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    Thursday, May 26, 2022

    Borderlands im new into borderlands!

    Borderlands im new into borderlands!

    im new into borderlands!

    Posted: 26 May 2022 10:53 AM PDT

    hey , i want to know if should i play all of borderlands pre sequel , 2 and 3 or should i play only the third one ?

    submitted by /u/darealfodo
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    Posted: 26 May 2022 05:51 AM PDT

    I finally beat the Psychoreaver!!!!

    submitted by /u/Liz_Ren
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    Borderlands the handsome collection

    Posted: 26 May 2022 08:16 AM PDT

    Im thinking about buying borderlands the handsome collection seeing as its 75% off making it $25 if i play this game will i be alone through my journeys in each game or will i have someone to play with?

    submitted by /u/deadlock74
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    help bugged mission?

    Posted: 26 May 2022 01:42 PM PDT

    im doing the mission where i have to pick 4 of tannis echos, and i picked 3

    the last one is inside a room, behind an door that i cant even interact under a bridge. the pointer is right inside that room.

    what can i do to finish it

    submitted by /u/diariu
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    What I'd Want To See In A BL2 Remaster

    Posted: 26 May 2022 01:03 PM PDT

    Borderlands 2 is my favorite game of all time, I've probably got more than 2500 hours in it, but that doesn't mean I think it's a perfect game. I've been thinking about what I would like to see changed if the game got completely remastered. I'm very happy with how the game is in its current state so I wouldn't make any major balance changes, I also wouldn't make a ton of loot changes. I love farming for drops and i think that with the 10% drop chance and the way weapon parts work in BL2 makes it very satisfying without making it obnoxious to get good drops. For the changes I'd want to see, I've broken it down into three major categories, Quality of Life, Bug Fixes, and Gameplay Changes.

    Quality of Life:

    These are a few changes I think would make the game feel better to play and would streamline some of the more boring or unnecessary parts of the game.

    • Eridium auto pickup
    • Buy all options from vending machines
    • Increase eridium and money cap
    • Being able to mark items as trash on pickup
    • Cutscene and dialog skip

    Bug Fixes:

    This is a tough section to think about because there are a lot of bugs/glitches that Id want to remain in the game.Things like out of bounds shortcuts, odd skill interactions, and passive weapons bonuses/crit swapping, are all things I would want to see stay in the game. I think these things serve to enhance the game and after years of playing the game with them I couldn't really see the game being as fun without them. That being said, there are still annoying bugs that I would like to see fixed.

    • Slagging enemies to soon causing them to be slag immune
    • Claptrap getting stuck on higher framerates
    • Other framerate related bugs
    • Surveyors/enemies getting stuck in unreachable places
    • Enemies flying into space
    • Loot falling through the floor

    Gameplay Changes:

    I said I wouldn't want to make a ton of gameplay changes but that doesnt mean I wouldn't want to see no changes to what we have currently. The changes I want to see are mostly related to the endgame, particularly to OP 9 and 10. Although I do like being able to get to level 80 I feel like OP 9 and 10 were implemented without much thought put into them so they don't feel as good as the original OP 8 cap.

    • Slightly rebalance tvhm
    • Cosmetics being in a different loot pool from legendaries
    • Items should always drop on level in uvhm
    • Nerf ammo prices in OP levels
    • More XP in uvhm
    • Unique digipeak setups for OP 9 and 10
    • Improvements to OP 9 and 10

    I'm going to go over these changes in more depth because I think they are the most important changes I'd like to see and I want to give my thoughts on why or how these gameplay aspects should be changed.

    Slightly rebalancing tvhm. To me tvhm has always been my least favorite playthrough.It feels like this awkward middle stage where I'm between having fun using non meta gear and not a full build in nvhm, and having my full build and enjoying the challenge of uvhm/OP levels. I think my biggest issue with tvhm is a lack of good places to farm gear and xp. No areas scale in level as you progress the story in tvhm unlike in nvhm. I think scaling a few areas like nvhm does as you progress the story would completely fix tvhm for me.

    Cosmetics being in a separate loot pool. This is one of the only loot changes I'd want to see. This would be a fairly major change to some of the bosses in the game. Enemies like BNK3R, Saturn, King Mong, and The Warrior would all get buffs to their drop rates because of this which I think would be a good thing. The 10% drop rate for getting legendaries feels good but enemies that also have cosmetics in their loot pool have less than a 10% chance of dropping a legendary and so by removing them I think the enemies would feel more rewarding and less tedious to farm.

    Items should always drop on level in uvhm. This is the other loot change I would want to see. I feel like the varying level ranges for drops makes sense for nvhm and tvhm where enemies have predetermined levels. Specifically in uvhm though enemies always scale to your level. So I feel like there is no reason that enemies shouldn't drop gear that is suited to your level. The varying level on items also feels like an extra level of RNG that doesn't feel necessary to the loot system.

    Nerf ammo prices in OP levels. This one is pretty simple. Ammo gets way too expensive in OP levels. Being at the money cap and havent to spend it all just to refill your ammo doesn't feel good or balanced. Simple solution to me is just cap the ammo prices at level 80, that way it's still expensive but not insane.

    More XP in uvhm. Whether you're grinding from level 50 to 72 or to 80 it still feels like it takes forever. Grinding for xp is a requirement of the game and it's certainly less enjoyable than farming for gear. I think you could easily double the xp that is given in uvhm and you wouldn't lose anything. You'd still have to grind some xp but actually playing through the story and DLCs would bring you a lot closer to level cap, or just grinding straight from level 50 would be simply less mind numbingly boring.

    Unique digipeak setups for OP 9 and 10. Digipeak is probably my favorite piece of content in the game. It's incredibly challenging without feeling inherently unfair and the unique and different fights throughout the peak and each level of the peak make it very fun to climb with each character. I was disappointed however that no new challenges were added to it with the inclusion of OP 9 and 10. I think it would be amazing to see these levels get unique runs. Something I think that would be really interesting to see would be DLC bosses added into the mix. The normal digipeak only features bosses from the base game outside of the Binary boss. This was done because digipeak was sold on its own and so it could only use brand new or base game assets but, in the idea of a full remaster with all DLCs included they could easily use some DLC bosses in the OP 9 and 10 runs of the peak.

    Improvements to OP 9 and 10. As it is right now OP 9 and 10 don't feel like they add much to the game. They feel like something tacked on to the Lilith DLC just because they could. Some clear adjustments needed to be made to them. A Lot of people know that some raid bosses at OP 10 feel very overtuned and that should obviously be adjusted. Besides that though a lot of the reason to play in OP levels was removed, namely the higher tubby drop chance for pearls. As it is right now that chance is the same at level 80 and at OP 10, whereas before you had a very small chance at level 72 and a much higher chance at OP 8. So seeing a buff to that at OP 10 over level 80 would be nice. Outside of that I'm sure they could come up with some bonus you get for playing at OP 10. I wouldn't want it to be some game changing bonus though, maybe something small like there's a low chance to get two legendary rolls from when you kill a boss. That way on a very rare occasion you would get two drops from one kill at a boss. That's just an idea though.

    Well that's my thoughts on what I think should be changed if we ever got a BL2 remastered. I didn't really touch on any weapons changes and that's because I think it's not really needed. I don't think every weapon needs to be viable at the highest level and I like that some weapons synergize with certain characters/builds and become in those situations. I'm sure I could look through all the weapons and pick out some that I think would be fun if they got buffed but ultimately if no weapons were changed in the remaster I'd still be happy. I'd love to hear what you guys think though! Did you like my ideas? Did you hate them? What would you like to see changed if we got a remaster?

    submitted by /u/IIIGuntherIII
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    Just trust her

    Posted: 25 May 2022 03:38 PM PDT

    I find it kind of annoying that my only option is to immediately trust this "AI" that just betrayed me in the main quest. Like "I know I just almost blew up your city and the home of your allies, but here, let me help you get back to your friends." WHY would I trust her? What kind of idiot am I?

    By the way, this is as far as I've gotten in the story, so please, no spoilers about anything that happens after this point. Though, I did accidentally read more than I wanted to know in the Wiki. :(

    submitted by /u/ether_rogue
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    Should I get Borderlands 3 solely if I like the gameplay?

    Posted: 26 May 2022 03:15 PM PDT

    I've been a hardcore fan of borderlands 2 for quite a few years now and I've been thinking about moving in on Borderlands 3 + all dlcs Now I want to say I don't care AT ALL for the story/plot. Sure it's nice to have a background plot for a game like this but my main focus is the gun play and fun. I've heard many mixed reviews about BL3 such as there being only 2 raid bosses? Less guns (probably not true) and game breaking bugs. I've also heard very good things such as the vault hunters having very fun skills and abilities. Legendary loot is very legendary with its own unique style and finesse (this really intrigued me as I love being a loot goblin). Apparently the movement and overall flow of the game is much much faster and more BOOM than BL2. To be honest the downside don't really bother me as I said I'm looking for a Quake level experience with explosions and visual stimuli.
    I want to know your thoughts! Is it worth getting BL3 if I just what orange guns and explosions or is there something I should be aware of?

    submitted by /u/IceGamma77
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    Always wanted to put my 5000 hours of gameplay and knowledge to use, and stream challenge runs. So it's "no projectiles BL2. "

    Posted: 25 May 2022 05:41 AM PDT

    I've got 5000 hours in Borderlands 2. Been playing since release. I wrote guides on the old gearbox forums, and was a play tester for UVHM in the Pre Sequel. I've only just been able to afford a PC to stream challenge runs of the series. So I'm new to this, come say hi? https://www.twitch.tv/thebeehawk

    submitted by /u/PandasoundslikeBrian
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    advice for BL2

    Posted: 26 May 2022 02:30 PM PDT

    Hey, appreciate the help on my last post and have finsihed a sniper only Mordecai playthrough... Thinking of doing a bandit alliance krieg any advice on weapons or a build etc...?

    submitted by /u/RedditDiggityDawg
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    Need someone for co-op achievements (PC-Steam)

    Posted: 26 May 2022 01:10 PM PDT

    Like the title said i need someone for the basic co-op achievemens. Just the duels and arena ones.

    submitted by /u/Goneczek
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    Does the order matter much?

    Posted: 26 May 2022 11:14 AM PDT

    I own Borderlands the pre sequal, 2 and 3, do i have to play the first One first or does it rly matter much? If it doesnt should i play pre sequal or 2 first?

    submitted by /u/stopid1337
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    All sham drop chance

    Posted: 26 May 2022 05:02 AM PDT

    Does anyone know the total number of runs or drop chance (in fraction form 1/whatevernumber) for each individual sham, 77%-94% cause I know some shams drop more than others. I know that the sham has a 3.33% chance to drop from BNK3R.

    submitted by /u/jeef_berky139
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    Should I buy Handsome Collection in Steam or Epic games?

    Posted: 26 May 2022 01:40 PM PDT

    Does the handsome Collection includes the same in both platforms?

    submitted by /u/animeaether
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    Is there a parts guide

    Posted: 25 May 2022 06:16 PM PDT

    So i know in BL2 you can google "bl2 (insert gun) parts" and i tried to google parts for bl1 but got nothing expect for 1 thing put it was just stock 1 stock 2 and says what they do rather then showing the item (absolute respect btw to who made that chart just wish I could see the parts

    submitted by /u/Mr_Butterzworth
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    Which VH to play for fun? TPS

    Posted: 25 May 2022 11:36 AM PDT

    Going to play TPS for the first time tomorrow. I dont want to know which VH is the best or does the most damage.Only which VH is the most fun! So far I'm thinking claptrap

    submitted by /u/West-_-Texan
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    Borderlands 3 AntiHero Head for Fl4k and Saurian weapon trinket for everyone

    Posted: 24 May 2022 12:17 PM PDT


    SHIFT Rewards Link

    submitted by /u/CelticKitty621
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    the handsome collection on steam

    Posted: 25 May 2022 08:32 AM PDT

    so, i finally got my credit card activated, and decided to head to steam to buy the handsome collection rather than playing with a mate's account, and i fire up steam and search for it and it doesnt show, so i search for borderlands and it is there i click on it and it kicks me to the main steam page, is it gone from steam or is my account not working properly ?
    anyone got any idea what is going on ?
    help a fellow vault hunter

    EDIT: IT IS BACK NOW, and thanks to yall for help-^ Truely a great community

    submitted by /u/hmzawy
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    My BL2 experience is sorta disappointing

    Posted: 26 May 2022 02:17 AM PDT

    I loved playing the first game of the series. So I tried years ago to play through BL2 but after a few hours in I felt frustrated and dodged it. I gave it another shot just now however the experience of BL2 is horrible again, and this is why:

    • Finding guns: The randomness just is boring. You can get good stats in general, but it still may be a bad weapon after all. This is for 98% of the guns I find.
    • I think this was a shooter, and at one point mobs should die. But instead - just with no prior hint - an enemy is thrown at you, unbeatable with your current equipment.
    • Skilltree: Some playstyles and skills - at least in early game - are next to useless.
    • Improving character or equipment feels like grind grind grind. Even Diablo, the mother of all grind, was less grindy in your first playthrough.
    • Quests on the world are just like WoW quests: Go here, do this, go there, kill something return. If you could just dodge this and do the main quest straight. Could you?

    I really like the art style and the humour of the game, but the game feels unbalanced and the playstyle is annoying me. I am really no fan of cheating but right now it feels the only way to progress to enjoy a bit of the main questline or maybe I just watch a video.

    Probably I should not play games like this. They really look fun, but I also think Destiny and similar games are bad games for the same reasons.

    submitted by /u/Vash1080
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    PSA: Borderlands 3 and the season pass bundle are currently on sale on Playstation Store for 50% off!

    Posted: 25 May 2022 03:58 AM PDT

    Yes i know BL3 is currently free on Epic Game Store but not everyone likes Epic nor have a capable enough machine to run BL3.

    This is for my Playstation homies.

    Happy Vault Hunting!

    submitted by /u/DanzoDattori
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    Cannot find "WillowEngine.ini"

    Posted: 25 May 2022 12:31 PM PDT

    I've been playing with 2 friends of mine and we all had a big lagging issue and it's still because of the voicechat as it has been in former times. As we wanted to fix that we changed "bHasVoiceEnabled = true" to false but we couldn't find the WillowEngine.ini in "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\BorderlandsGOTYEnhanced\WillowGame\Config"
    We only encountered DefaultEngine.ini but that is completely different from what we are searching.

    We had one fix by choosing a microphone that doesn't exist (for example from voice banana or something) and then launching the game, but this solution is rather problematic as it can be annoying in other games and applications.

    submitted by /u/alIws
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    what do yall think of wonderlands?

    Posted: 24 May 2022 04:16 PM PDT

    For me I personally like it.

    submitted by /u/Less_Stranger5841
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    Unable to view The handsome collection on steam

    Posted: 25 May 2022 10:17 AM PDT

    When I click the handsome collection on steam it sends me back to the regular store front. I can't view the game in any way shape or form anyone know a solution?

    submitted by /u/IlTekIl
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    Commander Lilith DLC free?

    Posted: 25 May 2022 09:47 AM PDT

    I got the Handsome collection but the Commander Lilith DLC isn't included, when I went to the downloadable content tab it said it was free. I clicked on it and it said it was $15.

    submitted by /u/Asterix____
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    I feel Gearbox missed the mark with Amara's purple tree

    Posted: 25 May 2022 09:40 AM PDT

    Idk I really dont like her purple tree and wished they brought back phasewalk from lilith. Maybe Im just biased towards Lilith cause shes my fav character to play, any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/jannaswindycoochie
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    Moxxi Underdome Borderlands 1 GOTY edition

    Posted: 25 May 2022 02:23 AM PDT

    Hello I am trying to finish Moxxi Underdome larger challenges achievements for Steam PC. I have a level 54 soldier can anyone help me with this or possibly need help in getting this achievement as well? I can probably solo it but would go by much faster with a second person helping.

    submitted by /u/Elitericky
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