u/Severe-Draw-5979
    [link] [comments]

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