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    Monday, May 30, 2022

    Borderlands I just beat BNK3R on my Nth playthrough and a realisation slapped me in the face.

    Borderlands I just beat BNK3R on my Nth playthrough and a realisation slapped me in the face.

    I just beat BNK3R on my Nth playthrough and a realisation slapped me in the face.

    Posted: 29 May 2022 02:45 PM PDT

    You beat BNK3R get to the door and get bio-scanned, then you have to say the password in Jack's voice. Angel only tells you the password is "I love you" when you're there at the door.

    Angel is in control of most of Hyperion systems. She also knew that in order to take the vault key you would need to destroy the catalyst (her). What if a password wasn't even actually needed, and Angel just wanted to hear her dad say I love you once before she died?

    submitted by /u/SurprisedTree
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    Playing with Arachnophobia

    Posted: 30 May 2022 04:50 AM PDT


    So my girlfriend has an intense phobia for spiders.

    As the game contains many spiders my question is it is possible somehow to delete/alter the texture of spiders to allow my girlfriend to play stress free? :)

    Thanks for the inputs,

    submitted by /u/DentistDistinct3599
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    Borderlands the pre sequel honest though

    Posted: 30 May 2022 08:42 AM PDT

    I have heard many opinions on the pre sequel ranging from " it's ok " to " it's terrible" so I want peoples thoughts on the pre sequel

    submitted by /u/Cat_Noodle-99
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    Moonshot Farming 2022

    Posted: 30 May 2022 04:25 AM PDT

    Does it still work?
    I cant seem to find the sweet spot for the glitch, so maybe it got patched?

    submitted by /u/Mental_Ad_3937
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    Changing these settings made me play Borderlands 3 like it was a new game

    Posted: 28 May 2022 11:37 PM PDT

    Changing the sound effect setting to 20-30%, dialogue to 20 (or just off and play with subtitles), and leaving music at 100% is like playing a new game. You'll also have to increase your system volume to enjoy the music. The soundtracks of borderlands 3 are actually incredible, but the mix is so bad that guns and explosions are way too loud. And we don't have to talk about the dialogue in bl3, which must have been intentionally designed to annoy you.

    submitted by /u/ResQ_
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    Tiny Tinas One Shot Adventure

    Posted: 30 May 2022 02:38 AM PDT

    Is there any way to get the rainbow chest in flamerock refuge currently? Or is there any shift codes for this game anymore?

    submitted by /u/EbbNo1032
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    On Steam BL3 and it's DLC showed as on sale for me but when I refreshed/added to cart it was normal price. Could this be a sign of it going on sale soon?

    Posted: 30 May 2022 05:55 AM PDT

    I was thinking about getting the DLC with the 4th skill trees in them and decided I'm just going to get the season pass 2 so I get everything else. While in my cart I used my back button to go back to the main store page because it said I wasn't going to get duplicates of something so I wanted to see what they were and if i owned them or even on the DLC list. When I got back to the main store page for BL3 using the back button it showed everything on sale, but my cart showed the same normal price. So, I refreshed my store and the sale wasn't there. Is it possible that this was a glitch showing that a sale is coming up for the game/dlcs? Or was this just some bug on steam's side that doesn't mean anything? I only ask because it always seems to be my luck that when I purchase a game or DLC it goes on sale right after.

    submitted by /u/randomguy301048
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    Is Claptrap good for solo?

    Posted: 29 May 2022 12:09 PM PDT

    I'm thinking of picking Claptrap just because I find his ability interesting and I just like his character, but I've heard people say he isn't all that great when he comes to solo. Apparently he's better in a team, but I don't know how true this is. I've been thinking about either choosing Claptrap or Jack so I'd like to know if he is at the very least decent solo

    submitted by /u/Carrotisboss
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    I have some questions about TTW and sales.

    Posted: 30 May 2022 03:50 AM PDT

    So... you can buy Tiny tina's wonderlands on epic for around 35 euros thanks to discounts + coupon right now. But the thing is I only have an R9 380, and I looked it up and apparently the average FPS on VERY LOW settings is 52. So, that was to be expected and not amazing either. But the thing is I really like borderlands and that game looks amazing, and Im propably not gonna spend a kidney on a new GPU anytime soon...

    Do you guys think that it would still be an enjoyable experience? I mean I did play BL3 on my older pc (same GPU but basically everything else was pretty bad, including having one of those square monitors, now I've got a normal one and basically a top tier pc except for GPU) and it was pretty bad performance wise, still sunk in 110 hours on Mozzie, which BTW I lost because of freaking EPIC games (also formated the PC in the time I did not play BL3 so I think there's no way of getting back my corrupted file, if anyone knows a way to get it back please let me know).

    Also, does anyone remember how much time it took for BL3 to go down to 15 euros (on EPIC games sales of course) because Im thinking maybe I should wait it out for a better price this time? (because last time I was so hyped about it that I bought it instantly on release.

    Do you maybe think its better to just buy the Season Pass bundles to finally play the DLCs, rather than get TTW on an R9 380?

    submitted by /u/Arcanemag
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    I'm not doing much damage as fl4k

    Posted: 29 May 2022 09:27 PM PDT

    I'm pretty new to this game, I don't know much about class builds. My main two problems are that I die to quickly, and I Don't do much damage. At mayhem 6 I struggle to kill the simplest of enemy's. I constantly get new guns but they don't do much either. Tips and links to build would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/saintlooooooool
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    Borderlands 3: Endless Claptrap Loading Screen

    Posted: 29 May 2022 08:14 PM PDT

    I am trying to play the game but I keep getting stuck on the first loading screen. I have already tried changing my DX and it has not worked. Any other ways to stop this?

    submitted by /u/Sharkface12
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    I'm running a level 23 Nisha, I have all underleveled gray gear. help please.

    Posted: 29 May 2022 06:44 PM PDT

    I'm stuck on RK5 and don't know where to get good loot, I've tried grinding bosses for a chance to get a good gun or class mod. I'm brand new to the pre sequel and it's completely different than bl2. There doesn't seem to be a good way to stay on level and get good gear in one place that isn't underleveled. I haven't even found a legendary yet and I'm almost all the way through my first run of the game. I just need somewhere to get xp efficiently and also get gear, btw Zarpedon is out of the question for farming because I struggled getting past their boss fight.

    submitted by /u/Asterix____
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    grenade build bl2

    Posted: 29 May 2022 05:59 PM PDT

    I want to do a grenade build Andi have a lv 51 krieg which is pretty op rn but I've seen people say axton is good for a grenade build as well, who would you think is better, and also if you know any good guns that get buffed from the grenade damage or splash damage perks would be nice as well

    submitted by /u/RealZordon_Elite
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    I want to make an annoying build for my friends

    Posted: 29 May 2022 05:33 PM PDT

    So I am extremely bored and I want to bully my friends and online people what build in borderlands should I do to annoy people

    submitted by /u/The_Country_Cowboy
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    You said I play in a borderlands 2 run

    Posted: 29 May 2022 05:32 PM PDT

    I am extremely bored and I don't know who I should play in borderlands 2

    submitted by /u/The_Country_Cowboy
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    Replay Borderlands 3 (Directors Cut) or Try Wonderlands?

    Posted: 29 May 2022 09:56 AM PDT

    I had a long break from this series, basically quit before the directors cut for BL3 came out. For all i know, there isn't a huge amount of content added with it but people tend to be very positive towards the update. Wonderlands on the other hand seems to have a lot of negativity surrounding it.

    It might be dumb to ask somebody else what you should enjoy but i tend to stress myself out enough to not choose anything in the end. Is it worth it to replay BL3 just for the directors cut content?

    submitted by /u/Komadori93
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    Salvador “off hand” affects not working.

    Posted: 29 May 2022 07:06 PM PDT

    I am getting quite frustrated,

    The offhand effects for Salvador while he is ginzerking are not working properly I don't think. While I am holding my vladof launcher in my left hand it does not give me the reduced shot at all. So my guns in my right hand can't use that affect. And I can't tell if all the damage boosts are working either for "off handing " crit damage.

    I'm playing on Xbox series x so I don't understand I have play sal 3 times before on PS4 and have always used these exploits with no issue.

    They haven't patched the handsome collection in 4 years so I don't understand

    submitted by /u/Mostwantedmika
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    Why won’t my vladof launcher work with gunzerking anymore?

    Posted: 29 May 2022 06:48 PM PDT

    I don't get it. I'm playing on Xbox one and I can't do the vladof launcher glitch with Salvador where you put a vladof launcher in your left hand and get infinite ammo.

    When the launcher is being used alone it works but when I'm gunzerking I never even get the "reduced shot" it will shoot all 6. Did they patch this.?

    submitted by /u/Mostwantedmika
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    Add me

    Posted: 29 May 2022 02:31 PM PDT

    Anyone wanna hop on BL1 with new characters? Haven't played it in like 6-7 years and I wanna start again.
    Shift: aidanac126

    Discord: SilentWraith#1170

    submitted by /u/aidanac126
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    Still not finding a list of all the challenges, even in Galaxy View (Epic Store PC Version)

    Posted: 29 May 2022 02:07 PM PDT

    Hi, I've been searching trying to find the way to see an in-game list of all the challenges that pop up progress/completion notices as you play the game. Have found the solution to zoom out to Galaxy mode, where you then find a much longer list of challenges than just the crew ones, but I still don't see MANY of the challenges that pop up, such as for opening a number of lootables, kills with a weapon type, etc.

    Are these just not viewable in the game? I see "Undiscovered" at the bottom of the long challenge list, is it possible Epic/PC version is bugged for this or I'm doing something wrong?

    Thanks for any info, this has been bugging me to no end!

    submitted by /u/nuessubs
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    Just had a fever dream.

    Posted: 29 May 2022 01:43 AM PDT

    I played as Krieg in BL3, one of his action skills was basically a mix of his old action skill and VAULTHUNTER.EXE with questions across the screen and effects occuring on answers (ex. "No turret? PSYCHO TURRET" with the turret being a midget psycho minion). Also there was a crossover with 40k where Krieg got an ork head piece which made his dialogue a funny mix of his usual yellin with ork accent.

    submitted by /u/DestroLockFTW
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    Borderlands 2 Graphics Settings not properly changing

    Posted: 29 May 2022 06:27 AM PDT

    Hi all! I'm running BL2 on my MacBook Pro 2015 on Bootcamp Windows 10, and I'm trying to decrease the graphics quality in order to increase FPS. However, decreasing any settings does not seem to have any effect.

    High Texture Quality (22 FPS)


    Low Texture Quality (22 FPS)


    All other settings are at the lowest values and framerate limit is set to Smoothed 22-60 FPS. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/NyanBlak
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